271 resultados para DRYER
• Background and Aims Earlier studies have suggested that the drying conditions routinely used by genebanks may not be optimal for subsequent seed longevity. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of hot-air drying with low temperature drying on subsequent seed longevity for 20 diverse rice accessions and to consider how factors related to seed production history might influence the results. • Methods Seeds were produced according to normal regeneration procedures at IRRI. They were harvested at different times (harvest date and days after anthesis (DAA), once for each accession) and dried either in a drying room (DR; 15% RH, 15°C), or in a flat-bed heated-air batch dryer (BD; 45°C, 8 h d-1) for up to 6 daily cycles followed by drying in the DR. Relative longevity was assessed by storage at 10.9% moisture content (m.c.) and 45°C. • Key Results Initial drying in the BD resulted in significantly greater longevity compared with the DR for 14 accessions (seed lots): the period of time for viability to fall to 50% for seeds dried in the BD as a percentage of that for seeds dried throughout in the DR varied between 1.3 and 372.2% for these 14 accessions. The seed lots that responded the most were harvested earlier in the season and at higher moisture content. Drying in the BD did not reduce subsequent longevity compared with DR drying for any of the remaining accessions. • Conclusions Seeds harvested at a m.c. where, according to the moisture desorption isotherm, they could still be metabolically active (>16.2%), may be in the first stage of the post-mass maturity, desiccation phase of seed development and able to increase longevity in response to hot-air drying. The genebank standards regarding seed drying for rice and, perhaps, for other tropical species should be reconsidered.
Thermal analysis has been extensively used to obtain information about drug-polymer interactions and to perform pre-formulation studies of pharmaceutical dosage forms. In this work, biodegradable microparticles of poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) containing ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (CP) in various drug:polymer ratios were obtained by spray drying. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the spray drying process on the drug-polymer interactions and on the stability of microparticles using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry (TG) and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). The results showed that the high levels of encapsulation efficiency were dependant on drug:polymer ratio. DSC and TG/DTG analyses showed that for physical mixtures of the microparticles components the thermal profiles were different from those signals obtained with the pure substances. Thermal analysis data disclosed that physical interaction between CP and PLGA in high temperatures had occurred. The DSC and TG profiles for drug-loaded microparticles were very similar to the physical mixtures of components and it was possible to characterize the thermal properties of microparticles according to drug content. These data indicated that the spray dryer technique does not affect the physicochemical properties of the microparticles. In addition, the results are in agreement with IR data analysis demonstrating that no significant chemical interaction occurs between CP and PLGA in both physical mixtures and microparticles. In conclusion, we have found that the spray drying procedure used in this work can be a secure methodology to produce CP-loaded microparticles. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Värmedrivna vitvaror eller HWC-maskiner som de kallas av tillverkaren värms med varmt vatten från en cirkulerande krets via en värmeväxlare inbyggd i maskinen, till skillnad från konventionella maskiner som värms med el. Denna teknik skall inte förväxlas med maskiner som är anslutna till varmvattenledningen och fylls på med varmt vatten och som därmed begränsas till disk- och tvätt. Syftet med fjärrvärmedrivna vitvaror är alltså att använda fjärrvärme, som har lägre kvalitet och pris än elenergi för uppvärmning och torkning och på så sätt spara el och utöka fjärrvärmeunderlaget. En jämförelse av koldioxidutsläpp och primärenergianvändning mellan konventionella vitvaror och fjärrvärmedrivna vitvaror visar att både koldioxidutsläpp och primärenergianvändning blir lägre för fjärrvärmedrivna vitvaror om biobränsle anses koldioxidneutralt och den el som ersätts är producerad i kolkraftverk eller gaskombikraftverk. Denna rapport beskriver utveckling och kommersialisering av värmedrivna vitvaror (disk- och tvättmaskiner samt torktumlare och torkskåp) och hur de kan anslutas mot fjärrvärmesystem i olika systemlösningar. Dessutom har de energimässiga och ekonomiska förutsättningarna för tekniken undersökts. Erfarenheterna från fältprovning är dock mycket begränsade, eftersom de byggen där fälttesterna skulle ske försenades. Under 2013 färdigställs ett flerbostadshus med värmedrivna vitvaror i 160 lägenheter i Västerås. De utvecklade maskinernas värmeanvändning som andel av total energianvändning vid 60 graders framledningstemperatur har uppmätts till ca 50 % för diskmaskinen, 67 % för tvättmaskinen, 80 % för torktumlaren och 93 % för torkskåpet. I det studerade flerbostadshuset av passivhusstandard uppgår lasten från värmedrivna vitvaror komfortgolvvärme och handdukstorkar till upp mot 30 % av husets totala värmeanvändning. För småhus är motsvarande siffra upp mot 20 %. Att använda fjärrvärme istället för elvärme till dessa installationer som normalt är elvärmda kan allts minska elbehovet betydligt i lågenergibebyggelse vilket också minskar både koldioxidutsläppen och primärenergianvändningen. Ekonomiska analyser har genomförts för två olika systemkoncept (separat vitvarukrets och Västeråsmodellen) för nybyggda småhusområden och flerfamiljshus där fjärrvärme inte bara används till vitvaror utan också till handdukstorkar och komfortgolvvärme. De ekonomiska analyserna visar att Västeråsmodellen är den mest ekonomiskt intressanta systemlösningen med värmedrivna vitvaror, handdukstork och komfortgolvvärme. I flerfamiljshus kan den vara konkurrenskraftig mot de elvärmda alternativen (konventionellt system med eldrivna vitvaror, komfortgolvvärme och handdukstorkar) om prisskillnaden mellan el och fjärrvärme är större än 0,7 kr/kWh. En parameterstudie visar att kapitalkostnaden blir ganska hög jämfört med energikostnaden, vilket betyder att lång livslängd och många cykler är viktigt för att förbättra de ekonomiska förutsättningarna för värmedrivna vitvaror. För passiva småhus blir kostnaden för Västeråsmodellen med värmedrivna vitvaror, handdukstork och komfortgolvvärme likvärdig med de elvärmda alternativen vid energiprisskillnader på 0,7 kr/kWh inklusive moms, medan det krävs prisskillnader på 0,9 kr/kWh inklusive moms för normalisolerade småhusområden. Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att i kommuner med ett konkurrenskraftigt fjärrvärmepris finns det viss lönsamhet för hela konceptet enligt Västeråsmodellen med värmedrivna vitvaror, komfortgolvvärme, och handdukstorkar. Om man däremot ser på konkurrensen för enskilda vitvaror är det främst torktumlaren som är konkurrenskraftig i bostäder. Målpriset på 1000 kr extra för värmedrift har inte kunnat uppnås inom projektet för diskmaskiner och tvättmaskiner. Det krävs lägre priser och låga anslutningskostnader för att räkna hem diskmaskinen och tvättmaskinen som enskilda komponenter. Värmedrivna tvättmaskiner och torktumlare är konkurrenskraftiga i flerfamiljstvättstugor. Speciellt i de fall där beläggningen är god och flera maskiner delar på anslutningskostnaden till fjärrvärmecentralen kan värmedrift bli riktigt lönsam. Torkskåpens konkurrenskraft har inte kunnat utvärderas, då priset ännu inte fastställts. Att använda VVC-systemet för värmedistribution till värmedrivna vitvaror kan vara mycket intressant, men det kräver att legionellaproblematiken kan lösas. I nuläget finns ingen lösning som uppfyller formuleringarna i boverkets byggregler. Ett annat distributionssätt som kan vara intressant, men som inte undersökts i studien är att använda VVC för varmvattendistribution och en gemensam radiator- och vitvarukrets med konstant framledningstemperatur. Den aktör som förväntas ha störst ekonomiskt intresse av att tekniken implementeras är sannolikt fjärrvärmebolagen som får sälja mer värme och det ligger därmed främst på deras ansvar att marknadsföra tekniken i mötet med sina kunder.
MACHADO, Antônio V. et al. Estudio del Secado de Anacardo (Anacardium occidentale L.) mediante Secador Solar de Radiación Directa. Información Tecnológica, v. 21, n. 1, p. 31-37, 2010.
Farming of marine shrimp is growing worldwide and the Litopenaeus vannamei (L. vannamei) shrimp is the species most widely cultivated. Shrimp is an attractive food for its nutritional value and sensory aspects, being essential the maintenance of this attributes throughout storage, which takes place largely under freezing. The aim of this research was to evaluate quality characteristics of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, during freezing storage and to verify the effect of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) adding. Considering the reutilization of processing shrimp wastes, total carotenoids analysis were conducted in waste of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp and in the flour obtained after dryer. Monthly physicochemical and sensorial analysis were carried out on shrimp stored at 28,3 ± 3,8ºC for 180 days. Samples were placed in polyethylene bags and were categorized as whole shrimp (WS), peeled shrimp (PS), and PS with 0,5% dehydrated rosemary (RS). TBARS, pH, total carotenoid and sensorial Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) were carried out. Carotenoid total analysis was conducted in fresh wastes and processed flour (0 day) and after 60, 120 and 180 days of frozen storage. After 180 days, RS had lower pH (p = 0.001) and TBARS (p = 0.001) values and higher carotenoids (p = 0.003), while WS showed higher carotenoid losses. Sensory analysis showed that WS were firmer although rancid taste and smell were perceived with greater intensity (p = 0.001). Rancid taste was detected in RS only at 120 days at significantly lower intensity (p = 0.001) than WS and PS. Fresh wastes had 42.74μg/g of total carotenoids and processed flour 98.51μg/g. After 180 days of frozen storage, total carotenoids were significantly lower than 0 day (p<0,05). The addition of rosemary can improve sensory quality of frozen shrimp and reduce nutritional losses during storage. Shrimp wastes and flour of L. vannamei shrimp showed considerable astaxanthin content however, during storage it was observed losses in this pigment
The benznidazole (BNZ) is the only alternative for Chagas disease treatment in Brazil. This drug has low solubility, which restricts its dissolution rate. Thus, the present work aimed to study the BNZ interactions in binary systems with beta cyclodextrin (β-CD) and hydroxypropyl-beta cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD), in order to increase the apparent aqueous solubility of drug. The influence of seven hydrophilic polymers, triethanolamine (TEA) and 1-methyl-2- pyrrolidone (NMP) in benznidazole apparent aqueous solubility, as well as the formation of inclusion complexes was also investigated. The interactions in solution were predicted and investigated using phase solubility diagram methodology, nuclear magnetic resonance of protons (RMN) and molecular modeling. Complexes were obtained in solid phase by spray drying and physicochemical characterization included the UV-Vis spectrophotometric spectroscopy in the infrared region, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and dissolution drug test from the different systems. The increment on apparent aqueous solubility of drug was achieved with a linear type (AL) in presence of both cyclodextrins at different pH values. The hydrophilic polymers and 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone contributes to the formation of inclusion complexes, while the triethanolamine decreased the complex stability constant (Kc). The log-linear model applied for solubility diagrams revealed that both triethanolamine and 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone showed an action cosolvent (both solvents) and complexing (1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone). The best results were obtained with complexes involving 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone and hydroxypropylbeta- cyclodextrin, with an increased of benznidazole solubility in 27.9 and 9.4 times, respectively. The complexes effectiveness was proven by dissolution tests, in which the ternary complexes and physical mixtures involving 1-methyl- 2-pyrrolidone and both cyclodextrins investigated showed better results, showing the potential use as novel pharmaceutical ingredient, that leads to increased benznidazole bioavailability
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
This thesis aimed to assess the increase in solubility of simvastatin (SINV) with solid dispersions using techniques such as kneading (MA), co-solvent evaporation (ES), melting carrier (FC) and spray dryer (SD). Soluplus (SOL), PEG 6000 (PEG), PVP K-30 (PVP) e sodium lauryl sulphate (LSS) were used as carriers. The solid dispersions containing PEG [PEG-2(SD)], Soluplus [SOL-2(MA)] and sodium lauryl sulphate [LSS-2(ES)] were presented with a greater increase in solubility (5.02, 5.60 and 5.43 times respectively); analyses by ANOVA between the three groups did not present significant difference (p<0.05). In the phase solubility study, the calculation of the Gibbs free energy (ΔG) revealed that the spontaneity of solubilisation of SINV occurred in the order SOL>PEG >PVP 75%>LSS, always 80%. The phase diagrams of PEG and LSS presented solubilization stoichiometry of type 1:1 (type AL). The diagrams with PVP and SOL tend to 1:2 stoichiometry (type AL + AP). The stability coefficients (Ks) of the phase diagrams revealed that the most stable reactions occurred with LSS and PVP. The solid dispersions were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), particle size distribution (PSD), near-infrared spectroscopy imaging (NIR-CI) and X-ray diffraction of the powder using the Topas software (PDRX-TOPAS). The solid dispersion PEG-2(SD) presented the greatest homogeneity and the lowest degree of crystallinity (18.2%). The accelerated stability study revealed that the solid dispersions are less stable than SINV, with PEG-2(SD) being the least stable, confirmed by FTIR and DSC. The analyses by PDRX-TOPAS revealed the amorphous character of the dispersions and the mechanism of increasing solubility
In this work a solar drying system for food dehydration was developed. It is a direct exposition drying apparatus that uses solar energy to heat the circulating air. First, the construction and assembly of this apparatus was described, in which was used scrap wraps of used tires for thermal insulation, allowing the reuse of solid waste, being an ecologically correct recycling option. After, the results obtained in experiments for cashew drying showed the thermal and economical feasibility of the proposed solar drying system, focusing on the process of flour production and in its chemical characterization. It was also demonstrated the social importance of this production for socially excluded people, since the value added to this fruit, in relation to its in nature form, may represent an option for job and income generation. The main features of the proposed dryer are its low cost and its easy fabrication and assembly process. After cashew drying, the obtained product was processed into flour by using a knife mill and it was added crushed rapadura to reduce the rancid taste caused by tannin
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
It presents a direct exposure to solar dryer for drying of food, built from a scrap of luminaire. The dryer works under direct exposure to natural circulation. Will be presented their methods of construction and assembly of that dryer that allows the reuse of materials, constituting a environmentally correct recycling dryer main features proposed are its low cost and simple manufacturing processes and assembly. Test results will be presented for the drying of foods that prove the feasibility and cost of thermal solar drying alternative system proposed. It is worth emphasizing the social importance that such application is for the most excluded since the value-added fruits, vegetables, legumes and other foods in relation to fresh may represent an option of income generation. It will also study the transformation of some of dry food meal and demonstrated that the drying times for the foods tested are competitive and sometimes pointed in the solar literature
Composite materials can be defined as materials formed from two or more constituents with different compositions, structures and properties, which are separated by an interface. The main objective in producing composites is to combine different materials to produce a single device with superior properties to the component unit. The present study used a composite consisting of plaster, cement, EPS, tire, PET and water to build prototype solar attempt to reduce the manufacturing cost of such equipment. It was built two box type solar cookers, a cooler to be cooled by solar energy, a solar dryer and a solar cooker concentration. For these prototypes were discussed the processes of construction and assembly, determination of thermal and mechanical properties, and raising the performance of such solar systems. Were also determined the proportions of the constituents of the composite materials according to specific performance of each prototype designed. This compound proved to be feasible for the manufacture of such equipment, low cost and easy manufacturing and assembly processes
The scarcity of farmland, reducing the supply of irrigation water and lack of technologies for conservation, makes the globalized world facing serious difficulties in the production of food for its population. The most viable outlet for this dilemma is the dissemination of technologies, economically viable and available to the whole population, for dehydration of perishable foods produced. This paper presents a solar dryer of direct exposure to the production of dried fruit, made from recycled polyethylene drum of 200 liters, used for storing water or trash. The drum was sectioned in half in its longitudinal axis and has its halves together forming a trough-like structure. It describes the processes of construction and assembly of solar dryer proposed, whose main characteristic its low cost, and was designed for use by people with low income, for processing fruits widely available in our region (mango, banana, guava, cashew, pineapple, tomato and others) in dried fruit and flour, contributing significantly to increase the life of these foods. The nuts and flours can be used for own consumption and for marketing jobs and income generation. Tests were conducted to diagnose the feasibility of using solar dryer for the various types of tropical fruits. Were also compared parameters such as drying times and thermal efficiency obtained with the prototype found in the specialized literature in food dehydration. The drying times in the dryer were obtained competitive with those obtained in other models of dryers LMHES developed
Licuri is a palm tree from the semiarid regions of Bahia State, Brazil. It is an important source of food and feed in that region, since their nuts are commonly eaten by humans and used as maize substitute for poultry feeding. The aim of this dissertation is to study the feasibility for use of natural convection solar dryers and forced being compared with the traditional drying outdoors for drying coconut licuri Syagrus coronate. The study led to the construction of two prototype solar dryer for carrying out experiments proving: model Solar Drying System Direct Exposure to Natural Convection built with wood, has a drying chamber with direct cover transparent glass laminates 4 mm, using techniques for proper isolation of the drying chamber. The two prototypes were comparatively analyzed for performance and drying efficiency with traditional extractive use by the community. Were evaluated the variables: time and drying rates and quality of the final samples of coconut licuri. The fruits were harvested and brought the town of Ouricuri, in the city of Caldeirão Grande, BA for the experiments comparing the three methods of drying was used a standard load of 4.0 kg The quantitative analysis for the result of the drying rate was found in 74% yield and 44% for natural and forced convection respectively compared with the traditional drying. These drying rates represent variation 3-5 times lower. Drying using forced convection licuri showed better quality, was found in a reddish pulp, representing the quantities that were kept of the nutrient beta carotene, and not notice the flavor change from the previous system, the final cost of construction of this system were higher . The prototypes built competitive advantage and had testified fully to resolve the technical difficulties previously encountered in the production of products made of coconut licuri. Allowing add value and increase their potential use for the fruit extractive communities of semi-arid region of Bahia
It´s been motivating motivated by the current rulers as an energy solution the use of the biodiesel as source of energy, that doesn't damage the environment and promotes the development of the areas where the base plant are grown. The process of production of the biodiesel, starting from the castor oil plant and its derivers, generates a known product as castor oil plant pie that has been used as fertilizer. Once disintoxicated, it can serve as animal ration, because it contains high content of proteins, presenting larger joined value. The disintoxication process, can be obtained through the process of drying the pie with the construction and use of models of dryers capable to elevate the temperature of the castor oil plant pie to approximately 60ºC.In this temperature the product tends to eliminate the ricina, with the aid of an aqueous solution of hydroxide of calcium, or still reach higher temperatures to make the disintoxication without a chemical treatment. It was made a bibliographical research about known processes of disintoxication of the castor oil plant pie from the autoclave use to the drying direct exposure to the sun. Starting from the state of the art and identification of the object, it was chosen solar dryers to eliminate the ricina. It was applied two types of solar dryers: the one of solar direct exposure, and the one with concentrador. The castor oil plant pie was separated in samples, with measurement of its initial mass, codified and placed in the dryers. The results were presented in graphs and tables forms, with the values of temperatures noticed. It was noticed the variations of temperature and the relationships analyzed related with the ricina content eliminated from the pie. The analysis of the ricina content was accomplished by Embrapa - Campina Grande, by eletroforese method. The analysis of the result of considering the content of ricina of the samples. It was observed that, we obtained lower rate of ricina in samples that had larger drying time and average value temperature above 60ºC. Comparing with the ones submitted to higher temperatures and in a shorter period of time. It was possible to evaluate the efficiency of the dryers in the desintoxication process of the samples, as well as the type of more appropriate dryer for the drying pie process. Finally, it was concluded that the solar dryer with concentrador presents higher values temperatures than the direct exposure one. So, it´s being more opportune applied in the castor oil plant pie drying process. However, more than one hour for drying time is needed