988 resultados para Dental Pulp Capping


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Introduction. Stem cells are regularly cultured under normoxic conditions. However, the physiological oxygen tension in the stem cell niche is known to be as low as 1-2% oxygen, suggesting that hypoxia has a distinct impact on stem cell maintenance. Periodontal ligament cells (PDLCs) and dental pulp cells (DPCs) are attractive candidates in dental tissue regeneration. It is of great interest to know whether hypoxia plays a role in maintaining the stemness and differentiation capacity of PDLCs and DPCs. Methods. PDLCs and DPCs were cultured either in normoxia (20% O2) or hypoxia (2% O2). Cell viability assays were performed and the expressions of pluripotency markers (Oct-4, Sox2, and c-Myc) were detected by qRT-PCR and western blotting. Mineralization, glycosaminoglycan (GAG) deposition, and lipid droplets formation were assessed by Alizarin red S, Safranin O, and Oil red O staining, respectively. Results. Hypoxia did not show negative effects on the proliferation of PDLCs and DPCs. The pluripotency markers and differentiation potentials of PDLCs and DPCs significantly increased in response to hypoxic environment. Conclusions. Our findings suggest that hypoxia plays an important role in maintaining the stemness and differentiation capacity of PDLCs and DPCs.


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Background Regenerative endodontics is an innovative treatment concept aiming to regenerate pulp, dentin and root structures. In the diseased or necrotic tooth, the limitation in vascular supply renders successful tissue regeneration/generation in a whole tooth challenging. The aim of this study is to evaluate the ability of vascularized tissue to develop within a pulpless tooth using tissue engineering techniques. Materials and methods A pulpless tooth chamber, filled with collagen I gel containing isolated rat dental pulp cells (DPC) and angiogenic growth factors, was placed into a hole created in the femoral cortex or into its own tooth socket, respectively. The gross, histological and biochemical characteristics of the de novo tissue were evaluated at 4 and 8weeks post-transplantation. Results Tooth revascularization and tissue generation was observed only in the femur group, confirming the important role of vascular supply in tissue regeneration. The addition of cells and growth factors significantly promoted connective tissue production in the tooth chamber. Conclusion Successful revascularization and tissue regeneration in this model demonstrate the importance of a direct vascular supply and the advantages of a stem cell approach. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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As a key component of the ocular surface required for vision, the cornea has been extensively studied as a site for cell and tissue-based therapies. Historically, these treatments have consisted of donor corneal tissue transplants, but cultivated epithelial autografts have become established over the last 15 years as a routine treatment for ocular surface disease. Ultimately, these treatments are performed with the intention of restoring corneal transparency and a smooth ocular surface. The degree of success, however, is often dependent upon the inherent level of corneal inflammation at time of treatment. In this regard, the anti-inflammatory and immuno-modulatory properties of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) have drawn attention to these cells as potential therapeutic agents for corneal repair. The origins for MSC-based therapies are founded in part on observations of the recruitment of endogenous bone marrow-derived cells to injured corneas, however, an increasing quantity of data is emerging for MSC administered following their isolation and ex vivo expansion from a variety of tissues including bone marrow, adipose tissue, umbilical cord and dental pulp. In brief, evidence has emerged of cultured MSC, or their secreted products, having a positive impact on corneal wound healing and retention of corneal allografts in animal models. Optimal dosage, route of administration and timing of treatment, however, all remain active areas of investigation. Intriguingly, amidst these studies, have emerged reports of MSC transdifferentiation into corneal cells. Clearest evidence has been obtained with respect to expression of markers associated with the phenotype of corneal stromal cells. In contrast, the evidence for MSC conversion to corneal epithelial cell types remains inconclusive. In any case, the conversion of MSC into corneal cells seems unlikely to be an essential requirement for their clinical use. This field of research has recently become more complicated by reports of MSC-like properties for cultures established from the peripheral corneal stroma (limbal stroma). The relationship and relative value of corneal-MSC compared to traditional sources of MSC such as bone marrow are at present unclear. This chapter is divided into four main parts. After providing a concise overview of corneal structure and function, we will highlight the types of corneal diseases that are likely to benefit from the anti-inflammatory and immuno-modulatory properties of MSC. We will subsequently summarize the evidence supporting the case for MSC-based therapies in the treatment of corneal diseases. In the third section we will review the literature concerning the keratogenic potential of MSC. Finally, we will review the more recent literature indicating the presence of MSC-like cells derived from corneal tissue.


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Os estudos abordando a regeneração dos tecidos dentários ganharam uma nova perspectiva com a utilização das células-tronco. E novas perspectivas têm surgido com a bioengenharia tecidual e as terapias periodontais e pulpares regeneradoras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver o modelo experimental de autotransplante em ratos visando compará-lo à técnica de reimplante e estudar a capacidade terapêutica das células da medula óssea em diferentes biomateriais utilizados como matriz para a terapia de células-tronco no reparo dos tecidos dentais. Foram utilizados 23 ratos Wistar divididos em grupos de 1, 3, 15 e 60 dias para as técnicas de reimplante e autotransplante. Os grupos com injeção de células-tronco (CT) foram: (1) grupo de 3 dias, combinado à técnica de reimplante; (2) grupo de 15 dias com ambas as técnicas. Blocos contendo os três dentes molares superiores de cada lado dos ratos foram removidos, feitas radiografias periapicais e as peças foram processadas para inclusão em parafina. Foram avaliadas a espessura do ligamento periodontal (LPD) comparada entre os diferentes grupos e a morfologia celular e matriz extracelular relacionadas à superfície radicular, ao osso alveolar e à porção média do LPD, além das células da polpa dental de cada grupo. As células isoladas a partir da medula-óssea foram incubadas por 24h, 48h, e 72h em placas de cultura contendo membranas de colágeno bovino tipo I - CollaTape (Integra LifeSciences Corporation, Plainsboro, NJ, USA), enxerto ósseo - Extra Graft XG-13 (Silvestre Labs Quimica e Farmaceutica LTDA, RJ, Brazil) ou um dente molar de rato. Os espécimes foram observados em um microscópio invertido para contagem de células e processadas para observação no microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV). Os grupos de 1 e 3 dias apresentaram medidas de LPD significativamente maiores para a técnica de autotransplante quando comparadas ao reimplante. O grupo de 3 dias com CT não apresentou alterações pulpares significativas, diferente do controle (sem CT) O grupo de 15 dias com CT apresentou as mesmas características histológicas do grupo sem injeção de CT. A observação ao MEV dos biomateriais revelou que as células apresentaram pouca adesão e proliferação no enxerto ósseo e no cemento dentário quando comparados à membrana colágena. A técnica de reimplante associada à injeção de células-tronco sugere alguma influência da terapia com as células-tronco sobre a polpa. As distâncias aumentadas no LPD com a técnica de autotransplante podem não influenciar tanto o sucesso da técnica. As células mesenquimais da medula óssea possuem grande potencial para colonizarem a membrana colágena CollaTape que mostrou vantagens sobre o enxerto ósseo Extra Graft XG-13 como biomaterial para a aderência e a proliferação de células mononucleares da medula óssea, permitindo a diferenciação destas células.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Recent evidence suggests that the sympathetic nervous system may have a role in modulating neurogenic inflammation and bone remodelling. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a well-characterized neuropeptide transmitter in the peripheral sympathetic nervous system. NPY is known to be present in human dental pulp; however, quantitative data on NPY levels in pulpal health and disease in an adult population remain to be determined. The aims of the current study were to assess, quantitatively, NPY levels by radioimmunoassay and confirm the distribution of NPY fibres by immunocytochemistry in carious and non-carious adult human pulp tissue. Our results suggest changes in the levels and distribution of NPY in human dental pulp during the caries process, with significantly higher levels of NPY in carious compared with non-carious adult human teeth. Within the carious samples studied, our finding, that NPY levels were significantly elevated in mild/moderate caries, concurs with the hypothesis that NPY could have a modulatory role in pulpal inflammation and in reparative dentine formation. © 2006 Eur J Oral Sci.


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Odontoblasts form the outermost cellular layer of the dental pulp where they have been proposed to act as sensory receptor cells. Despite this suggestion, evidence supporting their direct role in mediating thermo-sensation and nociception is lacking. Transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels directly mediate nociceptive functions, but their functional expression in human odontoblasts has yet to be elucidated. In the present study, we have examined the molecular and functional expression of thermo-sensitive TRP channels in cultured odontoblast-like cells and in native human odontoblasts obtained from healthy wisdom teeth. PCR and western blotting confirmed gene and protein expression of TRPV1, TRPA1 and TRPM8 channels. Immunohistochemistry revealed that these channels were localised to odontoblast-like cells as determined by double staining with dentin sialoprotein (DSP) antibody. In functional assays, agonists of TRPV1, TRPA1 and TRPM8 channels elicited [Ca2+]i transients that could be blocked by relevant antagonists. Application of hot and cold stimuli to the cells also evoked rises in [Ca2+]i which could be blocked by TRP-channel antagonists. Using a gene silencing approached we further confirmed a role for TRPA1 in mediating noxious cold responses in odontoblasts. We conclude that human odontoblasts express functional TRP channels that may play a crucial role in mediating thermal sensation in teeth. Cultured and native human odontoblasts express functional TRP channels that may play a crucial role in mediating thermal sensation in teeth.


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The transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are unique cellular sensors that are widely expressed in many neuronal and nonneuronal cells. Among the TRP family members, TRPA1 and TRPV4 are emerging as candidate mechanosensitive channels that play a pivotal role in inflammatory pain and mechanical hyperalgesia. Odontoblasts are nonneuronal cells that possess many of the features of mechanosensitive cells and mediate important defense and sensory functions. However, the effect of inflammation on the activity of the odontoblast's mechanosensitive channels remains unknown. By using immunohistochemistry and calcium microfluorimetry, we showed that odontoblast-like cells express TRPA1 and TRPV4 and that these channels were activated by hypotonicity-induced membrane stretch. Short treatment of odontoblast-like cells with tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α enhanced TRPA1 and TRPV4 responses to their chemical agonists and membrane stretch. This enhanced channel activity was accompanied by phospho-p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) expression. Treatment of cells with the p38 inhibitor SB202190 reduced TNF-α effects, suggesting modulation of channel activity via p38 MAPK. In addition, TNF-α treatment also resulted in an up-regulation of TRPA1 expression but down-regulation of TRPV4. Unlike TRPV4, enhanced TRPA1 expression was also evident in dental pulp of carious compared with noncarious teeth. SB202190 treatment significantly reduced TNF-α-induced TRPA1 expression, suggesting a role for p38 MAPK signaling in modulating both the transcriptional and non-transcriptional regulation of TRP channels in odontoblasts.


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Background: Mechanotransduction in the dental pulp is mediated by mechano-sensitive trigeminal afferents but accumulating evidence suggests odontoblasts also contribute to mechano-sensory functions of the pulp as evidenced by expression of TRP channels, calcium-activated potassium channels and TREK-1 potassium channels. Activation of these mechano-sensitive channels is considered critical for the mechanotransduction of fluid movement within dentinal tubules into electrical signals transmitted by the pulpal afferents to elicit tooth sensitivity and pain. Since tooth pain and sensitivity are potentiated by inflammation we hypothesise that the inflammatory cytokine TNF-α sensitizes odontoblast responses to mechanical stimuli. Objective: To investigate the effect of TNF-α on the response of odontblast-like cells to mechanical stimuli. Method: Odontoblast-like cells were derived from dental pulp cells of immature third molars as previously described (El-karim et al 20112011 Pain, 152, 2211-2223). Odontoblast response to mechanical stimuli (application of hypotonic solution) was determined using ratiometric calcium imaging. Cells were treated with TNF-α for either 24hrs or short application for 10 mins prior to calcium imaging. Result: Odontoblast-like cells responded to hypotonic solution (230 mOSM) by increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration [Ca+2]i that was reduced to near base line in the presence of the TRPV4 antagonist RN-1734. Incubation of odontoblast -like cells with TNFα for 24 hrs resulted in a significant increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration in response to hypotonic stimuli compared to untreated cells. Similar results were obtained when cells were treated with TNF-α for 10 mins prior to imaging. Conclusion: Both short and long term treatment of odontoblasts-like cells with TNF-α resulted in enhanced responses to mechanical stimuli mediated via TRPV4 channel suggesting a role for this channel in inflammatory dental pain.


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Neuropeptide Y is a 36 amino acid peptide that belongs to the pancreatic polypeptide family. It co-localises with adrenaline in sympathetic nerves and is released upon sympathetic activation resulting in vasoconstriction. In addition to its vascular effects NPY is also thought to have a role in pain modulation, angiogenesis and immunomodulation. Objectives: The aim of this study was to quantify the levels of NPY in human dental pulp tissue from intact and grossly carious teeth and to relate these results to pain experience. Methods: A total of 48 permanent teeth [mean age 32.1(+/- 11.2 years)] were included in the study, of these 22 were intact and 26 were grossly carious. In the grossly carious group, 17 teeth were reported painful prior to extraction and the remainder were reported non-painful. NPY was measured using a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay which has been previously described. Pain was scored as either present or absent in all the teeth studied. Results: Of particular interest in this study was the finding that NPY levels were significantly higher in dental pulp tissue from non-painful grossly carious teeth (p= 0.006) compared with painful grossly carious teeth. Conclusions: The increased levels of NPY reported in non-painful grossly carious teeth may suggest a role for NPY in pain modulation in human dental pulp.


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Background: Sensory neurones from the trigeminal nerve innervate the oro-facial region and teeth. Transient receptor potential channels (TRPs) expressed by these neurones are responsible for relaying sensory information such as changes in ambient temperature, mechanical sensations and pain. Study of TRP channel expression and regulation in human sensory neurones therefore merits investigation to improve our understanding of allodynia and hyperalgesia. Objective: The objective of this study was to differentiate human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) towards a neuronal phenotype (peripheral neuronal equivalents; PNEs) and employ this model to study TRP channel sensitisation. Method: hDPSCs were enriched by preferential adhesion to fibronectin, plated on coverslips (thickness 0) coated with poly-l-ornithine and laminin and then differentiated for 7 days in neurobasal A medium with additional supplementation. A whole cell patch clamp technique was used to investigate whether TRP channels on PNE membranes were modulated in the presence of nerve growth factor (NGF). PNEs were treated with NGF for 20 minutes immediately before experimentation and then stimulated for TRPA1 activity using cinnamaldehyde. Peak currents were read at 80 mV and -80 mV and compared to peak currents recorded in untreated PNEs. Data were analysed and plotted using Clampfit9 software (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, California, USA). Result: Results showed for the first time that pre-treatment of PNEs by NGF produced significantly larger inward and outward currents demonstrating that TRPA1 channels on PNE membranes were capable of becoming sensitised following treatment with NGF. Conclusion: Sensitisation of TRPA1 by NGF provides evidence of a mechanism for rapid neuronal sensitisation that is independent of TRPA1 gene expression


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Background: Thermal changes in the oral cavity are a common trigger of dental pain. Several members of the transient receptor potential (TRP) super family of ion channels are believed to play a critical role in sensory physiology, where they act as transducers for thermal, mechanical and chemical stimuli. Objectives: The present study was designed to determine the expression and functionality of the TRPV1 channel in human odontoblasts. Methods: Cultured human odontoblasts were derived from dental pulp cells induced with 2 mM beta-glycerophosphate. Molecular and protein expression of TRPV1 was confirmed by PCR, western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Functional expression of the ‘heat-sensing' TRPV1 channel was investigated using a Ca2+ microfluorimetry assay in the presence of agonists/antagonists or with appropriate adjustment of the recording chamber temperature. Results: The odontoblastic phenotype of the cells was confirmed by the expression of the odontoblast markers dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP) and nestin. Expression of TRPV1 in human odontoblastic cells was confirmed by PCR, western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Odontoblasts were shown to respond to pharmacological agonists and to increasing temperature by an increase in intracellular Ca2+. Both the pharmacological and temperature responses could be blocked by specific antagonists. These results indicate that odontoblasts may sense heat via TRPV1. Conclusion: This study reports that TRPV1 is expressed by human odontoblasts and is activated by specific pharmacological agonists and by heat.
This work was supported by Research Grants from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the British Endodontic Society


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Background: The transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels play a critical role in sensory physiology, where they act as transducers of thermal, mechanical and chemical stimuli. We have previously shown the functional expression of several TRP channels by human odontoblast-like cells and proposed their significance in odontoblast sensory perception. Functional expression of the mechano-sensitiveTRPV2 channel by human odontoblasts would further support a role for TRP channels in odontoblast physiology. Objective: The objective of the current study was to determine the functional expression of TRPV2 by human odontoblasts. Methods: Human dental pulp cells were cultured in the presence of 2 mM β-glycerophoshate to induce an odontoblast phenotype. TRPV2 gene expression was determined by qPCR employing custom designed FAM TRPV2 specific primers and probes (Roche, UK) and the Light Cycler 480 Probes Master (Roche). TRPV2 protein expression was determined following SDS-PAGE and Western blotting of cell lysate preparations. Functional expression of TRPV2 was investigated by Ca2+ microfluorimetry. Results: qPCR data indicated robust expression of TRPV2 in odontoblast-like cells. Western blotting revealed a discrete immunoreactive protein band indicating expression of TRPV2 in cell lysates. In functional assays, the chemical agonist of TRPV2, cannabidiol, was shown to elicit [Ca2+]i transients, that were reduced to baseline in the presence of the TRPV2 antagonist Tranilast, suggesting channel functionality in odontoblast-like cells. Conclusion: These results provide the first evidence for the functional expression of TRPV2 in human odontoblast-like cells, providing further support for the role of TRP channels in odontoblast physiology.