887 resultados para Fine-scale mapping
A description of the foraging habitat of a cetacean species is critical for conservation and effective management. We used a fine-scale microhabitat approach to examine patterns in bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) foraging distribution in relation to dissolved oxygen, turbidity, salinity, water depth, water temperature, and distance from shore measurements in a highly turbid estuary on the northern Gulf of Mexico. In general, environmental variation in the Barataria Basin marine environment comprises three primary axes of variability (i.e., factors: temperature and dissolved oxygen, salinity and turbidity, and distance and depth) that represent seasonal, spatial-seasonal, and spatial scales, respectively. Foraging sites were differentiated from nonforaging sites by significant differences among group size, temperature, turbidity, and season. Habitat selection analysis on individual variables indicated that foraging was more frequently observed in waters 4–6 m deep, 200–500 m from shore, and at salinity values of around 20 psu. This fine-scale and multivariate approach represents a useful method of exploring the complexity, gradation, and detail of the relationships between environmental variables and the foraging distribution patterns of bottlenose dolphin.
Variation at 14 microsatellite loci was examined in 34 chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) populations from Russia and evaluated for its use in the determination of population structure and stock composition in simulated mixed-stock fishery samples. The genetic differentiation index (Fst) over all populations and loci was 0.017, and individual locus values ranged from 0.003 to 0.054. Regional population structure was observed, and populations from Primorye, Sakhalin Island, and northeast Russia were the most distinct. Microsatellite variation provided evidence of a more fine-scale population structure than those that had previously been demonstrated with other genetic-based markers. Analysis of simulated mixed-stock samples indicated that accurate and precise regional estimates of stock composition were produced when the microsatellites were used to estimate stock compositions. Microsatellites can be used to determine stock composition in geographically separate Russian coastal chum salmon fisheries and provide a greater resolution of stock composition and population structure than that previously provided with other techniques.
This report argues for greatly increased resources in terms of data collection facilities and staff to collect, process, and analyze the data, and to communicate the results, in order for NMFS to fulfill its mandate to conserve and manage marine resources. In fact, the authors of this report had great difficulty defining the "ideal" situation to which fisheries stock assessments and management should aspire. One of the primary objectives of fisheries management is to develop sustainable harvest policies that minimize the risks of overfishing both target species and associated species. This can be achieved in a wide spectrum of ways, ranging between the following two extremes. The first is to implement only simple management measures with correspondingly simple assessment demands, which will usually mean setting fishing mortality targets at relatively low levels in order to reduce the risk of unknowingly overfishing or driving ecosystems towards undesirable system states. The second is to expand existing data collection and analysis programs to provide an adequate knowledge base that can support higher fishing mortality targets while still ensuring low risk to target and associated species and ecosystems. However, defining "adequate" is difficult, especially when scientists have not even identified all marine species, and information on catches, abundances, and life histories of many target species, and most associated species, is sparse. Increasing calls from the public, stakeholders, and the scientific community to implement ecosystem-based stock assessment and management make it even more difficult to define "adequate," especially when "ecosystem-based management" is itself not well-defined. In attempting to describe the data collection and assessment needs for the latter, the authors took a pragmatic approach, rather than trying to estimate the resources required to develop a knowledge base about the fine-scale detailed distributions, abundances, and associations of all marine species. Thus, the specified resource requirements will not meet the expectations of some stakeholders. In addition, the Stock Assessment Improvement Plan is designed to be complementary to other related plans, and therefore does not duplicate the resource requirements detailed in those plans, except as otherwise noted.
This report describes the creation and assessment of benthic habitat maps for shallow-water (<30m) marine environments of the Guánica/Parguera and Finca Belvedere Natural Reserve in southwest Puerto Rico. The objective was to provide spatially-explicit information on the habitat types, biological cover and live coral cover of the region’s coral reef ecosystem. These fine-scale habitat maps, generated by interpretation of 2010 satellite imagery, provide an update to NOAA’s previous digital maps of the U.S. Caribbean (Kendall et al., 2001) for these areas. Updated shallow-water benthic habitat maps for the Guánica/Parguera region are timely in light of ongoing restoration efforts in the Guánica Bay watershed. The bay is served directly by one river, the Rio Loco, which flows intermittently and more frequently during the rainy season. The watershed has gone through a series of manipulations and alterations in past decades, mainly associated with agricultural practices, including irrigation systems, in the upper watershed. The Guánica Lagoon, previously situated to the north of the bay, was historically the largest freshwater lagoon in Puerto Rico and served as a natural filter and sediment sink prior to the discharge of the Rio Loco into the Bay. Following alterations by the Southwest Water Project in the 1950s, the Lagoon’s adjacent wetland system was ditched and drained; no longer filtering and trapping sediment from the Rio Loco. Land use in the Guánica Bay/Rio Loco watershed has also gone through several changes (CWP, 2008). Similar to much of Puerto Rico, the area was largely deforested for sugar cane cultivation in the 1800s, although reforestation of some areas occurred following the cessation of sugar cane production (Warne et al., 2005). The northern area of the watershed is generally mountainous and is characterized by a mix of forested and agricultural lands, particularly coffee plantations. Closer to the coast, the Lajas Valley Agricultural Reserve extends north of Guánica Bay to the southwest corner of the island. The land use practices and watershed changes outlined above have resulted in large amounts of sediment being distributed in the Rio Loco river valley (CWP, 2008). Storm events and seasonal flooding also transport large amounts of sediment to the coastal waters. The threats of upstream watershed practices to coral reefs and the nearshore marine environment have been gaining recognition. Guánica Bay, and the adjacent marine waters, has been identified as a “management priority area” by NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP, 2012). In a recent Guánica Bay watershed management plan, several critical issues were outlined in regards to land-based sources of pollution (LBSP; CWP, 2008). These include: upland erosion from coffee agriculture, filling of reservoirs with sediment, in-stream channel erosion, loss of historical Guánica lagoon, legacy contaminants and sewage treatment (CWP, 2008). The plan recommended several management actions that could be taken to reduce impacts of LBSP, which form the basis of Guánica watershed restoration efforts.
Since 1999, NOAA’s Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment, Biogeography Branch (CCMA-BB) has been working with federal and territorial partners to characterize monitor and assess the status of the marine environment in southwestern Puerto Rico. This effort is part of the broader NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program’s (CRCP) National Coral Reef Ecosystem Monitoring Program (NCREMP). With support from CRCP’s NCREMP, CCMA conducts the “Caribbean Coral Reef Ecosystem Monitoring project” (CREM) with goals to: (1) spatially characterize and monitor the distribution, abundance and size of marine fauna associated with shallow water coral reef seascapes (mosaics of coral reefs, seagrasses, sand and mangroves); (2) relate this information to in situ fine-scale habitat data and the spatial distribution and diversity of habitat types using benthic habitat maps; (3) use this information to establish the knowledge base necessary for enacting management decisions in a spatial setting; (4) establish the efficacy of those management decisions; and (5) develop data collection and data management protocols. The monitoring effort of the La Parguera region in southwestern Puerto Rico was conducted through partnerships with the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) and the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER). Project funding was primarily provided by NOAA CRCP and CCMA. In recent decades, scientific and non-scientific observations have indicated that the structure and function of the coral reef ecosystem in the La Parguera region have been adversely impacted by a wide range of environmental stressors. The major stressors have included the mass Diadema die off in the early 1980s, a suite of hurricanes, overfishing, mass mortality of Acropora corals due to disease and several coral bleaching events, with the most severe mass bleaching episode in 2005. The area is also an important recreational resource supporting boating, snorkeling, diving and other water based activities. With so many potential threats to the marine ecosystem several activities are underway or have been implemented to manage the marine resources. These efforts have been supported by the CREM project by identifying marine fauna and their spatial distributions and temporal dynamics. This provides ecologically meaningful data to assess ecosystem condition, support decision making in spatial planning (including the evaluation of efficacy of current management strategies) and determine future information needs. The ultimate goal of the work is to better understand the coral reef ecosystems and to provide information toward protecting and enhancing coral reef ecosystems for the benefit of the system itself and to sustain the many goods and services that it offers society. This Technical Memorandum contains analysis of the first seven years of fish survey data (2001-2007) and associated characterization of the benthos. The primary objectives were to quantify changes in fish species and assemblage diversity, abundance, biomass and size structure and to provide spatially explicit information on the distribution of key species or groups of species and to compare community structure across the seascape including fringing mangroves, inner, middle, and outer reef areas, and open ocean shelf bank areas.
The population structure of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the northeastern Pacific Ocean remains unknown. We examined elemental signatures in the otoliths of larval and juvenile pollock from locations in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska to determine if there were significant geographic variations in otolith composition that may be used as natural tags of population affinities. Otoliths were assayed by using both electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Elements measured at the nucleus of otoliths by EPMA and laser ablation ICP-MS differed significantly among locations. However, geographic groupings identified by a multivariate statistical approach from EPMA and ICP-MS were dissimilar, indicating that the elements assayed by each technique were controlled by separate depositional processes within the endolymph. Elemental profiles across the pollock otoliths were generally consistent at distances up to 100 μm from the nucleus. At distances beyond 100 μm, profiles varied significantly but were remarkably consistent among individuals collected at each location. These data may indicate that larvae from various spawning locations are encountering water masses with differing physicochemical properties through their larval lives, and at approximately the same time. Although our results are promising, we require a better understanding of the mechanisms controlling otolith chemistry before it will be possible to reconstruct dispersal pathways of larval pollock based on probe-based analyses of otolith geochemistry. Elemental signatures in otoliths of pollock may allow for the delineation of fine-scale population structure in pollock that has yet to be consistently revealed by using population genetic approaches.
Novel data on the spatial and temporal distribution of fishing effort and population abundance are presented for the market squid fishery (Loligo opalescens) in the Southern California Bight, 1992−2000. Fishing effort was measured by the detection of boat lights by the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS). Visual confirmation of fishing vessels by nocturnal aerial surveys indicated that lights detected by satellites are reliable indicators of fishing effort. Overall, fishing activity was concentrated off the following Channel Islands: Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa, and Santa Catalina. Fishing activity occurred at depths of 100 m or less. Landings, effort, and squid abundance (measured as landings per unit of effort, LPUE) markedly declined during the 1997−98 El Niño; landings and LPUE increased afterwards. Within a fishing season, the location of fishing activity shifted from the northern shores of Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands in October, the typical starting date for squid fishing in the Bight, to the southern shores by March, the typical end of the squid season. Light detection by satellites offers a source of fine-scale spatial and temporal data on fishing effort for the market squid fishery off California, and these data can be integrated with environmental data and fishing logbook data in the development of a management plan.
拟南芥ast (anthocyanin spotted testa) 突变体是由碳离子束诱导产生的与花青苷生物合成有关的突变体,受单隐性核基因控制。由于花青苷的异常积累,突变体未成熟种子的种皮呈现紫红色的斑点;野生型植株幼嫩的种皮没有花青苷的异常积累,呈淡绿色。初步作图分析表明,AST基因定位于拟南芥第I号染色体上,并且位于SSLP分子标记nga280和CAPS分子标记PAB5之间。 AST基因与SSLP分子标记nga280紧密连锁,遗传距离为3.2cM;与CAPS分子标记PAB5相距较远,遗传距离为21.1cM。 采用DDRT-PCR的策略,分析野生型与突变型植株未成熟角果中基因表达的差异。通过调整DDRT-PCR中总RNA、锚定引物、随机引物、cDNA和dNTP等关键试剂的用量,优化了适用于银染检测的DDRT-PCR方法。PCR扩增产物经6%变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直电泳分离后,银染能检测到多而清晰的条带。泳道中的条带数最少为40个,最多达80个,平均为60个,条带大小分布在100bp-900bp范围,银染的灵敏度为5pg/mm2。此方法操作简便快速,灵敏度高,重复性好。采用这个改良的的方法,分析了拟南芥野生型和ast突变型植株未成熟角果中16,000个cDNA扩增产物条带,从中筛选出28个差异条带。二次PCR扩增后,进一步筛选出10个差异表达的cDNA条带,其中6个是野生型特异表达的,4个是突变型特异表达的。对这10个差异片段进行测序。BLASTN分析表明,这10个差异表达的cDNA片段与数据库中花青苷生物合成途径中的结构基因和调节基因序列没有同源性,表明用DDRT-PCR的方法克隆特定的AST基因有一定的局限性。 利用图位克隆(map-based cloning)的策略,对拟南芥AST 基因进行克隆。根据拟南芥数据库中的SNPs (simple nucleotide polymophisms) 序列和插入/缺失多态性(insertion/deletion polymorphisms)序列,设计了一系列分子标记。利用这些分子标记,对600个F2代有突变表型的植株进行重组子筛选,完成了对拟南芥AST基因的精细作图,成功地将AST 基因定位到BAC克隆T13M11上。初步确定该BAC克隆中的基因T13M11.8 可能是AST基因。该基因的DNA序列长1432bp,含有6个外显子和5个内含子,编码的蛋白与花青苷生物合成途径中的二氢黄酮醇4-还原酶有较高的同源性。功能互补实验正在进行当中。
The mechanisms of material removal were investigated during the erosive wear of a glass-ceramic. The effects of erodent particle shape, velocity and angle were studied. Single impacts and incremental erosion tests were performed, to study the development of surface features and to elucidate the mechanisms of material removal. It was found that transitions in mechanism occurred which depended on the particle shape, impact velocity and impact angle. The mechanisms of material removal, for erosion by silica sand, changed from fine scale fracture and plastic processes below a transition point to large-scale cracking of the surface above. Spherical glass beads caused wear dominated by fatigue, with a very strong dependence of wear rate on the impact conditions. This work indicates that laboratory erosion testing of glass-ceramic and other brittle materials should reflect the conditions present in practice, and that account must be taken of possible changes in wear mechanisms.
Rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus) is an endangered small fish endemic to upper reach of the Yangtze River. From a (GT)n enriched genomic library, 32 microsatellites were isolated and characterized. Nineteen of these loci were polymorphic in a test population with alleles ranging from 2-7, and observed and expected heterozygosities from zero to 0.8438, and 0.2679 to 0.8264, respectively. In the cross-species amplifications, 13 out of 19 polymorphic loci were found to be also polymorphic in at least one of the 7 closely related species of the subfamily Gobioninae. These polymorphic microsatellite loci should provide sufficient level of genetic diversity to evaluate the fine-scale population structure in rare minnow and its closely related species for the conservation purpose.
The rice field eel (Monopterus albus) is a fish of economic importance in China and some Asian countries. From a (GT)(n)-enriched genomic library, 30 microsatellites were developed by employing the fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats (FIASCO) protocol. Thirteen loci exhibited polymorphism with two to 13 alleles (mean 7.9 alleles/locus) in a test population and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.3125 to 0.9688 (mean 0.7140). These loci should provide sufficient level of genetic variation to study the fine-scale population structure and reproductive ecology of the species.
The brass gudgeon (Coreius heterodon) is a fish of economic importance in the Yangtze River. From a (GATA)(n)-enriched genomic library, 25 microsatellites were developed by employing the fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats (FIASCO) protocol. Nine loci exhibited polymorphism with two to 12 alleles (mean 3.9 alleles/locus) in a test population, and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.1111 to 0.9630 (mean 0.4426). Three of the nine loci showed polymorphism in a congeneric species, the largemouth bronze gudgeon Coreius guichenoti. These loci should provide sufficient level of genetic diversity to evaluate the fine-scale population structure of C. heterodon.
From (GATA)(n) and (AAAG)(n) enriched genomic libraries for the Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis), 50 primer pairs were developed using the fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats (FIASCO) protocol. Forty-six primer pairs exhibited highly polymorphic with two to 11 alleles per locus, while the rest four displayed monomorphic. These markers yielded 246 alleles in a survey of eight specimens of wild A. sinensis. Average observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.13 to 1.00. These loci should provide sufficient levels of genetic diversity to allow parentage analysis for artificial stocking management and delineation of fine-scale population structure.
Microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast and heat-treated Mg–12.3Zn–5.8Y–1.4Al (ZYA1261) alloy were investigated. The phase compositions of the as-cast alloy are -Mg, Mg3YZn6 (I-phase), Mg3Y2Zn3 (W-phase), Mg12YZn (Z-phase), Mg24Y5, MgZn and a small quantity of Al-containing phase. The phase compositions change with various heat treatment conditions. The highest Vickers hardness is obtained in the alloy aged at 200 ◦C for 5 h, the transmission electron microscopy indicated that fine scale Z-phase precipitates in the matrix. The tensile properties of the as-cast and heat-treated alloys were reported.
Most of the fields in China are in the middle-late development phase or are mature fields. It becomes more and more difficult to develop the remaining oil/gas. Therefore, it is import to enhance oil/gas recovery in order to maintain the production. Fine scale modeling is a key to improve the recovery. Incorporation of geological, seismic and well log data to 3D earth modeling is essential to build such models. In Ken71 field, well log, cross-well seismic and 3D seismic data are available. A key issue is to build 3D earth model with these multi-scales data for oil field development.In this dissertation, studies on sequential Gaussian-Bayesian simulation have been conducted. Its comparison with cokriging and sequential Gaussian simulation has been performed. The realizations generated by sequential Gaussian-Bayesian simulation have higher vertical resolution than those generated by other methods. Less differences between these realization and true case are observed. With field data, it is proved that incorporating well log, cross-well seismic and 3D seismic into 3D fine scale model is reliable. In addition, the advantages of sequential Gaussian-Bayesian simulation and conditions for input data are demonstrated. In Ken71 field, the impedance difference between sandstone and shale is small. It would be difficult to identify sandstone in the reservoir with traditional impedance inversion. After comparisons of different inversion techniques, stochastic hillclimbing inversion was applied. With this method, shale content inversion is performed using 3D seismic data. Then, the inverted results of shale content and well log data are incorporated into 3D models. This demonstrates a procedure to build fine scale models using multi scale seismic data, especially 3D seismic amplitude volume.The models generated through sequential Gaussian-Bayesian simulation have several advantages including: (1) higher vertical resolution compared with 3D inverted acoustic impedance (AI); (2) consistency of lateral variation as 3D inverted AI; (3) more reliability due to integration cross-well seismic data. It is observed that the precision of the model depends on the 3D inversion.