141 resultados para ENANTIOSELECTIVITY


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In inflammatory disorders (e.g. psoriasis), local concentrations of human neutrophil elastase (HNE), also known as polymorphonuclear leukocyte elastase (HLE), possibly overwhelm its natural inhibitors leading to extracellular matrix degradation. Elevated levels of HNE have been reported in a variety of inflammatory disorders, including psoriasis. Peptidic HNE inhibitors have a common hydrophobic sequence (Ala-Ala-Pro-Val). This peptide sequence inhibits HNE competitively; however the stratum corneum presents an effective barrier to the delivery of this tetrapeptide across the skin. The current work investigates the delivery of the modified peptide whereby the tetrapeptide was lipidated to enhance its ability to penetrate the stratum The tetrapeptide Was Coupled to a racaemic mixture of a short chain lipoamino acid (LAA) resulting in two diastereomers of the lipoamino acid-modified tetrapeptide. The penetration of the lipopeptide mixture was assessed across human epidermis in vitro. The percentage of applied dose penetrating to the receptor over 8 h following administration was 2.53% for the D-LAA conjugate and 1.47% for the L-diastereomer, compared to 0% for the peptide. The D-diastereomer appears to be relatively stable but the L-diastereomer appears to degrade releasing possibly the tetrapeptide and peptide fragment(s). Therefore the results clearly indicate that coupling the tetrapeptide to a short chain LAA enhances its delivery across human epidermis.


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Two modified Jacobsen-type catalysts were anchored onto an amine functionalised hexagonal mesoporous silica (HMS) using two distinct anchoring procedures: (i) one was anchored directly through the carboxylic acid functionalised diimine bridge fragment of the complex (CAT1) and (ii) the other through the hydroxyl group on the aldehyde fragment of the complex (CAT2), mediated by cyanuric chloride. The new heterogeneous catalyst, as well as the precedent materials, were characterised by elemental analyses, DRIFT, UV-vis, porosimetry and XPS which showed that the complexes were successfully anchored onto the hexagonal mesoporous silica. These materials acted as active heterogeneous catalysts in the epoxidation of styrene, using m-CPBA as oxidant, and α-methylstyrene, using NaOCl as oxidant. Under the latter conditions they acted also as enantioselective heterogeneous catalysts. Furthermore, when compared to the reaction run in homogeneous phase under similar experimental conditions, an increase in asymmetric induction was observed for the heterogenised CAT1, while the opposite effect was observed for the heterogenised CAT2, despite of CAT2 being more enantioselective than CAT1 in homogeneous phase. These results indicate that the covalent attachment of the Jacobsen catalyst through the diimine bridge leads to improved enantiomeric excess (%ee), whereas covalent attachment through one of the aldehyde fragments results in a negative effect in the %ee. Using α-methylstyrene and NaOCl as oxidant, heterogeneous catalyst reuse led to no significant loss of catalytic activity and enantioselectivity. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A Jacobsen-type catalyst was anchored onto an amine functionalised hexagonal mesoporous silica (HMS) through the diimine bridge fragment of the complex. The new heterogeneous catalyst, as well as the precedent materials, were characterised by elemental analyses, FTIR-DRIFT, UV-vis, porosimetry and XPS which showed that the complex was successfully anchored. This material was active in the epoxidation of styrene and α-methylstyrene in dichloromethane at 0°C using, respectively, m-CPBA/NMO and NaOCl. With the former substrate no asymmetric induction was found in the epoxide, whereas with the latter substrate higher %ee was found than in homogeneous phase. Using the latter experimental conditions, catalyst reuse led to no significant loss of catalytic activity and enantioselectivity. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mechanistically and structurally chloroperoxidase (CPO) occupies a unique niche among heme containing enzymes. Chloroperoxidase catalyzes a broad range of reactions, such as oxidation of organic substrates, dismutation of hydrogen peroxide, and mono-oxygenation of organic molecules. To expand the synthetic utility of CPO and to appreciate the important interactions that lead to CPO’s exceptional properties, a site-directed mutagenesis study was undertaken. ^ Recombinant CPO and CPO mutants were heterologously expressed in Aspergillus niger. The overall protein structure was almost the same as that of wild type CPO, as determined by UV-vis, NMR and CD spectroscopies. Phenylalanine103, which was proposed to regulate substrate access to the active site by restricting the size of substrates and to control CPO’s enantioselectivity, was mutated to Ala. The ligand binding affinity and most importantly the catalytic activity of F103A was dramatically different from wild type CPO. The mutation essentially eliminated the chlorination and dismutation activities but enhanced, 4-10 fold, the epoxidation, peroxidation, and N-demethylation activities. As expected, the F103A mutant displayed dramatically improved epoxidation activity for larger, more branched styrene derivatives. Furthermore, F103A showed a distinctive enantioselectivity profile: losing enantioselectivity to styrene and cis-β-methylstyrene; having a different configuration preference on α-methylstyrene; showing higher enantioselectivites and conversion rates on larger, more branched substrates. Our results show that F103 acts as a switch box that controls the catalytic activity, substrate specificity, and product enantioselectivity of CPO. Given that no other mutant of CPO has displayed distinct properties, the results with F103A are dramatic. ^ The diverse catalytic activity of CPO has long been attributed to the presence of the proximal thiolate ligand. Surprisingly, a recent report on a C29H mutant suggested otherwise. A new CPO triple mutant C29H/C79H/C87H was prepared, in which all the cysteines were replaced by histidine to eliminate the possibility of cysteine coordinating to the heme. No active form protein was isolated, although, successful transformation and transcription was confirmed. The result suggests that Cys79 and Cys87 are critical to maintaining the structural scaffold of CPO. ^ In vitro biodegradation of nanotubes by CPO were examined by scanning electron microscope method, but little oxidation was observed. ^


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Chloroperoxidase (CPO), secreted by marine fungus Caldariomyces fumago, is the most versatile catalyst among known heme enzymes. Chloroperoxidase can catalyze epoxidation reactions with high enantioselectivity and high yield, which makes CPO an attractive candidate for both industrial and medicinal chiral synthesis. Toward this end, we have constructed two CPO mutants, F103A and N74V. Chiral HPLC was used to evaluate the enantioselectivity and yield of CPO and the mutants toward the epoxidation of styrene and its derivatives. Both of the mutants show dramatically changed epoxidation profiles compared to the parent protein. This information provided fresh insight into the mechanism through which CPO achieves its enantioselectivity. Furthermore, effort was made to understand the biological function of CPO through characterization of CPO catalyzed oxidation of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), a secondary metabolite of many marine algal species that plays a pivotal role in marine ecology and global climate.^


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Chloroperoxidase (CPO) is a heme-containing glycoprotein secreted by the marine fungus Caldariomyces fumago. Chloroperoxidase contains one ferriprotoporphyrin IX prosthetic group per molecule and catalyzes a variety of reactions, such as halogenation, peroxidation and epoxidation. The versatile catalytic activities of CPO coupled with the increasing demands for chiral synthesis have attracted an escalating interest in understanding the mechanistic and structural properties of this enzyme. In order to better understand the mechanisms of CPO-catalyzed enantioselective reactions and to fine-tune the catalytic properties of chloroperoxidase, asparagine 74 (N74) located in the narrow substrate access channel of CPO was replaced by a bulky, nonpolar valine and a polar glutamine using site-directed mutagenesis. The CPO N74 mutants displayed significantly enhanced activity toward nonpolar substrates compared to wild-type CPO as a result of changes in space and polarity of the heme distal environment. More interestingly, N74 mutants showed dramatically decreased chlorination and catalase activity but significantly enhanced epoxidation activity as a consequence of improved kinetic perfection introduced by the mutation as reflected by the favorable changes in k cat and kcat/KM of these reactions. It is also noted that the N74V mutant is capable of decomposing cyanide, the most notorious poison for many hemoproteins, as judged by the unique binding behavior of N74V with potassium cyanide. Histidine 105 (H105) was replaced by a nonpolar amino acid alanine using site-directed mutagenesis. The CPO H105 mutant (H105A) displayed dramatically decreased chlorination and catalase activity possibly because of the decreased polarity in the heme distal environment and loss of the hydrogen bonds between histidine 105 and glutamic acid 183. However, significantly increased enantioselectivity was observed for the epoxidation of bulky styrene derivatives. Furthermore, my study provides strong evidence for the proposed histidine/cysteine ligand switch in chloroperoxidase, providing experimental support for the structure of the 420-nm absorption maximum for a number of carbon monoxide complexes of heme-thiolate proteins. For the NMR study, [dCPO(heme)] was produced using 90% deuterated growth medium with excess heme precursors and [dCPO(Phe)] was grown in the same highly deuterated medium that had been supplemented with excess natural phenylalanine. To make complete heme proton assignments, NMR spectroscopy has been performed for high-resolution structural characterization of [dCPO(heme)] and [dCPO(Phe)] to achieve unambiguous and complete heme proton assignments, which also allows important amino acids close to the heme active center to be determined.


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Kainic acid has been used for nearly 50 years as a tool in neuroscience due to its pronounced neuroexcitatory properties. However, the significant price increase of kainic acid resulting from the disruption in the supply from its natural source, the alga Digenea Simplex, as well as inefficient synthesis of kainic acid, call for the exploration of functional mimics of kainic acid that can be synthesized in a simpler way. Aza kainoids analog could be one of them. The unsubstituted aza analog of kainoids has demonstrates its ability as an ionotropic glutamate receptor agonist and showed affinity in the chloride dependent glutamate (GluCl) binding site. This opened a question of the importance of the presence of one nitrogen or both nitrogens in the aza kainoid analogs for binding to glutamate receptors. Therefore, two different pyrrolidine analogs of kainic acid, trans -4-(carboxymethyl)pyrrolidine-3-carboxylic acid and trans -2-carboxy-3-pyrrolidineacetic acid, were synthesized through multi-step sequences. The lack of the affinity of both pyrrolidine analogs in GluCl binding site indicated that both nitrogens in aza kainoid analogs are involved in hydrogen bonding with receptors, significantly enhancing their affinity in GluCl binding site. Another potential functional mimic of kainic acid is isoxazolidine analogs of kainoids whose skeleton can be constituted directly via a 1, 3 dipolar cycloaddition as the key step. The difficulty in synthesizing N-unsubstituted isoxazolidines when applying such common protecting groups as alkyl, phenyl and benzyl groups, and the requirement of a desired enantioselectivity due to the three chiral ceneters in kainic acid, pose great challenges. Hence, several different protected nitrones were studied to establish that diphenylmethine nitrone may be a good candidate as the dipole in that the generated isoxazolidines can be deprotected in mild conditions with high yields. Our investigations also indicated that the exo/endo selectivity of the 1, 3 dipolar cycloaddition can be controlled by Lewis acids, and that the application of a directing group in dipolarophiles can accomplish a satisfied enantioselectivity. Those results demonstrated the synthesis of isoxazoldines analogs of kainic acid is very promising.


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Chloroperoxidase (CPO) is the most versatile heme-containing enzyme that catalyzes a broad spectrum of reactions. The remarkable feature of this enzyme is the high regio- and enantio-selectivity exhibited in CPO-catalyzed oxidation reactions. The aim of this dissertation is to elucidate the structural basis for regio- and enantio-selective transformations and investigate the application of CPO in biodegradation of synthetic dyes. ^ To unravel the mechanism of CPO-catalyzed regioselective oxidation of indole, the dissertation explored the structure of CPO-indole complex using paramagnetic relaxation and molecular modeling. The distances between the protons of indole and the heme iron revealed that the pyrrole ring of indole is oriented toward the heme with its 2-H pointing directly at the heme iron. This provides the first experimental and theoretical explanation for the "unexpected" regioselectivity of CPO-catalyzed indole oxidation. Furthermore, the residues including Leu 70, Phe 103, Ile 179, Val 182, Glu 183, and Phe 186 were found essential to the substrate binding to CPO. These results will serve as a lighthouse in guiding the design of CPO mutants with tailor-made activities for biotechnological applications. ^ To understand the origin of the enantioselectivity of CPO-catalyzed oxidation reactions, the interactions of CPO with substrates such as 2-(methylthio)thiophene were investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and computational techniques. In particular, the enantioselectivity is partly explained by the binding orientation of substrates. In third facet of this dissertation, a green and efficient system for degradation of synthetic dyes was developed. Several commercial dyes such as orange G were tested in the CPO-H2O 2-Cl- system, where degradation of these dyes was found very efficient. The presence of halide ions and acidic pH were found necessary to the decomposition of dyes. Significantly, the results revealed that this degradation of azo dyes involves a ferric hypochlorite intermediate of CPO (Fe-OCl), compound X.^


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Chloroperoxidase (CPO), a 298-residue glycosylated protein from the fungus Caldariomyces fumago, is probably the most versatile heme enzyme yet discovered. Interest in CPO as a catalyst is based on its power to produce enantiomerically enriched products. Recent research has focused its attention on the ability of CPO to epoxidize alkenes in high regioselectivity and enantioselectivity as an efficient and environmentally benign alternative to traditional synthetic routes. There has been little work on the nature of ligand binding, which probably controls the regio- and enantiospecifity of CPO. Consequently it is here that we focus our work. We report docking calculations and computer simulations aimed at predicting the enantiospecificity of CPO-catalyzed epoxidation of three model substrates. On the basis of this work candidate mutations to improve the efficiency of CPO are predicted. In order to accomplish these aims, a simulated annealing and molecular dynamics protocol is developed to sample potentially reactive substrate/CPO complexes.


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The present work aimed first, the theoretical study of tetrahedral intermediate stability formed from carbonyl addition reactions using the second (MP2) and third (MP3) order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory. Linear correlations between electronic energy difference of reactions with Wiberg Indexes and C-O bond lengths were obtained, and was observed that the stability of adducts formed depends directly of electronic density involved between these atoms. The knowing of electronic parameters of these structures has an important hole due to the large use on reactions that in his course forms this tetrahedral intermediate. Employing the ONIOM (B3LYP:AMBER) methodology, was evaluated the stereoselectivity of a enzymatic reaction between CAL B enzyme and a long chain ester. In this study, were obtained the electronic energies of ground state and intermediate state of transesterification rate-determing step from two possible proquirals faces Re and Si. The objective was study the enantioselectivity of CAL B and rationalizes it using quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM). A theoretical study employing inorganic compounds was performed using ab initio CBS-QB3 method aiming to find a link between thermodynamic and equilibrium involving acids and bases. The results observed showed an excellent relationship between difference in Gibbs free energy, ΔG of acid dissociation reaction and ΔG of hydrolysis reaction of the corresponding conjugate base. It was also observed, a relationship between ΔG of hydrolysis reaction of conjugate acids and their corresponding atomic radius showing that stability plays an important role in hydrolysis reactions. The importance of solvation in acid/base behavior when compared to theoretical and experimental ΔG´s also was evaluated.


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This thesis describes a systematic investigation of the mechanistic and synthetic aspects of intramolecular reactions of a series of α-diazo-β-oxo sulfone derivatives using copper and, to a lesser extent, rhodium catalysts. The key reaction pathways explored were C–H insertion and cyclopropanation, with hydride transfer competing in certain instances. Significantly, up to 98% ee has been achieved in the C–H insertion processes using copper-NaBARF-bisoxazoline catalysts, with the presence of the additive NaBARF critical to the efficiency of the transformations. This novel synthetic methodology provides access to a diverse range of enantioenriched heterocyclic compounds including thiopyrans, sulfolanes, β- and γ-lactams, in addition to carbocycles such as fused cyclopropanes. The synthesis of the α-diazosulfones required for subsequent investigations is initially described. Of the twenty seven diazo sulfones described, nineteen are novel and are fully characterised in this work. The discussion is subsequently focused on a study of the copper and rhodium catalysed reactions of the α-diazosulfones with Chapter Four concentrated on highly enantioselective C–H insertion to form thiopyrans and sufolanes, Chapter Five focused on C–H insertion to form fused sulfolanes, Chapter Six focused on C–H insertion in sulfonyl α-diazoamides where both lactam formation and / or thiopyran / sulfolane formation can result from competing C–H insertion pathways, while Chapter Seven focuses on cyclopropanation to yield fused cyclopropane derviatives. One of the key outcomes of this work is an insight into the steric and / or electronic factors on both the substrate and the catalyst which control regio-, diastereo- and enantioselectivity patterns in these synthetically powerful transformations. Full experimental details for the synthesis and spectral characterisation of the compounds are included at the end of each Chapter, with details of chiral stationary phase HPLC analysis and assignment of absolute stereochemistry included in the appendix.


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A large number of optically active drugs and natural products contain α-functionalised ketones or simple derivatives thereof. Furthermore, chiral α-alkylated ketones are useful synthons and have found widespread use in total synthesis. The asymmetric alkylation of ketones represents one of the most powerful and longstanding procedures in organic chemistry. Surprisingly, however, only one effective methodology is available, and this involves the use of chiral auxiliaries. This is discussed in Chapter 1, which also provides a background of other key topics discussed throughout the thesis. Expanding on the existing methodology of chiral auxiliaries, Chapter 2 details the synthesis of a novel chiral auxiliary containing a pyrrolidine ring and its use in the asymmetric preparation of α-alkylated ketones with good enantioselectivity. The synthesis of racemic α-alkylated ketones as reference standards for GC chromatography is also reported in this chapter. Chapter 3 details a new approach to chiral α-alkylated ketones using an intermolecular chirality transfer methodology. This approach employs the use of simple non-chiral dimethylhydrazones and their asymmetric alkylation using the chiral diamine ligands, (+)- and (-)-sparteine. The methodology described represents the first example of an asymmetric alkylation of non-chiral azaenolates. Enantiomeric ratios up to 83 : 17 are observed. Chapter 4 introduces the first aldol-Tishchenko reaction of an imine derivative for the preparation of 1,3-aminoalcohol precursors. 1,3-Aminoalcohols can be synthesised via indirect routes involving various permutations of stepwise construction with asymmetric induction. Our approach offers an alternative highly diastereomeric route to the synthesis of this important moiety utilising N-tert-butanesulfinyl imines in an aldol-Tishchenko-type reaction. Chapter 5 details the experimental procedures for all of the above work. Chapter 6 discusses the results of a separate research project undertaken during this PhD. 2-alkyl-quinolin-4-ones and their N-substituted derivatives have several important biological functions such as the role of Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) in quorum sensing. Herein, we report the synthesis of its biological precursor, 2-heptyl-4-hydroxy-quinoline (HHQ) and possible isosteres of PQS; the C-3 Cl, Br and I analogues. N-Methylation of the iodide was also feasible and the usefulness of this compound showcased in Pd-catalysed cross-coupling reactions, thus allowing access to a diverse set of biologically important molecules.


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This thesis is split into three sections based on three different areas of research. In the first section, investigations into the α-alkylation of ketones using a novel chiral auxiliary is reported. This chiral auxiliary was synthesised containing a pyrrolidine ring in the chiral arm and was applied in the preparation of α-alkylated ketones which were obtained in up to 92% ee and up to 63% yield over two steps. Both 3-pentanone and propiophenone based ketones were used in the investigation with a variety of both alkyl and benzyl based electrophiles. The novel chiral auxiliary was also successful when applied to Michael and aldol reactions. A diamine precursor en route to the chiral auxiliary was also applied as an organocatalyst in a Michael reaction, with the product obtained in excellent enantioselectivity. In the second section, investigations into potential anti-quorum sensing molecules are reported. The bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an antibiotic-resistant pathogen that demonstrates cooperative behaviours and communicates using small chemical molecules in a process termed quorum sensing. A variety of C-3 analogues of the quorum sensing molecules used by P. aeruginosa were synthesised. Expanding upon previous research within the group, investigations were carried out into alternative protecting group strategies of 2-heptyl-4-(1H)- quinolone with the aim of improving the yields of products of cross-coupling reactions. In the third section, investigations into fluorination and trifluoromethylation of 2-pyrones, pyridones and quinolones is reported. The incorporation of a fluorine atom or a trifluoromethyl group into a molecule is important in pharmaceutical drug discovery programmes as it can lead to increased lipophilicity and bioavailability, however late-stage incorporation is rarely reported. Both direct fluorination and trifluoromethylation were attempted. Eight trifluoromethylated 2-pyrones, five trifluoromethylated 2-pyridones and a trifluoromethylated 2-quinolone were obtained in a late-stage synthesis from their respective iodinated precursors using methyl fluorosulfonyldifluoroacetate as a trifluoromethylating reagent.


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The racemic tertiary cathinones N,N-dimethylcathinone (1), N,N-diethylcathinone (2) and 2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-propiophenone (3) have been prepared in reasonable yield and characterized using NMR and mass spectroscopy. HPLC indicates that these compounds are isolated as the anticipated racemic mixture. These can then be co-crystallized with (+)-O,O′-di-p-toluoyl-d-tartaric, (+)-O,O′-dibenzoyl-d-tartaric and (-)-O,O′-dibenzoyl-l-tartaric acids giving the single enantiomers S and R respectively of 1, 2 and 3, in the presence of sodium hydroxide through a dynamic kinetic resolution. X-ray structural determination confirmed the enantioselectivity. The free amines could be obtained following basification and extraction. In methanol these are reasonably stable for the period of several hours, and their identity was confirmed by HPLC and CD spectroscopy.


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This critical review offers an overview of asymmetric electrocyclic processes, where diastereo- or enantioselectivity is a consequence of the influence of a chiral component (be it substrate or catalyst) on the electrocyclic bond-forming process (195 references). © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry.