233 resultados para Fouling.
Redes de trocadores de calor são bastante utilizadas na indústria química para promover a integração energética do processo, recuperando calor de correntes quentes para aquecer correntes frias. Estas redes estão sujeitas à deposição, o que causa um aumento na resistência à transferência de calor, prejudicando-a. Uma das principais formas de diminuir o prejuízo causado por este fenômeno é a realização periódica de limpezas nos trocadores de calor. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver um novo método para encontrar a programação ótima das limpezas em uma rede de trocadores de calor. O método desenvolvido utiliza o conceito de horizonte deslizante associado a um problema de programação linear inteira mista (MILP). Este problema MILP é capaz de definir o conjunto ótimo de trocadores de calor a serem limpos em um determinado instante de tempo (primeiro instante do horizonte deslizante), levando em conta sua influência nos instantes futuros (restante do horizonte deslizante). O problema MILP utiliza restrições referentes aos balanços de energia, equações de trocadores de calor e número máximo de limpezas simultâneas, com o objetivo de minimizar o consumo de energia da planta. A programação ótima das limpezas é composta pela combinação dos resultados obtidos em cada um dos instantes de tempo.O desempenho desta abordagem foi analisado através de sua aplicação em diversos exemplos típicos apresentados na literatura, inclusive um exemplo de grande porte de uma refinaria brasileira. Os resultados mostraram que a abordagem aplicada foi capaz de prover ganhos semelhantes e, algumas vezes, superiores aos da literatura, indicando que o método desenvolvido é capaz de fornecer bons resultados com um baixo esforço computacional
Deposição é um fenômeno indesejável que ocorre na superfície dos trocadores de calor ao longo de sua operação, ocasionando redução na efetividade térmica e aumento da resistência ao escoamento nestes equipamentos. Estes efeitos trazem grandes consequências econômicas e ambientais, devido ao aumento dos custos operacionais (energia adicional é requerida), aumento dos custos de projeto (demanda por equipamentos de maior área de troca térmica), limitações hidráulicas (que pode levar a uma diminuição da carga processada) e aumento das emissões (aumento da queima de combustíveis fósseis para suprir a energia adicional requerida). Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo fornecer ferramentas computacionais robustas que apliquem técnicas de otimização para o gerenciamento da deposição em redes de trocadores de calor, visando minimizar os seus efeitos negativos. Estas ferramentas foram desenvolvidas utilizando programação matemática no ambiente computacional GAMS, e três abordagens distintas para a resolução do problema da deposição foram pesquisadas. Uma delas consiste na identificação do conjunto ótimo de trocadores de calor a serem limpos durante uma parada para manutenção da planta, visando restaurar a carga térmica nesses equipamentos através da remoção dos depósitos existentes. Já as duas outras abordagens consistem em otimizar a distribuição das vazões das correntes ao longo de ramais paralelos, uma de forma estacionária e a outra de forma dinâmica, visando maximizar a recuperação de energia ao longo da rede. O desempenho destas três abordagens é ilustrado através de um conjunto de exemplos de redes de trocadores de calor, onde os ganhos reais obtidos com estas ferramentas de otimização desenvolvidas são demonstrados
Organisms were collected on test panels, six inch lengths of dressed two by four inch pine, suspended in the water in a vertical position as described by Turner (1947). The panels were usually located at some convenient structure such as a dock-piling or sea-wall. Except where otherwise indicated by the data, the samples were collected from each station once a month between May 1950 and May 1953. During the three year period, seven hundred and nineteen panels were submerged in Chesapeake Bay. Approximately 14,000 organisms were encountered on these panels of which 20% or approximately 3,000 organisms could be identified from the dried pallets. Preliminary notes on the extent of fouling were made in the field after which the samples were removed to the laboratory for further study.
Here we demonstrate that a free-standing carbon nanotube (CNT) array can be used as a large surface area and high porosity 3D platform for molecular imprinted polymer (MIP), especially for surface imprinting. The thickness of polymer grafted around each CNT can be fine-tuned to imprint different sizes of target molecules, and yet it can be thin enough to expose every imprint site to the target molecules in solution without sacrificing the capacity of binding sites. The performance of this new CNT-MIP architecture was first assessed with a caffeine-imprinted polypyrrole (PPy) coating on two types of CNT arrays: sparse and dense CNTs. Real-time pulsed amperometric detection was used to study the rebinding of the caffeine molecules onto these CNT-MIPPy sensors. The dense CNT-MIPPy sensor presented the highest sensitivity, about 15 times better when compared to the conventional thin film, whereas an improvement of 3.6 times was recorded on the sparse CNT. However, due to the small tube-to-tube spacing in the dense CNT array, electrode fouling was observed during the detection of concentrated caffeine in phosphate buffer solution. A new I-V characterization method using pulsed amperometry was introduced to investigate the electrical characterization of these new devices. The resistance value derived from the I-V plot provides insight into the electrical conductivity of the CNT transducer and also the effective surface area for caffeine imprinting.
Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) is located 32.4 km offshore of Sapelo Island, Georgia. The ecological importance of this area is related to the transition between tropical and temperate waters, and the existence of a topographically complex system of ledges. Due to its central location, GRNMS can be used as a focal site to study the accumulation and impacts of marine debris on the Atlantic continental shelf offshore of the Southeast United States. Previously, researchers characterized marine debris in GRNMS and reported that incidence of the debris at the limited densely colonized ledge sites was significantly greater than at sand or sparsely colonized live bottom, and is further influenced by the level of boating activity and physiographic characteristics (e.g., ledge height). Information gleaned from the initial marine debris characterization was used to devise a strategy for prioritizing cleanup and monitoring efforts. However, a significant gap in knowledge was the rate of debris accumulation. The primary objective of this study was to select, mark, and perform initial marine debris surveys at permanent monitoring sites within GRNMS to quantify long-term trends in types, abundance, impacts, and accumulation rates of debris. Ledge sites were selected to compare types, abundance, and accumulation rates of marine debris between a) areas of high and low use and b) short and tall ledges. Nine permanent monitoring sites were marked and initially surveyed in 2007/2008. Surveys were conducted within a 50 x 4 m transect for a total survey area of 200 square meters. All debris was removed and detailed information was taken on the types of debris, quantity, and associations with benthic fauna. Information on associations with benthic fauna included degree of entanglement, type of organism with which it is entangled or resting on, degree of fouling, and visible impacts such as tissue abrasions. Sites were re-surveyed approximately one year later to quantify new accumulation. During the initial survey, a total of ten debris items, totaling 16.3 kg in weight, were removed from two monitoring stations, both “tall” sites within the area of high boat use. Year-one accumulation totaled five items and approximately 7 kg in weight. Similar to the initial survey, all debris was found at sites in the area of high boat use. However, in contrast to the initial survey, two of these items were found on medium-height ledges. Removed items included fishing line, leaders, rope, plastic, and fabric. Although items were often encrusted in benthic biota or entangled on the ledge, impacts such as abrasions or other injuries were not observed. During the 2009 monitoring efforts, volunteer divers were trained to conduct the survey. Monitoring protocols were documented for GRNMS staff and included as an appendix of this report to enable long-term monitoring of sites. Additionally, national reconnaissance data (e.g. satellite, radar, aerial surveys) and other information on known fishing locations were examined for patterns of resource use and correlations with debris occurrence patterns. A previous model predicting the density of marine debris based on ledge features and boat use was refined and the results were used to generate a map of predicted debris density for all ledges.
The invasive colonial tunicate Didemnum vexillum has become widespread in New England waters, colonizing large areas of shell-gravel bottom on Georges Bank including commercial sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) grounds. Didemnum vexillum colonies are also fouling coastal shellfish aquaculture gear which increases maintenance costs and may affect shellfish growth rates. We hypothesized that D. vexillum will continue to spread and may affect shellfish larval settlement and survival. We conducted a laboratory experiment to assess interactions between larval bay scallops (Argopectin irradians irradians) and D. vexillum. We found that larval bay scallops avoid settling on D. vexillum colonies, possibly deterred by the low pH of the tunicate’s surface tissue. The results of this study suggest that widespread colonization of substrata by D. vexillum could affect scallop recruitment by reducing the area of quality habitats available for settlement. We propose that the bay scallop can serve as a surrogate for the sea scallop in estimating the negative impact D. vexillum could have on the recruitment of sea scallops on Georges Bank.
Engineering developments, problems of marine corrosion, fouling and practical innovative applications of copper-nickel alloys in comparison with other materials for marine aquacultural engineering are presented. Coefficient of drag and hydrodynamic force acting on nylon and polyethylene net enclosures have shown a four-fold increase of force in four months at the Cochin harbour due to fouling. Corrosion behaviour of copper-nickel and other copper base alloys are also presented. Effects of copper additions to culture water are reviewed.
The ablation technique consisted of making an incision across the eyeball to allow free flow of fluids while holding the prawn under water, squeezing the eyeball contents outwards, and pinching hard the eyestalk tissue. The cut area heals completely in about a week; no application of antibiotics is necessary. Spent spawners were tagged with thin brass rings (Rodriguez, 1976) around the unablated eyestalk for a separate experiment on rematuration. Two spawning yielding approximately 277,000 eggs were obtained three weeks after ablation, followed four days later by two more spawnings with 160,000 eggs; all four spawners weighed more than 100 g. With a hatching rate of 98% and 78% for the first and second batch, respectively, the spawnings produced viable nauplii. Water temperatures as low as 23 degree C due to a delayed cold spell in March depressed molting; weakened larvae had to be discharged at the mysis stage. Although ovarian development continued, no further spawnings were obtained due mainly to the onset of bacterial and fungal disease. Infection is initiated in injured portions of the exoskeleton, sometimes penetrating right through the muscles to the ovarian tissues. The non-flowthrough conditions and mussel meat feeding led to fouling of the culture water resulting in consecutive mortalities caused by disease. Female P.monodon held in maturation pens were ablated at the age of 15 months (Santiago, et al., 1976); they averaged only 16 g body weight after four months growth in ponds. In another experiment, pond-reared P.monodon females ranging from 50 to 80 g were ablated at approximately seven months (Aquacop, 1977). The present results show a minimum age of four months from postlarve that P.monodon is capable of ovarian development and spawning upon ablation. However, maturation is probably affected by size as well as age - the four-month old females weighed an average of 100 g in contrast to the smaller animals in the earlier experiments.
In this study, optimization of operational conditions of a submerged membrane bioreactor treating municipal waste-water was studied. Mixed liquid suspended solid (MLSS), membrane flux (J(v)), aeration (Q), ratio of pumping, time to break time (t(p)/t(b)), and ratio of up flow area to down flow area (A Ad) were chosen as the easily manipulable parameters to study their effects on removal efficiency and membrane fouling. Totally, 16 different runs were designed to compare and select the best combination of the 5 parameters. The results showed that the optimal operational conditions were MLSS = 7g(.)L(-1), J(v) = 10L(.)m(-2.)h(-1), Q = 6 m(3.)h(-1), t(p)/t(b)= 4 min/1 min, and A(r)/A(d) = 1.7 m(2)/m(2). Under such conditions, the SMBR could achieve a double win of high removal efficiency and low membrane fouling.
The ecological interaction of brown algae are important as these macroalgae are common and often keystone members in many benthic marine communities.This review highlights their chemical interactions,particularly with potential herbivores,but also with fouling oranganisms,with potential pathogens,with each other as gametes,and with their microenvironments when they are spores.Phlorotannins,which are phenolic compounds unique to brown algae,have been studied hesvily in many of these respects and sre highlightes here.This includes recent controversy about their roles as defences against herbivory,as well as new understanding of their roles in primary cellular functions that may,in many instances,be more important than ,and which at least have to be considered in convert with,any possible ecological functions.Brown algae have also been useful models for testing theoties about the evolution of and ecological constraints on chemical defence.Furthermore,their mocroscopic motile gametes and spores have the ability to react to their chemical environments behavirourally.
Problems with tin and copper antifouling compounds have highlighted the need to develop new environmentally friendly antifouling coatings. Bacteria isolated from living surfaces in the marine environment are a promising source of natural antifouling compounds. Four isolates were used to produce extracts that were formulated into ten waterbased paints. All but one of the paints showed activity against a test panel of fouling bacteria. Five of the paints were further tested for their ability to inhibit the settlement of barnacle larvae, Balanus amphitrite, and algal spores of Ulva lactuca, and for their ability to inhibit the growth of U. lactuca. Two paints caused a significant decrease in the number of settled barnacles. One paint containing extract of Pseudomonas sp. strain NUDMB50-11, showed excellent activity in all assays. The antifouling chemicals responsible for the activity of the extract were isolated, using bioassay guided fractionation, and their chemical structures determined.
A sol-gel derived ceramic-carbon composite electrode is used for fabrication of a new type of optical fiber biosensor based on luminol electrochemiluminescence (ECL). The electrode consists of graphite powder impregnated with glucose oxidase in a silicate network. In this configuration, the immobilized enzyme oxidizes glucose to liberate hydrogen peroxide and graphite powder provides percolation conductivity for triggering the ECL between luminol and the liberated hydrogen peroxide. Both of the reactions occur simultaneously on the surface of the composite electrode, thereby the response of the biosensor is very fast. The peak intensity was achieved within only 20 s after glucose injection. In addition, the electrode could be renewed by a simple mechanical polishing step in case of contamination or fouling. The linear range extends from 0.01 to 10 mM for glucose and the detection limit is about 8.16 muM. The renewal repeatability and stability of the biosensor are also investigated in detail.
A new class of polyoxomelalate (POM)-modified electrodes is fabricated by the sol-gel technique and demonstrated for nitrite sensing. The electrode material comprises an interconnected dispersion of graphite powder and a uniform dispersion of isopolymolybdic anions (Mo8O26) in a porous methylsilicate matrix. The chemically modified electrodes showed well-defined cyclic voltammograms with three reversible redox couples in acidic aqueous solutions because of the good physicochemical compatibility of Mo8O26 and the carbon ceramic matrix. The Mo8O26-modified electrodes show good stability and reproducibility, especially the renewal repeatability by simple polishing in the event of surface fouling. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A conductive carbon ceramic composite electrode (CCE) comprised of cc-type 1:12 phosphomolybdic acid (PMo12) and carbon powder in an organically modified silicate matrix was fabricated using a sol-gel method and characterized by scanning electron microscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and Osteryoung square-wave voltammetry. Osteryoung square-wave voltammograms of the modified electrode immersed in different acidic aqueous solutions present the dependence of current and redox potential on pH. The PMo12-doped CCE shows more reversible reaction kinetics, good stability and reproducibility, especially the renewal repeatability by simple polishing in the event of surface fouling or dopant leaching. Moreover, the modified electrode shows good catalytic activity for the electrochemical reduction of bromate.
Prussian blue (PB) supported on graphite powder was prepared by the chemical deposition technique and subsequently dispersed into methyltrimethoxysilane-derived gels to yield a conductive graphite organosilicate composite. The composite was used as the electrode material to fabricate a three-dimensional PB-modified electrode. PB acts as a catalyst, graphite powder ensures conductivity by percolation, the silicate provides a rigid porous backbone, and the methyl groups endow hydrophobicity and thus limit the wetting section of the modified electrode. The chemically modified electrode can electrocatalyze the oxidation of hydrazine, and exhibits a distinct advantage of polishing in the event of surface fouling, as well as simple preparation, good chemical and mechanical stability and good repeatability of surface-renewal. Hydrodynamic voltammetric experiments were performed to characterize the electrode as an amperometric sensor for the determination of hydrazine. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.