452 resultados para HOMOGENIZATION


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Ce mémoire visait à déterminer si un petit parc périurbain, en l’occurrence le Parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno, est parvenu à maintenir l’intégrité de sa flore au cours des trente dernières années en dépit de pressions humaines croissantes et de perturbations naturelles passées, en plus d’identifier les principaux changements floristiques survenus au cours de cette période et les facteurs responsables. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, une étude historique a été réalisée, en comparant un inventaire floristique ancien (1977) à un inventaire récent (2013). Mes résultats montrent d’abord une forte croissance de la diversité alpha indigène au cours des 35 dernières années, accompagnée d’un déclin significatif de la diversité bêta (30%). Malgré cette homogénéisation taxonomique, la diversité fonctionnelle de la flore forestière s’est accrue, la rendant probablement plus résiliente aux événements perturbateurs. D’autre part, mes analyses ont révélé la progression de traits fonctionnels souvent associés à des habitats forestiers intensément broutés, révélant une certaine influence du cerf de Virginie sur la composition et la structure de la flore forestière. Enfin, mes résultats ont montré que les herbiers botaniques se révèlent être une alternative fiable aux méthodes traditionnelles pour documenter et évaluer l’impact des grands herbivores sur la morphologie des plantes broutées. Au final, cette étude a montré que les petites aires protégées périurbaines peuvent jouer un rôle majeur dans la préservation de la diversité floristique d’habitats forestiers d’intérêt, particulièrement lorsque leur statut de protection permet d’encadrer de manière stricte les activités humaines.


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Cette thèse est divisée en trois chapitres. Le premier explique comment utiliser la méthode «level-set» de manière rigoureuse pour faire la simulation de feux de forêt en utilisant comme modèle physique pour la propagation le modèle de l'ellipse de Richards. Le second présente un nouveau schéma semi-implicite avec une preuve de convergence pour la solution d'une équation de type Hamilton-Jacobi anisotrope. L'avantage principal de cette méthode est qu'elle permet de réutiliser des solutions à des problèmes «proches» pour accélérer le calcul. Une autre application de ce schéma est l'homogénéisation. Le troisième chapitre montre comment utiliser les méthodes numériques des deux premiers chapitres pour étudier l'influence de variations à petites échelles dans la vitesse du vent sur la propagation d'un feu de forêt à l'aide de la théorie de l'homogénéisation.


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L'urbanisation représente une menace majeure pour la biodiversité. Ce mémoire de maîtrise vise à comprendre ses effets sur la composition fonctionnelle et l'homogénéisation biotique dans les forêts riveraines. Des inventaires floristiques ont été réalisés dans 57 forêts riveraines de la région de Montréal. Afin d'étudier la variation de la composition fonctionnelle avec l'urbanisation, des moyennes pondérées de traits par communauté ont été calculées pour les arbres, arbustes et herbacées. Chaque forêt a été caractérisée par des variables relatives au paysage urbain environnant, aux conditions locales des forêts et aux processus spatiaux. Les conditions locales, notamment les inondations, exerçaient une pression de sélection dominante sur les traits. L'effet du paysage était indirect, agissant via l'altération des régimes hydrologiques. La dispersion le long des rivières était aussi un processus important dans la structuration des forêts riveraines. Les changements dans la diversité β taxonomique et fonctionnelle des herbacées ont été étudiés entre trois niveaux d'urbanisation et d'inondation. Alors que l'urbanisation a favorisé une différenciation taxonomique, les inondations ont favorisé une homogénéisation taxonomique, sans influencer la diversité β fonctionnelle. L'urbanisation était l'élément déclencheur des changements de la diversité β, directement, en causant un gain en espèces exotiques et une diminution de la richesse totale dans les forêts très urbanisées, et, indirectement, en entraînant un important turnover d'espèces par l'altération des régimes hydrologiques. Globalement, ces résultats suggèrent que la modification des processus naturels par les activités anthropiques est le principal moteur de changements dans les communautés riveraines urbaines.


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Plane-wave transmission gratings were stored in the same location of silver- doped photopolymer ¯lm using peristrophic multiplexing techniques. Constant and vari- able exposure scheduling methods were adopted for storing gratings in the ¯lm using He{Ne laser (632.8 nm). The role of recording geometry on the dynamic range of the ma- terial was studied by comparing the results obtained from both techniques. Peristrophic multiplexing with rotation of the ¯lm in a plane normal to the bisector of the incident beams resulted in better homogenization of di®raction e±ciencies and larger M/# value.


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El traumatismo craneoencefálico, es la epidemia silenciosa de nuestra época, que genera gastos en salud, en países como Estados Unidos, cercanos a los 60 billones de dólares anuales, y cerca de 400 billones en rehabilitación de los discapacitados. El pilar del manejo médico del trauma craneoencefálico moderado o severo, es la osmoterapia, principalmente con sustancias como el manitol y las soluciones hipertónicas. Se realizó la revisión de 14 bases de datos, encontrando 4657754 artículos, quedando al final 40 artículos después de un análisis exhaustivo, que se relacionaban con el manejo de la hipertensión endocraneana y terapia osmótica. Resultados: Se compararon diferentes estudios, encontrando gran variabilidad estos, sin homogenización en los análisis estadísticos, y la poca rigurosidad no permitieron, la recolección de datos y la comparación entre los diferentes estudios, no permitió realizar el meta-análisis y por esto se decidió la realización de una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se evidenció principalmente tres cosas: la primera es la poca rigurosidad con la que se realizan los estudios clínicos; la segunda, es que aún falta mucha más investigación principalmente, la presencia de estudios clínicos aleatorizados multicéntricos, que logren dar una sólida evidencia y que genere validez científica que se requiere, a pesar de la evidencia clara en la práctica clínica; la tercera es la seguridad para su uso, con poca presencia de complicaciones para las soluciones salinas hipertónicas.


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El objetivo de este documento es recopilar algunos resultados clasicos sobre existencia y unicidad ´ de soluciones de ecuaciones diferenciales estocasticas (EDEs) con condici ´ on final (en ingl ´ es´ Backward stochastic differential equations) con particular enfasis en el caso de coeficientes mon ´ otonos, y su cone- ´ xion con soluciones de viscosidad de sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales parciales (EDPs) parab ´ olicas ´ y el´ıpticas semilineales de segundo orden.


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Antioxidant enzymes are involved in important processes of cell detoxification during oxidative stress and have, therefore, been used as biomarkers in algae. Nevertheless, their limited use in fluvial biofilms may be due to the complexity of such communities. Here, a comparison between different extraction methods was performed to obtain a reliable method for catalase extraction from fluvial biofilms. Homogenization followed by glass bead disruption appeared to be the best compromise for catalase extraction. This method was then applied to a field study in a metal-polluted stream (Riou Mort, France). The most polluted sites were characterized by a catalase activity 4–6 times lower than in the low-polluted site. Results of the comparison process and its application are promising for the use of catalase activity as an early warning biomarker of toxicity using biofilms in the laboratory and in the field


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Durant anys, el principal mètode de gestió de les poblacions de truita comuna (Salmo trutta L.) ha estat la repoblació amb exemplars exògens. El seguiment genètic de les poblacions de truita comuna dels Pirineus orientals, realitzat en aquest tesi, indica que els al.lels procedents d'aquestes repoblacions estan conduint a una homogeneització de les poblacions naturals i a la pèrdua de la seva història evolutiva. D'aquí la importància de la detecció de la introgressió en el desenvolupament de noves estratègies de gestió i conservació de les poblacions d'aquesta espècie. En aquest treball, s'ha avaluat l'eficàcia de diferents marcadors i mètodes que ens ofereix la genètica de poblacions en la detecció de la introgressió present a les poblacions naturals. Alhora que s'ha analizat la influència que han tingut les reserves genètiques, aplicades amb posterioritat a les repoblacions, i que intenten equilibrar l'explotació i la conservació dels recursos genètics de les poblacions natives.


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Entre 1925 Y 1947, el sistema educativo ecuatoriano experimentó la influencia de la ""escuela nueva"", una tendencia pedagógica que surgió en Estados Unidos yen algunos países europeos a finales del siglo XIX. Este artículo analiza cómo los dispositivos pedagógicos desarrollados por esta tendencia, sirvieron para que se pusiera en marcha un proyecto político y social asociado al higienismo, la regeneración racial, la modernización y la homogeneización cultural. Con este propósito, se analizan dos textos producidos en esos años: la conferencia pronunciada por el pedagogo Leonidas García en el Congreso de Educación Primaria y Normal del Ecuador, realizado en mayo de 1930, y un ensayo de Vicente Andrade, de 1942, sobre la incorporación de la escuela rural a la cultura nacional. Ambos textos ilustran las perspectivas que se tenían sobre los problemas educativos del Ecuador.


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The reduction of indigo (dispersed in water) to leuco-indigo (dissolved in water) is an important industrial process and investigated here for the case of glucose as an environmentally benign reducing agent. In order to quantitatively follow the formation of leuco-indigo two approaches based on (i) rotating disk voltammetry and (ii) sonovoltammetry are developed. Leuco-indigo, once formed in alkaline solution, is readily monitored at a glassy carbon electrode in the mass transport limit employing hydrodynamic voltammetry. The presence of power ultrasound further improves the leuco-indigo determination due to additional agitation and homogenization effects. While inactive at room temperature, glucose readily reduces indigo in alkaline media at 65 degrees C. In the presence of excess glucose, a surface dissolution kinetics limited process is proposed following the rate law d eta(leuco-indigo)/dt = k x c(OH-) x S-indigo where eta(leuco-indigo) is the amount of leuco-indigo formed, k = 4.1 x 10(-9) m s(-1) (at 65 degrees C, assuming spherical particles of I gm diameter) is the heterogeneous dissolution rate constant,c(OH-) is the concentration of hydroxide, and Sindigo is the reactive surface area. The activation energy for this process in aqueous 0.2 M NaOH is E-A = 64 U mol(-1) consistent with a considerable temperature effects. The redox mediator 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone is shown to significantly enhance the reaction rate by catalysing the electron transfer between glucose and solid indigo particles. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All fights reserved.


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In terms of their land area, many islands contain a disproportionate number of taxa for certain groups of organisms. Thus the IUCN/WWF Centres of Plant Diversity project, which identifies 234 first order sites that are globally most important from a botanical point of view, includes a considerable proportion of islands, and in Conservation International’s Hotspot programme, Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands, the Philippines, and the Caribbean are identified as three of the five “hottest of the hotspots”. Priority for conservation action is often assumed for islands because of the often dramatic losses already suffered and the serious level of threats to which plant or animal populations are subjected, largely as a result of direct or indirect human action. The practicalities of conservation are not, however, straightforward in many cases. In the conservation of island hotspots of biodiversity, in addition to the many scientific and technical issues involved, political, financial and socio-economic factors also have to be addressed. The priorities for conservation will be examined in the light of targets set by the recently approved CBD Global Strategy for Plant Conservation and in the wider context of sustainable development of island ecosystems and the needs and aspirations of the people who inhabit them. Particular attention will be given to the threats from invasive species and the resultant increasing homogenization of floras and faunas, leading to the ‘deinsularization’ of islands.


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Due to the fact that probiotic cells need to be alive when they are consumed, culture-based analysis (plate count) is critical in ascertaining the quality (numbers of viable cells) of probiotic products. Since probiotic cells are typically stressed, due to various factors related to their production, processing and formulation, the standard methodology for total plate counts tends to underestimate the cell numbers of these products. Furthermore, products such as microencapsulated cultures require modifications in the release and sampling procedure in order to correctly estimate viable counts. This review examines the enumeration of probiotic bacteria in the following commercial products: powders, microencapsulated cultures, frozen concentrates, capsules, foods and beverages. The parameters which are specifically examined include: sample preparation (rehydration, thawing), dilutions (homogenization, media) and plating (media, incubation) procedures. Recommendations are provided for each of these analytical steps to improve the accuracy of the analysis. Although the recommendations specifically target the analysis of probiotics, many will apply to the analysis of commercial lactic starter cultures used in food fermentations as well.


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The aim of this study is to investigate the separation of astaxanthin from the cells of Phaffia rhodozyma using colloidal gas aphrons (CGA), which are surfactant stabilized microbubbles, in a flotation column. It was reported in previous studies that optimum recoveries are achieved at conditions that favor electrostatic interactions. Therefore, in this study, CGA generated from the cationic surfactant hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) were applied to suspensions of cells pretreated with NaOH. The different operation modes (batch or continuous) and the effect of volumetric ratio of CGA to feed, initial concentration of feed, operating height, and flow rate of CGA on the separation of astaxanthin were investigated. The volumetric ratio was found to have a significant effect on the separation of astaxanthin for both batch and continuous experiments. Additionally, the effect of homogenization of the cells on the purity of the recovered fractions was investigated, showing that the homogenization resulted in increased purity. Moreover, different concentrations of surfactant were used for the generation of CGA for the recovery of astaxanthin on batch mode; it was found that recoveries up to 98% could be achieved using CGA generated from a CTAB solution 0.8 mM, which is below the CTAB critical micellar concentration (CMC). These results offer important information for the scale-up of the separation of astaxanthin from the cells of P. rhodozyma using CGA.


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In the tropical middle atmosphere the climatological radiative equilibrium temperature is inconsistent with gradient-wind balance and the available angular momentum, especially during solstice seasons. Adjustment toward a balanced state results in a type of Hadley circulation that lies outside the “downward control” view of zonally averaged dynamics. This middle-atmosphere Hadley circulation is reexamined here using a zonally symmetric balance model driven through an annual cycle. It is found that the inclusion of a realistic radiation scheme leads to a concentration of the circulation near the stratopause and to its closing off in the mesosphere, with no need for relaxational damping or a rigid lid. The evolving zonal flow is inertially unstable, leading to a rapid process of inertial adjustment, which becomes significant in the mesosphere. This short-circuits the slower process of angular momentum homogenization by the Hadley circulation itself, thereby weakening the latter. The effect of the meridional circulation associated with extratropical wave drag on the Hadley circulation is considered. It is shown that the two circulations are independent for linear (quasigeostrophic) zonal-mean dynamics, and interact primarily through the advection of temperature and angular momentum. There appears to be no significant coupling in the deep Tropics via temperature advection since the wave-driven circulation is unable to alter meridional temperature gradients in this region. However, the wave-driven circulation can affect the Hadley circulation by advecting angular momentum out of the Tropics. The validity of the zonally symmetric balance model with parameterized inertial adjustment is tested by comparison with a three-dimensional primitive equations model. Fields from a middle-atmosphere GCM are also examined for evidence of these processes. While many aspects of the GCM circulation are indicative of the middle-atmosphere Hadley circulation, particularly in the upper stratosphere, it appears that the circulation is obscured in the mesosphere and lower stratosphere by other processes.


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In the tropics, geochemical records from stalagmites have so far mainly been used to qualitatively reconstruct changes in precipitation, but several new methods to reconstruct past temperatures from stalagmite material have emerged recently: i) liquid–vapor homogenization of fluid inclusion water ii) noble gas concentrations in fluid inclusion water, iii) the partitioning of oxygen isotopes between fluid inclusion water and calcite, and iv) the abundance of the 13C18O16O (‘clumped’) isotopologue in calcite. We present, for the first time, a direct comparison of these four paleo-thermometers by applying them to a fossil stalagmite covering nearly two glacial–interglacial cycles (Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 12–9) and to two modern stalagmites, all from northern Borneo. The temperature estimates from the different methods agree in most cases within errors for both the old and recent samples; reconstructed formation temperatures of the recent samples match within 2-sigma errors with measured cave temperatures. However, slight but systematic deviations are observed between noble gas and liquid–vapor homogenization temperatures. Whereas the temperature sensitivity of fluid inclusion δ18O and clumped isotopes is currently debated, we find that the calibration of Tremaine et al. (2011) for fluid inclusion δ18O and a synthetic calcite-based clumped isotope calibration (Ziegler et al., in prep.) yield temperature estimates consistent with the other methods. All methods (with the potential exception of clumped isotopes) show excellent agreement on the amplitude of glacial–interglacial temperature change, indicating temperature shifts of 4–5 °C. This amplitude is similar to the amplitude of Mg/Ca-based regional sea surface temperature records, when correcting for sea level driven changes in cave elevation. Our reconstruction of tropical temperature evolution over the time period from 440 to 320 thousand years ago (ka) adds support to the view that climate sensitivity to varying greenhouse forcing is substantial also in the deep tropics.