341 resultados para Disney, Walt: Aladdin
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Parts II-III have special t.-p.; pt.II has imprint: London, J. Rodwell, 1848.
Aim To assess the accuracy and reproducibility of biometry undertaken with the Aladdin (Topcon, Tokyo, Japan) in comparison with the current gold standard device, the IOLMaster 500 (Zeiss, Jena, Germany). Setting University Eye Clinic, Birmingham, UK and Refractive Surgery Centre, Kiel, Germany. Methods The right eye of 75 patients with cataracts and 22 healthy participants were assessed using the two devices. Measurements of axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD) and keratometry (K) were undertaken with the Aladdin and IOLMaster 500 in random order by an experienced practitioner. A second practitioner then obtained measurements for each participant using the Aladdin biometer in order to assess interobserver variability. Results No statistically significant differences ( p≥0.05) between the two biometers were found for average difference (AL)±95% CI=0.01±0.06 mm), ACD (0.00 ±0.11 mm) or mean K values (0.08±0.51 D). Furthermore, interobserver variability was very good for each parameter (weighted κ≥0.85). One patient's IOL powers could not be calculated with either biometer measurements, whereas a further three could not be analysed by the IOLMaster 500. The IOL power calculated from the valid measurements was not statistically significantly different between the biometers (p=0.842), with 91% of predictions within±0.25 D. Conclusions The Aladdin is a quick, easy-to-use biometer that produces valid and reproducible results that are comparable with those obtained with the IOLMaster 500.
In her dialogue entitled - Restructuring in the Hospitality Industry - Elisa S. Moncarz, Associate Professor, the School of Hospitality Management at Florida International University, intends for you to know the following: “Recent years have seen a proliferation of restructurings of major American corporations creating an extremely important issue that has affected U.S. business. This article discusses restructuring issues in the hospitality industry, focusing attention on its causes and motivations, as well as on its benefits and perils. The author considers the impact of restructuring on investors and management while examining recent restructurings involving hospitality firms.” In defining the concept of restructuring, Associate Professor Moncarz informs you, “Restructuring entails the implementation of fundamental and comprehensive modification of a company's operational and/or financial structure.” “It has, indeed, become fashionable to take a company apart and put it back together in a different form,” the author says. Additionally, Moncarz refers to a Wall Street Journal study, dated August 1985, which reveals that nearly half the large American corporations were, or were soon to be restructured in the 1984/85 time frame. There are several distinct types of restructurings and the author wants you to be aware of some of them. “…threats of takeover attempts, the larger part of all restructuring have been initiated willingly in order to expand or divest a company's line of business (i.e., operational restructurings) or redirect its finances (i.e., financial restructurings),” the author reveals. “Two principal types of operational restructurings are mergers and acquisitions [M&A], and divestitures [disposing of unwanted units or assets],” Moncarz further defines the concepts of expansion and divestiture. The author explains several types of financial restructuring sketches used in the hospitality industry, including stock re-purchasing, debt issuances and redemptions, swapping debt for equity, and effective theories of realigning debt through extending loans and/or revising terms. To expand their businesses, Moncarz makes anecdotal reference to several major food and beverage corporations that have successfully employed operational restructuring principles. The author wades into the shallow end of the hostile takeover pool by explaining some of the corporate restructuring concepts used to repel that aggressive technique. Walt Disney Company completely redesigned their entire upper level management structure in a successful effort to thwart a hostile takeover bid by corporate raider Saul P. Steinberg, Moncarz informs. To close, the author touches on leveraged buyouts [LBOs], and stock repurchases to divest unwanted divisions and immobilize hostile takeover attempts. A lengthy table of - Selected Restructurings in the Hospitality Industry [1982 to date of article] – is also included.
Dixie Before Disney: 100 Years of Roadside Fun by Tim Hollis (Jackson, Miss.: University Press of Mississippi, 1999), ISBN 1-57806-117-2, 206 pages, including acknowledgements, tables, index, $25 paperback.
Com o aumento da demanda por empreendimentos no ramo do entretenimento, observa-se o aumento da competitividade no setor de turismo, gerando a necessidade de diferenciação em meio aos demais, visando à fidelização de clientes. Nesse sentido, os profissionais de Marketing passaram a acreditar que, para oferecer algo que fosse capaz de fidelizar os clientes, as empresas deveriam oferecer um produto ou serviço que fosse além das necessidades dos consumidores, surgindo então o termo “encantamento do cliente”. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo tem o objetivo de analisar fatores considerados como capazes de influenciar o encantamento do cliente (Customer Delight) de turismo de lazer, a partir de experiências em parques temáticos, por meio de uma abordagem baseada na Teoria da Avaliação Cognitiva. Para tanto, a investigação apresentou caráter exploratório-descritivo com enfoque analítico-quantitativo. A pesquisa foi do tipo Levantamento (Survey). Os dados foram coletados a partir de um público composto por 176 adolescentes que viajaram em excursão para o Walt Disney World, localizado em Orlando, Flórida, em junho de 2014, por uma agência de viagem localizada na cidade de Natal/ RN. O parque escolhido para objeto da pesquisa foi o Magic Kingdom. Para análise das respostas, foram utilizadas as análises descritiva, fatorial exploratória e confirmatória, assim como a modelagem de equações estruturais. Os resultados apontam para um grande nível de encantamento do entrevistado com o objeto, seja relacionado com a importância do objetivo da viagem, assim como à dimensão Inesperado da viagem. Pelas relações causais encontradas, observou-se que as dimensões “Coerência do Objetivo” e “Importância do Objetivo”, ambas consideradas como antecedentes do Encantamento, têm impactos significativos na formação do Encantamento do Cliente. As constatações permitiram ampliar a compreensão sobre o comportamento do consumidor no turismo de lazer.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Designing for users rather than with users is still a common practice in technology design and innovation as opposed to taking them on board in the process. Design for inclusion aims to define and understand end-users, their needs, context of use, and, by doing so, ensure that end-users are catered for and included, while the results are geared towards universality of use. We describe the central role of end-user and designer participation, immersion and perspective to build user-driven solutions. These approaches provided a critical understanding of the counterpart role. Designer(s) could understand what the user’s needs were, experience physical impairments, and see from other’s perspective the interaction with the environment. Users could understand challenges of designing for physical impairments, build a sense of ownership with technology and explore it from a creative perspective. The understanding of the peer’s role (user and designer), needs and perspective enhanced user participation and inclusion.
As relações estabelecidas entre os bibliotecários e a sociedade inferem diretamente na relação que será instituída entre os usuários de uma unidade de informação e o profissional da informação supracitado, assim levando esse profissional a obter uma imagem e representatividade definida no consciente da população. Tendo em vista que o imaginário popular confere um revés deturpado no que se refere ao real papel do bibliotecário. Neste estudo buscamos analisar acerca da reprodução dos estereótipos conferidos a esses profissionais em desenhos animados. O estudo foi realizado através da análise de dois desenhos animados, o longa metragem “Universidade monstro” e um episódio da animação “Kick Buttowski: Um Projeto de Dublê”, ambos pertencentes a empresa de grande divulgação em massa The Walt Disney Company. Refletir sobre a construção feita em torno da preconcepção do fazer do bibliotecário e suas características, e como podem estagnar o perfil do profissional e impactar negativamente no viés social da profissão do bibliotecário. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como revisão de literatura, abordando diversos pontos de vista de alguns autores. Conclui-se que o bibliotecário necessita empenhar-se no trabalho de desmistificação de sua imagem perante a sociedade e especialmente no imaginário construído na formação pedagógica das crianças que absorvem informações errôneas e reproduzem a visão estereotipada deste profissional.