991 resultados para East India Company. Army.
This study adopts Ostrom’s Social-Ecological Systems (SES) framework in empirical fieldwork to explain how local forestry institutions affect forest ecosystems and social equity in the community of Mawlyngbna in North-East India. Data was collected through 26 semi-structured interviews, participatory timeline development, policy documents, direct observation, periodicals, transect walks, and a concurrent forest-ecological study in the village. Results show that Mawlyngbna's forests provide important sources of livelihood benefits for the villagers. However, ecological disturbance and diversity varies among the different forest ownership types and forest-based livelihood benefits are inequitably distributed. Based on a bounded rationality approach, our analysis proposes a set of causal mechanisms that trace these observed social-ecological outcomes to the attributes of the resource system, resource units, actors and governance system. We analyse opportunities and constraints of interactions between the village, regional, and state levels. We discuss how Ostrom’s design principles for community-based resource governance inform the explanation of robustness but have a blind spot in explaining social equity. We report experiences made using the SES framework in empirical fieldwork. We conclude that mapping cross-level interactions in the SES framework needs conceptual refinement and that explaining social equity of forest governance needs theoretical advances.
Title varies slightly.
Resumo: a febre botonosa, também conhecida por febre escaro-nodular (FEN) é uma doença endémica nos Países da bacia do Mediterrâneo, África, Médio Oriente, Índia e Paquistão. O agente etiológico responsável por esta patologia é a bactéria Rickettsia conorii. Contudo, em alguns países, como Portugal e Itália, esta patologia é causada por duas estirpes diferentes: R conorii Malish e R conorii Israeli spotted fever strain. O principal vector e reservatório é o ixodídeo Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Mesmo com uma elevada taxa de subnotificação detectada no nosso País, a taxa incidência da FEN é de 8.4/105 habitantes (1989-2005), uma das mais altas quando comparada coom a de outros países da bacia do Mediterrâneo. De todos os distritos portugueses, Bragança e Beja são aqueles que apresentam as taxas de incidência mais elevadas, 56,8/105 habitantes e 47,4 / 105 habitantes respectivamente. Em Portugal, as alterações climáticas verificadas na última década, nomeadamente a subida das temperaturas médias anuais, parecem ter influenciado o ciclo de vida do vector e a sua dinâmica sazonal, permitindo ao R. sanguineus completar mais de um ciclo de vida por ano. Este facto, e a possibilidade deste vector se manter activo noutros meses do ano, nomeadamente nos meses de inverno, tem influenciado consequentemente o padrão de distribuição anual dos casos de FEN. A febre escaro-nodular caracteriza-se clinicamente como uma doença exantemática, com um processo de vasculite generalizado. Apesar de na generalidade ser considerada uma doença benigna (quando tratada atempadamente e com terapêutica adequada e específica)e de estarem descritos casos graves em cerca de 5-6% dos doentes, em Portugal essa percentagem aumentou e consequentemente levou a um aumento de casos fatais. Este facto tornou-se mais evidente em 1997, no Hospital Distrital de Beja e no Hospital Garcia de Orta, onde a taxa de letalidade atingiu os 32% e 18% respectivamente.Para além dos factores de co-morbilidade encontrados nos doentes mais graves, como diabetes mellitus, ou o atraso na instituição da terapêutica específica, foi colocada de que a estirpe R. conorii Israel spotted fever strain pudesse ser mais virulenta ou então estivesse associada a diferentes manifestações clínicas que dificultassem o diagnóstico clínico e a instituição atempada da terapêutica. Houve ainda a necessidade de avaliar alguns parâmetros imunológicos dos doentes e tentar identificar que factores, nomeadamente que citoquinas, poderiam estar envolvidos na resposta a uma infecção por R.conorii.Face a estas questões foi avaliada e comparada a epidemiologia, manifestações clínicas e laboratoriais de 140 doentes (71 infectados com R. conorii Malish e 69 infectados com R. conorii Israel spotted fever strain). Concluiu-se que existe uma sobreposição de manifestações clinicas entre os dois grupos de doentes, mas que a percentagem da escara de inoculação é significativamente inferior em doentes infectados com R. conorii Israel spotted fever strain. Dos resultados mais importantes encontrados neste estudo concluiu-se que a estirpe R. conorii Malish e é demonstrado, pela primeira vez, estatisticamente que o alcoolismo é um factor de risco para a morte de doentes com FEN. Associadas a factores de um mau prognósitco da doença, estão as manifestações gastrointestinais, que poderão ser ou não reflexo de alterações do sistema nervoso central, e ainda a alteração de parâmetros laboratoriais como a presença de hiperbilirubinemia e aumento dos valores da ureia.A maior parte dos estudos realizados sobre os mecanismos da resposta imunitária à infecção por R. conorii e as interacções hospedeiro - agente etiológico têm sido elucidados com base em modelos animais. Poucos estudos têm sido efectuados em doentes e nenhum estudo prévio tinha sido realizado no sentido de avaliar localmente (escara/pele) quais os mediadores ou outras moléculas envolvidas na resposta imunitária às rickettsioses. Foi avaliado o nível de expressão génica de RNA mensageiro (RNAm)de diferentes citoquinas em amostras de pele de doentes com FEN pela técnica de PCR em tempo real.Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que, quando comparado com o grupo controlo, os 23 doentes analisados apresentavam níveis estatisticamente significativos, mais elevados de expressão génica de interferão (IFN-γ, Tumor necrosis factor (TFN-α, interleucina 10 (IL-10, RANTES (regulated by activation, normal T-cell-expressed and secreted chemokine)e indolamina 2-3 desoxigenase (IDO),uma enzima envolvida no controlo e limitação do crescimento intracelular das rickettsias, através da degradação do triptofano. Seis dos 23 doentes apresentaram ainda niveis de expressão elevados de óxido nítrico indutível (iNOS)que actua como microbicida. Encontrou-se uma correlação positiva entre a expressão de RNAm de TNF-α, γ, iNOS e IDO e os casos menos graves de FEN sugerindo um tipo de resposta imunitária tipo Th1, i.e. com papel protector na resposta à infecção.Verificou-se também que os valores de expressão genética do RNAm de IL-10, estavam inversamente correlacionados com a expressão do RNAm de TNF-α e IFN-γ. Os casos menos graves de FEN parecem assim envolver um balanço entre a resposta pró-inflamatória e anti-inflamatória. Já os níveis de expressão génica do RNAm de IL-10 estavam inversamente correlacionados com a expressão RNAm de TNF-α e IFN-γ. Os casos menos graves de FEN parecem assim envolver um balanço entre uma resposta pró-inflamatória e anti-inflamatória. Já os níveis de expressão RNAm da quimoquina RANTES foram estatisticamente mais elevados em doentes graves.Nesta dissertação é ainda descrita uma nova rickettsiose presente em Portugal, causada pela bactéria R. sibirica mongolitimonae, que foi identificada laboratorialmente por isolamento do agente, e por detecção do DNA em biopsia de pele. A presença deste agente foi ainda corroborada pela detecção em paralelo do mesmo agente no ixodídeos como R. africae like e em pulgas como R. felis e R.typhi alertam para a possibilidade de existência de outras rickettsioses que possam estar diagnosticadas em Portugal. Abstract: Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF), a tick-borne disease caused by Rickettsia conorii, is widley distributed in the Old World, being endemic in the southern Europe, Africa, Middle East, India and Pakistan. In Portugal two strains cause disease: R.conorii Malish and R.conorii Israeli spotted fever.Rhipicephalus sanguineus, the brown dog tick, is considered the main vector and reservoir. MSF is characterized by seasonality, and most of cases are encountered in late spring and summer, peaking in July and August. However, CEVDI/INSA laboratory has observed that the incidence of MSF cases has changed during winter season.The increasing annual averages of air temperatures and warmer and drier winters might have influenced the dynamics of the life cycle and activity of R. sanguineus, and indirectley the number MSF cases during the so called MSF off-season.In the period of 1989-2005, the incidence rate of MSF was 8.4/105 inhabitants, one of the highest rates compared with other endemic countries. In the Portugal during the same period, the highest incidence rates were reported in the districts of Bragança, with 56.8/105 inhabitants, and Beja, with 47.4/105 inhabitants. Severe cases of MSF are reported in 6% of the patients, but it seems that this pattern of disease in Portugal has been changing.This factor became more evident in 1997, with a reported case fatality rate of 32% and 18% in patients with MSF admited at Beja and Garcia Orta Hospitals, respectively. Although it was found that diabetes mellitus and delay in therapy have been implicated as a risk factor for death, the hypothesis was considered, that the new ISF strain isolated from Portugueses patients in the same year (1997)causes different or atypical clinical conorii Malish strain. The local (skin biopsies) immune response to R. conorii infection was also evaluated.A prospective study was performed to characterized epidemiological, clinical, laboratory features and determined risk factors for a fatal outcome. One hundred forty patients (51% patients were infected with Rickettsia conorii Malish stain and 49% with Israeli spotted fever strain)with diagnosis documented with identification of the causative rickettsial strain were admitted to 13 Portugueses Hospitals during 1994-2006.Comparison of the clinical manifestations of MSF caused by Malish and ISF strains revealed tremendous overlap that would not permit clinical recognition of the strain envolved, but an eschar was observed in a significantly higher percentage of patients with Malish than ISF strain.A fatal outcome was significantly more likely for patients with ISF strain infection meaning that ISF strain was more virulent than Malish strain, and also alcoholism was a host risk factor for a fatal outcome.The pathophysiology of a fatal outcome involved significantly greater incidence of petechial rash, gastrointestinal symptoms, confusion/obtundation, dehydration, tachypnea, hepatomegaly, leukocytosis, coagulopathy, azotemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and elevated hepatic enzymes and creatine kinase. Multivariate analysis revealed that acute renal failure and hyperbilirubinemia were most strong associated with a fatal oucome of infections with both strains.The immune response to R. conorii infection determined with both strains. The immune response to R. conorii infection determined by the expression levels of inflammatory and immune mediators in skin biopsies collected from untreated patients with Mediterranean spotted fever reveal that intralesional expression of mRNA of TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-10, RANTES, and indoleamine-2, 3-dioxygenase (IDO)an enzyme involved in limiting rickettsial growth by tryptophan degradation, were elevated in skin of MSF patients compared to controls. Six patients had elevated levels of inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2, a source microbicidal nitric oxide.Positive correlations among TNF-α, IFN-γ, NOS2,IDO and mild-to-moderate disease suggested that type 1 polarization plays a protective role. Significantly high levels of intralesional IL-10 were inversely correlated with IFN-γ and TNF-α. The chemokine RANTES was significantly higher in patients with several MSF. It seems that MSF patients with mild-to-moderate disease have a strong and balanced intralesional pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory response, while severe disease is associated with higher chemokine expression.Whether these findings are simply a correlate of mild and severe disease or contribute to anti-rickettsial immunity and pathogenesis remains to be determined.In this dissertation is also described a new rickettsiois present in Portugal caused by R.sibirica mongolitimonae strain, identified based on agent isolation and DNA detection by PCR technique in a skin biopsy.The presence of this agent corroborated by its detection also in Rhipicephalus pusillus tick. Also, pathogenic tick and flea-borne rickettsial agents such as R. africae strain detected in Rhipicephalus bursa tick, and R.felis and R.typhi detected in different fleas species raise the alert for the possible existence of other rickettsioses in Portugal that might be underdiagnosed.
Rhinoscleroma is a rare infection in developed countries; although, it is reported with some frequency in poorer regions such as Central Africa, Central and South America, Eastern and Central Europe, Middle East, India and Indonesia. Nowadays, rhinoscleroma may be erroneously diagnosed as mucocutaneos leishmaniasis, leprosy, paracoccidioidomycosis, rhinosporidiasis, late syphilis, neoplasic diseases or other upper airway diseases. From 1996 to 2003, we diagnosed rhinoscleroma in eight patients attended in the Dermatologic and Transmitted Diseases service of "Cayetano Heredia" National Hospital, in Lima, Peru. The patients presented airway structural alterations producing nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal and, in one patient, laryngeal stenosis. Biopsy samples revealed large vacuolated macrophages (Mikulicz cells) in all patients. Ciprofloxacin 500 mg bid for four to 12 weeks was used in seven patients and oxytetracycline 500 mg qid for six weeks in one patient. After follow-up for six to 12 months the patients did not show active infection or relapse, however, all of them presented some degree of upper airway stenosis. These cases are reported because of the difficulty diagnosing the disease and the success of antibiotic treatment.
This paper deals with the linguistic and historical relationships between Papiamentu and Upper Guinea Creole as spoken on the Santiago island of Cape Verde and in Guinea-Bissau and Casamance. In the linguistic section, the hypothesis that Papiamentu is a relexified offshoot of an early Upper Guinea Creole variety is lent support by focusing on the structural correspondences of the function words in five grammatical categories (pronouns, question words, prepositions, conjunctions and reciprocity and reflexivity). In addition, salient data from several early (18th and 19th century) Papiamentu texts is presented. The historical section provides a framework that accounts for the linguistic transfer from Upper Guinea to Curaçao in the second half of the 17th century
O povoamento da ilha de São Vicente foi mais ou menos pontual até aos finais do século XVIII, servindo como ilha de criação, como a descreve, em 1699, o engenheiro Duplessis, e para aguada dos navios. A primeira tentativa de povoamento parece deverse a João de Távora, que passando por Cabo Verde, em 1734, propôs fortificar a baía, com a condição de receber os rendimentos do porto por um período de 10 anos, mas não deve ter passado de intenção. Em 1793 assumia o povoamento, João Carlos da Fonseca Rosado, que vivia então na ilha do Fogo, pelo tempo de 6 anos, mas que haveria de acabar na miséria, descalço, vivendo de alguma coisa que conseguia pescar e de leite das cabras que conseguia ordenhar. Alguns anos depois, coube ao governador António Pusich tentar novamente o povoamento, em 1819, levando então famílias da vizinha ilha de Santo Antão, e baptizando-se a povoação de Leopoldina, nome da arquiduquesa de Áustria que casara com o príncipe D. Pedro do Brasil.
This original Brown Bess musket is an East India Pattern musket (3rd model) as it has a 39 inch barrel, a brass side plate on the opposite side of the lock and has no tail to it. The tang on the butt plate is also short. The lock mechanism reveals that this musket has been converted to a percussion cap musket, which became popular in the 1820s. It was assembled at the Tower of London and is engraved with a crown, "GR" and an "X", on the top of the barrel. There is also a ".W. Reg.t" marking on the side of the barrel. This rare musket is typical of the muskets carried by British and Canadian soldiers during the War of 1812 and the Rebellion of 1837.
This article reports the nucleotide diversity within the control region of 42 mitochondrial chromosomes belonging to five South American native cattle breeds (Bos taurus). Analysis of these data in conjunction with B. taurus and B. indicus sequences from Africa, Europe, the Near East, India, and Japan allowed the recognition of eight new mitochondrial haplotypes and their relative positions in a phylogenetic network. The structure of genetic variation among different hypothetical groupings was tested through the molecular variance decomposition, which was best explained by haplotype group components. Haplotypes surveyed were classified as European-related and African-related. Unexpectedly, two haplotypes within the African cluster were more divergent from the African consensus than the latter from the European consensus. A neighbor-joining tree shows the position of two haplotypes compared to European/African mitochondrial lineage splitting. This different and putatively ancestral mitochondrial lineage (AA) is supported by the calibration of sequence divergence based on the Bos-Bison separation. The European/African mitochondria divergence might be subsequent (67,100 years before present) to that between AA and Africans (84,700 years before present), also preceding domestication times. These genetic data could reflect the haplotype distribution of Iberian cattle five centuries ago.
This paper describes nominalization and nominalization-based constructions in Galo, a Tibeto-Burman language of the Tani branch spoken in North East India. Nominalizers in Galo are divided into primary and secondary sets, while nominalization-based constructions are divided into two types: nominalized clauses and clausal nominalizations. Both primary and secondary nominalizers help form nominalized clauses, which are uninflected, exhibit a genitive subject, and enter into nominal complement and relative clause constructions. Clausal nominalizations are formed by primary nominalizers only, may be inflected, exhibit a nominative subject, and in general take on a more main clause-like structure and set of functions. Following this basic description, the diachronic origins of Galo nominalizers are discussed, and the Galo forms and patterns are situated in terms of a broader typology of nominalization in Tibeto-Burman.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Blachford & Co.'s new chart of the coast of Brazil : from the Equator to Rio Janeiro, drawn from the surveys made by order of the Portuguese government, including those of Jose Patriceo, Manoe Pimental & several other officers in the Royal Navy. It was published by R. Blachford & Co., chart sellers to the Admiralty, and East India Compny, etc., 115 Minories in 1830. Scale [ca. 1:1,700,000]. Covers a portion of coastal Brazil.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the South America Lambert Conformal Conic projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows coastal features such as rocks, channels, points, ports, coves, islands, flats, bottom types, anchorage points, and more. Includes also selected land features such as towns, drainage, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. Includes notes and insets: Harbor of Cape Frio, Rio de Janeiro, Harbor of Bahia, or St. Salvador, Fernand de Noronha, Bay of Maranham and Pernambuco. Decorated with 10 views of harbor entrances to Rio de Janeiro, Cape Frio, Bahia, etc.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: A new map of the East India Isles from the latest authorities, by John Cary. It was published by J. Cary, Dec. 21, 1801. Scale [ca. 1:9,000,000]. Covers Southeast Asia. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the World Miller Cylindrical projection. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by hachures. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Islamic Heritage Project. Maps selected for the project represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes. The Islamic Heritage Project consists of over 100,000 digitized pages from Harvard's collections of Islamic manuscripts and published materials. Supported by Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and developed in association with the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University.
"The latter half of the volume contains four privately printed papers."--Editor's foreword, signed: Adelaide Underhill.
Description based on: Vol. 18, no. 55 (July 1922); title from cover.
Beginning Apr. 1895, includes the Proceedings of the East India Association.
The second booke: the true and perfect description of the whole coast of Guinea, Manicongo, Angola, Manicongo, Angola, Monomotapa ... / and now translated out of dutch into english by W.P. (p. [3], 198-259) -- The thirde booke: The nauigation of the Portingales into the East Indies, containing their trauels by sea, into East India, and from the East Indies into Portingall ... / translated out of dutch by W.P. (p.[2], 307-447) -- The fourth booke: A most true and certaine extract and summarie of all the rents, demaines, tolles, taxes, impostes, tributes ... of the King of Spania ... / translated out of spanish into low-dutch by Iohn Hughen ... and out of dutch into english by W.P. (p. [3], 452-462)