960 resultados para Day-of-the-Week Effect
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
Treatment of hepatocellular cancer with chemotherapeutic agents has limited successin clinical practice and their efficient IC50 concentration would require extremely highdoses of drug administration which could not be tolerated due to systemic side effects.In order to potentiate the efficacy of anticancer agents we explored the potentialof co-treatment with pro-apoptotic Cytochrome c which activates the apoptoticpathway downstream of p53 that is frequently mutated in cancer. To this end weused hybrid iron oxide-gold nanoparticles as a drug delivery system to facilitate theinternalisation of Cytochrome c into cultured HepG2 hepatocellular carcinoma cells.Our results showed that Cytochrome c can be easily conjugated to the gold shell ofthe nanoparticles which are readily taken up by the cells. We used Cytochrome cin concentration (0.2μgmL-1) below the threshold required to induce apoptosis onits own. When the conjugate was administered to cells treated by doxorubicin, itsignificantly reduced its IC50 concentration from 9μgmL-1 to 3.5μgmL-1 as detectedby cell viability assay, and the efficiency of doxorubicin on decreasing viability ofHepG2 cells was significantly enhanced in the lower concentration range between0.01μgmL-1 to 5μgmL-1. The results demonstrate the potential of the application oftherapeutic proteins in activating the apoptotic pathway to complement conventionalchemotherapy to increase its efficacy. The application of hybrid iron oxide-goldnanoparticles can also augment the specificity of drug targeting and could serve as amodel drug delivery system for pro-apoptotic protein targeting and delivery.
The objective of the study is to identify the 3D behaviour of an adhesive in an assembly, and to take into account the effect of ageing in a marine environment. To that end, three different tests were employed. Gravimetric analyses were used to determine the water diffusion kinetics in the adhesive. Bulk tensile tests were performed to highlight the effects of humid ageing on the adhesive behaviour. Modified Arcan tests were performed for several ageing times to obtain the experimental database which was necessary to identify constitutive models. A Mahnken-Schlimmer type model was determined for the unaged state according to a procedure developed in a previous study. This identification used inverse techniques. It was based on the unaged modified Arcan results and on a coupling between an optimisation routine and finite-element analysis. Then, a global inverse identification procedure was developed. Its aim was to relate the unaged parameters to the moisture concentration and overcome the difficulties usually associated with ageing of bonded assemblies in a humid environment: a non-uniformity of the stress state and a gradient of mechanical properties in the adhesive. This procedure was similar to the one used in the first part but needed modified Arcan results for several ageing times. It also required an initial assumption for the evolution of the Mahnken-Schlimmer parameters with the moisture concentration.
Silver nanoparticles are widely used for many applications. In this study silver nanoparticles have been tested for their toxic effect on fibroblasts (NIH-3T3), on a human lung adenocarcinoma epithelial cell line (A-549), on PC-12-cells, a rat adrenal pheochromocytoma cell line, and on HEP-G2-cells, a human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line. The viability of the cells cultivated with different concentrations of silver was determined by the MTT assay, a photometric method to determine cell metabolism. Dose-response curves were extrapolated and IC50, total lethal concentration (TLC), and no observable adverse effect concentration (NOAEC) values were calculated for each cell line. As another approach, ECIS (electric-cell-substrate-impedance-sensing) an automated method to monitor cellular behavior in real-time was applied to observe cells cultivated with silver nanoparticles. To identify the type of cell death the membrane integrity was analyzed by measurements of the lactate dehydrogenase releases and by determination of the caspase 3/7 activity. To ensure that the cytotoxic effect of silver nanoparticles is not traced back to the presence of Ag+ ions in the suspension, an Ag+ salt (AgNO3) has been examined at the same concentration of Ag+ present in the silver nanoparticle suspension that is assuming that the Ag particles are completely available as Ag+ ions.
The knowledge of the liquid-liquid equilibria (LLE) between ionic liquids (ILs) and water is of utmost importance for environmental monitoring, process design and optimization. Therefore, in this work, the mutual solubilities with water, for the ILs combining the 1-methylimidazolium, [C(1)im](+); 1-ethylimidazolium, [C(2)im](+); 1-ethyl-3-propylimidazolium, [C(2)C(3)im](+); and 1-butyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium, [C(4)C(1)C(1)im](+) cations with the bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide anion, were determined and compared with the isomers of the symmetric 1,3-dialkylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C(n)C(n)im][NTf2], with n=1-3) and of the asymmetric 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C(n)C(1)im][NTf2], with n = 2-5) series of ILs. The results obtained provide a broad picture of the impact of the IL cation structural isomerism, including the number of alkyl side chains at the cation, on the water-IL mutual solubilities. Despite the hydrophobic behaviour associated to the [NTf2](-) anion, the results show a significant solubility of water in the IL-rich phase, while the solubility of ILs in the water-rich phase is much lower. The thermodynamic properties of solution indicate that the solubility of ILs in water is entropically driven and highly influenced by the cation size. Using the results obtained here in addition to literature data, a correlation between the solubility of [NTf2]-based ILs in water and their molar volume, for a large range of cations, is proposed. The COnductor like Screening MOdel for Real Solvents (COSMO-RS) was also used to estimate the LLE of the investigated systems and proved to be a useful predictive tool for the a priori screening of ILs aiming at finding suitable candidates before extensive experimental measurements.
Neuroblastoma (NB) is the deadliest cancer in early childhood. Around 25% of patients pre- sent MYCN-amplification (MNA) which is linked to poor prognosis, metastasis, and therapy- resistance. While retinoic acid (RA) is beneficial only for some NB patients, the cause of its resistance is still unknown. Thus, there remains a need for new therapies to treat NB. I show that MYCN-specific inhibition by the antigene oligonucleotide BGA002 in combination with 13-cis RA (BGA002-RA) overcome resistance in MNA-NB cell lines, leading to potent MYCN mRNA expression and protein decrease. Moreover, BGA002-RA reactivated neuron differentiation or led to apoptosis in MNA-NB cell lines, and inhibited invasiveness capacity. Since NB and PI3K/mTOR pathway are strictly related MYCN down-regulation by BGA002 led to mTOR pathway inhibition in MNA-NB, that was strengthened by BGA002-RA. I further analyzed if MYCN silencing may induce autophagy reactivation, and indeed BGA002-RA caused a massive increase in lysosomes and macrovacuoles in MNA-NB cells. In addition, while MYCN is known to induce angiogenesis, BGA002-RA in vivo treatment elim- inated the tumor vascularization in a MNA-NB mice model, and significantly increased the survival. Overall, these results indicate that MYCN modulation mediates the therapeutic efficacy of RA and the development of RA resistance in MNA-NB. Furthermore, by targeting MYCN, we show a cancer-specific way of mTOR pathway inhibition only in MNA-NB, avoiding side effects of targeting mTOR in normal cells. These findings warrant clinical testing of BGA002-RA as a potential strategy to overcome RA resistance in MNA-NB.
Tutkimuksessa selvitetään kalenterianomalioiden esiintymistä Suomessa, Yhdysvalloissa, Isossa-Britanniassa ja Kaakkois-Aasiassa. Työssä esitellään erilaisia kalenterianomalioita, joita ovat muun muassa viikonpäivä-, kuukausi- ja vuodenvaihdeanomalia. Tutkimuksessa esitellään myös aikaisempia tutkimuksia sekä anomalioita kritisoivaa käyttäytymistieteellisen rahoituksen teoriaa. Aikaisempien tutkimusten tapaan tutkimusaineisto koostui kohdealuei-den markkinoita kuvaavien osakeindeksien päiväkohtaisista tuotoista. Tutkimusperiodi on vuodesta 2002 vuoteen 2012. Tutkimukses-sa käytettiin lineaarista regressioanalyysia selvittämään poikkeavia tuotto-ja. Työssä keskityttiin viikonpäivä- ja kuukausianomalioiden lisäksi etsi-mään poikkeavia tuottoja myös jaettaessa aineisto kvartaaleittain sekä puolivuosittain. Tutkimustulosten perusteella anomaliaa havaittiin ainoastaan Kaakkois-Aasian markkinoilla. Jaettaessa aineisto puolivuosittain, huomattiin alku-vuoden tuottojen olevan korkeampia kuin tuotot keskimäärin heinäkuusta joulukuuhun. Tulos viittaa kehittyneiden markkinoiden toimivan kehittyviä markkinoita tehokkaammin. Kehittyneillä markkinoilla ei tutkimusaineis-ton perusteella voida havaita kalenteri-ilmiöstä johtuvia poikkeavia tuotto-ja.
A eficiência dos mercados tem sido uma questão que tem despertado muito interesse no campo dos investimentos e da investigação financeira durante as últimas décadas, mas nos últimos anos com a intensificação dos estudos e surgimento de evidências da existência de comportamentos anómalos nas rentabilidades dos ativos financeiro, esta teoria passou a ser questionada no meio académico. A discussão do tema é ainda muito polémico, pois existem de um lado os defensores da hipótese de eficiência que defendem que as anomalias identificadas não podem ser generalizadas e não são consistentes ao longo do tempo, e de outro lado os defensores da corrente das finanças comportamentais, segundo os quais as anomalias são provocadas por padrões documentados de comportamento irracional dos investidores, sendo que estes comportamentos são inconsistentes com a teoria de eficiência dos mercados. Entre as anomalias detetadas, destacam-se as anomalias de Calendário, tais como o efeito Janeiro, efeito dia da semana, efeito feriado, entre outros; anomalias na valorização de ativos, tais como o efeito tamanho e outras anomalias de sobre reação. O efeito dia da semana é dos mais persistentes detetados em vários mercados internacionais e tendo em conta este cenário, o objetivo desta dissertação é a verificação da existência das anomalias de calendário, mais precisamente o efeito dia da semana onde se irá analisar o efeito segunda-feira, efeito sexta-feira, o efeito fim-de semana. Para esta verificação foram utilizadas as cotações diárias médias do Índice da Bolsa de Valores de Cabo Verde, no período de finais de 2005 a finais de 2008. A análise estatística dos resultados diários indicou que não existem evidências da existência do efeito dia da semana. ABSTRACT: The markets efficiency has been an issue of particular interest in the field of financial investigation in recent decades. However, due to the intensification of the studies and the arise of evidences about the existence of abnormal behaviours on financial assets returns, over the last years, this theory begun to be discussed in academic circles. The debate of this theme is still very controversial, because on one hand there are the defenders of the efficiency hypothesis, who defend that identified anomalies cannot be generalized and are not consistent in the long-term; on the other hand, there are the defenders of behavioral finance tendency, to whom the anomalies are caused by documented patterns about the irrational behaviour of investors. These behaviours are inconsistent with the markets efficient theory. Among the detected anomalies, we highlight the calendar anomalies, such as: the January effect, the day of week effect and holiday effect among others; anomalies over the valuation of assets, such as: the size effect and other anomalies on the reaction. The day of week effect is one of the most persistent effect detected in several international markets, and due to this scenario, the objective of this essay is the finding of calendar abnormalities, namely the day of week effect, where the Monday, the Friday and the weekend effects will be analyzed. For this checking, we used the average daily exchange rates from the prices of the Cape Verde Stock Exchange, for the period from late 2005 to late 2008. The statistical analysis of daily results indicated that there is no evidence of the existence of the day of the week effect.
It is well known that meteorological conditions influence the comfort and human health. Southern European countries, including Portugal, show the highest mortality rates during winter, but the effects of extreme cold temperatures in Portugal have never been estimated. The objective of this study was the estimation of the effect of extreme cold temperatures on the risk of death in Lisbon and Oporto, aiming the production of scientific evidence for the development of a real-time health warning system. Poisson regression models combined with distributed lag non-linear models were applied to assess the exposure-response relation and lag patterns of the association between minimum temperature and all-causes mortality and between minimum temperature and circulatory and respiratory system diseases mortality from 1992 to 2012, stratified by age, for the period from November to March. The analysis was adjusted for over dispersion and population size, for the confounding effect of influenza epidemics and controlled for long-term trend, seasonality and day of the week. Results showed that the effect of cold temperatures in mortality was not immediate, presenting a 1–2-day delay, reaching maximumincreased risk of death after 6–7 days and lasting up to 20–28 days. The overall effect was generally higher and more persistent in Lisbon than in Oporto, particularly for circulatory and respiratory mortality and for the elderly. Exposure to cold temperatures is an important public health problem for a relevant part of the Portuguese population, in particular in Lisbon.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the patterns of deliveries in a birth cohort and to compare vaginal and cesarean section deliveries. METHODS: All children born to mothers from the urban area of Pelotas, Brazil, in 2004, were recruited for a birth cohort study. Mothers were contacted and interviewed during their hospital stay when extensive information on the gestation, the birth and the newborn, along with maternal health history and family characteristics was collected. Maternal characteristics and childbirth care financing - either private or public healthcare (SUS) patients - were the main factors investigated along with a description of C-sections distribution according to day of the week and delivery time. Standard descriptive techniques, Χ² tests for comparing proportions and Poisson regression to explore the independent effect of C-section predictors were the methods used. RESULTS: The overall C-section rate was 45%, 36% among SUS and 81% among private patients, where 35% of C-sections were reported elective. C-sections were more frequent on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, reducing by about a third on Sundays, while normal deliveries had a uniform distribution along the week. Delivery time for C-sections was markedly different among public and private patients. Maternal schooling was positively associated with C-section among SUS patients, but not among private patients. CONCLUSIONS: C-sections were almost universal among the wealthier mothers, and strongly related to maternal education among SUS patients. The patterns we describe are compatible with the idea that C-sections are largely done to suit the doctor's schedule. Drastic action is called for to change the current situation.
BACKGROUND Phytopharmacological studies of different Calendula extracts have shown anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-genotoxic properties of therapeutic interest. In this study, we evaluated the in vitro cytotoxic anti-tumor and immunomodulatory activities and in vivo anti-tumor effect of Laser Activated Calendula Extract (LACE), a novel extract of the plant Calendula Officinalis (Asteraceae). METHODS An aqueous extract of Calendula Officinalis was obtained by a novel extraction method in order to measure its anti-tumor and immunomodulatory activities in vitro. Tumor cell lines derived from leukemias, melanomas, fibrosarcomas and cancers of breast, prostate, cervix, lung, pancreas and colorectal were used and tumor cell proliferation in vitro was measured by BrdU incorporation and viable cell count. Effect of LACE on human peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) proliferation in vitro was also analyzed. Studies of cell cycle and apoptosis were performed in LACE-treated cells. In vivo anti-tumor activity was evaluated in nude mice bearing subcutaneously human Ando-2 melanoma cells. RESULTS The LACE extract showed a potent in vitro inhibition of tumor cell proliferation when tested on a wide variety of human and murine tumor cell lines. The inhibition ranged from 70 to 100%. Mechanisms of inhibition were identified as cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase and Caspase-3-induced apoptosis. Interestingly, the same extract showed an opposite effect when tested on PBLs and NKL cell line, in which in vitro induction of proliferation and activation of these cells was observed. The intraperitoneal injection or oral administration of LACE extract in nude mice inhibits in vivo tumor growth of Ando-2 melanoma cells and prolongs the survival day of the mice. CONCLUSION These results indicate that LACE aqueous extract has two complementary activities in vitro with potential anti-tumor therapeutic effect: cytotoxic tumor cell activity and lymphocyte activation. The LACE extract presented in vivo anti-tumoral activity in nude mice against tumor growth of Ando-2 melanoma cells.
BACKGROUND Phytopharmacological studies of different Calendula extracts have shown anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-genotoxic properties of therapeutic interest. In this study, we evaluated the in vitro cytotoxic anti-tumor and immunomodulatory activities and in vivo anti-tumor effect of Laser Activated Calendula Extract (LACE), a novel extract of the plant Calendula Officinalis (Asteraceae). METHODS An aqueous extract of Calendula Officinalis was obtained by a novel extraction method in order to measure its anti-tumor and immunomodulatory activities in vitro. Tumor cell lines derived from leukemias, melanomas, fibrosarcomas and cancers of breast, prostate, cervix, lung, pancreas and colorectal were used and tumor cell proliferation in vitro was measured by BrdU incorporation and viable cell count. Effect of LACE on human peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) proliferation in vitro was also analyzed. Studies of cell cycle and apoptosis were performed in LACE-treated cells. In vivo anti-tumor activity was evaluated in nude mice bearing subcutaneously human Ando-2 melanoma cells. RESULTS The LACE extract showed a potent in vitro inhibition of tumor cell proliferation when tested on a wide variety of human and murine tumor cell lines. The inhibition ranged from 70 to 100%. Mechanisms of inhibition were identified as cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase and Caspase-3-induced apoptosis. Interestingly, the same extract showed an opposite effect when tested on PBLs and NKL cell line, in which in vitro induction of proliferation and activation of these cells was observed. The intraperitoneal injection or oral administration of LACE extract in nude mice inhibits in vivo tumor growth of Ando-2 melanoma cells and prolongs the survival day of the mice. CONCLUSION These results indicate that LACE aqueous extract has two complementary activities in vitro with potential anti-tumor therapeutic effect: cytotoxic tumor cell activity and lymphocyte activation. The LACE extract presented in vivo anti-tumoral activity in nude mice against tumor growth of Ando-2 melanoma cells.
Determining what influences mood is important for theories of emotion and research onsubjective well-being. We consider three sets of factors: activities in which people areengaged; individual differences; and incidental variables that capture when mood ismeasured, e.g., time-of-day. These three factors were investigated simultaneously in a studyinvolving 168 part-time students who each responded 30 times in an experience samplingstudy conducted over 10 working days. Respondents assessed mood on a simple bipolarscale from 1 (very negative) to 10 (very positive). Activities had significant effects but,with the possible exception of variability in the expression of mood, no systematicindividual differences were detected. Diurnal effects, similar to those already reported inthe literature, were found as was an overall Friday effect. However, these effects weresmall. Lastly, the weather had little or no influence. We conclude that simple measures ofoverall mood are not greatly affected by incidental variables.