988 resultados para Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei--Lutte biologique contre


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La lutte contre le travail des enfants au Burkina Faso a resurgi dans la scène publique ces dix dernières années avec un engouement sans précédent aussi bien de la part des acteurs étatiques, des ONG que des organismes onusiens. Ce chapitre traite, dans une double perspective sociologique et anthropologique, de la dimension « genre » de cette lutte et cherche à voir dans quelle mesure celle-ci est prise en compte (ou non) dans les pratiques concrètes de retrait d’enfants des travaux considérés comme dangereux. Peut-on parler de politiques et de programmes « genrés » dans le champ de la lutte contre le travail des enfants au Burkina Faso ? Le chapitre est structuré en trois parties. Il présente d’abord les éléments caractéristiques de l’approche genre dans la lutte contre le travail des enfants. Ensuite, il aborde les politiques et les acteurs de cette lutte au Burkina Faso, en décrivant les processus de problématisation et publicisation de la question. Enfin, il traite du cas spcifique d’un projet triennal de retrait d’enfants des mines artisanales des régions du Nord et du Sahel burkinabè pour questionner la prise en compte du genre, des obstacles sociaux, culturels et d’autres contraintes possibles à l’égalité fille-garçon dans cette intervention. Il questionne par ailleurs la part des acteurs de terrain dans la (re)production des normes et des rôles sexués. Les données sont issues de quatre années de recherche menée au Burkina Faso entre 2008 et 2011, auprès d’acteurs engagés dans la production des politiques de lutte et/ou engagés dans la lutte concrète, mais également avec des enfants, parents et employeurs.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective was to analyse population structure and to determine genetic diversity of Erysiphe necator (syn. Uncinula necator) populations obtained from some vineyards located in the South-East Po valley (Italy). Powdery mildew is one of the most important fungal diseases of grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) throughout the world. The causal agent is the haploid, heterothallic ascomycete E. necator. It is an obligate biotrophic fungus and it can be found only on green organs of plants belonging to the family Vitaceae. For this pathogen, two sympatric populations (groups A and B) have been described in Europe and Australia. The two genetic groups differ at multiple genetic loci and previous studies reported a lack of interfertility among isolates of the two groups. There are now several well documented examples of plant pathogen species, such as Leptosphaeria maculans, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, Botrytis cinerea and Erysiphe syringae, which are indeed composed of genetically differentiated clades, that have led to the description of new groups or even new species. Several studies have suggested that genetic E. necator group A and B correlated with ecological features of the pathogen; some researchers proposed that group A isolates over-winter as resting mycelium within dormant buds, and in spring originate infected shoots, known as Flag shoots, while group B isolates would survive as ascospores in overwintering cleistothecia. However, the association between genetic groups and mode of over-wintering has been challenged by recent studies reporting that flag-shoot may be originated indifferently by group A or group B isolate. Previous studies observed a strong association between the levels of disease severity at the end of the growing season and the initial compositions of E. necator populations in commercial vineyards. The frequencies of E. necator genetic groups vary considerably among vineyards, and the two groups may coexist in the same vineyard. This finding suggests that we need more information on the genetics and epidemiology of E. necator for optimize the crop management In this study we monitored E. necator populations in different vineyards in Emilia – Romagna region (Italy), where the pathogen overwinters both as flagshoots and as cleistothecia. During the grape growing season, symptomatic leaves were sampled early in the growing season and both leaves and berries later during the epidemic growth of the disease. From each sample, single-conidial isolate was obtained. Each isolates was grown on V. vinifera leaf cv. Primitivo and after harvesting the mycelium, the DNA was purified and used as template for PCR amplification with SCAR primers (Sequences Characterised Amplified Region ), -tubulin, IGS sequences and Microsatellite markers (SSR). Amplified DNA from b-tubulin and IGS loci was digested with AciI and XhoI restriction enzymes, respectively, to show single-nucleotide polymorphisms specific for the two genetic groups. The results obtained indicated that SCAR primers are not useful to study the epidemiology. of E. necator conversely the b-tubulin IGS sequences and SSR. Summarize the results obtained with b-tubulin, IGS sequences, in treated vineyards we have found individuals of group B along all grape growing season, whereas in the untreated vineyard individuals of the two genetic groups A and B coexisted throughout the season, with no significant change of their frequency. DNA amplified from ascospores of single cleistothecia showed the presence of markers diagnostic for either groups A and B and were seldom observed also the coexistence of both groups within a claistothecium. These results indicate that individuals of the two groups mated in nature and were able to produced ascospores. With SSR we showed the possibility of recombination between A and B groups in field isolates. During winter, cleistothecia were collected repeatedly in the same vineyards sampling leaves fallen on ground, exfoliating bark from trunks, and from soil. From each substrate, was assess the percentage of cleistothecia containing viable ascospores. Our results confirmed that cleisthotecia contained viable ascospores, therefore they have the potential to be an additional and important source of primary inoculum in Emilia-Romagna vineyards.


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Ce projet avait pour objectif d’évaluer l’efficacité de certains sels utilisés comme agents de conservation dans l’industrie agroalimentaire et pharmaceutique pour lutter contre la maladie des taches et des nervures noires de la laitue (Lactuca sativa), causée par la bactérie Pseudomonas cichorii. L’étude a permis 1) de déterminer les concentrations minimales inhibitrices (MICs) des sels et de mélanges de ces sels envers des souches virulentes de P. cichorii et 2) d’évaluer l’effet de ces sels et mélanges de sels, appliqués à des concentrations avoisinant les MICs, sur le développement de la maladie. Les résultats obtenus montrent une réduction significative, bien que partielle et variable, de la gravité des symptômes de maladie suite à l’application de NaHCO3 (160 mM), de AlCl3 (4 mM) et des mélanges Na2S2O5 + CaCl2 (12 mM), Na2S2O5 + AlCl3 (4 mM) et Na2S2O5 + NaHCO3 (125 mM). À la lumière des résultats obtenus, il est clair que les sels testés dans le cadre de cette étude ne permettent pas une réduction suffisamment marquée de la maladie pour envisager la commercialisation des plants. On ne peut toutefois exclure la possibilité que ces sels puissent permettre une réduction suffisante de la maladie des taches et des nervures noires lorsqu’utilisés avec des méthodes complémentaires de lutte dans un programme de lutte intégrée.


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Cette recherche s'adresse à tous ceux et celles pour qui l'humanisation des soins se situe au coeur de leurs préoccupations professionnelles et personnelles. Le présent mémoire concerne le testament biologique, un document nouveau, controversé, qui touche aux décisions en matière de soins et traitements à la fin de la vie. Le testament biologique sera abordé sous l'angle du changement des attitudes suscité par un programme d'information sur ses différents aspects, et ce, auprès d'un groupe de personnes âgées. Le lecteur trouvera, dans les pages qui suivent, des pistes de réflexion et d'information sur ce précieux document ainsi qu'une incitation à poursuivre les activités de sensibilisation déjà amorcées. Pour l'auteure de cette recherche, le testament biologique représente un moyen de se protéger contre une technologie médicale devenue parfois abusive et de remettre au malade le pouvoir de décider LUI-MEME comment il veut être traité à la fin de sa vie.


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Inclusions of sp-hybridised, trans-polyacetylene [trans-(CH)x] and poly(p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV) chains are revealed using resonant Raman scattering (RRS) investigation of amorphous hydrogenated carbon (a-C:H) films in the near IR – UV range. The RRS spectra of trans-(CH)x core Ag modes and the PPV CC-H phenylene mode are found to transform and disperse as the laser excitation energy ћωL is increased from near IR through visible to UV, whereas sp-bonded inclusions only become evident in UV. This is attributed to ћωL probing of trans-(CH)x chain inhomogeneity and the distribution of chains with varying conjugation length; for PPV to the resonant probing of phelynene ring disorder; and for sp segments, to ћωL probing of a local band gap of end-terminated polyynes. The IR spectra analysis confirmed the presence of sp, trans-(CH)x and PPV inclusions. The obtained RRS results for a-C:H denote differentiation between the core Ag trans-(CH)x modes and the PPV phenylene mode. Furthermore, it was found that at various laser excitation energies the changes in Raman spectra features for trans-(CH)x segments included in an amorphous carbon matrix are the same as in bulk trans-polyacetylene. The latter finding can be used to facilitate identification of trans-(CH)x in the spectra of complex carbonaceous materials.


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Abstract Neopolycystus sp. is the only primary egg parasitoid associated with the pest beetle Paropsis atomaria in subtropical eucalypt plantations, but its impact on its host populations is unknown. The simplified ecosystem represented by the plantation habitat, lack of interspecific competition for host and parasitoid, and the multivoltinism of the host population makes this an ideal system for quantifying the direct and indirect effects of egg parasitism, and hence, effects on host population dynamics. Within-, between- and overall-egg-batch parasitism rates were determined at three field sites over two field seasons, and up to seven host generations. The effect of exposure time (egg batch age), host density proximity to native forest and water sources on egg parasitism rates was also tested. Neopolycystus sp. exerts a significant influence on P. atomaria populations in Eucalyptus cloeziana. plantations in south-eastern Queensland, causing the direct (13%) and indirect (15%) mortality of almost one-third of all eggs in the field. Across seasons and generations, 45% of egg batches were parasitised, with a within-batch parasitism rate of around 30%. Between-batch parasitism increased up to 5–6 days after oviposition in the field, although within-batch parasitism rates generally did not. However, there were few apparent patterns to egg parasitism, with rates often varying significantly between sites and seasons.