816 resultados para Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos
As alterações significativas ocorridas no trabalho resultaram em riscos emergentes. Entre eles, os riscos psicossociais têm sido objeto de um, recente e crescente, interesse em virtude do seu aumento e do incremento da sua visibilidade. Os riscos psicossociais são riscos para a saúde mental, física e social, originados pelas condições de trabalho e pelos fatores organizacionais e relacionais suscetíveis de interagir com o funcionamento mental. Os fatores psicossociais de risco no trabalho podem ser agrupados em seis dimensões: intensidade do trabalho e tempo de trabalho; exigências emocionais; falta/insuficiência de autonomia; má qualidade das relações sociais no trabalho; conflitos de valores e insegurança na situação de trabalho. Neste sentido, o objeto de análise visa identificar e conhecer os riscos psicossociais presentes no ambiente laboral dos trabalhadores da recolha de resíduos sólidos urbanos, bem como os fatores que estão na sua origem. A reflexão da medição dos fatores psicossociais de risco foi realizada através da aplicação de um questionário - PsicoQuest, que foi elaborado com base na abordagem de Gollac & Bodier (2011). Assim, pela aplicação do PsicoQuest e análise dos respetivos dados verificou-se que, os trabalhadores da recolha de resíduos estão sujeitos a um maior risco quando expostos a situações relacionadas com os conflitos de valores, autonomia, intensidade e tempo de trabalho. Nomeadamente, pela inexistência de recursos humanos suficientes e de recursos materiais suficientes e adequados, pelo receio de não terem rendimentos suficientes, pela falta de oportunidade de progredirem na carreira e pela falta de reconhecimento do trabalho. Contudo, estes trabalhadores sentem-se satisfeitos com o seu trabalho. Foi possível ainda observar que, os problemas de saúde mais frequentes, identificados pelos trabalhadores, foram as dores nas costas e as dores musculares. Identificou-se ainda a necessidade de se realizarem mais estudos, de forma a detetar e identificar atempadamente os fatores que estão na origem dos riscos psicossociais e qual a melhor forma de intervir na sua prevenção, com vista a melhorar a saúde, segurança e bem-estar de todos os trabalhadores.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Due to the large economic development associated with the growing consumerist lifestyle of our capitalist society, the problem of uncontrolled solid waste generation worsens, which one is considered to be one of the main responsible factors for environmental degradation. As a case study and in order to solve the problem of large generation of municipal solid waste, this work aims to study the “plano diretor” of Rio Claro city, São Paulo. The “plano diretor” is a municipal law that provides guidelines for the administration of the city, which include guidelines for the management of solid waste generated in the city. The guidelines required in order to write the “plano diretor” are provided by the national law “estatuto da cidade”, providing information for the planning and development of the cities, as well as the management of the urban environment. However, only the “estatuto da cidade” does not provide enough instructions for creating management plans in order to solve the many problems from the urban environment. Thus, studies have been done about urban and environmental management, to understand how municipal management plans should be structured. As a form of seeking information that can complement the “plano diretor” to the creation of policies for managing solid waste of the city, the “Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos”(PNRS) emerges in 2010 as a document which provides principles, objectives and guidelines to create plans for Solid Waste Management at the national, state, regional and municipal levels. Therefore, it was possible to make a joint analysis of the “plano diretor” of Rio Claro with the PNRS to identify what is already done within the municipality about the solid waste management, and identify which aspects are most significant in the municipal solid waste management that the national policy provides. Yet studies have been done on the current municipal solid waste management...
Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS
The problem of solid waste that involves the management, the management and the allocation of these is an issue that permeates all spheres of society, which denotes environmental implications that contribute to the discussion of the environmental crisis in progress. From this perspective, this study aims to investigate and understand the role that consortia, especially the Regional Public Waste Consortium Solid Seridó/RN have waste management, in order to observe their strengths and weaknesses in order to conclude whether they are an appropriate solution to the problem of solid waste. In studying a region that is undergoing a process of institutional organization guided in the solid waste, the focus turned into an interesting academic research point. Since this is a qualitative research, readings were taken of relevant authors to the object and the following legal frameworks, namely: the National Basic Sanitation Policy (Law nº 11.445/2007), the National Policy on Solid Waste (Law nº 12.305/2010 ) and the Law on Public Consortia (Law nº 11.107/2005). The consortium region has about 290.000 inhabitants, generated 40.000 tons of waste a year. As for the final disposal of waste, all municipalities in the region deposit their waste in the open, or in garbage dumps. In the analysis of the Consortium Seridó, a list of issues that are hindering their implementation has been identified. The demands come mainly from the political sphere, but also financial, technical and logistical. It is expected that with the realization of the Consortium by building its supporting structures (overfill Station and Landfill), a new model of solid waste management is implemented.
rates in the Brazilian cities, which time there is an inexistent theoretical reflection about public policy statement adding the way of Urban Solid Waste (USW) and tailing integrated management plans in the majorly Brazilian cities. The unappropriated solid waste disposal and final pollution result in a strong socioenvironmental problems and material extravagancies that should be used to recycling and reusing waste material, besides bringing immense challenges for the thematic Strategy Urban and Environmental Management it considers the Sustainable City Model. Moreover, this labor projects a discussion about USW problematic through legally and environmentally point of view, including the public environmental policy and the social technologies as resolution tactics. At that time, it reports rights, scientific articles, documents and Environmental Law Doctrine on findings thematic studies, also the propose displays an interdisciplinary research methodology which combines bibliographic method - focusing theory aspects of the legally environmentally guiding principle, public policy and social technologies. Those are theorist features very important to create a Municipal Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan (PMGIRS) - modus operandi of the Federal Law n. 12.305/2010 (National Solid Waste Policy - PNRS). That policy is interesting to receive financial resources from federal government (Cities Ministry; idem, Federal Decree n. 7.404/2010 and Federal Law n. 10.257/2001) helping the preservation of the environment, regional development, generation of jobs and income (art. 6º), in addition broadening spreading’s private companies dedicated to waste management. Consequently, the PNRS contains a set of guidelines and general procedures; it should be an operation of this legal policy contextualized by Social Technologies theory (TS) into social issues, legal, economic and environmental aspects. Therefore, this research notes the possibility of public policy statement implementation over and done with the PNRS by the terms of development and sustainability in the urban space.
Impulsionados pela Lei 12.305/2010, que instituiu a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS), os estados brasileiros estão tentando viabilizar, especialmente com foco na destinação dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU), soluções consorciadas, visto que os resultados ambientais em termos de gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos, alcançados nos esforços individuais dos municípios, estão muito longe dos patamares aceitáveis. Sendo assim, o Estado do Rio de Janeiro, assim como demais estados brasileiros, para atendimento a nova PNRS precisará erradicar os lixões até o ano de 2014. Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal avaliar e analisar a viabilidade da estratégia do Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA), contemplada na PNRS, que indica a formação de consórcios entre os municípios para um melhor gerenciamento dos RSU, especialmente no que tange à sua destinação final, visando a confirmar a pertinência da escolha ou visualizar outras alternativas, em termos conceituais. Os resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa mostram que é indiscutível a contribuição de uma gestão regionalizada do RSU, através da formação de soluções consorciadas, observados no estudo de caso do Consórcio Costa Verde. Um grande desafio encontrado é o equacionamento de conflitos de interesses, em prol de um melhor gerenciamento dos resíduos, atenuando as divergências político-partidárias para que as tomadas de decisões sejam baseadas, sobretudo nas questões técnicas e administrativas, estabelecendo a melhor forma de proteger o meio ambiente
A operação de coleta e transporte de resíduos sólidos urbanos é indispensável dentro de quaisquer sistema de limpeza urbana. É necessário que se intensifique a pesquisa nessa área de conhecimento afim de produzir-se material de auxílio ao poder público municipal e o setor privado. Deste modo o objetivo geral deste trabalho é o estudo da utilização de ferramentas computacionais para a otimização dos roteiros dos serviços de coleta de resíduos sólidos domiciliares. Foi feito um comparativo entre os itinerários percorridos pelos caminhões de coleta quando dimensionados de forma empírica e quando dimensionados com o auxílio de ferramentas computacionais. Verificou-se as vantagens e desvantagens de cada modelo de dimensionamento e o grande potencial de redução de custos quando utilizadas ferramentas computacionais.
One of the concerns of this century is with the handling and the final destination of urban solid waste (RSU), where depending on the form as they will be made use, they can cause diverse problems, they are of ambient or social order, being able to generate the loss of the quality of life and illnesses to the population, of direct or indirect form. The objective of the present work was to diagnosis the environmental partner situation of the Final Destination of the urban solid residues in the District of Guajiru, city of São Gonçalo do Amarante/RN, standing out the partner-economic situation of the scavengers. The research was carried through in the period of March of 2008 the October of 2009, with a methodology developed through analyzes them of documents made available for the state ambient agency, the Air base of Christmas and managing agencies of the city. For collection of the date, it was used directly application of the questionnaire with 20 existing scavengers in points of destination of residues, evaluation of the old place of final destination through the use of the spread sheet of the IQR (Index of Quality of the Residues), developed for the CETESB, identification of the matter dump and photographic register. For effect of treatment of the data, a descriptive analysis with regard to the answers of the interviewed scavengers was carried through. The acquired date, Scale had been according to tabulated and analyzed in Excel 2003, where they had been generated graphical to observe the behavior of the data. The results show that of the twenty interviewed scavengers, 35% possess age between 20 and 30 years; 75% possess incomplete basic education; 60% inhabit in houses of waal or huts (cardboard or wood); 55% do not make use of system of water supply and system of sanitary exhaustion; with regard to income monthly for scavengers, 35% had presented income between R$ 200,00 and R$300,00 and 20% possess income above of R$ 500,00 for possessing another source of income; 80% of the interviewed ones, use some type of equipment of individual protection; In the year of 2009, confirming what it was informed by the State agency of Environment, during the field visit, we evidence that the city of Is Gonçalo do Amarante, currently, destines its residues in Sanitary landfill of São Region Metropolitan of Natal in the District of Massaranduba in the city of Ceará-Mirim, after some interventions of the State Public prosecution service. However, in the district of Guajiru some diggings still exist that today are used as final destination of RCD' s (Residues of Construction and Demolition) of the cities of Natal and São Gonçalo do Amarante, as well as private dumps that are used by scavengers that deviate the final destination (Sanitary landfill) of the residues of the great generators (supermarkets, shopping Center and hotels), with presence of urubus, generating a new ambient problem for the city and the aeroportuária security. Ahead of this scene, the study it suggests viable alternatives for the elimination of the private dumps and for the social situation of the escavengers, aiming at to improve its quality of life and 10 to minimize the ambient impacts caused by the inadequate destination of the solid waste in the community of Guajiru, São Gonçalo do Amarante/RN, being able to contribute so that the public managers carry through action in the handling and the control of the final destination of the urban solid waste
The issue of environmental impacts to human health and the generation and disposal of solid waste has led to a change of paradigms for your face, highlighting the need for sustainable management of municipal solid waste (MSW). In this context, the expansion of landfills in Brazil in recent decades makes it necessary to sustainable management of waste generated by this type of enterprise, since its implementation. The aim of this study was to perform a diagnosis of the generation of waste in a landfill, in the expansion phase, and the alternatives adopted for its management. The qualitative diagnosis was made from observations on site and the wastes were classified and quantified from August 2011 to January 2012. In the diagnosis was considered the reduction, reuse and recycle, in that order. The results of this study showed that the residue of the greatest generation was PEAD geomembranes used in the waterproofing of the landfill, reaching 7 t, followed by PVC pipes, which reached 850 kg, both destined for recycling. The largest volume of wastewater generated corresponded to the leachate, reaching 11,500 m3 , which were sent for treatment
The integrated management of municipal solid waste in Brazil is held legally responsible by the city council administration. This is done since the year 2010 with the publication of the National Solid Waste Policy term. According to the policy and law, each city must encourage the implementation of selective collection and the participation of waste picker´s entities aiming social inclusion. However, these actions haven’t yet reached its legal aims. These workers are considered regarding collection actions but are stripped of certain basic labor rights not in conformation with the Decent Work concept. This type of work, according to International Labour Organization, must be seen as work that is properly paid for and must be done regarding conditions of freedom, equity, security and able to provide workers with a dignified life conditions. Thus, this work aims to investigate the implementation process regarding the Solid Waste National Policy in Natal-Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil. This is done considering socio-productive insertion of recyclable material collectors. The research is substantiated by a qualitative approach as well as documental and bibliographical research. A field research considering the cooperatives as well “in locco" observation and semi-structured interviews were carried out between the time span of 2013 and 2014. In order to investigate decent daily working conditions the research emphasized municipal management actions in Natal towards social inclusion that aim to reflect on the progress and difficulties experimented. It is seen that even when these cooperatives receive government support there are still important struggles that need to be overcome. The worker´s tasks are risky, the work environment in not safe or is adequate in terms of health issues. There is the stigma of it being considered an occupational task, the low individual income distancing the activity regarding parameters of the Green Employment and Decent Work concept. On the other hand, the survey showed potential as the relentless pursuit on behalf of the cooperatives that still search better work condition improvement.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2015
A cidade do Rio de Janeiro foi eleita sede dos Jogos Olímpicos e Paraolímpicos de 2016 e são previstos impactos significativos em investimento e na geração de emprego, atrelados a isto existe a preocupação com as questões ambientais e a sustentabilidade do evento. No dossiê de candidatura do Rio de Janeiro a sede dos Jogos Olímpicos de 2016, existia o compromisso com a gestão dos resíduos sólidos. As grandes linhas de ações foram definidas quando do lançamento da candidatura do Rio de Janeiro a sede do evento, fato este que se concretizou em 02 de outubro de 2009. A gestão dos resíduos para 2016 é ainda carente de informações quantitativas de sua geração, das necessidades de adaptações das instalações para o período de realização do evento, bem como da definição de metas para que a gestão dos resíduos devidamente alinhadas com os preceitos do desenvolvimento sustentável. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar sub o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável a gestão de resíduos sólidos durante a realização dos Jogos Olímpicos de 2016 na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A metodologia consiste no levantamento histórico dos Jogos Olímpicos com especial detalhamento nas questões ligadas ao conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável e gestão de resíduos, análise dos Jogos Pan-americanos do Rio de Janeiro, levantamento em campo da preparação dos Jogos Olímpicos de Londres, observações em campo na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e a análise de dados para o cálculo da estimativa de geração de resíduos durante a realização dos Jogos de 2016. As comparações com outros eventos demonstraram semelhanças e diferenças com os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016 e possibilitou a apresentação de proposições para a gestão de resíduos sólidos. A projeção de geração de resíduos durante o evento é significativa e aponta a necessita de atenção para potencializar as ações como coleta seletiva, reciclagem e compostagem. São indicados estudos futuros sobre a gestão dos resíduos, em especial da construção civil durante as obras das futuras instalações, algumas delas já em curso.