205 resultados para Exodus (bijbelboek)


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Estímulos ambientais exercem efeitos importantes na expressão de ritmos endógenos. Deslocamentos diários de grupos de psitacídeos em resposta ao ciclo claro/escuro têm sido estudados por alguns autores. Todavia, os fatores que influenciam a ritmicidade intrínseca deste comportamento não são bem conhecidos. Este estudo descreve como a periodicidade nictemeral/circadiana dos deslocamentos diários de dormitórios do Papagaio-do-mangue Amazona amazonica é modificada por fatores climatológicos. Os números de papagaios chegando ou deixando o dormitório Ilha dos Papagaios foram determinados de minuto a minuto. Um número significativamente maior de papagaios chegou ao dormitório após o ocaso, enquanto que um número significativamente maior de papagaios deixou o dormitório antes da aurora. O pico de saída dos papagaios ocorreu 23 ± 5,24 minutos antes da aurora, quando a média de intensidade de luz era de 1 lux. O pico de chegada de papagaios ocorreu 6 ± 6,1 minutos após o ocaso, quando a média de intensidade de luz era de 50 lux. Ao alterar a intensidade de luz do ambiente, as condições climatológicas influenciaram significativamente os horários de chegada e saída, com papagaios deixando o dormitório mais tarde ou chegando mais cedo em condições de nebulosidade alta.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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Human mobility patterns are quite diverse nowadays and a very singular, extreme pattern is seen in the Brazilian scene: road wandering. Road wanderers are individuals who leave their home, family, work and other territories of a settled life and throw themselves into a life of solitary wandering along Brazilian highways. This study aimed to describe the lifestyle of road wanderers, investigate the reasons that led them choose this way of living and understand it against a background of modern human mobility patterns. A total of 63 interviews were conducted with individuals wandering on road shoulders. We found road wandering is associated with the following determinants: poverty; unemployment; marital conflicts; emotional suffering following the loss of loved ones; desires for adventure and freedom; and cultural symbols related to journey, migration, exodus and other modes of displacement. Despite its particularities, road wandering can be understood as a way of human mobility in the modern world.


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Chemokines regulate cellular trafficking to and from lymphoid follicles. Here, the distribution pattern of four CCL chemokines is defined by in situ hybridization in human lymphoid follicles from tonsils and lymph nodes (LNs) of newborns and adults. Cells expressing CCL11 (eotaxin) and CCL20 (Exodus) were preferentially located within follicles, while cells expressing CCL21 (secondary lymphoid-tissue chemokine) and CCL24 (eotaxin-2) mRNA were almost exclusively found in the perifollicular areas. Hence, the two CCR3-binding chemokines, CCL11 and CCL24, showed a mutually exclusive expression pattern in the intra- and extra-follicular areas, respectively. Chemokine gene expression paralleled follicular maturation: in tonsils, where approximately 80% of follicles are polarized, CCL11 and CCL20 mRNA-positive cells were detected more frequently than in lymph nodes from adults, where about half of follicles are non-polarized. No intrafollicular chemokine expression was detectable in the primary follicles from newborns. Extrafollicular cells expressing CCL21 and CCL24 were again more frequent in tonsils than in LNs from adults. The observed preferential presence of cells expressing CC chemokines in polarized human lymphoid follicles indicates that chemokines are not only instrumental in the induction of follicle formation, but may also be involved in their further differentiation.


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Among the many thousand scarabs, scaraboids and other stamp-seal amulets unearthed in Iron Age contexts in Cis- and Transjordan, there are many such seals showing royal Egyptian imagery on their bases. Focusing mainly on Pharaonic motifs, the paper aims to catalogue the principal iconemes, to trace their development throughout the Iron Ages and to extrapolate their significance vis-à-vis the contemporary glyptic assemblages. As will be shown, the royal imagery of the Egyptian king underwent considerable changes during pre-monarchic and monarchic times in Israel/Judah. This allows – to some extent – deducing the perception of the ‘image’ of the Egyptian king in this part of the Southern Levant at the close of the second and during the first centuries of the first millennium BCE. While the local seal production not only vividly copied earlier and contemporary Egyptian prototypes, it also developed idiosyncratic ‘Pharaonic’ motifs that were produced for the local market. On the other hand, imported Egyptian glyptic goods – such as scarabs and other amulet types – reveal further facets of the consumer behavior. They, too, shed light upon the ideological and religious preferences of the local population and illuminate the development of the vernacular attitude towards the Pharaonic symbols of power – including their obvious political and sacred connotations.


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Mit Kuno verbindet mich nicht allein das lnteresse an einer Theorie der Religion (Füssel, Huber, & Walpen, 1990). Mit dieser allerdings habe ich mich in den letztenJahren am intensivsten auseinandergesetzt. Daher erscheint es mir sinnvoll, zu dieser Thematik meinen Beitrag zu seiner Festschrift zu leisten. Kurzgefasst geht es darin um prosoziale Effekte religiôser Konstruktsysteme. Es lasst sich namlich zeigen, dass sie einen ideologischen Mechanismus zu neutralisieren vermôgen, wenn sie einen determinierenden Einfluss auf das Verhalten ausüben. Dabei spielt der Glaube, der nach einem allseits bekannten Diktum sogar Berge versetzen kann, eine entscheidende Rolle. Daher lese ich in dem Oberthema der Festschrift einen «Genitivus subjectivus». Es lautet dann: Suchet zuerst die Gerechtigkeit, die Gott realisiert bzw. realisieren wird. lch beginne mit der Darstellung einer sozialpsychologischen Theorie, die zu erklaren versucht, warum Menschen, die von einem ungerechten Ereignis getroffen werden, zu allem Überfluss auch noch die Schuld daran in die Schuhe geschoben bekommen. ln einem zweiten Schritt definiere ich, was ich unter religiôsen Konstruktsystemen verstehe und wie sie in sozialwissenschaftlichen Studien gemessen werden kônnen. Darauf aufbauend versuche ich zu prazisieren, wie religiôse Konstruktsysteme den Mechanismus der Schuldzuschreibung beeinflussen. Dazu greife ich aufDaten zurück, die ich 1999 in einer eigenen Untersuchung mit einer reprasentativen Stichprobe von Studierenden der Universitat Freiburg im Uechtland erhoben habe.


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Religion steht in der Spannung zwischen einerseits dem durch die Religionskritik Freuds genährten Vorwurf der Einengung und des Konservativismus und andrerseits der ihr ureigenen Erfahrung der Befreiung, die im Exodus-Erlebnis des Alten Testaments angelegt ist. Diese Ambivalenz von Religion macht sie zu einer steten Herausforderung und bedarf der fortwährenden Reflexion. Die Aufgabe von Seelsorge ist es, das befreiende und lebensfreundliche Potential von Religion hervorzuheben und zu stärken sowie Vertrauen ins eigene Geliebt- und Gewolltsein zu schaffen, denn dieses ist die Grundvoraussetzung aller möglichen Emanzipation.


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At the end of the communist era, which was characterised as a closed social experiment, Romania found itself in the middle of a globalization process. Its industrial capacities have been considerably reduced through a poor and spendthrift management. There was a mass exodus of the labour force abroad and the educational background for the remaining part was no longer in agreement with the labour market. On these grounds, the vectors of globalization, in the form of foreign investments, entered Romania effortlessly. There even were local communities where the arrival of foreign investors was expected like a second coming of Christ. This is the context in which a Canadian company set forth the mining project Rosia Montana Gold Corporation. The implementation of the project should have started in 2005. Nevertheless, the project has not been effectively launched yet. This situation is based on what we call Romanian glocalization, namely a specific confrontation between global and local on Romanian land


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Colombia has oceanic waters, catchment areas, like lakes, cienagas and swamps, water flows, like rivers, gorges and streams, small rivers and groundwater. The oceanic waters are the Caribbean Sea-1600 km and the Pacific Ocean-1300 km that comprise the north and west continental territory, respectively. Actually the Region of Darién, geographically bounded by the Carribean Sea to the north is becoming to be focused by studies due to use conflicts and disputes about water and a forest reserve on its territories. Considering its location, strategic at northwestern Colombia, frontier region with Central America, several dynamics are imposed. One of them is the implantation of a road system entitled Connecting Road of the Americas. This fact means the construction of an infra-structure that will cross a special zone formed by swamps and jungle known as The Darién Gap. Evidences of such interests are revealed by projects like the constructions of Turbo's Port in the Atlantic Ocean, Department of Antioquia and Tribugá's Port in the Pacific Ocean, Department of Choco, the mountain road and the coastal conection Colombia-Venezuela attending to the main intentions of the central region of the department (Metropolitan Area of Aburrá Valley-AMVA). Human settlements form a productive system, based on small and medium familiar agriculture's production, corresponding to the western portion and piedmont of Abibe's mountain at its antioquian portion, alluvial plan that forms the rivers on this area, the littoral zone that delimits the Carribean Sea, the Darién and Baudó Mountains and the gulf that receives, among other waters, the ones from Atrato and León, as well as the exodus process constitutes a forced exit resulting from actions of several armed groups. It can be identified intense historical, cultural, political and environmental relations, specially the last one associated with strategic ecosystems that are fundamental for the hydric regulation of the region, as well as food safety of the local inhabitants. Results from two researches (UPB, 2007 y 2010) reveals this quick transformation in the spatial re-configuration, demographical and economical indicators and the exacerbated fight for resources, damaging the extractive vocation in the Region. Path to commerce of illegalities (drugs, guns) and to implementation of the agroindustrial project for biofuel production, cooperation program that involves Venezuela, Brazil and Colombia. Appropriation modes allow the existence of strategies since global interests revealing a development logic that privileges the conception of an artificialized nature. Since the smallest portion of rural areas, specific modes of resources exploration are linked to imposed interests of transnational corporations. Disparate consequences are going deeper evidenced by social, technical and nature transformations, envisioning risks for the habitability's condition


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Antígona ha sido un tópico por más de 2.000 años, participando de una historia que siempre puede ser reconocida. Tanto la Guerra Civil española como la dictadura argentina vieron surgir Antígonas en busca de justicia. A partir de los trabajos de María Zambrano y Griselda Gambaro, este artículo busca rehabilitar discursivamente estas versiones. Por un lado, la filósofa española nunca regresó del exilio iniciado en 1939 y defendió hasta el final los valores republicanos. Cuando asumió que su expatriación era irreversible, ingresó en un exilio profundo del cual Antígona revela lo esencial, pasando de la "privación" a la "revelación" tanto en un modo filosófico como en el poético, tanto en sus ensayos como en su única pieza teatral, La Tumba de Antígona (1967), una significativa metáfora de la guerra fratricida y del exilio. Por otro, Antígona furiosa (1986) de Gambaro, reescribe la tragedia de Sófocles cuando denuncia el terrorismo de estado argentino en una furiosa Antígona. Gambaro, hermana y madre de desaparecidos de la guerra sucia eleva su grito por justicia en nombre de la fraternidad humana


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Hasta principios del siglo XX la región de Castilla y León no figuraba en el cómputo de las regiones migratorias, situadas básicamente en la periferia mediterránea o en el noroeste español. En este texto se examinan brevemente las causas de este débil pulso migratorio como las que provocaron luego el éxodo masivo a América. Se exponen luego muy sumariamente las políticas migratorias de Argentina, Cuba y Brasil, principales países a los que se dirigían los castellanos. Teniendo en cuenta la decisiva importancia que la emigración española desempeñó en la formación del mercado de trabajo, podremos conocer mejor la evolución del fenómeno migratorio si examinamos cuándo y por qué se plantearon las distintas políticas de inmigración. Finalmente se analiza cómo se concretaron esas políticas de inmigración para conocer los grados de preferencia por un tipo u otro de emigrantes.


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This study aims to understand the sociospatial transformations resulting from the depopulation of the fields and their effects on the rural landscape of Arroio do Só in Santa Maria - RS. To this end, we attempted to identify changes in the way of life of rural people, their activities and relationships and understand how this process has occurred, its causes and its impact on quality of life and social structure of the population that remained in place. The discussion on the modernization of agriculture is key to understanding this process. This district was chosen as a research site because it is a town that, in the past, had a very big socioeconomic dynamism, and now, according to the bankruptcy of several companies and the consequent emigration of much of the population, the sociospatial dynamic has changed. It was collected data from a secondary source of FIBGE and FEE in order to periodize population dynamics of the district, county and state. The qualitative research was conducted through interviews with the subjects in the field and their representatives, with the help of the Field Diary


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A las migraciones de intelectuales como consecuencia de la Guerra Civil española, iniciadas ya en 1936, se sumaron posteriormente las de universitarios que desarrollaron su tarea allende las fronteras. Entre ellos, Ignacio Soldevila Durante, valenciano, quien se instaló en la ciudad de Québec en 1956. Dos años antes había dirigido una carta al escritor Max Aub, del que con el tiempo se convertiría en amigo y en su mejor especialista. El epistolario Aub-Soldevila (1954-1972) pone sobre el tapete, entre otros datos, detalles biográficos y elementos relacionados con la obra del escritor y con aquellas decisivas décadas del pasado siglo; asimismo, enuncia rasgos definitorios de cuantos la guerra arrojó a las playas del éxodo.