787 resultados para Digital social media
Characterising users through demographic attributes is a necessary step before conducting opinion surveys from information published by such users in social media. In this paper, we describe, compare and evaluate different techniques for the identification of the attributes "gender"' and "place of residence" by mining the metadata associated to the users, the content published and shared by themselves, and their friendship networks. The results obtained show that the social network is a valuable source of information for obtaining the sociodemographic attributes of single users.
Pocos mercados en la historia han evolucionado tanto en los últimos años como los relacionados con la movilidad. La necesidad en la sociedad actual de descontextualizar el lugar de trabajo y abrirse hacia un mercado más amplio, ha obligado a las empresas a replantearse cómo adaptar sus modelos de negocios a estas demandas. Algunas empresas aún no se muestran abiertas a estos cambios mientras que en otras se ha materializado, en muchos casos, en la integración de aplicaciones móviles como vía fácil, rápida y cómoda de conexión con el cliente y de interconexión y participación interna en la empresa. Se generan así aplicaciones móviles que permiten crear y mantener una relación utilizándolas como la mejor herramienta de fidelización, posicionando a la marca y ofreciendo una imagen de innovación. Las aplicaciones móviles requieren que el desarrollo de los sistemas sean rápidos, que puedan manejar una gran variedad de acciones sin un alto conocimiento a priori de ellas, que necesiten un número mínimo de parámetros, y que las actualizaciones se realicen de manera tan corta como fuera posible. Este nuevo modelo de negocio ofrece servicios especiales a los clientes, permite obtener sus opiniones, facilita la compra online, auto-gestiona los servicios ofrecidos, aumenta la agilidad en el negocio, motiva su recomendación a otros potenciales clientes y desde la libertad, permite elegir el mejor momento y lugar para llevar a cabo una actividad de manera rápida y efectiva. Se constata el incremento en los ingresos derivados de la incorporación de esta herramienta apostando así por este nuevo modelo de negocio. ABSTRACT. A few market forces have developed in history as much as the present ones regarding mobility. Nowadays the need to set the workplace out of a context and open a wider market in society has made the companies raise again how to adapt their business models to these demands. Some companies haven’t shown this need to change yet. On the contrary, in some others, the change is already a fact. In many cases, it has been materialized the integration of mobile applications not only as an easy, quick and comfortable way to be connected with the client, but also as the interconnection and inner participation in a company. Thus, it is generated a series of mobile applications which allow us to create and keep a relationship by using them as the best tool of fidelity, positioning the trademark and offering an innovation image. Mobile applications require a rapid development of the systems and the management of a great variety of actions without their previous knowledge. Moreover, a minimum range of parameters is needed and updating must be done as soon as possible. This new business role offers the clients some especial services. It permits us to obtain their opinions, expedite online shopping and the self- management of the offered services. It also improves business agility, motivates the reccomendation to other possible clients and it freely let us choose both the best moment and place to carry out an activity rapidly and precisely. It is proved the increasing income derived from the incorporation of this appliance relying on the new business model.
Este proyecto pretende avanzar en el estado del arte de la investigación acerca de los Social Media en las áreas involucradas en aspectos como la detección de regularidades en entornos de los Social Media, la creación de modelos de crecimiento, evolución y propagación o, más en general, el descubrimiento de fenómenos interesantes en torno a la dinámica de los Social Media. Estas áreas abarcarán: La obtención de información mediante la minería del conjunto de datos procedentes de los Social Media, compuestos por contenidos, gente [datos de uso] e interacciones entre los mismos [redes sociales]. La construcción de conocimiento (modelos, métricas, etc.) a partir de la información obtenida mediante minería. El avance en la capacidad de acción en los Social Media mediante la simulación y experimentación con el conocimiento obtenido.
En los países democráticos, conocer la intención de voto de los ciudadanos y las valoraciones de los principales partidos y líderes políticos es de gran interés tanto para los propios partidos como para los medios de comunicación y el público en general. Para ello se han utilizado tradicionalmente costosas encuestas personales. El auge de las redes sociales, principalmente Twitter, permite pensar en ellas como una alternativa barata a las encuestas. En este trabajo, revisamos la bibliografía científica más relevante en este ámbito, poniendo especial énfasis en el caso español.
This presentation is about the inside story of the PhD project El malagueño real, mental y virtual. Configuración de los significados sociales de una variedad urbana in Hispanic Linguistics. That is, the production and perception of the Spanish spoken in the city of Malaga and used on the social network sites Facebook and Tuenti by users from Malaga is analysed. Actually, the southern Spanish variety in question is quite distinct from the national standard in terms of its phonetic features, its prestige, and the attitudes to it. Thus, the project started with the initial interest in «Why do people often communicate in very “strange” ways on social media» which then slightly changed to the final research interest in «What do the different non-standard variants mean in virtual (and real) malagueño?». This long – sometimes hazardous, yet mostly fun – process is exposed in more detail by looking at the research questions, the methods and results. Lastly, the presentation concludes with some lessons learnt and an outlook on possibilities and necessities for further investigation.
Utvecklingen av sociala medier såsom t.ex. Facebook och Instagram har inneburit nya möjligheter att kommunicera sin livsstil och sina personliga val, som överskrider såväl kulturella som geografiska gränser. Nya gemenskaper skapas. Detta får betydelse för hur konsumenter kommunicerar med varandra samt hur märkesinnehavarna kommunicerar med sina kunder. Syftet med min studie är att undersöka hur en märkesinnehavare inom mode använder sociala medier, i detta fall Instagram, i sin kommunikation med kunderna för att skapa engagemang kring sitt varumärke. Aktuell forskning visar att värde i varumärket skapas genom en ömsesidig kommunikation mellan märkesinnehavaren och konsumenterna. Kommunikationen sker både mellan märkesinnehavare och konsumenter samt mellan konsumenterna i en märkesgemenskap. Storytelling är ett verksamt medel i denna meningsskapande process. En semiotisk analys användes för att analysera bilderna och hur de bidrar till märkets storytelling. Resultatet visar att Instagram ger märkesinnehavare och konsumenter möjlighet att gemensamt skapa värde. De tekniska funktionerna i applikationen gör det lätt för märkesinnehavare att interagera med sina konsumenter och skapa en dynamisk märkesgemenskap. På Sabo Skirts instagramkonto är märkesinnehavaren och följarna tillsammans märkets författare. Följarna använder kläderna och ger dem betydelse i sin egen vardag samtidigt som märkesinnehavaren skapar möjligheter för dem att synas på ett instagramkonto med 1,5 miljoner följare. Detta kan tolkas med hjälp av teorin uses and gratifications som säger att användningen av media alltid är målinriktad. Människor väljer aktivt media efter vilka deras behov är och hur väl användningen tillfredsställer dessa behov.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Over the years several articles have tracked the impact of technology on various aspects of the sales domain. However, the advent of social media and technologies related to social media has gone largely unnoticed in the literature. This article first provides brief attention to changing aspects of technology within the sales environment, leading to the identification of social media as a dominant new selling tool. A qualitative approach (focus groups) is employed to explore the breadth of current technology usage by sales managers and salespeople. Analysis of the data, collected in the United States and the United Kingdom, reveals six major themes: connectivity, relationships, selling tools, generational, global, and sales/marketing interface. Results provide evidence of a revolution in the buyer-seller relationship that includes some unanticipated consequences both for sales organization performance and needed future research contributions.
Refers to: Sophie Scott The researcher of the future…makes the most of social media The Lancet, Volume 381, Supplement 1, 27 February 2013, Pages S5-S6
Social streams have proven to be the mostup-to-date and inclusive information on cur-rent events. In this paper we propose a novelprobabilistic modelling framework, called violence detection model (VDM), which enables the identification of text containing violent content and extraction of violence-related topics over social media data. The proposed VDM model does not require any labeled corpora for training, instead, it only needs the in-corporation of word prior knowledge which captures whether a word indicates violence or not. We propose a novel approach of deriving word prior knowledge using the relative entropy measurement of words based on the in-tuition that low entropy words are indicative of semantically coherent topics and therefore more informative, while high entropy words indicates words whose usage is more topical diverse and therefore less informative. Our proposed VDM model has been evaluated on the TREC Microblog 2011 dataset to identify topics related to violence. Experimental results show that deriving word priors using our proposed relative entropy method is more effective than the widely-used information gain method. Moreover, VDM gives higher violence classification results and produces more coherent violence-related topics compared toa few competitive baselines.
Oral presentation
Social Media is becoming an increasingly important part of people’s lives and is being used increasingly in the food and agriculture sector. This paper considers the extent to which each section of the food supply chain is represented in Twitter and use the hashtag #food. We looked at the 20 most popular words for each part of the supply chain by categorising 5000 randomly selected tweets to different sections of the food chain and then analysing each category. We sorted the users by those who tweeted most frequently and categorised their position in the food supply chain. Finally to consider the indegree of influence, we took the top 100 tweeters from the previous list and consider what following these users have. From this we found that consumers are the most represented area of the food chain, and logistics is the least represented. Consumers had 51.50% of the users and 87.42% of the top words tweeted from that part of the food chain. We found little evidence of logistics representation for either tweets or users (0.84% and 0.35% respectively). The top users were found to follow a high percentage of their own followers with most having over 70% the same. This research will bring greater understanding of how people perceive the food sector and how Twitter can be used within this sector.