477 resultados para Hampton


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As adaptações cinematográficas das obras literárias podem freqüentemente transmitir uma leitura, uma interpretação capaz de perpetuar um momento da recepção do texto de origem, de reavivar a discussão sobre seu significado, enfim de trazê-lo à vida. Para nós, a releitura fílmica inscreve-se na fortuna do romance. Nessa perspectiva, essa tese tem como objetivo o de refletir sobre a passagem do literário ao fílmico, mais especificamente, sobre As ligações perigosas (1988) de Stephen Frears, uma das adaptações de As relações perigosas (1782), romance epistolar de Choderlos de Laclos cuja permanência no imaginário do mundo contemporâneo é notável. Romances, peças teatrais, filmes, óperas, balés e minisséries televisivas atualizam a narrativa com freqüência e variedade impressionantes. Começamos esse trabalho pela leitura de As relações perigosas de Laclos : sua contextualização no âmbito da produção literária do século XVIII, comentários sobre o autor e a recepção da obra, uma análise de diferentes aspectos da narrativa com enfoque na teatralidade e na libertinagem dos personagens principais. Analisamos também um outro texto literário, Les Liaisons dangereuses (1985) de Christopher Hampton, uma adaptação teatral do romance de Laclos. Hampton é co-roteirista de As ligações perigosas e o filme se baseia também em sua peça (« D’après la pièce de Christopher Hampton. Adapté du roman Les Liaisons dangereuses de Choderlos de Laclos », informa a seqüência genérica). Essa trajetória do palco às telas desperta um interesse especial quando se trata da leitura de um romance epistolar do século XVIII impregnado de referências teatrais : procuramos descobrir a maneira pela qual cada uma das obras – a adaptação teatral e a adaptação cinematográfica – tirou partido dos recursos próprios a cada linguagem para ler e recriar os traços da teatralidade que identificamos no romance de Laclos. A leitura cruzada entre As relações perigosas de Laclos e As ligações perigosas de Stephen Frears torna possível concluir que a adaptação cinematográfica teve êxito em condensar dados relevantes disseminados pelo romance e, apostando nos meios de expressão próprios da linguagem cinematográfica, produziu uma interpretação criativa do texto literário.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The discussion about reading as a cultural practice is a requirement that points to the school relevance to take itself as a social space of meanings construction and the need to use methodologies that focus on the knowledge construction process and the individual development in considering the teaching dynamics that encourage the strategies discovery for individual and collective work, facilitating that human culture object appropriation . The focus is on the relationships in the classroom and school context mediated by language to written language acquisition, with emphasis on reading. This study intends to contribute for the refl ection on the pedagogical implications derived from the organization of a teaching context, intentionally aimed at the teaching organization of reading strategies in the written language acquisition process. The hypothesis is that the reading strategies contribute to the contexts organization with pedagogical coherent and to the competent reader formation during the education act. The studies are based on Brazilian educators Girotto; SOUZA, 2010) and on North American educators (HAMPTON & Resnick, 2008; OWOCKI, 2003; WEDWICH & Wutz, 2008; HARVEY AND GOUDVINS, 2007), with the action research methodology.


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Nella tesi si analizzano le principali fonti del rumore aeronautico, lo stato dell'arte dal punto di vista normativo, tecnologico e procedurale. Si analizza lo stato dell'arte anche riguardo alla classificazione degli aeromobili, proponendo un nuovo indice prestazionale in alternativa a quello indicato dalla metodologia di certificazione (AC36-ICAO) Allo scopo di diminuire l'impatto acustico degli aeromobili in fase di atterraggio, si analizzano col programma INM i benefici di procedure CDA a 3° rispetto alle procedure tradizionali e, di seguito di procedure CDA ad angoli maggiori in termini di riduzione di lunghezza e di area delle isofoniche SEL85, SEL80 e SEL75.


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To protect motorists and avoid tort liability, highway agencies expend considerable resources to repair damaged longitudinal barriers, such as w-beam guardrails. With limited funding available, though, highway agencies are unable to maintain all field-installed systems in the ideal as-built condition. Instead, these agencies focus on repairing only damage that has a detrimental effect on the safety performance of the barrier. The distinction between minor damage and more severe performance-altering damage, however, is not always clear. This paper presents a critical review of current United States (US) and Canadian criteria on whether to repair damaged longitudinal barrier. Barrier repair policies were obtained via comprehensive literature review and a survey of US and Canadian transportation agencies. In an analysis of the maintenance procedures of 40 US States and 8 Canadian transportation agencies, fewer than one-third of highway agencies were found to have quantitative measures to determine when barrier repair is warranted. In addition, no engineering basis for the current US barrier repair guidelines could be found. These findings underscore the importance of the development of quantitative barrier repair guidelines based on a strong technical foundation.


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The occupant impact velocity (OIV) and acceleration severity index (ASI) are competing measures of crash severity used to assess occupant injury risk in full-scale crash tests involving roadside safety hardware, e.g. guardrail. Delta-V, or the maximum change in vehicle velocity, is the traditional metric of crash severity for real world crashes. This study compares the ability of the OIV, ASI, and delta-V to discriminate between serious and non-serious occupant injury in real world frontal collisions. Vehicle kinematics data from event data recorders (EDRs) were matched with detailed occupant injury information for 180 real world crashes. Cumulative probability of injury risk curves were generated using binary logistic regression for belted and unbelted data subsets. By comparing the available fit statistics and performing a separate ROC curve analysis, the more computationally intensive OIV and ASI were found to offer no significant predictive advantage over the simpler delta-V.


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Introduction: Longitudinal barriers, such as guardrails, are designed to prevent a vehicle that leaves the roadway from impacting a more dangerous object while minimizing the risk of injury to the vehicle occupants. Current full-scale test procedures for these devices do not consider the effect of occupant restraints such as seatbelts and airbags. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which restraints are used or deployed in longitudinal barrier collisions and their subsequent effect on occupant injury. Methods: Binary logistic regression models were generated to predict occupant injury risk using data from the National Automotive Sampling System / Crashworthiness Data System from 1997 through 2007. Results: In tow-away longitudinal barrier crashes, airbag deployment rates were 70% for airbag-equipped vehicles. Compared with unbelted occupants without an airbag available, seat belt restrained occupants with an airbag available had a dramatically decreased risk of receiving a serious (MAIS 3+) injury (odds-ratio (OR)=0.03; 95% CI: 0.004- 0.24). A similar decrease was observed among those restrained by seat belts, but without an airbag available (OR=0.03; 95% CI: 0.001- 0.79). No significant differences in risk of serious injuries were observed between unbelted occupants with an airbag available compared with unbelted occupants without an airbag available (OR=0.53; 95% CI=0.10-2.68). Impact on Industry: This study refutes the perception in the roadside safety community that airbags rarely deploy in frontal barrier crashes, and suggests that current longitudinal barrier occupant risk criteria may over-estimate injury potential for restrained occupants involved in a longitudinal barrier crash.


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