999 resultados para Fokina, Vera Petrovna (1886-1958) -- Portraits
Os autores após examinarem um grande número de exemplares pertencentes ao grupo dos flebotomíneos de cinco espinhos do subgênero Helcocyrtomyia Barretto, 1962, verificaram a correlação dos sexos de Lutzomyia ferreirana que até o presente momento não estava definida.
In this paper we describe a new species of a non-biting midge of the genus Aedokritus Roback, 1958 (Chironominae, Chironomidae) from Brazil and Bolívia. That is the fifth species of this genus. The other species of the genus are: A. penicilligerus (Edwards, 1931), from Argentina and Peru; A. pruinescens (Edwards, 1931), from Argentina; A. platycnemis (Edwards, 1931), from Argentina; and A. sartis Roback, 1960, from Brazil.
Este estudo plantexa as interaccións habidas entre pensamento económico e a toma de decisións políticas a traveso dun caso concreto. Analizámo-las propostas referidas á política agraria plantexadas polo Ministro de Fomento Eugenio Montero Ríos (1885-1886) e a influencia que nelas exerciu o economista Joaquín Díaz de Rábago. Ámbolos dous foron galegos destacados da segunda metade do XIX . A investigación centrouse nas concomitancias entre as propostas lexislativas e as obras publicadas. Ainda que tamén pescudamos aspectos biográficos máis correspondencia persoal co gallo de evidencia-la amizade e a cooperación existentes entre eles.
Vingt-six portraits par vingt-six exégètes. Tel est le défi proposé et assumé pour un parcours surprenant de lectures et d'interprétations multiples d'un Dieu unique et en même temps complexe. Quelle cohérence entre le Dieu fracassant de l'Exode et le Dieu crucifié de l'apôtre Paul ? Quelle continuité entre le Dieu de Gédéon et celui de Jésus : " Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, pourquoi m'as-tu abandonné ? " (Mc 15,34) ? Le Dieu de l'entrée en Canaan ressemble-t-il vraiment à l'Agneau immolé de l'Apocalypse ? Mais déjà, au sein de la Bible hébraïque, les trompettes de Jéricho côtoient le Serviteur souffrant d'Isaïe. Comment comprendre aujourd'hui cette diversité de la présence de Dieu dans la Bible, si ce n'est par la diversité des regards d'exégètes dont la lecture croisée des textes bibliques nous invite à renouveler notre compréhension de Dieu ?
Report published by the DHSSPS in May 1996. The Cancer Working Group, chaired by the Chief Medical Officer Henrietta Campbell, highlighted the need for changes to cancer services and made a number of key recommendations for the future development of these services.
La presència de l’haplotip 46/1 del gen JAK2 predisposa a neoplàsies mieloproliferatives associades a la mutació de JAK2V617F, però la seva rellevància clínica és desconeguda. En aquest treball determinem, de forma retrospectiva, la càrrega al•lèlica de JAK2V617F de 62 pacients amb NMP JAK2V617+, en el moment del diagnòstic i en l’últim control. Posteriorment, analizem l’augment de la càrrega al•lèlica de JAK2V617F amb l’objectiu de determinar si aquesta es manté estable o presenta un augment progressiu durant el curs natural de la malaltia. Finalment, analitzem la relació entre els resultats obtinguts i l’evolució clínica dels pacients.
Rhodnius ecuadoriensis is the second most important vector of Chagas Disease (CD) in Ecuador. The objective of this study was to describe (and compare) the life cycle, the feeding and defecation patterns under laboratory conditions of two populations of this specie [from the provinces of Manabí (Coastal region) and Loja (Andean region)]. Egg-to-adult (n = 57) development took an average of 189.9 ± 20 (Manabí) and 181.3 ± 6.4 days (Loja). Mortality rates were high among Lojan nymphs. Pre-feeding time (from contact with host to feeding initiation) ranged from 4 min 42 s [nymph I (NI)] to 8 min 30 s (male); feeding time ranged from 14 min 45 s (NI)-28 min 25 s (male) (Manabí) and from 15 min 25 s (NI)-28 min 57 s (nymph V) (Loja). The amount of blood ingested increased significantly with instar and was larger for Manabí specimens (p < 0.001). Defecation while feeding was observed in Manabí specimens from stage nymph III and in Lojan bugs from stage nymph IV. There was a gradual, age-related increase in the frequency of this behaviour in both populations. Our results suggest that R. ecuadoriensis has the bionomic traits of an efficient vector of Trypanosoma cruzi. Together with previous data on the capacity of this species to infest rural households, these results indicate that control of synanthropic R. ecuadoriensis populations in the coastal and Andean regions may have a significant impact for CD control in Ecuador and Northern Peru.