978 resultados para Disulfide Bond Formation


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Overexpression of the Neu/ErbB-2 receptor tyrosine kinase has been implicated in the genesis of human breast cancer. Indeed, expression of either activated or wild-type neu in the mammary epithelium of transgenic mice results in the induction of mammary tumors. Previously, we have shown that many of the mammary tumors arising in transgenic mice expressing wild-type neu occur through somatic activating mutations within the neu transgene itself. Here we demonstrate that these mutations promote dimerization of the Neu receptor through the formation of disulfide bonds, resulting in its constitutive activation. To explore the role of conserved cysteine residues within the region deleted in these altered Neu proteins, we examined the transforming potential of a series of Neu receptors in which the individual cysteine residues were mutated. These analyses indicated that mutation of certain cysteine residues resulted in the oncogenic activation of Neu. The increased transforming activity displayed by the altered receptors correlated with constitutive dimerization that occurred in a disulfide bond-dependent manner. We further demonstrate that addition of 2-mercaptoethanol to the culture medium interfered with the specific transforming activity of the mutant Neu receptors. These observations suggest that oncogenic activation of Neu results from constitutive disulfide bond-dependent dimerization.


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L125R is a mutation in the transmembrane helix C of rhodopsin that is associated with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. To probe the orientation of the helix and its packing in the transmembrane domain, we have prepared and studied the mutations E122R, I123R, A124R, S127R, L125F, and L125A at, and in proximity to, the above mutation site. Like L125R, the opsin expressed in COS-1 cells from E122R did not bind 11-cis-retinal, whereas those from I123R and S127R formed the rhodopsin chromophore partially. A124R opsin formed the rhodopsin chromophore (lambda max 495 nm) in the dark, but the metarhodopsin II formed on illumination decayed about 6.5 times faster than that of the wild type and was defective in transducin activation. The mutant opsins from L125F and L125A bound 11-cis-retinal only partially, and in both cases, the mixtures of the proteins produced were separated into retinal-binding and non-retinal-binding (misfolded) fractions. The purified mutant rhodopsin from L125F showed lambda max at 500 nm, whereas that from L125A showed lambda max at 503 nm. The mutant rhodopsin L125F showed abnormal bleaching behavior and both mutants on illumination showed destabilized metarhodopsin II species and reduced transducin activation. Because previous results have indicated that misfolding in rhodopsin is due to the formation of a disulfide bond other than the normal disulfide bond between Cys-110 and Cys-187 in the intradiscal domain, we conclude from the misfolding in mutants L125F and L125A that the folding in vivo in the transmembrane domain is coupled to that in the intradiscal domain.


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The same heterozygous T -> C transition at nt 8567 of the von Willebrand factor (vWF) transcript was found in two unrelated patients with type III) von Willebrand disease, with no other apparent abnormality. In one family, both alleles were normal in the parents and one sister; thus, the mutation originated de novo in the proposita. The second patient also had asymptomatic parents who, however, were not available for study. The structural consequences of the identified mutation, resulting in the CyS2010 -> Arg substitution, were evaluated by expression of the vWF carboxyl-terminal domain containing residues 1366-2050. Insect cells infected with recombinant baculovirus expressing normal vWF sequence secreted a disulfide linked dimeric molecule with an apparent molecular mass of 150 kDa before reduction, yielding a single band of 80 kDa after disulfide bond reduction. In contrast, cells expressing the mutant fragment secreted a monomeric molecule of apparent molecular mass of 80 kDa, which remained unchanged after reduction. We conclude that CyS2010 is essential for normal dimerization of vWF subunits through disulfide bonding of carboxyl-terminal domains and that a heterozygous mutation in the corresponding codon is responsible for defective multimer formation in type III) von Willebrand disease.


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During oxidative and photo-phosphorylation, F0F1-ATP synthases couple the movement of protons down an electrochemical gradient to the synthesis of ATP. One proposed mechanistic feature that has remained speculative is that this coupling process requires the rotation of subunits within F0F1. Guided by a recent, high-resolution structure for bovine F1 [Abrahams, J. P., Leslie, A. G., Lutter, R. & Walker, J. E. (1994) Nature (London) 370, 621-628], we have developed a critical test for rotation of the central gamma subunit relative to the three catalytic beta subunits in soluble F1 from Escherichia coli. In the bovine F1 structure, a specific point of contact between the gamma subunit and one of the three catalytic beta subunits includes positioning of the homolog of E. coli gamma-subunit C87 (gamma C87) close to the beta-subunit 380DELSEED386 sequence. A beta D380C mutation allowed us to induce formation of a specific disulfide bond between beta and gamma C87 in soluble E. coli F1. Formation of the crosslink inactivated beta D380C-F1, and reduction restored full activity. Using a dissociation/reassembly approach with crosslinked beta D380C-F1, we incorporated radiolabeled beta subunits into the two noncrosslinked beta-subunit positions of F1. After reduction of the initial nonradioactive beta-gamma crosslink, only exposure to conditions for catalytic turnover results in similar reactivities of unlabeled and radiolabeled beta subunits with gamma C87 upon reoxidation. The results demonstrate that gamma subunit rotates relative to the beta subunits during catalysis.


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Helicobacter pylori è un batterio Gram-negativo in grado di colonizzare la mucosa gastrica umana e persistere per l'intero arco della vita dell'ospite. E' associato a patologie gastrointestinali, quali gastrite cronica, ulcere gastriche e duodenali, adenocarcinomi e linfomi gastrici. Si tratta di uno dei patogeni più diffusi, presente in circa metà della popolazione mondiale, e il solo che si è adattato a vivere nell'ambiente ostile dello stomaco umano. Molteplici sono i fattori di virulenza che permettono al batterio la colonizzazione della nicchia gastrica e contribuiscono, anche attraverso l' induzione di una risposta infiammatoria, a profonde modificazioni dell' omeostasi gastrica. Queste ultime si associano, ad esempio, all'iperproduzione di fattori proinfiammatori, ad alterazioni sia della regolazione della secrezione acida gastrica sia del ciclo cellulare e della morte cellulare programmata (apoptosi) delle cellule epiteliali gastriche, a disordini nel metabolismo del ferro e a carenze di elementi essenziali. Studi sulla diversità genetica di H. pylori osservata in ceppi isolati da varie regioni del mondo, dimostrano che tale batterio ha avuto una coevoluzione col genere umano attraverso la storia, ed è verosimile che H. pylori sia stato un costituente del microbiota gastrico per almeno 50.000 anni. Scopo della tesi è stato quello di identificare e caratterizzare proteine importanti per la colonizzazione e l'adattamento di H. pylori alla nicchia gastrica. In particolare gli sforzi si sono concentrati su due proteine periplasmatiche, la prima coinvolta nella difesa antiossidante (l'enzima catalasi-like, HP0485), e la seconda nel trasporto di nutrienti presenti nell'ambiente dello stomaco all'interno della cellula (la componente solubile di un ABC transporter, HP0298). La strategia utilizzata prevede un'analisi bioinformatica preliminare, l'ottenimento del gene per amplificazione, mediante PCR, dal genoma dell'organismo, la costruzione di un vettore per il clonaggio, l'espressione eterologa in E. coli e la successiva purificazione. La proteina così ottenuta viene caratterizzata mediante diverse tecniche, quali spettroscopia UV, dicroismo circolare, gel filtrazione analitica, spettrometria di massa. Il capitolo 1 contiene un'introduzione generale sul batterio, il capitolo 2 e il capitolo 3 descrivono gli studi relativi alle due proteine e sono entrambi suddivisi in un abstract iniziale, un'introduzione, la presentazione dei risultati, la discussione di questi ultimi, i materiali e i metodi utilizzati. La catalasi-like (HP0485) è una proteina periplasmatica con struttura monomerica, appartenente ad una famiglia di enzimi a funzione per la maggior parte sconosciuta, ma evolutivamente correlati alla ben nota catalasi, attore fondamentale nella difesa di H. pylori, grazie alla sua azione specifica di rimozione dell'acqua ossigenata. HP0485, pur conservando il fold catalasico e il legame al cofattore eme, non può compiere la reazione di dismutazione dell'acqua ossigenata; possiede invece un'attività perossidasica ad ampio spettro, essendo in grado di accoppiare la riduzione del perossido di idrogeno all'ossidazione di diversi substrati. Come la catalasi, lavora ad alte concentrazioni di aqua ossigenata e non arriva a saturazione a concentrazioni molto elevate di questo substrato (200 mM); la velocità di reazione catalizzata rimane lineare anche a questi valori, aspetto che la differenzia dalle perossidasi che vengono in genere inattivate da concentrazioni di perossido di idrogeno superiori a 10-50 mM. Queste caratteristiche di versatilità e robustezza suggeriscono che la catalasi-like abbia un ruolo di scavenger dell'acqua ossigenata e probabilmente anche un'altra funzione connessa al suo secondo substrato, ossia l'ossidazione di composti nello spazio periplasmatico cellulare. Oltre alla caratterizzazione dell'attività è descritta anche la presenza di un ponte disolfuro, conservato nelle catalasi-like periplasmatiche, con un ruolo nell'assemblaggio dell'eme per ottenere un enzima attivo e funzionale. La proteina periplasmatica HP0298, componente di un sistema di trasporto ABC, è classificata come trasportatore di dipeptidi e appartiene a una famiglia di proteine in grado di legare diversi substrati, tra cui di- e oligopeptidi, nichel, eme, glutatione. Benchè tutte associate a trasportatori di membrana batterici, queste proteine presentano un dominio di legame al substrato che risulta essere conservato nei domini extracellulari di recettori specifici di mammifero e uomo. Un esempio sono i recettori ionotropici e metabotropici del sistema nervoso. Per caratterizzare questa proteina è stato messo a punto un protocollo di ligand-fishing accoppiato alla spettrometria di massa. La proteina purificata, avente un tag di istidine, è stata incubata con un estratto cellulare di H. pylori per poter interagire con il suo substrato specifico all'interno dell'ambiente naturale in cui avviene il legame. Il complesso proteina-ligando è stato poi purificato per cromatografia di affinità e analizzato mediante HPLC-MS. L'identificazione dei picchi differenziali tra campioni con la proteina e 5 campioni di controllo ha portato alla caratterizzazione di pentapeptidi particolarmente ricchi in aminoacidi idrofobici e con almeno un residuo carico negativamente. Considerando che H. pylori necessita di alcuni aminoacidi essenziali, per la maggior parte idrofobici, e che lo stomaco umano è particolarmente ricco di peptidi prodotti dalla digestione delle proteine introdotte con il cibo, il ruolo fisiologico di HP0298 potrebbe essere l'internalizzazione di peptidi, con caratteristiche specifiche di lunghezza e composizione, che sono naturalmente presenti nella nicchia gastrica.


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The structure of a novel plant defensin isolated from the flowers of Petunia hybrida has been determined by H-1 NMR spectroscopy. P. hybrida defensin 1 (PhD1) is a basic, cysteine-rich, antifungal protein of 47 residues and is the first example of a new subclass of plant defensins with five disulfide bonds whose structure has been determined. PhD1 has the fold of the cysteine-stabilized alphabeta motif, consisting of an alpha-helix and a triple-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet, except that it contains a fifth disulfide bond from the first loop to the alpha-helix. The additional disulfide bond is accommodated in PhD1 without any alteration of its tertiary structure with respect to other plant defensins. Comparison of its structure with those of classic, four-disulfide defensins has allowed us to identify a previously unrecognized hydrogen bond network that is integral to structure stabilization in the family.


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Cytochrome c biogenesis in Escherichia coli is a complex process requiring at least eight genes (ccmABC DEFGH). One of these genes, ccmG, encodes a thioredoxin-like protein with unusually specific redox activity. Here, we investigate the basis for CcmG function and demonstrate the importance of acidic residues surrounding the redox-active center.


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The aim of this work was to elucidate the oxidative folding mechanism of the macrocyclic cystine knot protein MCoTI-II. We aimed to investigate how the six-cysteine residues distributed on the circular backbone of the reduced unfolded peptide recognize their correct partner and join up to form a complex cystine-knotted topology. To answer this question, we studied the oxidative folding of the naturally occurring peptide using a range of spectroscopic methods. For both oxidative folding and reductive unfolding, the same disulfide intermediate species was prevalent and was characterized to be a native-like two-disulfide intermediate in which the Cys(1)-Cys(18) disulfide bond was absent. Overall, the folding pathway of this head-to-tail cyclized protein was found to be similar to that of linear cystine knot proteins from the squash family of trypsin inhibitors. However, the pathway differs in an important way from that of the cyclotide kalata B1, in that the equivalent two-disulfide intermediate in that case is not a direct precursor of the native protein. The size of the embedded ring within the cystine knot motif appears to play a crucial role in the folding pathway. Larger rings contribute to the independence of disulfides and favor an on-pathway native-like intermediate that has a smaller energy barrier to cross to form the native fold. The fact that macrocyclic proteins are readily able to fold to a complex knotted structure in vitro in the absence of chaperones makes them suitable as protein engineering scaffolds that have remarkable stability.


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Most pharmaceutically relevant proteins and many extracellular proteins contain disulfide bonds. Formation of the correct disulfide bonds is essential for stability in almost all cases. Disulfide containing proteins can be rapidly and inexpensively overexpressed in bacteria. However, the overexpressed proteins usually form aggregates inside the bacteria, called inclusion bodies, which contains inactive and non-native protein. To obtain native protein, inclusion bodies need to be isolated and resolubilized, and then the resulting protein refolded in vitro. In vitro protein folding is aided by the addition of a redox buffer, which is composed of a small molecule disulfide and/or a small molecule thiol. The most commonly used redox buffer contains reduced and oxidized glutathione. Recently, aliphatic dithiols and aromatic monothiols have been employed as redox buffers. Aliphatic dithiols improved the yield of native protein as compared to the aliphatic thiol, glutathione. Dithiols mimic the in vivo protein folding catalyst, protein disulfide isomerase, which has two thiols per active site. Furthermore, aromatic monothiols increased the folding rate and yield of lysozyme and RNase A relative to glutathione. By combining the beneficial properties of aliphatic dithiols and aromatic monothiols, aromatic dithiols were designed and were expected to increase in vitro protein folding rates and yields. Aromatic monothiols (1-4) and their corresponding disulfides (5-8), two series of ortho- and para-substituted ethylene glycol dithiols (9-15), and a series of aromatic quaternary ammonium salt dithiols (16-17) were synthesized on a multigram scale. Monothiols and disulfides (1-8) were utilized to fold lysozyme and bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Dithiols (11-17) were tested for their ability to fold lysozyme. At pH 7.0 and pH 8.0, and high protein concentration (1 mg/mL), aromatic dithiols (16, 17) and a monothiol (3) significantly enhanced the in vitro folding rate and yield of lysozyme relative to the aliphatic thiol, glutathione. Additionally, aromatic dithiols (16, 17) significantly enhance the folding yield as compared to the corresponding aromatic monothiol (3). Thus, the folding rate and yield enhancements achieved in in vitro protein folding at high protein concentration will decrease the volume of renaturation solution required for large scale processes and consequently reduce processing time and cost.


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Neuroglobin (Ngb) and cytoglobin (Cygb) are two new additions to the globin family, exhibiting heme iron hexa-coordination, a disulfide bond and large internal cavities. These proteins are implicated in cytoprotection under hypoxic-ischemic conditions, but the molecular basis of their cytoprotective function is unclear. Herein, a photothermal and spectroscopic study of the interactions of diatomic ligands with Ngb, Cygb, myoglobin and hemoglobin is presented. The impact of the disulfide bond in Ngb and Cygb and role of conserved residues in Ngb His64, Val68, Cys55, Cys120 and Tyr44 on conformational dynamics associated with ligand binding/dissociation were investigated. Transient absorption and photoacoustic calorimetry studies indicate that CO photo-dissociation from Ngb leads to a volume expansion (13.4±0.9 mL mol-1), whereas a smaller volume change was determined for Ngb with reduced Cys (ΔV=4.6±0.3 mL mol-1). Furthermore, Val68 side chain regulates ligand migration between the distal pocket and internal hydrophobic cavities since Val68Phe geminate quantum yield is ∼2.7 times larger than that of WT Ngb. His64Gln and Tyr44Phe mutations alter the thermodynamic parameters associated with CO photo-release indicating that electrostatic/hydrogen binding network that includes heme propionate groups, Lys 67, His64, and Tyr 44 in Ngb modulates the energetics of CO photo-dissociation. In Cygb, CO escape from the protein matrix is fast (< 40 ns) with a ΔH of 18±2 kcal mol-1 in Cygbred, whereas disulfide bridge formation promotes a biphasic ligand escape associated with an overall enthalpy change of 9±4 kcal mol-1. Therefore, the disulfide bond modulates conformational dynamics in Ngb and Cygb. I propose that in Cygb with reduced Cys the photo-dissociated ligand escapes through the hydrophobic tunnel as occurs in Ngb, whereas the CO preferentially migrates through the His64 gate in Cygbox. To characterize Cygb surface 1,8-ANS interactions with Cygb were investigated employing fluorescence spectroscopy, ITC and docking simulations. Two 1,8-ANS binding sites were identified. One binding site is located close to the extended N-terminus of Cygb and was also identified as a binding site for oleate. Furthermore, guanidinium hydrochloride-induced unfolding studies of Cygb reveal that the disulfide bond does not impact Cygb stability, whereas binding of cyanide slightly increases the protein stability.


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In this paper, we use a model of hydrogenated amorphous silicon generated from molecular dynamics with density functional theory calculations to examine how the atomic geometry and the optical and mobility gaps are influenced by mild hydrogen oversaturation. The optical and mobility gaps show a volcano curve as the hydrogen content varies from undersaturation to mild oversaturation, with largest gaps obtained at the saturation hydrogen concentration. At the same time, mid-gap states associated with dangling bonds and strained Si-Si bonds disappear at saturation but reappear at mild oversaturation, which is consistent with the evolution of optical gap. The distribution of Si-Si bond distances provides the key to the change in electronic properties. In the undersaturation regime, the new electronic states in the gap arise from the presence of dangling bonds and strained Si-Si bonds, which are longer than the equilibrium Si-Si distance. Increasing hydrogen concentration up to saturation reduces the strained bonds and removes dangling bonds. In the case of mild oversaturation, the mid-gap states arise exclusively from an increase in the density of strained Si-Si bonds. Analysis of our structure shows that the extra hydrogen atoms form a bridge between neighbouring silicon atoms, thus increasing the Si-Si distance and increasing disorder in the sample.


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Pyrido[1,2-a]benzimidazoles1, 2a are interesting compounds both from the viewpoint of medicinal chemistry2–7 (solubility,7 DNA intercalation3) and materials chemistry8 (fluorescence). Of note among the former is the antibiotic drug Rifaximin,5 which contains this heteroaromatic core. The classical synthetic approach for the assembly of pyrido[1,2-a]benzimidazoles is by [3+3] cyclocondensation of benzimidazoles containing a methylene group at C2 with appropriate bielectrophiles.2a However, these procedures are often low-yielding, involve indirect/lengthy sequences, and/or provide access to a limited range of products, primarily providing derivatives with substituents located on the pyridine ring (A ring, Scheme 1).2–4 Theoretically, a good alternative synthetic method for the synthesis of pyrido[1,2-a]benzimidazoles with substituents in the benzene ring (C ring) should be accessible by intramolecular transition-metal-catalyzed CN bond formation in N-(2-chloroaryl)pyridin-2-amines, based on chemistry recently developed in our research group.9 These substrates themselves are easily available through SNAr or selective Pd-catalyzed amination10 of 2-chloropyridine with 2-chloroanilines.11 If a synthetic procedure that eliminated the need for preactivation of the 2-position of the 2-chloroarylamino entity could be developed, this would be even more powerful, as anilines are more readily commercially available than 2-chloroanilines. Therefore the synthesis of pyrido[1,2-a]benzimidazoles (4) by a transition-metal-catalyzed intramolecular CH amination approach from N-arylpyridin-2-amines (3) was explored (Scheme 1).


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Both [C4CO]−· and [C2COC2]−· are formed in the ion source of a VG ZAB 2HF mass spectrometer by the respective processes HO− + Me3Si–CC–CC–CO–CMe3 → [C4CO]−· + Me3SiOH + Me3C·, and Me3Si–CC–CO–CC–SiMe3 + SF6 + e → [C2COC2]−· + 2Me3SiF + SF4. The second synthetic pathway involves a double desilylation reaction similar to that first reported by Squires. The two radical anion isomers produce different and characteristic charge reversal spectra upon collisional activation. In contrast, following collision induced charge stripping, both radical anions produce neutral C4CO as evidenced by the identical neutralisation reionisation (−NR+) spectra. The exclusive rearrangement of C213COC2 to C413CO indicates that 12C–O bond formation is not involved in the reaction. Ab initio calculations (at the RCCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDZ//B3LYP/6-31G∗ level of theory) have been used to investigate the reaction coordinates on the potential surfaces for both singlet and triplet rearrangements of neutral C2COC2. Singlet C2COC2 is less stable than singlet C4CO by 78.8 kcal mol−1 and requires only 8.5 kcal mol−1 of additional energy to effect conversion to C4CO by a rearrangement sequence involving three C–C ring opening/cyclisation steps.


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The structural stabilizing property of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE) in peptides has been widely demonstrated, More recently, TFE has been shown to enhance secondary structure content in globular proteins, and to influence quaternary interactions in protein multimers. The molecular mechanisms by which TFE exerts its Influence on peptide and protein structures remain poorly understood. The present analysis integrates the known physical properties of TFE with a variety of experimental observations on the interaction of TFE with peptides and proteins and on the properties of fluorocarbons. Two features of TFE, namely the hydrophobicity of the trifluoromethyl group and the hydrogen bonding character (strong donor and poor acceptor), emerge as the most important factors for rationalising the observed effects of TFE. A model is proposed for TFE interaction with peptides which involves an initial replacement of the hydration shell by fluoroalcohol molecules, a process driven by apolar interactions and favourable entropy of dehydration. Subsequent bifurcated hydrogen-bond formation with peptide carbonyl groups, which leave intramolecular interactions unaffected, promotes secondary structure formation.


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Magnetic resonance studies reveal a marked difference between the binding of α-tocopherol and that of the corresponding acetate (vitamin E acetate) with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) vesicles. This is reflected in differences in the phase-transition curves of the DPPC vesicles incorporated with the two compounds, as well as in the 13C relaxation times and line widths. A model for the incorporation of these molecules in lipid bilayers has been suggested. α-Tocopherol binds strongly with the lipids, possibly through a hydrogen bond formation between the hydroxyl group of the former and one of the oxygen atoms of the latter. The possibility of such a hydrogen bond formation is excluded in vitamin E acetate, which binds loosely through the normal hydrophobic interaction. The model for lipid-vitamin interaction explains the in vitro decomposition of H2O2 by α-tocopherol. α-Tocopherol in conjuction with H2O2 can also act as a free-radical scavenger in the lipid phase. The incorporation of α-tocopherol and vitamin E acetate in DPPC vesicles enhances the permeability of lipid bilayers for small molecules such as sodium ascorbate.