996 resultados para Hernia de disco
Objective Severe pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary arterial hypertension are associated with reduced survival in congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). We aimed to determine whether fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion (FETO) improves survival in cases of severe isolated CDH. Methods Between May 2008 and July 2010, patients whose fetuses had severe isolated CDH (lung-to-head ratio < 1.0, liver herniation into the thoracic cavity and no other detectable anomalies) were assigned randomly to FETO or to no fetal intervention (controls). FETO was performed under maternal epidural anesthesia supplemented with fetal intramuscular anesthesia. Tracheal balloon placement was achieved with ultrasound guidance and fetoscopy between 26 and 30 weeks of gestation. All cases that underwent FETO were delivered by the EXIT procedure. Postnatal therapy was the same for both treated fetuses and controls. The primary outcome was survival to 6 months of age. Other maternal and neonatal outcomes were also evaluated. Results Twenty patients were enrolled randomly to FETO and 21 patients to standard postnatal management. The mean gestational age at randomization was similar in both groups (P = 0.83). Delivery occurred at 35.6 +/- 2.4 weeks in the FETO group and at 37.4 +/- 1.9 weeks in the controls (P < 0.01). In the intention-to-treat analysis, 10/20 (50.0%) infants in the FETO group survived, while 1/21 (4.8%) controls survived (relative risk (RR), 10.5 (95% CI, 1.5-74.7), P < 0.01). In the receivedtreatment analysis, 10/19 (52.6%) infants in the FETO group and 1/19 (5.3%) controls survived (RR, 10.0 (95% CI, 1.4-70.6) P < 0.01). Conclusion FETO improves neonatal survival in cases with isolated severe CDH. Copyright (C) 2011 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Objectives To evaluate the accuracy and probabilities of different fetal ultrasound parameters to predict neonatal outcome in isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). Methods Between January 2004 and December 2010, we evaluated prospectively 108 fetuses with isolated CDH (82 left-sided and 26 right-sided). The following parameters were evaluated: gestational age at diagnosis, side of the diaphragmatic defect, presence of polyhydramnios, presence of liver herniated into the fetal thorax (liver-up), lung-to-head ratio (LHR) and observed/expected LHR (o/e-LHR), observed/expected contralateral and total fetal lung volume (o/e-ContFLV and o/e-TotFLV) ratios, ultrasonographic fetal lung volume/fetal weight ratio (US-FLW), observed/expected contralateral and main pulmonary artery diameter (o/e-ContPA and o/eMPA) ratios and the contralateral vascularization index (Cont-VI). The outcomes were neonatal death and severe postnatal pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Results Neonatal mortality was 64.8% (70/108). Severe PAH was diagnosed in 68 (63.0%) cases, of which 63 died neonatally (92.6%) (P < 0.001). Gestational age at diagnosis, side of the defect and polyhydramnios were not associated with poor outcome (P > 0.05). LHR, o/eLHR, liver-up, o/e-ContFLV, o/e-TotFLV, US-FLW, o/eContPA, o/e-MPA and Cont-VI were associated with both neonatal death and severe postnatal PAH (P < 0.001). Receiver-operating characteristics curves indicated that measuring total lung volumes (o/e-TotFLV and US-FLW) was more accurate than was considering only the contralateral lung sizes (LHR, o/e-LHR and o/e-ContFLV; P < 0.05), and Cont-VI was the most accurate ultrasound parameter to predict neonatal death and severe PAH (P < 0.001). Conclusions Evaluating total lung volumes is more accurate than is measuring only the contralateral lung size. Evaluating pulmonary vascularization (Cont-VI) is the most accurate predictor of neonatal outcome. Estimating the probability of survival and severe PAH allows classification of cases according to prognosis. Copyright (C) 2011 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[ES] La Resonancia Magnética de la Columna Lumbar previa, y tras la administración de Gadolinio, se propone como prueba diagnóstica de primera elección de los pacientes intervenidos por hernia discal que presentan recaída de la sintomatología.
Programa de doctorado: Avances en Traumatología, Medicina del Deporte, Cuidado de Heridas (Interdepartamental). Bienio 2004/2006. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura
L’elaborato si prefigge di indagare il rapporto tra Italia e Unione Sovietica, analizzandolo da un punto di vista artistico. In particolare, verranno esaminati il lavoro e la filosofia dei gruppi italiani CCCP – Fedeli alla linea e Offlaga Disco Pax e due opere del fumettista Igort, precisamente Quaderni ucraini e Quaderni russi. Partendo da un esame del storico-sociale degli anni ’80 prima e degli Anni Zero del nuovo millennio poi, si indagherà sul legame che i due gruppi e l’autore hanno con l’URSS (o meglio, con il suo mito) e come e perché ne abbiano subito l’influenza. Ripercorrendo i momenti chiave della storia dei CCCP, analizzando i testi degli Offlaga Disco Pax e esaminando due fumetti di Igort verrà messo in luce un immaginario che mescola Italia e soviet, con l'obiettivo di trovare un punto d'incontro tra due realtà le cui divergenze sono più evidenti delle affinità.
Lo scopo del seguente elaborato è porre le basi per il dimensionamento, e la successiva realizzazione, di molle a disco conico costruite con materiali compositi per applicazioni automotive, che costituiscano una possibile alternativa alle comuni molle elicoidali in materiali metallici. I vantaggi principali riguardano un risparmio in termini di peso ed un miglioramento del comportamento a fatica. Successivamente ad una introduzione sulle teorie analitiche e numeriche applicabili a tali tipologie di molle, è stata effettuata un'analisi volta all'individuazione dei parametri geometrici principali che regolano il comportamento delle molle a tazza, a cui fa seguito la stesura di una procedura per il dimensionamento preliminare. Sono, in seguito, stati riportati i cenni teorici relativi alle configurazioni di montaggio, alla definizione degli attriti, delle tensioni, alla valutazione dei carichi affaticanti e delle tipologie di carico. I risultati ottenuti nel dimensionamento sono stati infine utilizzati per realizzare alcuni prototipi funzionali di elementi di molle a tazza in carbonio con tecnologia di laminazione manuale e successiva fase di polimerizzazione in forno. Tali provini sono stati analizzati per valutare le problematiche sorte durante la produzione, quali mancata compattazione delle lamine, eccessi di resina e formazione di vuoti, proponendo infine possibili soluzioni e miglioramenti.
Incisional hernia is a common complication after liver transplantation. The current study evaluated incidence and risk factors for incisional hernia and compared laparoscopic and open hernia repair in terms of feasibility and outcome.
Mesh fixation during laparoscopic ventral hernia repair can be performed using transfascial sutures or metal tacks. The aim of the present study is to compare mesh shrinkage and pain between two different techniques of mesh fixation in a prospective randomized trial.
Following Lichtenstein hernia repair, up to 25% of patients experience prolonged postoperative and chronic pain as well as discomfort in the groin. One of the underlying causes of these complaints are the compression or irritation of nerves by the sutures used to fixate the mesh. We compared the level and rate of chronic pain in patients operated with the classical Lichtenstein technique fixated by sutures to patients with sutureless mesh fixation technique.
Whether bilateral total extraperitoneal (TEP) inguinal hernia repair is associated with worse outcomes than unilateral TEP continues to be a matter of debate. This study aimed to compare different outcomes of large cohorts of patients undergoing bilateral versus unilateral TEP.