970 resultados para Error in essence


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Effects of cochannel interference and synchronization error of the carrier phase on the probability of error in binary communications are considered. Several bounds on the probability of error are proposed. The bounds are easy to compute and do not require complete statistical characterization of the errors. They turn out to be simple linear combinations of error probabilities with no cochannel interferences and no phase errors. Several illustrative examples are given which show that the bounds can be tight.


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Population dynamics are generally viewed as the result of intrinsic (purely density dependent) and extrinsic (environmental) processes. Both components, and potential interactions between those two, have to be modelled in order to understand and predict dynamics of natural populations; a topic that is of great importance in population management and conservation. This thesis focuses on modelling environmental effects in population dynamics and how effects of potentially relevant environmental variables can be statistically identified and quantified from time series data. Chapter I presents some useful models of multiplicative environmental effects for unstructured density dependent populations. The presented models can be written as standard multiple regression models that are easy to fit to data. Chapters II IV constitute empirical studies that statistically model environmental effects on population dynamics of several migratory bird species with different life history characteristics and migration strategies. In Chapter II, spruce cone crops are found to have a strong positive effect on the population growth of the great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major), while cone crops of pine another important food resource for the species do not effectively explain population growth. The study compares rate- and ratio-dependent effects of cone availability, using state-space models that distinguish between process and observation error in the time series data. Chapter III shows how drought, in combination with settling behaviour during migration, produces asymmetric spatially synchronous patterns of population dynamics in North American ducks (genus Anas). Chapter IV investigates the dynamics of a Finnish population of skylark (Alauda arvensis), and point out effects of rainfall and habitat quality on population growth. Because the skylark time series and some of the environmental variables included show strong positive autocorrelation, the statistical significances are calculated using a Monte Carlo method, where random autocorrelated time series are generated. Chapter V is a simulation-based study, showing that ignoring observation error in analyses of population time series data can bias the estimated effects and measures of uncertainty, if the environmental variables are autocorrelated. It is concluded that the use of state-space models is an effective way to reach more accurate results. In summary, there are several biological assumptions and methodological issues that can affect the inferential outcome when estimating environmental effects from time series data, and that therefore need special attention. The functional form of the environmental effects and potential interactions between environment and population density are important to deal with. Other issues that should be considered are assumptions about density dependent regulation, modelling potential observation error, and when needed, accounting for spatial and/or temporal autocorrelation.


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In this paper, we present the design and characterization of a vibratory yaw rate MEMS sensor that uses in-plane motion for both actuation and sensing. The design criterion for the rate sensor is based on a high sensitivity and low bandwidth. The required sensitivity of the yawrate sensor is attained by using the inplane motion in which the dominant damping mechanism is the fluid loss due to slide film damping i.e. two-three orders of magnitude less than the squeeze-film damping in other rate sensors with out-of-plane motion. The low bandwidth is achieved by matching the drive and the sense mode frequencies. Based on these factors, the yaw rate sensor is designed and finally realized using surface micromachining. The inplane motion of the sensor is experimentally characterized to determine the sense and the drive mode frequencies, and corresponding damping ratios. It is found that the experimental results match well with the numerical and the analytical models with less than 5% error in frequencies measurements. The measured quality factor of the sensor is approximately 467, which is two orders of magnitude higher than that for a similar rate sensor with out-of-plane sense direction.


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Embryonic stem cells offer potentially a ground-breaking insight into health and diseases and are said to offer hope in discovering cures for many ailments unimaginable few years ago. Human embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated, immature cells that possess an amazing ability to develop into almost any body cell such as heart muscle, bone, nerve and blood cells and possibly even organs in due course. This remarkable feature, enabling embryonic stem cells to proliferate indefinitely in vitro (in a test tube), has branded them as a so-called miracle cure . Their potential use in clinical applications provides hope to many sufferers of debilitating and fatal medical conditions. However, the emergence of stem cell research has resulted in intense debates about its promises and dangers. On the one hand, advocates hail its potential, ranging from alleviating and even curing fatal and debilitating diseases such as Parkinson s, diabetes, heart ailments and so forth. On the other hand, opponents decry its dangers, drawing attention to the inherent risks of human embryo destruction, cloning for research purposes and reproductive cloning eventually. Lately, however, the policy battles surrounding human embryonic stem cell innovation have shifted from being a controversial research to scuffles within intellectual property rights. In fact, the ability to obtain patents represents a pivotal factor in the economic success or failure of this new biotechnology. Although, stem cell patents tend to more or less satisfy the standard patentability requirements, they also raise serious ethical and moral questions about the meaning of the exclusions on ethical or moral grounds as found in European and to an extent American and Australian patent laws. At present there is a sort of a calamity over human embryonic stem cell patents in Europe and to an extent in Australia and the United States. This in turn has created a sense of urgency to engage all relevant parties in the discourse on how best to approach patenting of this new form of scientific innovation. In essence, this should become a highly favoured patenting priority. To the contrary, stem cell innovation and its reliance on patent protection risk turmoil, uncertainty, confusion and even a halt on not only stem cell research but also further emerging biotechnology research and development. The patent system is premised upon the fundamental principle of balance which ought to ensure that the temporary monopoly awarded to the inventor equals that of the social benefit provided by the disclosure of the invention. Ensuring and maintaining this balance within the patent system when patenting human embryonic stem cells is of crucial contemporary relevance. Yet, the patenting of human embryonic stem cells raises some fundamental moral, social and legal questions. Overall, the present approach of patenting human embryonic stem cell related inventions is unsatisfactory and ineffective. This draws attention to a specific question which provides for a conceptual framework for this work. That question is the following: how can the investigated patent offices successfully deal with patentability of human embryonic stem cells? This in turn points at the thorny issue of application of the morality clause in this field. In particular, the interpretation of the exclusions on ethical or moral grounds as found in Australian, American and European legislative and judicial precedents. The Thesis seeks to compare laws and legal practices surrounding patentability of human embryonic stem cells in Australia and the United States with that of Europe. By using Europe as the primary case study for lessons and guidance, the central goal of the Thesis then becomes the determination of the type of solutions available to Europe with prospects to apply such to Australia and the United States. The Dissertation purports to define the ethical implications that arise with patenting human embryonic stem cells and intends to offer resolutions to the key ethical dilemmas surrounding patentability of human embryonic stem cells and other morally controversial biotechnology inventions. In particular, the Thesis goal is to propose a functional framework that may be used as a benchmark for an informed discussion on the solution to resolving ethical and legal tensions that come with patentability of human embryonic stem cells in Australian, American and European patent worlds. Key research questions that arise from these objectives and which continuously thread throughout the monograph are: 1. How do common law countries such as Australia and the United States approach and deal with patentability of human embryonic stem cells in their jurisdictions? These practices are then compared to the situation in Europe as represented by the United Kingdom (first two chapters), the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Patent Office decisions (Chapter 3 onwards) in order to obtain a full picture of the present patenting procedures on the European soil. 2. How are ethical and moral considerations taken into account at patent offices investigated when assessing patentability of human embryonic stem cell related inventions? In order to assess this part, the Thesis evaluates how ethical issues that arise with patent applications are dealt with by: a) Legislative history of the modern patent system from its inception in 15th Century England to present day patent laws. b) Australian, American and European patent offices presently and in the past, including other relevant legal precedents on the subject matter. c) Normative ethical theories. d) The notion of human dignity used as the lowest common denominator for the interpretation of the European morality clause. 3. Given the existence of the morality clause in form of Article 6(1) of the Directive 98/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 1998 on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions which corresponds to Article 53(a) European Patent Convention, a special emphasis is put on Europe as a guiding principle for Australia and the United States. Any room for improvement of the European morality clause and Europe s current manner of evaluating ethical tensions surrounding human embryonic stem cell inventions is examined. 4. A summary of options (as represented by Australia, the United States and Europe) available as a basis for the optimal examination procedure of human embryonic stem cell inventions is depicted, whereas the best of such alternatives is deduced in order to create a benchmark framework. This framework is then utilised on and promoted as a tool to assist Europe (as represented by the European Patent Office) in examining human embryonic stem cell patent applications. This method suggests a possibility of implementing an institution solution. 5. Ultimately, a question of whether such reformed European patent system can be used as a founding stone for a potential patent reform in Australia and the United States when examining human embryonic stem cells or other morally controversial inventions is surveyed. The author wishes to emphasise that the guiding thought while carrying out this work is to convey the significance of identifying, analysing and clarifying the ethical tensions surrounding patenting human embryonic stem cells and ultimately present a solution that adequately assesses patentability of human embryonic stem cell inventions and related biotechnologies. In answering the key questions above, the Thesis strives to contribute to the broader stem cell debate about how and to which extent ethical and social positions should be integrated into the patenting procedure in pluralistic and morally divided democracies of Europe and subsequently Australia and the United States.


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Benthic processes were measured at a coastal deposition area in the northern Baltic Sea, covering all seasons. The N-2 production rates, 90-400 mu mol N m(-2) d(-1), were highest in autumn-early winter and lowest in spring. Heterotrophic bacterial production peaked unexpectedly late in the year, indicating that in addition to the temperature, the availability of carbon compounds suitable for the heterotrophic bacteria also plays a major role in regulating the denitrification rate. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) was measured in spring and autumn and contributed 10% and 15%, respectively, to the total N-2 production. The low percentage did, however, result in a significant error in the total N-2 production rate estimate, calculated using the isotope pairing technique. Anammox must be taken into account in the Gulf of Finland in future sediment nitrogen cycling research.


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The present paper aims at studying the performance characteristics of a subspace based algorithm for source localization in shallow water such as coastal water. Specifically, we study the performance of Multi Image Subspace Algorithm (MISA). Through first-order perturbation analysis and computer simulation it is shown that MISA is unbiased and statistically efficient. Further, we bring out the role of multipaths (or images) in reducing the error in the localization. It is shown that the presence of multipaths is found to improve the range and depth estimates. This may be attributed to the increased curvature of the wavefront caused by interference from many coherent multipaths.


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Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations have been carried out to explore the effects of the orientational motion of the donor-acceptor (D-A) chromophore pair on the Forster energy transfer between the D-A pair embedded in a polymer chain in solution. It is found that the usually employed orientational averaging (that is, replacing the orientational factor, kappa, by kappa (2) = 2/3) may lead to an error in the estimation of the rate of the reaction by about 20%. In the limit of slow orientational relaxation, the preaveraging of the orientational factor leads to an overestimation of the rate, while in the opposite limit of very fast orientational relaxation, the usual scheme underestimates the rate. The latter results from an interesting interplay between reaction and diffusion. On the other hand, when one of the chromophores is fixed, the preaveraged rate is found to be fairly reliable if the rotational relaxation of the chromophore is sufficiently fast. The present study also reveals a power law dependence of the FRET rate on the chain length (rate proportional to N- alpha, with alpha approximate to 2.6).


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In the present work, we study the transverse vortex-induced vibrations of an elastically mounted rigid cylinder in a fluid flow. We employ a technique to accurately control the structural damping, enabling the system to take on both negative and positive damping. This permits a systematic study of the effects of system mass and damping on the peak vibration response. Previous experiments over the last 30 years indicate a large scatter in peak-amplitude data ($A^*$) versus the product of mass–damping ($\alpha$), in the so-called ‘Griffin plot’. A principal result in the present work is the discovery that the data collapse very well if one takes into account the effect of Reynolds number ($\mbox{\textit{Re}}$), as an extra parameter in a modified Griffin plot. Peak amplitudes corresponding to zero damping ($A^*_{{\alpha}{=}0}$), for a compilation of experiments over a wide range of $\mbox{\textit{Re}}\,{=}\,500-33000$, are very well represented by the functional form $A^*_{\alpha{=}0} \,{=}\, f(\mbox{\textit{Re}}) \,{=}\, \log(0.41\,\mbox{\textit{Re}}^{0.36}$). For a given $\mbox{\textit{Re}}$, the amplitude $A^*$ appears to be proportional to a function of mass–damping, $A^*\propto g(\alpha)$, which is a similar function over all $\mbox{\textit{Re}}$. A good best-fit for a wide range of mass–damping and Reynolds number is thus given by the following simple expression, where $A^*\,{=}\, g(\alpha)\,f(\mbox{\textit{Re}})$: \[ A^* \,{=}\,(1 - 1.12\,\alpha + 0.30\,\alpha^2)\,\log (0.41\,\mbox{\textit{Re}}^{0.36}). \] In essence, by using a renormalized parameter, which we define as the ‘modified amplitude’, $A^*_M\,{=}\,A^*/A^*_{\alpha{=}0}$, the previously scattered data collapse very well onto a single curve, $g(\alpha)$, on what we refer to as the ‘modified Griffin plot’. There has also been much debate over the last three decades concerning the validity of using the product of mass and damping (such as $\alpha$) in these problems. Our results indicate that the combined mass–damping parameter ($\alpha$) does indeed collapse peak-amplitude data well, at a given $\mbox{\textit{Re}}$, independent of the precise mass and damping values, for mass ratios down to $m^*\,{=}\,1$.


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Ampcalculator (AMPC) is a Mathematica (c) based program that was made publicly available some time ago by Unterdorfer and Ecker. It enables the user to compute several processes at one loop (upto O(p(4))) in SU(3) chiral perturbation theory. They include computing matrix elements and form factors for strong and non-leptonic weak processes with at most six external states. It was used to compute some novel processes and was tested against well-known results by the original authors. Here we present the results of several thorough checks of the package. Exhaustive checks performed by the original authors are not publicly available, and hence the present effort. Some new results are obtained from the software especially in the kaon odd-intrinsic parity non-leptonic decay sector involving the coupling G(27). Another illustrative set of amplitudes at tree level we provide is in the context of tau-decays with several mesons including quark mass effects, of use to the BELLE experiment. All eight meson-meson scattering amplitudes have been checked. The Kaon-Compton amplitude has been checked and a minor error in the published results has been pointed out. This exercise is a tutorial-based one, wherein several input and output notebooks are also being made available as ancillary files on the arXiv. Some of the additional notebooks we provide contain explicit expressions that we have used for comparison with established results. The purpose is to encourage users to apply the software to suit their specific needs. An automatic amplitude generator of this type can provide error-free outputs that could be used as inputs for further simplification, and in varied scenarios such as applications of chiral perturbation theory at finite temperature, density and volume. This can also be used by students as a learning aid in low-energy hadron dynamics.


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The vaporization characteristics of pendant droplets of various chemical compositions (like conventional fuels, alternative fuels and nanosuspensions) subjected to convective heating in a laminar air jet have been analyzed. Different heating conditions were achieved by controlling the air temperature and velocity fields around the droplet. A hybrid timescale has been proposed which incorporates the effects of latent heat of vaporization, saturation vapor pressure and thermal diffusivity. This timescale in essence encapsulates the different parameters that influence the droplet vaporization rate. The analysis further permits the evaluation of the effect of various parameters such as surrounding temperature, Reynolds number, far-field vapor presence, impurity content and agglomeration dynamics (nanosuspensions) in the droplet. Flow visualization has been carried out to understand the role of internal recirculation on the vaporization rate. The visualization indicates the presence of a single vortex cell within the droplet on account of the rotation and oscillation of the droplet due to aerodynamic load. External heating induced agglomeration in nanofluids leads to morphological changes during the vaporization process. These morphological changes and alteration in vaporization behavior have been assessed using high speed imaging of the diameter regression and Scanning Electron Microscopy images of the resultant precipitate. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The scattering of carriers by charged dislocations in semiconductors is studied within the framework of the linearized Boltzmann transport theory with an emphasis on examining consequences of the extreme anisotropy of the cylindrically symmetric scattering potential. A new closed-form approximate expression for the carrier mobility valid for all temperatures is proposed. The ratios of quantum and transport scattering times are evaluated after averaging over the anisotropy in the relaxation time. The value of the Hall scattering factor computed for charged dislocation scattering indicates that there may be a factor of two error in the experimental mobility estimates using the Hall data. An expression for the resistivity tensor when the dislocations are tilted with respect to the plane of transport is derived. Finally, an expression for the isotropic relaxation time is derived when the dislocations are located within the sample with a uniform angular distribution.


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Interdiffusion studies become increasingly difficult to perform with the increasing number of elements in a system. It is rather easy to calculate the interdiffusion coefficients for all the compositions in the interdiffusion zone in a binary system. The intrinsic diffusion coefficients can be calculated for the composition of Kirkendall marker plane in a binary system. In a ternary system, however, the interdiffusion coefficients can only be calculated for the composition where composition profiles from two different diffusion couples intersect. Intrinsic diffusion coefficients are possible to calculate when the Kirkendall markers are also present at that composition, which is a condition that is generally difficult to satisfy. In a quaternary system, the composition profiles for three different diffusion couples must intersect at one particular composition to calculate the diffusion parameters, which is a condition that is almost impossible to satisfy. To avoid these complications in a multicomponent system, the average interdiffusion coefficients are calculated. I propose a method of calculating the intrinsic diffusion coefficients and the variation in the interdiffusion coefficients for multicomponent systems. This method can be used for a single diffusion couple in a multicomponent pseudobinary system. The compositions of the end members of a diffusion couple should be selected such that only two elements diffuse into the interdiffusion zone. A few hypothetical diffusion couples are considered in order to validate and explain our method. Various sources of error in the calculations are also discussed.


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Phase-locked loops (PLLs) are necessary in applications which require grid synchronization. Presence of unbalance or harmonics in the grid voltage creates errors in the estimated frequency and angle of a PLL. The error in estimated angle has the effect of distorting the unit vectors generated by the PLL. In this paper, analytical expressions are derived which determine the error in the phase angle estimated by a PLL when there is unbalance and harmonics in the grid voltage. By using the derived expressions, the total harmonic distortion (THD) and the fundamental phase error of the unit vectors can be determined for a given PLL topology and a given level of unbalance and distortion in the grid voltage. The accuracy of the results obtained from the analytical expressions is validated with the simulation and experimental results for synchronous reference frame PLL (SRF-PLL). Based on these expressions, a new tuning method for the SRF-PLL is proposed which quantifies the tradeoff between the unit vector THD and the bandwidth of the SRF-PLL. Using this method, the exact value of the bandwidth of the SRF-PLL can be obtained for a given worst case grid voltage unbalance and distortion to have an acceptable level of unit vector THD. The tuning method for SRF-PLL is also validated experimentally.


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In this paper, a nonlinear suboptimal detector whose performance in heavy-tailed noise is significantly better than that of the matched filter is proposed. The detector consists of a nonlinear wavelet denoising filter to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio, followed by a replica correlator. Performance of the detector is investigated through an asymptotic theoretical analysis as well as Monte Carlo simulations. The proposed detector offers the following advantages over the optimal (in the Neyman-Pearson sense) detector: it is easier to implement, and it is more robust with respect to error in modeling the probability distribution of noise.


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This paper considers the problem of channel estimation at the transmitter in a spatial multiplexing-based Time Division Duplex (TDD) Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system with perfect CSIR. A novel channel-dependent Reverse Channel Training (RCT) sequence is proposed, using which the transmitter estimates the beamforming vectors for forward link data transmission. This training sequence is designed based on the following two metrics: (i) a capacity lower bound, and (ii) the mean square error in the estimate. The performance of the proposed training scheme is analyzed and is shown to significantly outperform the conventional orthogonal RCT sequence. Also, in the case where the transmitter uses water-filling power allocation for data transmission, a novel RCT sequence is proposed and optimized with respect to the MSE in estimating the transmit covariance matrix.