782 resultados para Endurance athletes


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Motivation to perform and coping with stress during performance are key factors in determining numerous outcomes of sporting performance. However, less evidence is in place assessing their relationship. The aim of this investigation was to assess the relationship between athlete motivation and the coping strategies used to deal with stress during their sporting performance, as well as the relationship between motivation and affect and coping and affect. One hundred and forty five university athletes completed questionnaires. Regressions revealed that two of the three self determined levels of motivation, identified and integrated regulation, predicted increased task-oriented coping strategies. Two of the three non-self determined levels of motivation, amotivation and external regulation, significantly predicted disengagement-oriented coping. Additionally, intrinsic motivation and task-oriented coping predicted increase positive affect. Increased disengagement-oriented coping predicted decreased positive affect. Disengagement-oriented coping significantly predicted increased negative affect. These findings increase understanding of motivations role in predicting athletes coping.


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This study examined changes in the salivary concentrations of immunoglobulin A (sIgA), cortisol (sC), testosterone (sT) and testosterone-to-cortisol ratio (T/C) in 23 competitive swimmers, 11-15 years old, during a week leading to competition as compared to a control (non-competitive) week. Results showed no effect of week or day, and no significant week-by-day interaction for sIgA, sC and T/C. In contrast, sT significantly decreased during the week of competition, along with a 7%, non-significant decrease in the weekly T/C. The latter suggests that the swimmers were in a catabolic state due to their training, but this did not have a negative effect on their performance Since sC did not change over the two weeks and according to the sport anxiety scale, competition stress was relatively low in these peri-pubertal athletes, it is concluded that in the absence of high cortisol levels mucosal immunity is unaffected in young athletes prior to competition.


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Consuming low-fat milk (LFM) after resistance training leads to improvements in body composition. Habitual aerobic exercise and dairy intake are relatively easy lifestyle modifications that could benefit a population at risk for becoming obese. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate combining increased LFM intake with endurance exercise on body composition, blood-lipid profile and metabolic markers. 40 young males were randomized into four groups: one ingesting 750mL LFM immediately post-exercise, the other 6hrs post-exercise; and two isocaloric carbohydrate groups ingesting at the two different times. Participants completed a 12 week endurance-training program (cycling 1 hour/day at ~60%VO2peak, 5 days/week). 23 participants completed the study. Increases in lean mass (p < 0.05), and decreases in anti-inflammatory marker adiponectin (p < 0.05) were seen in all groups. No other significant changes were observed. Future analyses should focus on longer duration exercise and include a larger sample.


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Consumption of low-fat milk (LFM) after resistance training has been shown to have positive influences on body composition and training adaptations; however, little research has examined the effects of LFM consumption following endurance training. The purpose of the study was to look at the effects of combining additional servings of LFM following endurance exercise on body composition, bone health, and training adaptations. 40 healthy males were recruited. Individuals were randomized into 4 groups – DEI (750mL LFM immediately post exercise), DEA (750mL LFM 4 hrs prior to or 6 hrs post exercise), CEI (750mL carbohydrate beverage immediately post-exercise), and CEA (750mL carbohydrate beverage immediately post-exercise). Participants took part in a 12-week endurance training intervention (1 h/day, 3 d/wk, ~60% max HR). 22 participants completed the study. Analysis showed significant increases in lean mass, spinal bone mineral content, relative VO2peak, and a decrease in Trap 5β across all groups (p < 0.05).


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Surrounding lipid droplets in skeletal muscle are the perilipin (PLIN2-5) family of proteins, regulating lipid droplet metabolism. During exercise lipid droplets provide fatty acids to the mitochondria for oxidation while increasing their proximity to each other. Whether PLIN3 and PLIN5 associate with mitochondria following contraction has not been examined. To determine whether contraction altered mitochondrial PLIN3 and PLIN5 content, sedentary and endurance trained rats underwent acute contraction. The main outcomes are; 1) mitochondrial PLIN3 content is unaltered while mitochondrial PLIN5 content is increased following an acute contraction 2) mitochondrial PLIN3 content is higher in endurance trained rats when compared to sedentary and mitochondrial PLIN5 content is similar in both conditions 3) only PLIN5 mitochondrial content is increased similarly in both groups following acute contraction. This work highlights the dynamics of these two PLIN proteins, which may have roles not only on the lipid droplet but also on the mitochondria.


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The first and rate-limiting step of lipolysis is the removal of the first fatty acid from a triglyceride molecule; it is catalyzed by adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL). ATGL is co-activated by comparative gene identification-58 (CGI-58) and inhibited by the G(0)/G(1) switch gene-2 protein (G0S2). G0S2 has also recently been identified as a positive regulator of oxidative phosphorylation within the mitochondria. Previous research has demonstrated in cell culture, a dose dependent mechanism for inhibition by G0S2 on ATGL. However our data is not consistent with this hypothesis. There was no change in G0S2 protein content during an acute lipolytic inducing set of contractions in both whole muscle, and isolated mitochondria yet both ATGL and G0S2 increase following endurance training, in spite of the fact that there should be increased reliance on intramuscular lipolysis. Therefore, inhibition of ATGL by G0S2 appears to be regulated through more complicated intracellular or post-translation regulation.


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Most research on the effects of endurance training has focused on endurance training's health-related benefits and metabolic effects in both children and adults. The purpose of this study was to examine the neuromuscular effects of endurance training and to investigate whether they differ in children (9.0-12.9 years) and adults (18.4-35.6 years). Maximal isometric torque, rate of torque development (RTD), rate of muscle activation (Q30), electromechanical delay (EMD), and time to peak torque and peak RTD were determined by isokinetic dynamometry and surface electromyography (EMG) in elbow and knee flexion and extension. The subjects were 12 endurance-trained and 16 untrained boys, and 15 endurance-trained and 20 untrained men. The adults displayed consistently higher peak torque, RTD, and Q30, in both absolute and normalized values, whereas the boys had longer EMD (64.7+/-17.1 vs. 56.6+/-15.4 ms) and time to peak RTD (98.5+/-32.1 vs. 80.4+/-15.0 ms for boys and men, respectively). Q30, normalized for peak EMG amplitude, was the only observed training effect (1.95+/-1.16 vs. 1.10+/-0.67 ms for trained and untrained men, respectively). This effect could not be shown in the boys. The findings show normalized muscle strength and rate of activation to be lower in children compared with adults, regardless of training status. Because the observed higher Q30 values were not matched by corresponding higher performance measures in the trained men, the functional and discriminatory significance of Q30 remains unclear. Endurance training does not appear to affect muscle strength or rate of force development in either men or boys.


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The role of psychological strategies on endurance performance and cognitive function in the heat is unclear. This thesis tested the effects of a two-week motivational self-talk (MST) intervention - specific to heat stress - on endurance capacity and cognitive function in the heat (35°C 50% RH). The study utilized a pre-test / post-test design testing endurance capacity using a time to exhaustion test (TTE) after exercise-induced hyperthermia. Cognitive function (e.g executive function) was tested at baseline in thermoneutral (22°C 30% RH), before (R1) and after the TTE (R2). MST led to a significant improvement (~30%) in TTE and significantly faster completion time with fewer errors made on executive function tasks at baseline and R2, but not in R1, while there were no differences in the control group. Overall, these results indicate that using a top-down regulation strategy consisting of self-contextualized MST can improve physical and cognitive performance in the heat.


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The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of Canada’s high performance athletes who have benefitted from Own the Podium (OTP)-recommended funding and support leading up to an Olympic or Paralympic Games. OTP, a nonprofit agency, is responsible for determining the overall investment strategy for high performance sport in Canada through recommendations to support national sport organizations (NSOs) with the aim to improve Canadian performances at the Olympic and Paralympic Games. For this study, data were collected through in-depth interviews with eleven Canadian high performance athletes (i.e., single-sport Summer/Winter Olympians and Paralympians and recently retired athletes). Analysis of the data resulted in twelve overarching themes; resources, pressure, missing gap, results, targeting, stress, expectations, boost in confidence, OTP relationship, OTP name, pre/post OTP, and lost funding. Overall, results from this exploratory research indicate that athletes generally had a favourable perception regarding OTP-recommended funding and support.


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Despite the increase in research regarding mild head injury (MHI), relatively little has investigated whether, or the extent to which, premorbid factors (i.e., personality traits) influence, or otherwise account for, outcomes post-MHI. The current study examined the extent to which postinjury outcome after MHI is analogous to the outcome post-moderate or- severe traumatic brain injury (by comparing the current results to previous literature pertaining to individuals with more severe brain injuries) and whether these changes in function and behaviour are solely, or primarily, due to the injury, or reflect, and are possibly a consequence of, one’s preinjury status. In a quasi-experimental, test-retest design, physiological indices, cognitive abilities, and personality characteristics of university students were measured. Since the incidence of MHI is elevated in high-risk activities (including high-risk sports, compared to other etiologies of MHI; see Laker, 2011) and it has been found that high-risk athletes present with unique, risk-taking behaviours (in terms of personality; similar to what has been observed post-MHI) compared to low-risk and non-athletes. Seventy-seven individuals (42% with a history of MHI) of various athletic statuses (non-athletes, low-risk athletes, and high-risk athletes) were recruited. Consistent with earlier studies (e.g., Baker & Good, 2014), it was found that individuals with a history of MHI displayed decreased physiological arousal (i.e., electrodermal activation) and, also, endorsed elevated levels of sensation seeking and physical/reactive aggression compared to individuals without a history of MHI. These traits were directly associated with decreased physiological arousal. Moreover, athletic status did not account for this pattern of performance, since low- and high-risk athletes did not differ in terms of personality characteristics. It was concluded that changes in behaviour post-MHI are associated, at least in part, with the neurological and physiological compromise of the injury itself (i.e., physiological underarousal and possible subtle OFC dysfunction) above and beyond influences of premorbid characteristics.


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Les commotions cérébrales ont longtemps été considérées comme une blessure ne comportant que peu ou pas de conséquences. Cependant, la mise à la retraite forcée de plusieurs athlètes de haut niveau, liée au fait d'avoir subi des commotions cérébrales multiples, a porté cette question au premier plan de la culture scientifique et sportive. Malgré la sensibilisation croissante du public et la compréhension scientifique accrue des commotions cérébrales, il reste encore beaucoup d’inconnus au sujet de ces blessures. En effet, il est difficile de comprendre comment cette atteinte peut avoir des effets si profonds malgré le fait qu’elle n’entraîne apparemment pas de conséquences physiques apparentes lorsque les techniques traditionnelles d’imagerie cérébrale sont utilisées. Les techniques de neuroimagerie fonctionnelle ont cependant contribué à répondre aux nombreuses questions entourant les conséquences des commotions cérébrales ainsi qu'à accroître la compréhension générale de la physiopathologie de commotions cérébrales. Bien que les techniques de base telles que l'imagerie structurelle comme les scans TC et IRM soient incapables de détecter des changements structurels dans la grande majorité des cas (Ellemberg, Henry, Macciocchi, Guskiewicz, & Broglio, 2009; Johnston, Ptito, Chankowsky, & Chen, 2001), d'autres techniques plus précises et plus sensibles ont été en mesure de détecter avec succès des changements dans le cerveau commotionné. Des études d’IRM fonctionelle ont entre autres établi une solide relation entre les altérations fonctionnelles et les symptômes post-commotionels (Chen, Johnston, Collie, McCrory, & Ptito, 2007; Chen et al., 2004; Chen, Johnston, Petrides, & Ptito, 2008; Fazio, Lovell, Pardini, & Collins, 2007). Les mesures électrophysiologiques telles que les potentiels évoqués cognitifs (ERP) (Gaetz, Goodman, & Weinberg, 2000; Gaetz & Weinberg, 2000; Theriault, De Beaumont, Gosselin, Filipinni, & Lassonde, 2009; Theriault, De Beaumont, Tremblay, Lassonde, & Jolicoeur, 2010) et la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne ou SMT (De Beaumont, Brisson, Lassonde, & Jolicoeur, 2007; De Beaumont, Lassonde, Leclerc, & Theoret, 2007; De Beaumont et al., 2009) ont systématiquement démontré des altérations fonctionnelles chez les athlètes commotionnés. Cependant, très peu de recherches ont tenté d'explorer davantage certaines conséquences spécifiques des commotions cérébrales, entre autres sur les plans structural et métabolique. La première étude de cette thèse a évalué les changements structurels chez les athlètes commotionnés à l’aide de l'imagerie en tenseur de diffusion (DTI) qui mesure la diffusion de l'eau dans la matière blanche, permettant ainsi de visualiser des altérations des fibres nerveuses. Nous avons comparé les athlètes commotionnés à des athlètes de contrôle non-commotionnés quelques jours après la commotion et de nouveau six mois plus tard. Nos résultats indiquent un patron constant de diffusion accrue le long des voies cortico-spinales et dans la partie du corps calleux reliant les régions motrices. De plus, ces changements étaient encore présents six mois après la commotion, ce qui suggère que les effets de la commotion cérébrale persistent bien après la phase aiguë. Les deuxième et troisième études ont employé la spectroscopie par résonance magnétique afin d'étudier les changements neurométaboliques qui se produisent dans le cerveau commotionné. La première de ces études a évalué les changements neurométaboliques, les aspects neuropsychologiques, et la symptomatologie dans la phase aiguë post-commotion. Bien que les tests neuropsychologiques aient été incapables de démontrer des différences entre les athlètes commotionnés et non-commotionnés, des altérations neurométaboliques ont été notées dans le cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral ainsi que dans le cortex moteur primaire, lesquelles se sont avérées corréler avec les symptômes rapportés. La deuxième de ces études a comparé les changements neurométaboliques immédiatement après une commotion cérébrale et de nouveau six mois après l’atteinte. Les résultats ont démontré des altérations dans le cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral et moteur primaire dans la phase aiguë post-traumatique, mais seules les altérations du cortex moteur primaire ont persisté six mois après la commotion. Ces résultats indiquent que les commotions cérébrales peuvent affecter les propriétés physiques du cerveau, spécialement au niveau moteur. Il importe donc de mener davantage de recherches afin de mieux caractériser les effets moteurs des commotions cérébrales sur le plan fonctionnel.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Travail d'intégration réalisé dans le cadre du cours PHT-6113.


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An increase in altitude leads to a proportional fall in the barometric pressure, and a decrease in atmospheric oxygen pressure, producing hypobaric hypoxia that affects, in different degrees, all body organs, systems and functions. The chronically reduced partial pressure of oxygen causes that individuals adapt and adjust to physiological stress. These adaptations are modulated by many factors, including the degree of hypoxia related to altitude, time of exposure, exercise intensity and individual conditions. It has been established that exposure to high altitude is an environmental stressor that elicits a response that contributes to many adjustments and adaptations that influence exercise capacity and endurance performance. These adaptations include in crease in hemoglobin concentration, ventilation, capillary density and tissue myoglobin concentration. However, a negative effect in strength and power is related to a decrease in muscle fiber size and body mass due to the decrease in the training intensity. Many researches aim at establishing how training or living at high altitudes affects performance in athletes. Training methods, such as living in high altitudes training low, and training high-living in low altitudes have been used to research the changes in the physical condition in athletes and how the physiological adaptations to hypoxia can enhanceperformance at sea level. This review analyzes the literature related to altitude training focused on how physiological adaptations to hypoxic environments influence performance, and which protocols are most frequently used to train in high altitudes.