478 resultados para GAAS HETEROSTRUCTURES
The competition between confinement potential fluctuations and band-gap renormalization (BGR) in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum wells grown on [1 0 0] and [3 1 1]A GaAs substrates is evaluated. The results clearly demonstrate the coexistence of the band-tail states filling related to potential fluctuations and the band-gap renormalization caused by an increase in the density of photogenerated carriers during the photoluminescence (PL) experiments. Both phenomena have strong influence on temperature dependence of the PL-peak energy (E-PL(T)). As the photon density increases, the E-PL can shift to either higher or lower energies, depending on the sample temperature. The temperature at which the displacement changes from a blueshift to a redshift is governed by the magnitude of the potential fluctuations and by the variation of BGR with excitation density. A simple band-tail model with a Gaussian-like distribution of the density of state was used to describe the competition between the band-tail filling and the BGR effects on E-PL(T). (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work reports on the results of magnetophotoluminescence (MPL) measurements carried out in a sample containing two Al0.35Ga0.65As/GaAs, coupled double quantum wells (CDQWs), with inter-well barriers of different thicknesses, which have the heterointerfaces characterized by a distribution of bimodal roughness. The MPL measurements were performed at 4 K, with magnetic fields applied parallel to the growth direction, and varying from 0 to 12 T. The diamagnetic shift of the photoluminescence (PL) peaks is more sensitive to changes in the confinement potential, due to monolayer variations in the mini-well thickness, rather than to the exciton localization at the local potential fluctuations. As the magnetic field increases, the relative intensities of the two peaks in each PL band inverts, what is attributed to the reduction in the radiative lifetime of the delocalized excitons, which results in the radiative recombination, before the excitonic migration between the higher and lower energy regions in each CDQW occurs. The dependence of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) on magnetic field shows different behaviors for each PL peak, which are attributed to the different levels and correlation lengths of the potential fluctuations present in the regions associated with each recombination channel. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Polarized magnetophotoluminescence is employed to study the energies and occupancies of four lowest Landau levels in a couple quantum Hall GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum well. As a result, a magnetic field-induced redistribution of charge over the Landau levels manifesting to the continuous formation of the charge density wave and direct evidence for the symmetric-antisymmetric gap shrinkage at v = 3 are found. The observed interlayer charge exchange causes depolarization of the ferromagnetic ground state.
The optoelectronic properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots can be tuned by rapid thermal annealing. In this study, the morphology change of InAs/GaAs quantum dots layers induced by rapid thermal annealing was investigated at the atomic-scale by cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy. Finite elements calculations that model the outward relaxation of the cleaved surface were used to determine the indium composition profile of the wetting layer and the quantum dots prior and post rapid thermal annealing. The results show that the wetting layer is broadened upon annealing. This broadening could be modeled by assuming a random walk of indium atoms. Furthermore, we show that the stronger strain gradient at the location of the quantum dots enhances the intermixing. Photoluminescence measurements show a blueshift and narrowing of the photoluminescence peak. Temperature dependent photoluminescence measurements show a lower activation energy for the annealed sample. These results are in agreement with the observed change in morphology. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4770371]
We present ab-initio calculations of seven digital magnetic heterostructures, GaN delta-doped with V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu, forming two-dimensional systems. Only GaN delta-doped with V or Cr present a ferromagnetic ground state with high Curie temperatures. For both, to better describe the electronic properties, we used the GGA-1/2 approach. The ground state of GaN/Cr resulted in a two dimensional half-metal, with 100% spin polarization. For GaN/V, we obtained an insulating state: integer magnetic moment of 2.0 mu(B), a minority spin gap of 3.0 eV close to the gap of GaN, but a majority spin gap of 0.34 eV. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4751285]
This paper discusses the theoretical and experimental results obtained for the excitonic binding energy (Eb) in a set of single and coupled double quantum wells (SQWs and CDQWs) of GaAs/AlGaAs with different Al concentrations (Al%) and inter-well barrier thicknesses. To obtain the theoretical Eb the method proposed by Mathieu, Lefebvre and Christol (MLC) was used, which is based on the idea of fractional-dimension space, together with the approach proposed by Zhao et al., which extends the MLC method for application in CDQWs. Through magnetophotoluminescence (MPL) measurements performed at 4 K with magnetic fields ranging from 0 T to 12 T, the diamagnetic shift curves were plotted and adjusted using two expressions: one appropriate to fit the curve in the range of low intensity fields and another for the range of high intensity fields, providing the experimental Eb values. The effects of increasing the Al% and the inter-well barrier thickness on Eb are discussed. The Eb reduction when going from the SQW to the CDQW with 5 Å inter-well barrier is clearly observed experimentally for 35% Al concentration and this trend can be noticed even for concentrations as low as 25% and 15%, although the Eb variations in these latter cases are within the error bars. As the Zhao's approach is unable to describe this effect, the wave functions and the probability densities for electrons and holes were calculated, allowing us to explain this effect as being due to a decrease in the spatial superposition of the wave functions caused by the thin inter-well barrier.
Time-resolved photoluminescence was employed to study electron-hole dynamics in radial heterostructured GaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs core/inner shell/outer shell nanowires. It was found that impurity random potential results in a red shift of the recombination time maximum with respect to the photoluminescence peak energy.
Programa de Ingeniería Electrónica
III-nitride materials are very promising for high speed electronics/optical applications but still suffer in performance due to problems during high quality epitaxial growth, evolution of dislocation and defects, less understanding of fundamental physics of materials/processing of devices etc. This thesis mainly focus on GaN based heterostructures to understand the metal-semiconductor interface properties, 2DE(H)G influence on electrical and optical properties, and deep level states in GaN and InAlN, InGaN materials. The detailed electrical characterizations have been employed on Schottky diodes at GaN and InAl(Ga)N/GaN heterostructures in order to understand the metal-semiconductor interface related properties in these materials. I have observed the occurrence of Schottky barrier inhomogenity, role of dislocations in terms of leakage and creating electrically active defect states within energy gap of materials. Deep level transient spectroscopy method is employed on GaN, InAlN and InGaN materials and several defect levels have been observed related to majority and minority carriers. In fact, some defects have been found common in characteristics in ternary layers and GaN layer which indicates that those defect levels are from similar origin, most probably due to Ga/N vacancy in GaN/heterostructures. The role of structural defects, roughness has been extensively understood in terms of enhancing the reverse leakage current, suppressing the mobility in InAlN/AlN/GaN based high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structures which are identified as key issues for GaN technology. Optical spectroscopy methods have been employed to understand materials quality, sub band and defect related transitions and compared with electrical characterizations. The observation of 2DEG sub band related absorption/emission in optical spectra have been identified and proposed for first time in nitride based polar heterostructures, which is well supported with simulation results. In addition, metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM)-InAl(Ga)N/GaN based photodetector structures have been fabricated and proposed for achieving high efficient optoelectronics devices in future.
L’interazione spin-orbita (SOI) nel grafene è attualmente oggetto di intensa ricerca grazie alla recente scoperta di una nuova classe di materiali chiamati isolanti topologici. Questi materiali, la cui esistenza è strettamente legata alla presenza di una forte SOI, sono caratterizzati dall’interessante proprietà di avere un bulk isolante ed allo stesso tempo superfici conduttrici. La scoperta teorica degli isolanti topologici la si deve ad un lavoro nato con l’intento di studiare l’influenza dell’interazione spin-orbita sulle proprietà del grafene. Poichè questa interazione nel grafene è però intrinsecamente troppo piccola, non è mai stato possibile effettuare verifiche sperimentali. Per questa ragione, vari lavori di ricerca hanno recentemente proposto tecniche volte ad aumentare questa interazione. Sebbene alcuni di questi studi abbiano mostrato un effettivo aumento dell’interazione spin-orbita rispetto al piccolo valore intrinseco, sfortunatamente hanno anche evidenziato una consistente riduzione della qualità del grafene. L’obbiettivo che ci si pone in questa tesi è di determinare se sia possibile aumentare l’interazione spin-orbita nel grafene preservandone allo stesso tempo le qualità. La soluzione proposta in questo lavoro si basa sull’utilizzo di due materiali semiconduttori, diselenio di tungsteno WSe2 e solfuro di molibdeno MoS2, utilizzati da substrato su cui sopra verrà posizionato il grafene formando così un’eterostruttura -nota anche di “van der Waal” (vdW)-. Il motivo di questa scelta è dovuto al fatto che questi materiali, appartenenti alla famiglia dei metalli di transizione dicalcogenuri (TMDS), mostrano una struttura reticolare simile a quella del grafene, rendendoli ideali per formare eterostrutture e ancora più importante, presentano una SOI estremamente grande. Sostanzialmente l’idea è quindi di sfruttare questa grande interazione spin-orbita del substrato per indurla nel grafene aumentandone così il suo piccolo valore intrinseco.
Low optical degradation in GaInAsN(Sb)/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) p–i–n structures emitting up to 1.55 μm is presented in this paper. We obtain emission at different energies by means of varying N content from 1 to 4%. The samples show a low photoluminescence (PL) intensity degradation of only 1 order of magnitude when they are compared with pure InGaAs QD structures, even for an emission wavelength as large as 1.55 μm. The optimization studies of these structures for emission at 1.55 μm are reported in this work. High surface density and homogeneity in the QD layers are achieved for 50% In content by rapid decrease in the growth temperature after the formation of the nanostructures. Besides, the effect of N and Sb incorporation in the redshift and PL intensity of the samples is studied by post-growth rapid thermal annealing treatments. As a general conclusion, we observe that the addition of Sb to QD with low N mole fraction is more efficient to reach 1.55 μm and high PL intensity than using high N incorporation in the QD. Also, the growth temperature is determined to be an important parameter to obtain good emission characteristics. Finally, we report room temperature PL emission of InGaAsN(Sb)/GaAs at 1.4 μm.
We have analyzed the structural and magnetic properties of as-grown and annealed [TbFe2/Fe3Ga]n heterostructures grown by sputtering. Evidence of the bcc structure in the Fe3Ga layers has been found. The diffraction peak related to this structure shifts to high angles with the annealing temperature. Also, we have observed a change in the microstructure of the Tb-Fe layers when the thickness layer is reduced in the as-grown heterostructures. Moreover, the Tb content is lower than 33% of the TbFe2 Laves phase and it depends on the layer thickness. The thermal treatments promote the increase of the Tb content, but only in the heterostructures with thick layers. The strong lattice mismatch between the Tb-Fe and Fe-Ga layers seems to prevent a complete Tb diffusion upon the annealing process. Thus, the crystallization of the TbFe2 Laves phase is inhibited in the heterostructures with thin layers, although our experimental results indicate the presence of potential magnetostrictive TbFeGa alloys