936 resultados para Formal Semantics.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente Trabalho Final de Graduação analisou projetos de urbanização de favelas em paralelo com algumas urbanizações feitas nos tecido das cidades medievais que também possuem um traçado inicial de origem espontânea. A partir dessa análise, a pesquisa teve como objetivo a busca de experiências técnicas e de gestão, a partir de bases bibliográficas e visitas em campo, nesses locais de diferentes contextos e, a partir disso, discutir soluções urbanísticas que foram bem‐resolvidas ou dificuldades encontradas nas intervenções. A metodologia empregada para a análise baseou‐se na revisão bibliográfica através das bibliotecas da Universidade Estadual Paulista, da Universidade de São Paulo e do Centro de Documentação da Câmara Municipal de Évora, além do acesso a bibliotecas digitais, como a Base Dedalus da Universidade de São Paulo, a Biblioteca Digital da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, a BAE da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, a Minerva da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, a BU da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, BIB da Universidade de Évora e a Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal. Os resultados que foram obtidos buscaram responder perguntas como: quais as questões interessantes a se considerar a partir da análise do projeto – técnicas e de gestão? No caso das favelas, quando houve a remoção, isso foi feito por motivos técnicos pertinentes? E a questão da acessibilidade diante de casos de uma ocupação em encostas com acessos perpendiculares às curvas de nível? Como tornar o local acessível a todos? Isso já foi alguma vez pensado e solucionado? Quais as situações que devem ser observadas para se determinar se deverá ter ou não uma realocação das famílias? A partir dessa avaliação buscou‐se criar, ainda que minimamente, subsídios teóricos para novos projetos de urbanização e entender a efetiva importância sociológica na construção do “habitat humano”


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Energy is a physical quantity very present in physics. Although extremely useful, its concept is very abstract for most students in high school and college. Identify the presence and form of energy in a given phenomenon is not simple, as there is immediate understanding on the transfer and transformation. This work emphasizes the study of mechanical energy in its different forms as well as the thermal energy, considering the possible transformations between them. To this end, use is mad of toys, exploring its potential as an alternative material to be use in supplement classroom teaching in primary and secondary levels. The proposed use of ludic pedagogy takes into account the author’s experience as an intern project Toy Scientific Department of Physics and its role as mediator in the workshops offered by the project to school at these levels


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Este trabalho concentra-se na tradução de poemas infantis em língua inglesa, examinando, em particular, as denominadas nursery rhymes, componentes do cancioneiro popular na cultura do Reino Unido. Serão considerados aspectos formais e históricos dessa categoria poética e apresentadas sugestões de tradução para alguns poemas, com base nos conceitos de correspondência formal e correspondência funcional, elaborados por Paulo Henriques Britto, como aplicados ao processo tradutório (ademais de seu emprego na crítica de tradução poé- tica). Foram selecionados para tradução e exemplificação das discussões três poemas de temáticas diversas, extraídos das coletâneas organizadas por Peter e Iona Opie, The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes (1952/1997) e A Family Book of Nursery Rhymes (1964).


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article presents a research aimed to analyze the approach and the definition of guiding curriculum of teacher training for work in the non-formal education in non-governmental organizations (NGOs). We opted for a qualitative approach and case study of Te- acher Training Course for NGOs, developed by Ong São Paulo-SP. The research instruments were: analysis of documents of the cou- rse, interviews with trainers and coordinator and literature review. In this course, curriculum is defined as a path to be followed by students and instructors and the coordinator of the subjects studied. We adopted the so-called Integrated Curriculum, in which teaching occurs by the study of problem situations and integrators of learning projects. At the end, we suggest improving the course and following that information, it is hoped, one will support the production of fur- ther comparative research.


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This article presents research academic-scientific aimed to examine the definition and theoretical approach or model curriculum that organizes and guides the training of teachers to work in the field of non-formal education made in non-governmental organizations (NGOs). We chose to adopt the perspective of qualitative research was conducted and the case study course called Teacher Training for NGOs, developed by an NGO based in the city of São Paulo. The research instruments were used: document analysis course, semi-directive interviews with their trainers and coordinator and literature review. Examined in the course curriculum is defined as a path to be followed by students and instructors and as organizer of the subjects studied. Adopts the approach named Integrated Curriculum, in which teaching occurs through the study of problem situations and integration projects of learning. At the end of the study, it is suggested that the improvement of the course and follow information that, hopefully, support the production of further comparative research.


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This paper presents the survey, demarcation and discussion of different forms of education, which are education unintentional or intentional informal education, which unfolds in formal and non-formal education. The study of the proposed theme was carried through the review, critical analysis and synthesis of academic and scientific literature relevant to different forms of education. It approaches so prominent non-formal education, due to the significant rise of the practices related to it and increase the visibility of the professionals who took teaching as craft specifically in this educational modality. The main sub-areas of non-formal education presented in the article are: corporate education, non-formal education in social held on nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), non-formal education aimed at prevention and health promotion, formation of free courses to people in different areas of knowledge and practice. At the end, pointing to the importance of considering the non-formal education records within its ambit the existence of political and pedagogical rationales different, even opposite, which requires teachers and researchers in the educational field constant vigilance epistemological, so to contribute to the construction and consolidation of a critical education, creative and emancipatory.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work is the fruitful result of the desire to conduct a collaborative investigation through Circus Arts with children and adolescents at social (vulnerability) risk. Thus, the very objective of the rese arch was to analyze and understand Social Circus action possibilities on non-formal education as a (viable) job option for Physical Education teachers. This research was developed through qualitative research using Field Notes as the main instrument for the meetings' data collection, which took place from May to December 2015. In general terms, the research was divided into three phases, the former was carried out at a state school through the Escola da Família Program, (which consists of the opening of all public schools on weekends, offering to the communities extra activities) and the latter two in Shelter Homes for adolescents. The results showed that there were some (considerable) difficulties throughout and some gaps in our society that become evident on the poor. Furthermore, the results also confirm the possibility of the Physical Education teachers' participation in other sectors of the society, through the non-formal Education perspective and the possibility of Social Circus as the (fundamental) instrument of this action


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This work is the fruitful result of the desire to conduct a collaborative investigation through Circus Arts with children and adolescents at social (vulnerability) risk. Thus, the very objective of the rese arch was to analyze and understand Social Circus action possibilities on non-formal education as a (viable) job option for Physical Education teachers. This research was developed through qualitative research using Field Notes as the main instrument for the meetings' data collection, which took place from May to December 2015. In general terms, the research was divided into three phases, the former was carried out at a state school through the Escola da Família Program, (which consists of the opening of all public schools on weekends, offering to the communities extra activities) and the latter two in Shelter Homes for adolescents. The results showed that there were some (considerable) difficulties throughout and some gaps in our society that become evident on the poor. Furthermore, the results also confirm the possibility of the Physical Education teachers' participation in other sectors of the society, through the non-formal Education perspective and the possibility of Social Circus as the (fundamental) instrument of this action