997 resultados para Hebrew language, Biblical


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Manual pensat per a servir de guia per als alumnes dels curs Hebreu Bíblic de la Universitat de Girona. Hebreu Bíblic conté una descripció de la gramàtica fonamental de la llengua hebrea bíblica en 54 lliçons. Cada lliçó presenta sols els continguts essencials de la gramàtica, que en el treball de classe és ampliat i matisat. La segona part del manual consta de 24 vocabularis i exercicis formats exclusivament per frases tretes del text de la Bíblia


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Manual pensat per a servir de guia per als alumnes dels curs Hebreu Bíblic de la Universitat de Girona. Hebreu Bíblic conté una descripció de la gramàtica fonamental de la llengua hebrea bíblica en 54 lliçons. Cada lliçó presenta sols els continguts essencials de la gramàtica, que en el treball de classe és ampliat i matisat. La segona part del manual consta de 24 vocabularis i exercicis formats exclusivament per frases tretes del text de la Bíblia


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El llibre Hebreu: llengua, literatura i gramàtica conté una síntesi breu de la història de la llengua hebrea, un resum de la història de la literatura escrita en hebreu i una descripció panoràmica dels trets gramaticals més significatius de la llengua hebrea contemporània. Aquestes pàgines han estat pensades per a servir de complement als cursos d'hebreu de la Universitat de Girona


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Father Themistocles is an inspiration to many people in many parts of the world. He has led an extraordinarily colourful and rich life, one that reflects his own colourful and buoyant personality. Unfortunately, very little of his fascinating life is known to people, who are usually aware only of his current passionate commitment to serving the poor and oppressed in Africa. But underlying this commitment is a wealth of experience and knowledge that few of us can hope to match.

I first came into contact with Fr Themistocles as a theology student in Sydney over ten years ago, where ‘Brother Themi’ (as he was affectionately known to students) would guide us through the intricacies of New Testament scholarship, Hellenistic philosophy, the Hebrew language, and the academic world in general. My friendship with Fr Themistocles has continued to grow since then, and I have always thought it worthwhile that the life and adventures of ‘the polytropic Themi’ (to borrow a phrase he likes to apply to his great mentor, the apostle Paul) should be more readily known than they presently are. I hope, therefore, that the interview that follows goes some way towards fulfilling this objective (though I also hope that a more detailed account of Fr Themistocles’ life will someday be written, preferably by Fr Themistocles himself).


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Notes on and excerpts of materials used by Harvard undergraduates in the 17th and early 18th cent.; including Prolegomena de arte in genere; William Brattle's A compendium of logick; Alexander Richardson's In dialecticam brevis commentatio; Grammatica hebraea; and other works.


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The declaration, handwritten in Latin and signed by members of the junior and sophomore classes (Harvard Classes of 1714 and 1715), promises that the undersigned will not use the vernacular but instead "whenever, at meals, at banquets,...in our rooms, in all our gatherings, wherever and whenever" will speak in Latin, Greek, or Hebrew through the next May. Additional Latin text appears on both the front and back of the document. The original is accompanied by a typed transcription and two partial handwritten translations. Note at top of original: "Script. Leonardo Dowding, Composit. a Tho. Foxcroft."


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The small hardcover notebook contains a manuscript copy of Charles Morton's Natural Philosophy copied by student Ebenezer Parkman (Harvard Class of 1721) in 1720, as well as notes on Hebrew grammar. The flyleaf has a faded note, "[This copy] was probably made by Parkman H.U. 1721 afterward minister of Westboro." The title page of the volume includes the handwritten title "Phylosophia Natvralis: Naturall Philosophy, By the Reverd Mr. Charles Morton Pastor of a Church in Charles Town, Beegan [sic] to recite it December 11, 1720 Willm Brattle's Book 1720 ended January 30 Anno Domini 1720 [January 30, 1720/1721]." The final page of the transcription is signed and dated "June 18, 1720 Parkman." The last pages of the volume consist of notes on Hebrew Grammar titled "Instruction in Hebrew."


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The bound notebook contains academic texts copied by Harvard student Jonathan Trumbull in 1724 and 1725. The volume includes transcriptions of Harvard Instructor Judah Monis' Hebrew Grammar, Tutor William Brattle's Compendium of Logic, and Fellow Charles Morton's Natural Logic.


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This leather-bound volume contains ten handwritten Hebrew texts presumably compiled by Judah Monis in the early 18th century. The pieces range from three to 150 pages on different sized leaves and appear to be in multiple hands. The last page of the volume has the struck-through inscription, "Judah Monis' Book" and accompanies a 44-page text. The texts are unattributed and undated, but have been identified as transcriptions of cabalistic writings and include a short biography of Isaac Luria (1533-1572) and extracts from the work of Luria, Hayyim ben Joseph Vital, Jacob ben Hayyim Zemah, Abraham ben Isaac of Granada, and Naphtali Bachrach. The transcriptions appear to be unattributed and undated.


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Text partly in German, Hebrew, and Greek.


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Mode of access: Internet.