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Career adaptability is a psychosocial construct that reflects individuals' resources for managing career tasks and challenges. This study investigated the effects of demographic characteristics and three sets of individual difference variables (Big Five personality traits, core self-evaluations, and temporal focus) on changes over time in career adaptability and its dimensions (concern, control, curiosity, and confidence). Data came from 659 full-time employees in Australia who participated in two measurement waves six months apart. Results showed that age and future temporal focus predicted change in overall career adaptability. In addition, age, education, extraversion, neuroticism, openness to experience, core self-evaluations, and future temporal focus differentially predicted change over time in one or more of the four career adaptability dimensions. While the lagged effects found in this study were generally small, the findings suggest that certain individual difference characteristics predispose employees to experience change in career adaptability over time.


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Fisheries managers are becoming increasingly aware of the need to quantify all forms of harvest, including that by recreational fishers. This need has been driven by both a growing recognition of the potential impact that noncommercial fishers can have on exploited resources and the requirement to allocate catch limits between different sectors of the wider fishing community in many jurisdictions. Marine recreational fishers are rarely required to report any of their activity, and some form of survey technique is usually required to estimate levels of recreational catch and effort. In this review, we describe and discuss studies that have attempted to estimate the nature and extent of recreational harvests of marine fishes in New Zealand and Australia over the past 20 years. We compare studies by method to show how circumstances dictate their application and to highlight recent developments that other researchers may find of use. Although there has been some convergence of approach, we suggest that context is an important consideration, and many of the techniques discussed here have been adapted to suit local conditions and to address recognized sources of bias. Much of this experience, along with novel improvements to existing approaches, have been reported only in "gray" literature because of an emphasis on providing estimates for immediate management purposes. This paper brings much of that work together for the first time, and we discuss how others might benefit from our experience.


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In industrial and organizational psychology, there is a long tradition of studying personality as an antecedent of work outcomes. Recently, however, scholars have suggested that personality characteristics may not only predict, but also change due to certain work experiences, a notion that is depicted in the dynamic developmental model (DDM) of personality and work. Upward job changes are an important part of employees’ careers and career success in particular, and we argue that these career transitions can shape personality over time. In this study, we investigate the Big Five personality characteristics as both predictors and outcomes of upward job changes into managerial and professional positions. We tested our hypotheses by applying event history analyses and propensity score matching to a longitudinal dataset collected over five years from employees in Australia. Results indicated that participants’ openness to experience not only predicted, but that changes in openness to experience also followed from upward job changes into managerial and professional positions. Our findings thus provide support for a dynamic perspective on personality characteristics in the context of work and careers.


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This article investigates teacher decision-making in a time of rapid educational reforms. Institutional ethnography is used to discover how teachers’ work is co-ordinated by the texts of a new national curriculum, and a system for the assessment and ratings of kindergarten, preschool and long day-care services in individual settings and across sites. The research draws on video recorded interview data gathered from five teachers working with three to five year old children in kindergarten classrooms throughout South East Queensland. Analysis shows the reported effects of policy regimes designed to improve the quality of learning young children experience, on classroom teachers’ work. Findings suggest that increasing levels of governance enacted through policy texts are creating an audit culture where teachers’ educational work with children is changing. The article argues that the reported workload associated with the production of evidence, and the focus on providing ‘proof’ of quality, is taking teachers away from time spent building educative relationships with children. Note: In Queensland, kindergarten caters for children aged three and a half to five years. This year is known as Preschool in some Australian states.


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The conventional wisdom is that offenders have very high discount rates not only with respect to income and fines but also with respect to time incarcerated. These rates are difficult to measure objectively and the usual approach is to ask subjects hypothetical questions and infer time preference from their answers. In this article, we propose estimating rates at which offenders discount time incarcerated by specifying their equilibrium plea, defined as the discount rate, which equates the time and expected time spent in jail following a guilty plea and a trial. Offenders are assumed to exhibit positive time preference and discount time spent in jail at a constant rate. Our choice of sample is interesting because the offenders are not on bail, punishment is not delayed and the offences are planned therefore conforming to Becker’s model of the decision to commit a crime. Contrary to the discussion in the literature, we do not find evidence of consistently high time discount rates, and therefore cannot unequivocally infer that the prison experience always results in low levels of specific deterrence.


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This study investigates the impacts of ISO 9001:2008 certification on companies in Malaysia. Data were collected from CEOs and Managers through a questionnaire survey. A multivariate analysis and SPSS macro were used as statistical techniques to assess the effects of ISO 9001 certification. Results of the study indicate that ISO 9001 certified companies were having significantly greater benefits and financial performance compared to non-certified companies. However, no significant direct relationship between ISO 9001 certification and company's financial performance was found. A further investigation revealed that financial performance is actually directly related to quality and local and international business performance, which are significantly influenced by ISO 9001 certification. Therefore quality and business performances are involved in the mediational process between the financial performance of companies and ISO 9001 certification. The novelty of this research lies in the establishment of, for the first time, high level statistical relationship between ISO 9001 certification, its mediating factors and financial performance of companies.


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Cavernomas are rare neurovascular lesions, encountered in up to 10% of patients harboring vascular abnormalities of the CNS. Cavernomas consist of dilated thin-walled sinusoids or caverns covered by a single layer of endothelium. Due to advancements in neuroradiology, the number of cavernoma patients coming to be evaluated in neurosurgical practice is increasing. In the present work, we summarized our results on the treatment of cavernomas. Particular attention was paid to uncommon locations or insufficiently investigated cavernomas, including 1. Intraventricular cavernomas; 2. Multiple cavernomas; 3. Spinal cavernomas; and 4. Temporal lobe cavernomas. After analyzing the patient series with these lesions, we concluded that: 1. IVCs are characterized by a high tendency to cause repetitive hemorrhages in a short period of time after the first event. In most patients, hemorrhages were not life-threatening. Surgery is indicated when re-bleedings are frequent and the mass-effect causes progressive neurological deterioration. Modern microsurgical techniques allow safe removal of the IVC, but surgery on fourth ventricle cavernomas carries increased risk of postoperative cranial nerve deficits. 2. In MC cases, when the cavernoma bleeds or generates drug-resistant epilepsy, microsurgical removal of the symptomatic lesion is beneficial to patients. In our series, surgical removal of the most active cavernoma usually the biggest lesion with signs of recent hemorrhage - was safe and prevented further bleedings. Epilepsy outcome showed the effectiveness of active treatment of MCs. However, due to the remaining cavernomas, epileptogenic activity can persist postoperatively, frequently necessitating long-term use of antiepileptic drugs. 3. Spinal cavernomas can cause severe neurological deterioration due to low tolerance of the spinal cord to mass-effect with progressive myelopathy. When aggravated by extralesional massive hemorrhage, neurological decline is usually acute and requires immediate treatment. Microsurgical removal of a cavernoma is effective and safe, improving neurological deficits. Sensorimotor deficits and pain improved postoperatively at a high rate, whereas bladder dysfunction remained essentially unchanged, causing social discomfort to patients. 4. Microsurgical removal of temporal lobe cavernomas is beneficial for patents suffering from drug-resistant epilepsy. In our series, 69% of patients with this condition became seizure-free postoperatively. Duration of epilepsy did not correlate with seizure prognosis. The most frequent disabling symptom at follow-up was memory disorder, considered to be the result of a complex interplay between chronic epilepsy and possible damage to the temporal lobe during surgery.


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Building on the launch of an early prototype at Balance Unbalance 2013, we now offer a fully realised experience of the ‘Long Time, No See?’ site specific walking/visualisation project for conference users to engage with on a do it yourself basis, either before, during or after the event. ‘Long Time, No See?’ is a new form of participatory, environmental futures project, designed for individuals and groups. It uses a smartphone APP to guide processes of individual or group walking at any chosen location—encouraging walkers to think in radical new ways about how to best prepare for ‘stormy’ environmental futures ahead. As part of their personal journeys participants’ contribute site-specific micro narratives in the form of texts, images and sounds, captured via the APP during the loosely ‘guided’ walk. These responses are then uploaded and synthesised into an ever-building audiovisual and generative artwork/‘map’ of future-thinking affinities, viewable both online at long-time-no-see.org (in Chrome) (and at the same time on a large screen visualisations at QUT’s Cube Centre in Brisbane Australia). The artwork therefore spans both participants’ mobile devices and laptops. If desired outcomes can also be presented publicly in large screen format at the conference. ‘Long Time, No See?’ has been developed over the past two years by a team of leading Australian artists, designers, urban/environmental planners and programmers.


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Our everyday visual experience frequently involves searching for objects in clutter. Why are some searches easy and others hard? It is generally believed that the time taken to find a target increases as it becomes similar to its surrounding distractors. Here, I show that while this is qualitatively true, the exact relationship is in fact not linear. In a simple search experiment, when subjects searched for a bar differing in orientation from its distractors, search time was inversely proportional to the angular difference in orientation. Thus, rather than taking search reaction time (RT) to be a measure of target-distractor similarity, we can literally turn search time on its head (i.e. take its reciprocal 1/RT) to obtain a measure of search dissimilarity that varies linearly over a large range of target-distractor differences. I show that this dissimilarity measure has the properties of a distance metric, and report two interesting insights come from this measure: First, for a large number of searches, search asymmetries are relatively rare and when they do occur, differ by a fixed distance. Second, search distances can be used to elucidate object representations that underlie search - for example, these representations are roughly invariant to three-dimensional view. Finally, search distance has a straightforward interpretation in the context of accumulator models of search, where it is proportional to the discriminative signal that is integrated to produce a response. This is consistent with recent studies that have linked this distance to neuronal discriminability in visual cortex. Thus, while search time remains the more direct measure of visual search, its reciprocal also has the potential for interesting and novel insights. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The key requirements for enabling real-time remote healthcare service on a mobile platform, in the present day heterogeneous wireless access network environment, are uninterrupted and continuous access to the online patient vital medical data, monitor the physical condition of the patient through video streaming, and so on. For an application, this continuity has to be sufficiently transparent both from a performance perspective as well as a Quality of Experience (QoE) perspective. While mobility protocols (MIPv6, HIP, SCTP, DSMIP, PMIP, and SIP) strive to provide both and do so, limited or non-availability (deployment) of these protocols on provider networks and server side infrastructure has impeded adoption of mobility on end user platforms. Add to this, the cumbersome OS configuration procedures required to enable mobility protocol support on end user devices and the user's enthusiasm to add this support is lost. Considering the lack of proper mobility implementations that meet the remote healthcare requirements above, we propose SeaMo+ that comprises a light-weight application layer framework, termed as the Virtual Real-time Multimedia Service (VRMS) for mobile devices to provide an uninterrupted real-time multimedia information access to the mobile user. VRMS is easy to configure, platform independent, and does not require additional network infrastructure unlike other existing schemes. We illustrate the working of SeaMo+ in two realistic remote patient monitoring application scenarios.


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In this work we extend to the multistage case two recent risk averse measures for two-stage stochastic programs based on first- and second-order stochastic dominance constraints induced by mixed-integer linear recourse. Additionally, we consider Time Stochastic Dominance (TSD) along a given horizon. Given the dimensions of medium-sized problems augmented by the new variables and constraints required by those risk measures, it is unrealistic to solve the problem up to optimality by plain use of MIP solvers in a reasonable computing time, at least. Instead of it, decomposition algorithms of some type should be used. We present an extension of our Branch-and-Fix Coordination algorithm, so named BFC-TSD, where a special treatment is given to cross scenario group constraints that link variables from different scenario groups. A broad computational experience is presented by comparing the risk neutral approach and the tested risk averse strategies. The performance of the new version of the BFC algorithm versus the plain use of a state-of-the-artMIP solver is also reported.


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This study tests the hypothesis that climate change, through its rice productivity impacts, induces out-migration in the Philippines. Results show that climate change effects such as increasing night time temperature and extreme rainfall pattern, by way of reduction in rice yield and farm revenues, significantly increases the number of Overseas Filipino Workers. Findings also show that overseas migration of female workers is more sensitive to climate and rice productivity changes compared to male overseas migration. However, unlike overseas migration, the reduction in yield and farm revenues act as a constraint to domestic migration.


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Developments in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), wireless communication systems and ad-hoc networking have created new dimensions to improve asset management not only during the operational phase but throughout an asset's lifecycle based on using improved quality of information obtained with respect to two key aspects of an asset: its location and condition. In this paper, we present our experience as well as lessons learnt from building a prototype condition monitoring platform to demonstrate and to evaluate the use of COTS wireless sensor networks to develop a prototype condition monitoring platform with the aim of improving asset management by providing accurate and real-time information. © 2010 IEEE.


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On-body sensor systems for sport are challenging since the sensors must be lightweight and small to avoid discomfort, and yet robust and highly accurate to withstand and capture the fast movements associated with sport. In this work, we detail our experience of building such an on-body system for track athletes. The paper describes the design, implementation and deployment of an on-body sensor system for sprint training sessions. We autonomously profile sprints to derive quantitative metrics to improve training sessions. Inexpensive Force Sensitive Resistors (FSRs) are used to capture foot events that are subsequently analysed and presented back to the coach. We show how to identify periods of sprinting from the FSR data and how to compute metrics such as ground contact time. We evaluate our system using force plates and show that millisecond-level accuracy is achievable when estimating contact times. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Users’ initial perceptions of their competence are key motivational factors for further use. However, initial tasks on a mobile operating system (OS) require setup procedures, which are currently largely inconsistent, do not provide users with clear, visible and immediate feedback on their actions, and require significant adjustment time for first-time users. This paper reports on a study with ten users, carried out to better understand how both prior experience and initial interaction with two touchscreen mobile interfaces (Apple iOS and Google Android) affected setup task performance and motivation. The results show that the reactions to setup on mobile interfaces appear to be partially dependent on which device was experienced first. Initial experience with lower-complexity devices improves performance on higher-complexity devices, but not vice versa. Based on these results, the paper proposes six guidelines for designers to design more intuitive and motivating user interfaces (UI) for setup procedures. The preliminary results indicate that these guidelines can contribute to the design of more inclusive mobile platforms and further work to validate these findings is proposed.