942 resultados para Equations of motion.
We investigate theoretically a ferrofluid in the presence of a rotating magnetic field using a phenomenological approach based on a equation of motion for the magnetization. We verify that the heating rates of the system display a heat transfer between the host liquid and the magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs), with symmetric profiles dependent on the vorticity value. As a result, the total heating rate reveals a magnetovortical antiresonance and characterizes the suppression of the dissipation. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
We analyze the vortex dynamics in superconducting thin films with a periodic array of pinning centers. In particular, we study the effect of anisotropy for a Kagomé pinning network when longitudinal and transverse transport currents are applied. By solving the equations of motion for the vortex array numerically at zero temperature, we find different phases for the vortex dynamics, depending on the pinning and driving force. An unusual sequence of peaks for driving force along and perpendicular to the main lattice axes is observed for the differential resistance, reflecting the anisotropy of the transport properties and the complex behavior of the vortex system. This behavior may be understood in terms of interstitial pinning vacancies, which create channels of vortices with different pinning strengths. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
There are several mechanical models to describe the DNA phenomenology. In this work the DNA denaturation is stu- died under thermodynamical and dynamical point of view using the well known Peyrard-Bishop model. The thermody-namics analysis using the transfer integral operator method is briefly reviewed. In particular, the lattice size is discussed and a conjecture about the minimum energy to denaturation is proposed. In terms of the dynamical aspects of the model, the equations of motion for the system are integrated and the results determine the energy density where the denatura- tion occurs. The behavior of the lattice near the phase transition is analyzed. The relation between the thermodynamical and dynamical results is discussed.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation is one of the most important computational techniques with broad applications in physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, materials design and biological science. Traditional computational chemistry refers to quantum calculations based on solving Schrodinger equations. Later developed Density Functional Theory (DFT) based on solving Kohn-Sham equations became the more popular ab initio calculation technique which could deal with ~1000 atoms by explicitly considering electron interactions. In contrast, MD simulation based on solving classical mechanics equations of motion is a totally different technique in the field of computational chemistry. Electron interactions were implicitly included in the empirical atom-based potential functions and the system size to be investigated can be extended to ~106 atoms. The thermodynamic properties of model fluids are mainly determined by macroscopic quantities, like temperature, pressure, density. The quantum effects on thermodynamic properties like melting point, surface tension are not dominant. In this work, we mainly investigated the melting point, surface tension (liquid-vapor and liquid-solid) of model fluids including Lennard-Jones model, Stockmayer model and a couple of water models (TIP4P/Ew, TIP5P/Ew) by means of MD simulation. In addition, some new structures of water confined in carbon nanotube were discovered and transport behaviors of water and ions through nano-channels were also revealed.
The present paper aims at contributing to a discussion, opened by several authors, on the proper equation of motion that governs the vertical collapse of buildings. The most striking and tragic example is that of the World Trade Center Twin Towers, in New York City, about 10 years ago. This is a very complex problem and, besides dynamics, the analysis involves several areas of knowledge in mechanics, such as structural engineering, materials sciences, and thermodynamics, among others. Therefore, the goal of this work is far from claiming to deal with the problem in its completeness, leaving aside discussions about the modeling of the resistive load to collapse, for example. However, the following analysis, restricted to the study of motion, shows that the problem in question holds great similarity to the classic falling-chain problem, very much addressed in a number of different versions as the pioneering one, by von Buquoy or the one by Cayley. Following previous works, a simple single-degree-of-freedom model was readdressed and conceptually discussed. The form of Lagrange's equation, which leads to a proper equation of motion for the collapsing building, is a general and extended dissipative form, which is proper for systems with mass varying explicitly with position. The additional dissipative generalized force term, which was present in the extended form of the Lagrange equation, was shown to be derivable from a Rayleigh-like energy function. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000453. (C) 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.
The intention of this paper is to present some Aristotelian arguments regarding the motion on local terrestrial region. Because it is a highly sophisticated and complex explanation dealt with, briefly, the principles and causes that based theoretic sciences in general and in particular physics. Subdivided into eight topics this article in order to facilitate the understanding of these concepts for the reader not familiar with the Aristotelian texts. With intent to avoid an innocent view, anachronistic and linear the citations are of primary sources or commentators of Aristotle's works.
Fundamental principles of mechanics were primarily conceived for constant mass systems. Since the pioneering works of Meshcherskii (see historical review in Mikhailov (Mech. Solids 10(5):32-40, 1975), efforts have been made in order to elaborate an adequate mathematical formalism for variable mass systems. This is a current research field in theoretical mechanics. In this paper, attention is focused on the derivation of the so-called 'generalized canonical equations of Hamilton' for a variable mass particle. The applied technique consists in the consideration of the mass variation process as a dissipative phenomenon. Kozlov's (Stek. Inst. Math 223:178-184, 1998) method, originally devoted to the derivation of the generalized canonical equations of Hamilton for dissipative systems, is accordingly extended to the scenario of variable mass systems. This is done by conveniently writing the flux of kinetic energy from or into the variable mass particle as a 'Rayleigh-like dissipation function'. Cayley (Proc. R Soc. Lond. 8:506-511, 1857) was the first scholar to propose such an analogy. A deeper discussion on this particular subject will be left for a future paper.
The aim of this thesis was to describe the development of motion analysis protocols for applications on upper and lower limb extremities, by using inertial sensors-based systems. Inertial sensors-based systems are relatively recent. Knowledge and development of methods and algorithms for the use of such systems for clinical purposes is therefore limited if compared with stereophotogrammetry. However, their advantages in terms of low cost, portability, small size, are a valid reason to follow this direction. When developing motion analysis protocols based on inertial sensors, attention must be given to several aspects, like the accuracy of inertial sensors-based systems and their reliability. The need to develop specific algorithms/methods and software for using these systems for specific applications, is as much important as the development of motion analysis protocols based on them. For this reason, the goal of the 3-years research project described in this thesis was achieved first of all trying to correctly design the protocols based on inertial sensors, in terms of exploring and developing which features were suitable for the specific application of the protocols. The use of optoelectronic systems was necessary because they provided a gold standard and accurate measurement, which was used as a reference for the validation of the protocols based on inertial sensors. The protocols described in this thesis can be particularly helpful for rehabilitation centers in which the high cost of instrumentation or the limited working areas do not allow the use of stereophotogrammetry. Moreover, many applications requiring upper and lower limb motion analysis to be performed outside the laboratories will benefit from these protocols, for example performing gait analysis along the corridors. Out of the buildings, the condition of steady-state walking or the behavior of the prosthetic devices when encountering slopes or obstacles during walking can also be assessed. The application of inertial sensors on lower limb amputees presents conditions which are challenging for magnetometer-based systems, due to ferromagnetic material commonly adopted for the construction of idraulic components or motors. INAIL Prostheses Centre stimulated and, together with Xsens Technologies B.V. supported the development of additional methods for improving the accuracy of MTx in measuring the 3D kinematics for lower limb prostheses, with the results provided in this thesis. In the author’s opinion, this thesis and the motion analysis protocols based on inertial sensors here described, are a demonstration of how a strict collaboration between the industry, the clinical centers, the research laboratories, can improve the knowledge, exchange know-how, with the common goal to develop new application-oriented systems.
Wegen der fortschreitenden Miniaturisierung von Halbleiterbauteilen spielen Quanteneffekte eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Quantenphänomene werden gewöhnlich durch kinetische Gleichungen beschrieben, aber manchmal hat eine fluid-dynamische Beschreibung Vorteile: die bessere Nutzbarkeit für numerische Simulationen und die einfachere Vorgabe von Randbedingungen. In dieser Arbeit werden drei Diffusionsgleichungen zweiter und vierter Ordnung untersucht. Der erste Teil behandelt die implizite Zeitdiskretisierung und das Langzeitverhalten einer degenerierten Fokker-Planck-Gleichung. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit besteht aus der Untersuchung des viskosen Quantenhydrodynamischen Modells in einer Raumdimension und dessen Langzeitverhaltens. Im letzten Teil wird die Existenz von Lösungen einer parabolischen Gleichung vierter Ordnung in einer Raumdimension bewiesen, und deren Langzeitverhalten studiert.