860 resultados para Economic implications
Although there are several studies looking at the effect of natural disasters on economic growth, less attention has been dedicated to their impact on educational outcomes, especially in more developed countries. We use the synthetic control method to examine how the L’Aquila earthquake affected subsequent enrolment at the local university. This issue has wide economic implications as the University of L’Aquila made a large contribution to the local economy before the earthquake. Our results indicate that the earthquake had no statistically significant effect on first-year enrolment at the University of L’Aquila in the three academic years after the disaster. This natural disaster, however, caused a compositional change in the first-year student population, with a substantial increase in the number of students aged 21 or above. This is likely to have been driven by post-disaster measures adopted in order to mitigate the expected negative effects on enrolment triggered by the earthquake.
Ecosystem reconfigurations arising from climate-driven changes in species distributions are expected to have profound ecological, social, and economic implications. Here we reveal a rapid climate-driven regime shift of Australian temperate reef communities, which lost their defining kelp forests and became dominated by persistent seaweed turfs. After decades of ocean warming, extreme marine heat waves forced a 100-kilometer range contraction of extensive kelp forests and saw temperate species replaced by seaweeds, invertebrates, corals, and fishes characteristic of subtropical and tropical waters. This community-wide tropicalization fundamentally altered key ecological processes, suppressing the recovery of kelp forests.
Ecosystem reconfigurations arising from climate-driven changes in species distributions are expected to have profound ecological, social, and economic implications. Here we reveal a rapid climate-driven regime shift of Australian temperate reef communities, which lost their defining kelp forests and became dominated by persistent seaweed turfs. After decades of ocean warming, extreme marine heat waves forced a 100-kilometer range contraction of extensive kelp forests and saw temperate species replaced by seaweeds, invertebrates, corals, and fishes characteristic of subtropical and tropical waters. This community-wide tropicalization fundamentally altered key ecological processes, suppressing the recovery of kelp forests.
A sociedade impõe relações conscientes e saudáveis entre ela, consumidor, meio ambiente e economia de custo. Considerando os processos de retorno e descarte de resíduos, desenvolveram-se técnicas para que haja equilíbrio nas dimensões econômica, ambiental e social, sendo uma delas a logística reversa. Esse método minimiza as quantidades de resíduos descartados e promove seu reaproveitamento como fonte de matéria-prima em novos processos produtivos. No presente artigo, desenvolveu-se estudo de caso em uma recicladora que há doze anos coleta, classifica e separa materiais sólidos de indústrias do Distrito Industrial do Rio Grande (RS) para vendê-los a siderúrgicas e/ou comercializar subprodutos em condição de reuso no mercado local. Esse estudo tem por objetivo a análise das relações existentes entre as atividades logísticas reversas da recicladora em questão e as três dimensões da sustentabilidade. Tal análise justifica-se ao evidenciar como ocorre o processo de utilização da prática de logística reversa por uma organização intermediária, apontando-se sistematicamente as implicações ambientais, sociais e econômicas decorrentes de sua gestão.
This flyer promotes a panel discussion titled "Confiscated Properties in Cuba: Revisiting the Issue of Legal Settlements after D17". The panelists will discuss the legal and economic implications of dealing with the private properties confiscated by the Cuban revolutionary government from both Cuban and non-Cuban actors. Confirmed participants include: Rolando Anillo, President, Cuban Claims Association Pedro G. Menocal, Partner, Gutierrez Bergman Boulris, PLLC Jose Gabilondo, Associate Professor of Law, FIU Matias F. Travieso-Diaz, retired partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP. This event was held on November 12, 2015 FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, Rafael Diaz Balart Hall 1000
Axle bearing damage with possible catastrophic failures can cause severe disruptions or even dangerous derailments, potentially causing loss of human life and leading to significant costs for railway infrastructure managers and rolling stock operators. Consequently the axle bearing damage process has safety and economic implications on the exploitation of railways systems. Therefore it has been the object of intense attention by railway authorities as proved by the selection of this topic by the European Commission in calls for research proposals. The MAXBE Project (http://www.maxbeproject.eu/), an EU-funded project, appears in this context and its main goal is to develop and to demonstrate innovative and efficient technologies which can be used for the onboard and wayside condition monitoring of axle bearings. The MAXBE (interoperable monitoring, diagnosis and maintenance strategies for axle bearings) project focuses on detecting axle bearing failure modes at an early stage by combining new and existing monitoring techniques and on characterizing the axle bearing degradation process. The consortium for the MAXBE project comprises 18 partners from 8 member states, representing operators, railway administrations, axle bearing manufactures, key players in the railway community and experts in the field of monitoring, maintenance and rolling stock. The University of Porto is coordinating this research project that kicked-off in November 2012 and it is completed on October 2015. Both on-board and wayside systems are explored in the project since there is a need for defining the requirement for the onboard equipment and the range of working temperatures of the axle bearing for the wayside systems. The developed monitoring systems consider strain gauges, high frequency accelerometers, temperature sensors and acoustic emission. To get a robust technology to support the decision making of the responsible stakeholders synchronized measurements from onboard and wayside monitoring systems are integrated into a platform. Also extensive laboratory tests were performed to correlate the in situ measurements to the status of the axle bearing life. With the MAXBE project concept it will be possible: to contribute to detect at an early stage axle bearing failures; to create conditions for the operational and technical integration of axle bearing monitoring and maintenance in different European railway networks; to contribute to the standardization of the requirements for the axle bearing monitoring, diagnosis and maintenance. Demonstration of the developed condition monitoring systems was performed in Portugal in the Northern Railway Line with freight and passenger traffic with a maximum speed of 220 km/h, in Belgium in a tram line and in the UK. Still within the project, a tool for optimal maintenance scheduling and a smart diagnostic tool were developed. This paper presents a synthesis of the most relevant results attained in the project. The successful of the project and the developed solutions have positive impact on the reliability, availability, maintainability and safety of rolling stock and infrastructure with main focus on the axle bearing health.
The benefits of microalgae biofuels over first and second generation counterparts suggest it has potential as a major biofuel feedstock in Australia. However, the high costs of cultivation and processing has been a major drawback for investors and policymakers. This presentation outlines the economic potential for microalgae biofuels: firstly, through production of microalgae co-products (e.g feed and fertiliser); and secondly, deriving what consumers are willing to pay for microalgae biofuels based on external benefits. These findings will assist decision-makers in both private and public sectors and inform policy development with respect to microalgae as a feedstock for biofuels and other products. This study adds an economics perspective to the current technical literature which has been dominated by biochemical, engineering and financial valuation studies.
Causes and impact of the Philippine small pelagic fishery sector problems are presented together with the proposed solutions from fisheries and external sectors. The results of the biological and economic analysis of the small pelagic fishery in the Philippines lead to two conclusions: First, small pelagic fish stocks are subjected to levels of fishing effort far beyond that necessary to generate Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) let alone Maximum Economic Yield (MEY). Second, and as a result, both sectors are sustaining economic losses (negative economic rents) implying inefficiencies in the use of labor and capital in the small pelagic fishery. Solutions to the problems of overexploitation will rest not only within the fishery sector, but, more importantly, in sectors outside its traditional realm. The underlying causes of fisheries resource over exploitation are also discussed.
Les Tableaux de Bord de la Performance ont été acclamés avec raison depuis leur introduction en 1992, mais les intellectuels continuent encore à étudier leurs aspects pragmatiques. Ce papier contribue à la littérature sur les Tableaux de Bord de la Performance, tout d’abord, en offrant une explication logique quant à leur succès et ensuite, en présentant un cadre de travail contextuel de tableaux de bord de la performance pour une structure de gestion hiérarchisée. Le cadre de travail contextuel réforme la perspective d’apprentissage et de croissance du tableau de bord de la performance (i) en effectuant la transition de référence (subjective/objective), et (ii) en reconnaissant que la Perspective d’Apprentissage et de Croissance implique avant tout une incidence de formulation stratégique d’une extra-entité. Le transfert de l’incidence (intra-entité/extra-entité) réconcilie l’évolution de la position de politique de gestion non ordonnée [Contenu: (Contenu: Contexte): Contexte] qu’est la Perspective d’Apprentissage et de Croissance Concomitante. Le cadre de travail supplante également les Perspectives des Tableaux de Bord de la Performances développés par Kaplan et Norton en ajoutant la perspective de politique sociale qui manquait. La perspective manquante implique une transition de référence objective [(position endogène, perspective exogène): (position exogène, perspective exogène)]. De tels signaux de transition [Contenu: (Contenu: Contexte): Contexte] ordonnent l’évolution de la position de politique de gestion.
The European Missionaries benefitted from the native Asian sources and knowledge providers much more than it is honestly acknowledged.