999 resultados para Cultura social
O trabalho propõe uma investigação sobre a produção audiovisual piauiense, buscando entender como são negociadas as questões culturais e as especificidades das narrativas apresentadas no desenvolvimento histórico da cultura visual piauiense. Analisa-se, assim, as questões discursivas, imagéticas e tecnológicas que abordam aquela realidade cultural influenciada pelas vanguardas cinematográficas brasileiras, no caso o cinema novo e o cinema marginal. A pesquisa tem como corpus as produções superoitistas feitas a partir de 1972 até meados 1985, quando se encerra um segundo ciclo cinematográfico. Este estudo, de natureza qualitativa, emprega pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, com apoio em entrevistas e análise de documentos da época para o estudo das narrativas apresentadas pelas produções audiovisuais. Leva-se em consideração a influência das questões social, política, tecnológica e econômica do Piauí na construção desses filmes. Conclui-se que as práticas culturais e os recursos tecnológicos constituem uma cultura visual que representa as angústias e críticas locais e traduzem a tipificação do sujeito no Piauí.
Fil: Mailhe, Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Mailhe, Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Mailhe, Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Maestr?a en Filosof?a
La presente investigación surge como resultado de la tesis para la obtención del grado de Doctor y pretende contribuir al fortalecimiento de una cultura de paz en México, proponiendo implementar estrategias de resolución pacífica de conflictos como la mediación, considerándola como una política social que incida en la transformación positiva de los conflictos. La herramienta idónea, el diálogo y los valores: tolerancia, cooperación, participación activa de la sociedad, solidaridad y el acercamiento de la justicia a la ciudadanía, serán los elementos indispensables para solucionar de manera efectiva, pronta, económica y equitativa los conflictos la sociedad del siglo XXI. La mediación cumple satisfactoriamente los requisitos para poder ser contemplada como una política social que incentive la participación activa de la ciudadanía en la solución de sus conflictos, auxiliando a socavar la crisis de los sistemas de impartición de justicia. Abstract: This research arises as a result of the thesis for obtaining the degree of Doctor, and aims to contribute to the strengthening of a culture of peace in Mexico, by proposing to implement peaceful conflict resolution like mediation strategies, considering it as a social policy that affects the positive transformation of conflicts. The ideal tool, dialogue and values: tolerance, cooperation, active participation of society, solidarity and justice approach to citizenship, will be the essential elements to solve conflicts of the 21st century society in effective, faster, economical and equitable manner. Mediation satisfactorily meets the requirements to be able to be considered a social policy that encourage the active participation of citizens in the solution of their conflicts, helping to undermine the crisis of justice systems.
101 p.
Nuestro trabajo tiene como principal objetivo explicar los problemas detectados en el futuro profesorado en relación al desconocimiento y/o a la distorsión del movimiento feminista y los debates en torno al género, que tienen relación directa en ocasiones con la imagen proyectada de mujeres y hombres en los medios de comunicación. Para paliar estas deficiencias, así como para promover la alfabetización mediática entre el alumnado, hemos optado por incorporar a los contenidos de las distintas asignaturas del área de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, tanto de grado como máster, la lectura y la interpretación de textos audiovisuales, concretamente aquellos producidos por la industria musical hegemónica estadounidense, los vídeos musicales de las cantantes pop más seguidas actualmente como Beyoncé, Katy Perry, Meghan Trainor, Jennifer López, Alicia Keys y el grupo Fifth Harmony. De este modo, incorporamos no sólo alta cultura sino también la cultura musical pop o cultura mediática, esencial en una sociedad en la que la ciudadanía está continuamente expuesta y contaminada visualmente por dichos medios audiovisuales
Language, culture, and otherness are complementary and also confliting issues representing the central debate on childhood and the child who carries the signals of social and/or ethinical of exclusion. The debate on the social still connected to universal and absolute values and trues, therefore the theme needs a reavaliation on the realm of relativism. Questioning the fact that culture and otherness are expressed by language which are not always visible and explicit, requering a close and deep look at many social realities enpoorvered suburbs and rural areas, white and black children, homeless children, we kept their voices and speaches, their images from their own drawings to understand the way the percept mean they live and they are. These children have a word for school, and also about the process and agents to say by many different ways to express how they look their own world and how the world look at them.
One of the effects of the globalized world is a strong tendency to eliminate differences, promoting a planetary culture. Education systems are particularly affected, undergoing strong pressure from international studies and evaluations, inevitably comparative, and sadly competitive. As a result, one observes the gradual elimination of cultural components in the definition of education systems. The constitution of new social imaginaries becomes clear; imaginaries empty of historical, geographical and temporal referents, characterized by a strong presence of the culture of the image. The criteria of classification establish an inappropriate reference that has as its consequence the definition of practices and even of education systems. On the other hand, resistance mechanisms, often unconscious, are activated seeking to safeguard and recover the identifying features of a culture, such as its traditions, cuisine, languages, artistic manifestations in general, and, in doing so, to contribute to cultural diversity, an essential factor to encourage creativity. In this article, the sociocultural basis of mathematics and of its teaching are examined, and also the consequences of globalization and its effects on multicultural education. The concept of culture is discussed, as well as issues related to culture dynamics, resulting in the proposition of a theory of transdisciplinar and transcultural knowledge. Upon such basis the Ethnomathematics Program is presented. A critique is also made of the curriculum presently used, which is in its conception and detailing, obsolete, uninteresting and of little use. A different concept of curriculum is proposed, based on the communicative (literacy), analytical (matheracy), and material (technoracy) instruments.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física