928 resultados para HADES – Hades Active Delay Evaluation System


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Mestrado em Engenharia de Computação e Instrumentação Médica


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As atuais políticas industriais procuram conjugar os objetivos económicos com direitos sociais e ambientais através da aplicação de políticas de desenvolvimento sustentável. A gestão coordenada destes três capítulos visa contribuir para o bem‐estar e progressiva melhoria da qualidade de vida dos cidadãos. Esta Tese de Mestrado tem por objetivo a aplicação de um sistema de avaliação de pedreiras produtoras de agregados partindo da análise integrada de indicadores setoriais nas áreas económica, social e ambiental. Deste modo é proposto o desenvolvimento de um método de avaliação que permita proceder a uma análise qualitativa e quantitativa do desempenho de pedreiras do ponto de vista da sua sustentabilidade. Numa abordagem inicial, enquadradora das questões que se levantam com as políticas de desenvolvimento sustentável, é feita uma introdução relativa às correntes de pensamento dominantes sobre esta questão, tendo ainda sido feito um relacionamento entre as questões ligadas com o planeamento estratégico deste setor industrial e as questões ligadas com o ordenamento do território. Posteriormente, é feita uma análise do enquadramento do setor extrativo relativo à exploração de pedreiras no âmbito das políticas económicas, sociais e ambientais da Comunidade Europeia e uma caracterização da importância deste setor industrial na economia portuguesa. Após o desenvolvimento destas questões, é dada sequência ao trabalho desenvolvido na adoção e criação de indicadores económicos, sociais e ambientais adaptados à situação particular das pedreiras produtoras de inertes portuguesas. Finalmente, é proposto o desenvolvimento de um método de cálculo tendo em vista a criação de um Índice de Sustentabilidade a partir da análise dos resultados dos indicadores setoriais anteriormente referidos. Assim, é apresentada uma súmula de conclusões sobre este tipo de abordagem, suas vantagens e inconvenientes relativamente aos métodos tradicionais de avaliação deste tipo de indústria. É, por último, apresentado um conjunto de sugestões que permitam a utilização na rotina, de forma acessível, desta nova ferramenta de análise.


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The main goal of this thesis is to study the dynamics of Josephson junction system in the presence of an external rf-biasing.A system of two chaotically synchronized Josephson junction is studied.The change in the dynamics of the system in the presence of at phase difference between the applied fields is considered. Control of chaos is very important from an application point of view. The role Of phase difference in controlling chaos is discussed.An array of three Josephson junctions iS studied for the effect of phase difference on chaos and synchronization and the argument is extended for a system of N Josephson junctions. In the presence of a phase difference between the external fields, the system exhibits periodic behavior with a definite phase relationship between all the three junctions.Itdeals with an array of three Josephson junctions with a time delay in the coupling term. It is observed that only the outer systems synchronize while the middle system remain uncorrelated with t-he other two. The effect of phase difference between the applied fields and time-delay on system dynamics and synchronization is also studied. We study the influence of an applied ac biasing on a serniannular Josephson junction. It is found the magnetic field along with the biasing induces creation and annihilation of fluxons in the junction. The I-V characteristics of the junction is studied by considering the surface loss term also in the model equation. The system is found to exhibit chaotic behavior in the presence of ac biasing.


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El propósito del presente trabajo es analizar el proceso de construcción de los Programas de Estímulos al Desempeño del Personal Académico (PEDPA), con el fin de ilustrar algunos problemas metodológicos básicos del sistema de evaluación asociado y sus repercusiones en las puntuaciones y estímulos económicos del personal evaluado. Se toma el caso de una universidad pública mexicana, describiendo el contexto institucional, las distintas etapas para elaborar el sistema evaluativo y los resultados obtenidos. Se concluye que los PEDPA adolecen de problemas metodológicos debido a la poca congruencia del modelo evaluativo con los propósitos declarados, la ausencia de los grupos colegiados en la construcción del modelo y la falta de participación de especialistas en evaluación.


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Basándose en la necesidad manifiesta de la empresa Thomas Greg & Sons de Colombia por controlar los costos en los que incurre por adoptar un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad, se realizó una investigación de los procesos que realiza la empresa a nivel productivo y el esquema de costos que utiliza a nivel organizacional, con el fin de proponer y concebir un modelo de administración de costos de la calidad y de la no calidad que sea conforme a lo esperado por la alta gerencia y que contribuya significativamente al control de costos.


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Las organizaciones en la actualidad deben encontrar diferentes maneras de sobrevivir en un tiempo de rápida transformación. Uno de los mecanismos usados por las empresas para adaptarse a los cambios organizacionales son los sistemas de control de gestión, que a su vez permiten a las organizaciones hacer un seguimiento a sus procesos, para que la adaptabilidad sea efectiva. Otra variable importante para la adaptación es el aprendizaje organizacional siendo el proceso mediante el cual las organizaciones se adaptan a los cambios del entorno, tanto interno como externo de la compañía. Dado lo anterior, este proyecto se basa en la extracción de documentación soporte valido, que permita explorar las interacciones entre estos dos campos, los sistemas de control de gestión y el aprendizaje organizacional, además, analizar el impacto de estas interacciones en la perdurabilidad organizacional. ​


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La propuesta engloba la educación primaria y la secundaria y permite también obtener datos a nivel nacional. Las áreas curriculares que se van a evaluar en primero son las de lectura inglesa, irlandés oral y matemáticas, mientras que en segundo, se evaluarán. Lectura, matemáticas y ciencias. Se plantea la necesidad de solucionar la evaluación de irlandés oral en secundaria. Aquí se trata de las áreas claves del currículo, aunque se trabajará en el desarrollo de técnicas de evaluación de otras áreas curriculares con vistas a facilitar la supervisión de tendencias a lo largo del tiempo este sistema no tendrá éxito a menos que se cumplan tres condiciones: 1.Disponibilidad de recursos y personal técnico con el fin de poder realizar las pruebas y análisis de datos de máxima calidad ; 2. Las estructuras administrativas y políticas se encuentran en disposición de interpretar los datos y emprender acciones pertinentes para la toma de decisiones; 3. Continúa supervisión de la propia avaluación nacional para asegurar que esté cumpliendo su propósito.


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O presente trabalho teve como ponto de partida os resultados dos rendimentos escolares apresentados pelo SAEB (Sistema de Avaliação da Educação Básica) e o SAEPE (Sistema de Avaliação Escolar de Pernambuco), frente às ações de intervenções promovidas pelas políticas públicas implementadas pelo governo de Pernambuco, através dos programas de formação continuada, direcionados na perspectiva de reverter os baixos índices do rendimento escolar, o que nos possibilitou a delinear objetivos que nos permitissem a identificar a relação entre os indicadores do SAEB, SAEPE e Programas de Formação Continuada no redimensionamento do saber fazer docente e implicações na melhoria do desempenho docente, bem como identificar limites e possibilidades da formação na melhoria do desempenho docente, em razão dos indicadores apresentados. As transformações do mundo têm interferido de forma contundente no campo da educação, bem como nos vários aspectos da gestão educacional, escolar, curricular e particularmente na formação continuada, com vistas no desempenho docente, tendo como objeto crescente a atenção dos pesquisadores com atuação na educação. As políticas educacionais no Brasil vêm demonstrado preocupação com a qualidade do ensino ofertada pela escola pública, decorrente das pressões dos organismos internacionais, que veem na educação a solução dos problemas enfrentados por um mundo cada vez mais globalizado, de transformações e descobertas tecnológicas que caracterizam hoje, a chamada sociedade do conhecimento. Tal contexto, em que a escola pública brasileira se encontrava, mobilizou os gestores a buscarem ações de intervenção no sentido de reverter o quadro tão comprometedor que o ensino público da Educação Básica brasileira se apresentava. O repensar das práticas pedagógicas vivenciadas no contexto escolar, recai sobre o professor, a responsabilidade do resultado que a escola apresenta. Falar da prática pedagógica recai necessariamente na formação inicial e continuada desse professor. Para sua realização utilizou-se uma abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa. As técnicas de coleta de dados foram aplicação de questionários a 100 professores da educação básica da rede pública, entrevistas com cinco formadores e análise dos documentos relacionados com a política de formação continuada. O estudo demonstrou que o modelo proposto, pouco tem contribuído para o desenvolvimento profissional docente, não envolvendo, portanto, o professor diretamente no processo formativo, com exceção dos que participam de alguns programas (SAEB / SAEPE) que visam diretamente à melhoria dos índices de aprendizagem em língua portuguesa e matemática, na perspectiva de que a formação os instrumentalize a aplicar técnicas, que a formação continuada não atende nem suas necessidades, nem da escola. Os demais professores só se encontram uma vez por ano, em estilo de grande evento, enquanto as formações ocorrem de forma desarticulada e fragmentada. Em consequência, foram apresentadas algumas reflexões no intuito de provocar e contribuir na revisão da concepção de formação continuada vivenciada pelos professores da rede pública do ensino de Pernambuco.


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Chronic pesticide poisoning is difficult to detect. We sought to develop a low-cost test battery for settings such as Ecuador’s floriculture industry. First we had to develop a case definition; as with all occupational diseases a case had to have both sufficient effective dose and associated health effects. For the former, using canonical discriminant analysis, we found that adding measures of protection and overall environmental stressors to occupational category and duration of exposure was useful. For the latter, factor analysis suggested three distinct manifestations of pesticide poisoning. We then determined sensitivity and specificity of various combinations of symptoms and simple neurotoxicity tests from the Pentox questionnaire, and found that doing so increased sensitivity and specificity compared to use of acethylcholinesterase alone the current screening standard. While sensitivity and specificity varied with different case definitions, our results support the development of a low-cost test battery for screening in such settings.


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In the past decade, a number of mechanistic, dynamic simulation models of several components of the dairy production system have become available. However their use has been limited due to the detailed technical knowledge and special software required to run them, and the lack of compatibility between models in predicting various metabolic processes in the animal. The first objective of the current study was to integrate the dynamic models of [Brit. J. Nutr. 72 (1994) 679] on rumen function, [J. Anim. Sci. 79 (2001) 1584] on methane production, [J. Anim. Sci. 80 (2002) 2481 on N partition, and a new model of P partition. The second objective was to construct a decision support system to analyse nutrient partition between animal and environment. The integrated model combines key environmental pollutants such as N, P and methane within a nutrient-based feed evaluation system. The model was run under different scenarios and the sensitivity of various parameters analysed. A comparison of predictions from the integrated model with the original simulation models showed an improvement in N excretion since the integrated model uses the dynamic model of [Brit. J. Nutr. 72 (1994) 6791 to predict microbial N, which was not represented in detail in the original model. The integrated model can be used to investigate the degree to which production and environmental objectives are antagonistic, and it may help to explain and understand the complex mechanisms involved at the ruminal and metabolic levels. A part of the integrated model outputs were the forms of N and P in excreta and methane, which can be used as indices of environmental pollution. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Thermal non-destructive testing (NDT) is commonly used for assessing aircraft structures. This research work evaluates the potential of pulsed -- transient thermography for locating fixtures beneath aircraft skins in order to facilitate accurate automated assembly operations. Representative aluminium and carbon fibre aircraft skin-fixture assemblies were modelled using thermal modelling software. The assemblies were also experimentally investigated with an integrated pulsed thermographic evaluation system, as well as using a custom built system incorporating a miniature un-cooled camera. Modelling showed that the presence of an air gap between skin and fixture significantly reduced the thermal contrast developed, especially in aluminium. Experimental results show that fixtures can be located to accuracies of 0.5 mm.


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The direct radiative forcing of 65 chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, hydrofluoroethers, halons, iodoalkanes, chloroalkanes, bromoalkanes, perfluorocarbons and nonmethane hydrocarbons has been evaluated using a consistent set of infrared absorption cross sections. For the radiative transfer models, both line-by-line and random band model approaches were employed for each gas. The line-by-line model was first validated against measurements taken by the Airborne Research Interferometer Evaluation System (ARIES) of the U.K. Meteorological Office; the computed spectrally integrated radiance of agreed to within 2% with experimental measurements. Three model atmospheres, derived from a three-dimensional climatology, were used in the radiative forcing calculations to more accurately represent hemispheric differences in water vapor, ozone concentrations, and cloud cover. Instantaneous, clear-sky radiative forcing values calculated by the line-by-line and band models were in close agreement. The band model values were subsequently modified to ensure exact agreement with the line-by-line model values. Calibrated band model radiative forcing values, for atmospheric profiles with clouds and using stratospheric adjustment, are reported and compared with previous literature values. Fourteen of the 65 molecules have forcings that differ by more than 15% from those in the World Meteorological Organization [1999] compilation. Eleven of the molecules have not been reported previously. The 65-molecule data set reported here is the most comprehensive and consistent database yet available to evaluate the relative impact of halocarbons and hydrocarbons on climate change.


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Current feed evaluation systems for ruminants are too imprecise to describe diets in terms of their acidosis risk. The dynamic mechanistic model described herein arises from the integration of a lactic acid (La) metabolism module into an extant model of whole-rumen function. The model was evaluated using published data from cows and sheep fed a range of diets or infused with various doses of La. The model performed well in simulating peak rumen La concentrations (coefficient of determination = 0.96; root mean square prediction error = 16.96% of observed mean), although frequency of sampling for the published data prevented a comprehensive comparison of prediction of time to peak La accumulation. The model showed a tendency for increased La accumulation following feeding of diets rich in nonstructural carbohydrates, although less-soluble starch sources such as corn tended to limit rumen La concentration. Simulated La absorption from the rumen remained low throughout the feeding cycle. The competition between bacteria and protozoa for rumen La suggests a variable contribution of protozoa to total La utilization. However, the model was unable to simulate the effects of defaunation on rumen La metabolism, indicating a need for a more detailed description of protozoal metabolism. The model could form the basis of a feed evaluation system with regard to rumen La metabolism.


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Networking of computing devices has been going through rapid evolution and thus continuing to be an ever expanding area of importance in recent years. New technologies, protocols, services and usage patterns have contributed to the major research interests in this area of computer science. The current special issue is an effort to bring forward some of these interesting developments that are being pursued by researchers at present in different parts of the globe. Our objective is to provide the readership with some insight into the latest innovations in computer networking through this. This Special Issue presents selected papers from the thirteenth conference of the series (ICCIT 2010) held during December 23-25, 2010 at the Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. The first ICCIT was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 1998. Since then the conference has grown to be one of the largest computer and IT related research conferences in the South Asian region, with participation of academics and researchers from many countries around the world. Starting in 2008 the proceedings of ICCIT are included in IEEExplore. In 2010, a total of 410 full papers were submitted to the conference of which 136 were accepted after reviews conducted by an international program committee comprising 81 members from 16 countries. This was tantamount to an acceptance rate of 33%. From these 136 papers, 14 highly ranked manuscripts were invited for this Special Issue. The authors were advised to enhance their papers significantly and submit them to undergo review for suitability of inclusion into this publication. Of those, eight papers survived the review process and have been selected for inclusion in this Special Issue. The authors of these papers represent academic and/or research institutions from Australia, Bangladesh, Japan, Korea and USA. These papers address issues concerning different domains of networks namely, optical fiber communication, wireless and interconnection networks, issues related to networking hardware and software and network mobility. The paper titled “Virtualization in Wireless Sensor Network: Challenges and Opportunities” argues in favor of bringing in different heterogeneous sensors under a common virtual framework so that the issues like flexibility, diversity, management and security can be handled practically. The authors Md. Motaharul Islam and Eui-Num Huh propose an architecture for sensor virtualization. They also present the current status and the challenges and opportunities for further research on the topic. The manuscript “Effect of Polarization Mode Dispersion on the BER Performance of Optical CDMA” deals with impact of polarization mode dispersion on the bit error rate performance of direct sequence optical code division multiple access. The authors, Md. Jahedul Islam and Md. Rafiqul Islam present an analytical approach toward determining the impact of different performance parameters. The authors show that the bit error rate performance improves significantly by the third order polarization mode dispersion than its first or second order counterparts. The authors Md. Shohrab Hossain, Mohammed Atiquzzaman and William Ivancic of the paper “Cost and Efficiency Analysis of NEMO Protocol Entities” present an analytical model for estimating the cost incurred by major mobility entities of a NEMO. The authors define a new metric for cost calculation in the process. Both the newly developed metric and the analytical model are likely to be useful to network engineers in estimating the resource requirement at the key entities while designing such a network. The article titled “A Highly Flexible LDPC Decoder using Hierarchical Quasi-Cyclic Matrix with Layered Permutation” deals with Low Density Parity Check decoders. The authors, Vikram Arkalgud Chandrasetty and Syed Mahfuzul Aziz propose a novel multi-level structured hierarchical matrix approach for generating codes of different lengths flexibly depending upon the requirement of the application. The manuscript “Analysis of Performance Limitations in Fiber Bragg Grating Based Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer due to Crosstalk” has been contributed by M. Mahiuddin and M. S. Islam. The paper proposes a new method of handling crosstalk with a fiber Bragg grating based optical add drop multiplexer (OADM). The authors show with an analytical model that different parameters improve using their proposed OADM. The paper “High Performance Hierarchical Torus Network Under Adverse Traffic Patterns” addresses issues related to hierarchical torus network (HTN) under adverse traffic patterns. The authors, M.M. Hafizur Rahman, Yukinori Sato, and Yasushi Inoguchi observe that dynamic communication performance of an HTN under adverse traffic conditions has not yet been addressed. The authors evaluate the performance of HTN for comparison with some other relevant networks. It is interesting to see that HTN outperforms these counterparts in terms of throughput and data transfer under adverse traffic. The manuscript titled “Dynamic Communication Performance Enhancement in Hierarchical Torus Network by Selection Algorithm” has been contributed by M.M. Hafizur Rahman, Yukinori Sato, and Yasushi Inoguchi. The authors introduce three simple adapting routing algorithms for efficient use of physical links and virtual channels in hierarchical torus network. The authors show that their approaches yield better performance for such networks. The final title “An Optimization Technique for Improved VoIP Performance over Wireless LAN” has been contributed by five authors, namely, Tamal Chakraborty, Atri Mukhopadhyay, Suman Bhunia, Iti Saha Misra and Salil K. Sanyal. The authors propose an optimization technique for configuring the parameters of the access points. In addition, they come up with an optimization mechanism in order to tune the threshold of active queue management system appropriately. Put together, the mechanisms improve the VoIP performance significantly under congestion. Finally, the Guest Editors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the 15 reviewers besides the guest editors themselves (Khalid M. Awan, Mukaddim Pathan, Ben Townsend, Morshed Chowdhury, Iftekhar Ahmad, Gour Karmakar, Shivali Goel, Hairulnizam Mahdin, Abdullah A Yusuf, Kashif Sattar, A.K.M. Azad, F. Rahman, Bahman Javadi, Abdelrahman Desoky, Lenin Mehedy) from several countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Japan, Pakistan, UK and USA) who have given immensely to this process. They have responded to the Guest Editors in the shortest possible time and dedicated their valuable time to ensure that the Special Issue contains high-quality papers with significant novelty and contributions.


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This study aims to analyze the current systematics of Performance Appraisal used by the Brazilian Army, in a way that permits us to identify its characteristics that hinder it to fulfill the purposes and objectives to which it proposes. In order to do so, it is used the theoretical referential not only related to Performance Appraisal itself, but also that one that focus on the subjects related to it. In spite of the multiple forms Performance Appraisal can take, some internal characteristics and coherences must be observed so that the system can function correctly. Moreover, it can not be forgotten that, as a tool, the appraisal will be strongly influenced by the organizational culture where it is used. The organizational culture, in turn, does not find itself isolated from the society in which the organization operates. When all these characteristics are brought to the analyses of the system used by the Brazilian Army, several of problems emerges, including: the presence of objectives of antagonistic nature; the lack of linking with the organization strategy; the absence of mechanism to operate the objectives; appraisal used as a coercion tool, in the attempt to keep the domination system that begin to be contested; adoption of an appraisal method which strengthens the coercitive use of it and that does not propitiate a complete vision of the apprasee; the lack of steps on the appraisal process, including in the absence of parameters adoption for the appraisal, inserting great subjectivity into the system and supplying insufficient feedback to the appraisees; use of an instrument also of great subjectivity and reductionist; and a awarding system that, besides replying the distortions of the evaluation system, adds others.