Understanding the influence of pore space characteristics on the hydraulic conductivity and spectral induced polarization (SIP) response is critical for establishing relationships between the electrical and hydrological properties of surficial unconsolidated sedimentary deposits, which host the bulk of the world's readily accessible groundwater resources. Here, we present the results of laboratory SIP measurements on industrial-grade, saturated quartz samples with granulometric characteristics ranging from fine sand to fine gravel, which can be regarded as proxies for widespread alluvial deposits. We altered the pore space characteristics by changing (i) the grain size spectra, (ii) the degree of compaction, and (iii) the level of sorting. We then examined how these changes affect the SIP response, the hydraulic conductivity, and the specific surface area of the considered samples. In general, the results indicate a clear connection between the SIP response and the granulometric as well as pore space characteristics. In particular, we observe a systematic correlation between the hydraulic conductivity and the relaxation time of the Cole-Cole model describing the observed SIP effect for the entire range of considered grain sizes. The results do, however, also indicate that the detailed nature of these relations depends strongly on variations in the pore space characteristics, such as, for example, the degree of compaction. The results of this study underline the complexity of the origin of the SIP signal as well as the difficulty to relate it to a single structural factor of a studied sample, and hence raise some fundamental questions with regard to the practical use of SIP measurements as site- and/or sample-independent predictors of the hydraulic conductivity.
Understanding the influence of pore space characteristics on the hydraulic conductivity and spectral induced polarization (SIP) response is critical for establishing relationships between the electrical and hydrological properties of surficial sedimentary deposits. Here, we present the results of laboratory SIP measurements on saturated quartz samples with granulometric characteristics ranging from fine sand to fine gravel. We alter the pore characteristics using three principal methods: (i) variation of the grain sizes, (ii) changing the degree of compaction, and (iii) changing the level of sorting. We then examine how these changes affect both the SIP response and the hydraulic conductivity. In general, the results indicate a clear connection between the applied changes in pore characteristics and the SIP response. In particular, we observe a systematic correlation between the hydraulic conductivity and the relaxation time of the Cole-Cole model describing the observed SIP effect for the whole range of considered grain sizes.
Venäjän valtion osuus maailmantaloudesta on pieni verrattuna sen maantieteelliseen kokoon, väkilukuun ja luonnonvaroihin. Sitä pidetään kuitenkin yhtenä tulevaisuuden merkittävistä kasvumarkkinoista. Venäjällä on tyypillisesti teollisuutta, joka hyödyntää luonnonvaroja ja tuottaa raaka-aineita sekä kotimaan että ulkomaiden markkinoille. Tällaisia tyypillisiä teollisuudenaloja Venäjällä ovat kaivos- ja metsäteollisuus sekä kemikaalien- kaasun- ja öljyntuotanto. Myös näiden teollisuusalojen tarvitsemien tuotantolaitteiden ja koneiden valmistusta on Venäjällä. Näitä koneita viedään Venäjältä entisiin neuvostovaltioihin ja päinvastoin. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan sähkömoottorien markkinapotentiaalia ja kilpailutilannetta Venäjällä. Venäjän osalta perehdytään sen kansantalouden tilaan ja tutkitaan sähkökonemarkkinoiden kokoa segmenteittäin monien erilähteiden avulla. Venäjän arvioidaan olevan erittäin potentiaalinen ja kasvava markkina-alue. Diplomityössä selvitetään ostoprosessia Venäjällä ja sähkökonemarkkinoiden ominaisuuksia kyseisellä alueella.
The research of power-line communications has been concentrated on home automation, broadband indoor communications and broadband data transfer in a low voltage distribution network between home andtransformer station. There has not been carried out much research work that is focused on the high frequency characteristics of industrial low voltage distribution networks. The industrial low voltage distribution network may be utilised as a communication channel to data transfer required by the on-line condition monitoring of electric motors. The advantage of using power-line data transfer is that it does not require the installing of new cables. In the first part of this work, the characteristics of industrial low voltage distribution network components and the pilot distribution network are measured and modelled with respect topower-line communications frequencies up to 30 MHz. The distributed inductances, capacitances and attenuation of MCMK type low voltage power cables are measured in the frequency band 100 kHz - 30 MHz and an attenuation formula for the cables is formed based on the measurements. The input impedances of electric motors (15-250 kW) are measured using several signal couplings and measurement based input impedance model for electric motor with a slotted stator is formed. The model is designed for the frequency band 10 kHz - 30 MHz. Next, the effect of DC (direct current) voltage link inverter on power line data transfer is briefly analysed. Finally, a pilot distribution network is formed and signal attenuation in communication channels in the pilot environment is measured. The results are compared with the simulations that are carried out utilising the developed models and measured parameters for cables and motors. In the second part of this work, a narrowband power-line data transfer system is developed for the data transfer ofon-line condition monitoring of electric motors. It is developed using standardintegrated circuits. The system is tested in the pilot environment and the applicability of the system for the data transfer required by the on-line condition monitoring of electric motors is analysed.
A method for the analysis of high-speed solid-rotor induction motors in presented. The analysis is based on a new combination of the three dimensional linear method and the transfer matrix method. Both saturation and finite length effects are taken into account. The active region of the solid rotor is divided into saturated and unsaturated parts. The time dependence is assumed to be sinusoidal and phasor quantities are used in the solution. The method is applied to the calculation of smooth solid rotors manufactured of different materials. Six rotor materials are tested: three construction steels, pure iron, a cobaltiron alloy and an aluminium alloy. The results obtained by the method agree fairly well with the measurement quantities.
Master’s thesis focuses on the questions of crane electrics compliance with electrical safety standards. Overview and short comparison of the world’s effective standards in the field is made in order to understand their demands. Basic concepts of a proper electrical circuit design are presented. Characteristics, construction and operation principles of overcurrent protective devices are studied in details. Electrics of the basic crane is designed according to the assumed customer’s demands, compliance with the requirements of the standards is checked. Solutions to achieve better compliance in some issues are proposed. Accent is made on the National Electrical Code (NEC) and standards by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) latests demands. Requirements of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) are also taken into account.
The effects of body condition recovery (BC), carcass electrical stimulation (ES), aging time (AT 7 - 14 days), and calcium chloride injection on the meat characteristics of Santa Inês ewes (±5 years old) slaughtered immediately after weaning or after the body condition recovery period were studied. The carcass temperature, pH, shear force (SF), cooking loss (CL), meat color (L*, a*, b*), and meat tenderness were evaluated. A completely randomized design in a 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 (BC × ES × CaCl2 × AT) factorial arrangement was used, and the sensory tenderness data were analyzed using the table of Minimum Number of Correct Answers for the Duo-Trio test. The body condition recovery reduces the shear force in 8%, increasing their tenderness. Electrical stimulation reduced the shear force (24%) and did not change the other parameters. The aging time (7 or 14 days) decreased the shear force (18-26%), effect that was enhanced by electrical stimulation, and it darkened the meat reducing lightness (L*) and increasing yellowness (b*). The treatment with CaCl2 was the most effective in tenderizing meat by reducing the shear force ( 35%); increasing the cooking loss (4.5%); and increasing L* and b* lightening the meat. The sensory evaluation of tenderness corroborates the findings of the experimental evaluation regarding the effect of the treatment with CaCl2 on the meat quality improvement. It was concluded that the treatments improve meat characteristics achieving better results when applied together.
The present work is an attempt to understand the characteristics of high energy ball milling on the structural, electrical and magnetic properties of some normal spinets in the ultra fine regime, Magnetism and magnetic materials have been a fascinating subject for the mankind ever since the discovery of lodestone. Since then, man has been applying this principle of magnetism to build devices for various applications. Magnetism can be classified broadly into five categories. They are diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic antiferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic. Of these, ferro and ferri magnetic materials assume great commercial importance due to their unique properties like appropriate magnetic characteristics, high resistivity and low eddy current losses. The emergence of nanoscience and nanotechnology during the last decade had its impact in the field of magnetism and magnetic materials too. Now, it is common knowledge that materials synthesized in the nanoregime exhibit novel and superlative properties with respect to their coarser sized counterparts in the micron regime. These studies reveal that dielectric properties can be varied appreciably by high-energy ball milling in nanosized zinc ferrites produced by coprecipitation method. A semi conducting behaviour was observed in these materials with the Oxygen vacancies acting as the main charge carrier for conduction, which was produced at the time of coprecipitation and milling. Thus through this study, it was possible to successfully investigate the finite size effects on the structural, electrical and magnetic properties of normal spinels in the ultra fine regime
In this thesis, we present the results of our investigations on the photoconducting and electrical switching properties of selected chalcogenide glass systems. We have used XRD and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis for confinuing the amorphous nature of these materials and for confirming their constituents respectively.Photoconductivity is the enhancement in electrical conductivity of materials brought about by the motion of charge carriers excited by absorbed radiation. The phenomenon involves absorption, photogeneration, recombination and transport processes and it gives good insight into the density of states in the energy gap of solids due to the presence of impurities and lattice defects. Photoconductivity measurements lead to the determination of such important parameters as quantum efficiency, photosensiti\'ity, spectral sensitivity and carrier lifetime. Extensive research work on photoconducting properties of amorphous semiconductors has resulted in the development of a variety of very sensitive photodetectors. Photoconductors are finding newer and newer uses eyery day. CdS, CdSe. Sb2S3, Se, ZnO etc, are typical photoconducting materials which are used in devices like vidicons, light amplifiers, xerography equipment etc.Electrical switching is another interesting and important property possessed by several Te based chalcogenides. Switching is the rapid and reversible transition between a highly resistive OFF state, driven by an external electric field and characterized by a threshold voltage, and a low resistivity ON state, Switching can be either threshold type or memory type. The phenomenon of switching could find applications in areas like infonnation storage, electrical power control etc. Investigations on electrical switching in chalcogenide glasses help in understanding the mechanism of switching which is necessary to select and modify materials for specific switching applications.Analysis of XRD pattern gives no further infonuation about amorphous materials than revealing their disordered structure whereas x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,XPS) provides information about the different constituents present in the material. Also it gives binding energies (b.e.) of an element in different compounds and hence b.e. shift from the elemental form.Our investigations have been concentrated on the bulk glasses, Ge-In-Se, Ge-Bi-Se and As-Sb-Se for photoconductivity measurements and In-Te for electrical switching. The photoconducting properties of Ge-Sb-Se thin films prepared by sputtering technique have also been studied. The bulk glasses for the present investigations are prepared by the melt quenching technique and are annealed for half an hour at temperatures just below their respective glass transition temperatures. The dependence of photoconducting propenies on composition and temperature are investigated in each system. The electrical switching characteristics of In-Te system are also studied with different compositions and by varying the temperature.
Polyfurfural thin films lying in the thickness range of 1300–2000 A˚ were prepared by ac plasma polymerization technique. The current–voltage characteristics in symmetric and asymmetric electrode configuration were studied with a view to determining the dominant conduction mechanism.It was found that the Schottky conduction mechanism is dominant in plasma polymerized furfural thin films.The predominance of Schottky mechanism was further confirmed based on the thermally stimulated current measurements.
Studies on the structural, electrical and magnetic properties of composites based on spinel ferrites
This thesis mainly deals with the preparation and studies on magnetic composites based on spinel ferrites prepared both chemically and mechanically. Rubber ferrite composites (RFC) are chosen because of their mouldability and flexibility and the ease with which the dielectric and magnetic properties can be manipulated to make them as useful devices. Natural rubber is chosen as the Matrix because of its local availability and possible value addition. Moreover, NR represents a typical unsaturated nonpolar matrix. The work can be thought of as two parts. Part l concentrates on the preparation and characterization of nanocomposites based on y-Fe203. Part 2 deals with the preparation and characterization of RFCs containing Nickel zinc ferrit In the present study magnetic nanocomposites have been prepared by ionexchange method and the preparation conditions have been optimized. The insitu incorporation of the magnetic component is carried out chemically. This method is selected as it is the easiest and simplest method for preparation of nanocomposite. Nanocomposite samples thus prepared were studied using VSM, Mossbauer spectroscopy, Iron content estimation, and ESR spectroscopy. For the preparation of RFCs, the filler material namely nickel zinc ferrite having the general formula Ni)_xZnxFez04, where x varies from 0 to 1 in steps of 0.2 have been prepared by the conventional ceramic techniques. The system of Nil_xZn"Fe204 is chosen because of their excellent high frequency characteristics. After characterization they are incorporated into the polymer matrix of natural rubber by mechanical method. The incorporation is done according to a specific recipe and for various Loadings of magnetic fillers and also for all compositions. The cure characteristics, magnetic properties and dielectric properties of these composites are evaluated. The ac electrical conductivity of both ceramic nickel zinc ferrites and rubber ferrite composites are also calculated using a simple relation. The results are correlated.
Rubber has become an indispensable material in Ocean technology. Rubber components play critical roles such as sealing, damping, environmental protection, electrical insulation etc. in most under water engineering applications. Technology driven innovations in electro acoustic transducers and other sophisticated end uses have enabled quantum jump in the quality and reliability of rubber components. Under water electro acoustic transducers use rubbers as a critical material in their construction. Work in this field has lead to highly reliable and high performance materials which has enhanced service life of transducers to the extent of 1015 years. Present work concentrates on these materials. Conventional rubbers are inadequate to meet many of the stringent functional of the requirements. There exists large gap of information in the rubber technology of under water rubbers, particularly in the context of under water electro acoustic transducers. Present study is towards filling up the gaps of information in this crucial area. The research work has been in the area of compounding and characterisation of rubbers for use in under water electro acoustic transducers. The study also covers specific material system such as encapsulation material, baffle material, seal material, etc. Life prediction techniques of under water rubbers in general has been established with reference to more than one functional property. This thesis is divided into 6 chapters.
Relating the measurable, large scale, effects of anaesthetic agents to their molecular and cellular targets of action is necessary to better understand the principles by which they affect behavior, as well as enabling the design and evaluation of more effective agents and the better clinical monitoring of existing and future drugs. Volatile and intravenous general anaesthetic agents (GAs) are now known to exert their effects on a variety of protein targets, the most important of which seem to be the neuronal ion channels. It is hence unlikely that anaesthetic effect is the result of a unitary mechanism at the single cell level. However, by altering the behavior of ion channels GAs are believed to change the overall dynamics of distributed networks of neurons. This disruption of regular network activity can be hypothesized to cause the hypnotic and analgesic effects of GAs and may well present more stereotypical characteristics than its underlying microscopic causes. Nevertheless, there have been surprisingly few theories that have attempted to integrate, in a quantitative manner, the empirically well documented alterations in neuronal ion channel behavior with the corresponding macroscopic effects. Here we outline one such approach, and show that a range of well documented effects of anaesthetics on the electroencephalogram (EEG) may be putatively accounted for. In particular we parameterize, on the basis of detailed empirical data, the effects of halogenated volatile ethers (a clinically widely used class of general anaesthetic agent). The resulting model is able to provisionally account for a range of anaesthetically induced EEG phenomena that include EEG slowing, biphasic changes in EEG power, and the dose dependent appearance of anomalous ictal activity, as well as providing a basis for novel approaches to monitoring brain function in both health and disease.
This paper demonstrates the oscillatory characteristics of electrical signals acquired from two ornamental plant types (Epipremnum pinnatum and Philodendron scandens - Family Araceae), using a noninvasive acquisition system. The electrical signal was recorded using Ag/AgCl superficial electrodes inside a Faraday cage. The presence of the oscillatory electric generator was shown using a classical power spectral density. The Lempel and Ziv complexity measurement showed that the plant signal was not noise despite its nonlinear behavior. The oscillatory characteristics of the signal were explained using a simulated electrical model that establishes that for a frequency range from 5 to 15 Hz, the oscillatory characteristic is higher than for other frequency ranges. All results show that non-invasive electrical plant signals can be acquired with improvement of signal-to-noise ratio using a Faraday cage, and a simple electrical model is able to explain the electrical signal being generated. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ce(0.8)SM(0.2)O(1.9) and CeO(2) nanomaterials were prepared by a solution technique to produce an ultrafine particulate material with high sinterability. In this work, the structural characteristics, the photoluminescent behavior and the ionic conductivity of the synthesized materials are focused. The thermally decomposed material consists of less than 10 nm in diameter nanoparticles. The Raman spectrum of pure CeO(2) consists of a single triple degenerate F(2g) model characteristic of the fluorite-like structure. The full width at half maximum of this band decreases linearly with increasing calcination temperature. The photoluminescence spectra show a broadened emission band assigned to the ligand-to-metal charge-transfer states O -> Ce(4+). The emission spectra of the Ce(0.8)Sm(0.2)O(1.9) specimens present narrow bands arising from the 4G(5/2) -> (6)H(J) transitions (J = 5/2, 7/2, 9/2 and 11/2) of Sm(3+) ion due to the efficient energy transfer from the O -> Ce(4+) transitions to the emitter 4G(5/2) level. The ionic conductivity of sintered specimens shows a significant dependence on density. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.