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Objective: To examine if streamlining a medical research funding application process saved time for applicants. Design: Cross-sectional surveys before and after the streamlining. Setting: The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia. Participants: Researchers who submitted one or more NHMRC Project Grant applications in 2012 or 2014. Main outcome measures: Average researcher time spent preparing an application and the total time for all applications in working days. Results: The average time per application increased from 34 working days before streamlining (95% CI 33 to 35) to 38 working days after streamlining (95% CI 37 to 39; mean difference 4 days, bootstrap p value <0.001). The estimated total time spent by all researchers on applications after streamlining was 614 working years, a 67-year increase from before streamlining. Conclusions: Streamlined applications were shorter but took longer to prepare on average. Researchers may be allocating a fixed amount of time to preparing funding applications based on their expected return, or may be increasing their time in response to increased competition. Many potentially productive years of researcher time are still being lost to preparing failed applications.


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Fatty acids, fibre, carotenoids and tocopherols in relation to glucose metabolism in subjects at high risk for type 2 diabetes a cross-sectional analysis Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a heterogeneous disorder of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism, resulting from genetics, environmental influences and interactions between these. The disease is characterized by insulin resistance, β-cell dysfunction, hepatic glucose overproduction and disordered fat mobilization and storage. The literature on associations between dietary factors and glucose metabolism is inconsistent. One factor behind the discrepant results may be genetic heterogeneity of study populations. Data on nutrient-gene interactions in relation to glucose metabolism are scarce. Thus, investigating high-risk populations and exploring nutrient-gene interactions are essential for improving the understanding of T2D aetiology. Ideally, this information could help to develop prevention programmes that take into account the genetic predisposition to the disease. In this study, associations between measures of glucose metabolism predicting T2D and fatty acids, antioxidative nutrients and fibre were examined in a high-risk population, i.e., in non-diabetic relatives of affected patients. Interactions between the PPARG Pro12Ala polymorphism and fatty acids on glucose metabolism were taken into consideration. This common polymorphism plays an important role in the regulation of glucose metabolism. The inverse associations observed between dietary fibre and insulin resistance are consistent with the prevailing recommendations urging increased intake of fibre to prevent T2D. Beneficial associations observed between the intake of carotenoids and glucose levels stress that a high consumption of vegetables, fruits and berries rich in carotenoids might also play a role in the prevention of T2D. Whether tocopherols have an independent association with glucose metabolism remains questionable. Observed interactions between fatty acids and glucose metabolism suggest that a high intake of palmitic acid is associated with high fasting glucose levels mainly in female Ala allele carriers. Furthermore, the PPARG Pro12Ala polymorphism may modify the metabolic response to dietary marine fat. The beneficial associations of high intake of marine n 3 fatty acids with insulin resistance and glucose levels may be restricted to carriers of the Ala allele. The findings pertain to subjects with a family history of T2D, and the cross-sectional nature of the study precludes inferences about causality. Results nevertheless show that associations of dietary factors with glucose metabolism may be modulated by the genetic makeup of an individual. Additional research is warranted to elucidate the role of probably numerous nutrient-gene interactions, some of which may be sex-specific, in the aetiology of T2D.


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D-vitamiini ylläpitää normaalia luun kasvua ja uudistumista koko elämän ajan. Suomessa, kuten monissa muissakin länsimaissa, väestön D-vitamiinitilanne on riittämätön – talvisin osalla jopa puutteellinen. Tässä väitöskirjassa on tutkittu, lisääkö D-vitamiini luumassan kertymistä kasvuiässä, ja ylläpitäkö D-vitamiini luuston tasapainoista aineenvaihduntaa aikuisiällä. Nämä vaikutukset saattavat ehkäisi osteoporoosin kehittymistä eri ikäkausina. Väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin erisuuruisten D-vitamiinilisäysten vaikutuksia kolmessa eri ikäryhmässä, jotka olivat 11-12 -vuotiaat tytöt (N=228), 21-49 -vuotiaat miehet (N=54) ja 65-85 -vuotiaat naiset (N=52). Tutkittavat satunnaistettiin ryhmiin, jotka nauttivat joko lumevalmistetta tai 5-20 µg D3-vitamiinia vitamiinilisänä. Tutkimukset olivat kaksoissokkoutettuja. Tutkimuksen aikana tutkittavilta otettiin paastoveri- ja virtsanäytteitä. Lisäksi he täyttivät tutkimuslomakkeen taustatietojen kartoittamiseksi sekä frekvenssikyselylomakkeen kalsiumin ja D-vitamiinin saannin selvittämiseksi. Tyttöjen luunmineraalitiheys (BMD) mitattiin DXA–laitteella ja miesten volumetrinen luuntiheys pQCT-menetelmällä. Näytteistä määritettiin mm. seerumin 25-hydroksi-D-vitamiinin (=S-25-OHD), lisäkilpirauhashormonin (=S-PTH) ja luun aineenvaihduntaa kuvaavien merkkiaineiden pitoisuuksia. Murrosikäisten tyttöjen poikkileikkaustutkimuksessa S-25-OHD- ja luun muodostusmerkkiaineen pitoisuudet vaihtelivat kuukausien välillä; suurimmat pitoisuudet mitattiin syyskuussa ja pienimmät maaliskuussa, mikä kuvastaa vuodenaikaisvaihtelua. Vastaava vaihtelu havaittiin lannerangan ja reisiluun BMD:ssä. D-vitamiinilisäyksellä oli myönteinen vaikutus tyttöjen luumassan lisääntymiseen. Suurin D-vitamiinilisä (10 µg/vrk) lisäsi luumassaa 17.2% enemmän reisiluussa ja 12.5% enemmän lannerangassa verrattuna lumevalmistetta nauttivien tyttöjen vastaaviin tuloksiin, mutta tulos riippui hoitomyöntyvyydestä. D-vitamiinin vaikutus luustoon välittyi vähentyneen luun hajotuksen kautta. Tutkimustuloksiin perustuen riittävä D-vitamiinin saanti murrosikäisille tytöille on 15 µg/vrk. D-vitamiinilisän vaikutus 65-85 -vuotiaiden naisten S-25-OHD-pitoisuuteen vakioitui kuudessa viikossa annoksen ollessa 5-20 µg/vrk. Näillä D-vitamiiniannoksilla ei saavutettu tavoiteltavaa S-25-OHD-pitoisuutta, joka on 80 nmol/l. Arvioimme, että 60 nmol/l -pitoisuuden, jota esiintyy kesäisin tämän ikäryhmän suomalaisilla, tämän ikäryhmän naiset saavuttaisivat 24 µg:n päivittäisellä D-vitamiinin saannilla. Terveillä miehillä havaittiin vuodenaikaisvaihtelu S-25-OHD- ja S-PTH-pitoisuudessa sekä luun hajotusta kuvaavassa merkkiainepitoisuudessa. Toisaalta vaihtelua ei havaittu radiuksen volumetrisessä luuntiheydessä eikä luun muodostusmerkkiaineen pitoisuudessa. Vuodenaikaisvaihtelu estettiin 17 µg:n päivittäisellä D-vitamiinin saannilla, mutta tämän ei havaittu vaikuttavan radiuksen luuntiheyteen kuusi kuukautta kestävän tutkimuksen aikana. Yhteenvetona todetaan, että D-vitamiinin saanti on edelleenkin riittämätöntä tutkimusten kohderyhmillä. Tämä näkyy S-25-OHD- ja PTH-pitoisuuden sekä luunaineenvaihduntaa kuvaavien merkkiaineiden vuodenaikaisvaihteluna, mikä on haitallista luuston hyvinvoinnille. D-vitamiinin saantia tulisi lisätä, jotta vähintäänkin riittävä D-vitamiinitilanne (S-25-OHD>50 nmol/l) tai mahdollisesti jopa tavoiteltava D-vitaminitilanne (S-25-OHD≥80 nmol/l) saavutettaisiin. Jotta D-vitamiinin saannin lisääminen olisi kaikissa ikäryhmissä mahdollista, on suunniteltava nykyistä enemmän D-vitamiinilla täydennettyjä elintarvikkeita.


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BACKGROUND Parental support is a key influence on children's health behaviours; however, no previous investigation has simultaneously explored the influence of mothers' and fathers' social support on eating and physical activity in preschool-aged children. This study evaluated the singular and combined effects of maternal and paternal support for physical activity (PA) and fruit and vegetable consumption (FV) on preschoolers' PA and FV. METHODS A random sample comprising 173 parent-child dyads completed validated scales assessing maternal and paternal instrumental support and child PA and FV behaviour. Pearson correlations, controlling for child age, parental age, and parental education, were used to evaluate relationships between maternal and paternal support and child PA and FV. K-means cluster analysis was used to identify families with distinct patterns of maternal and paternal support for PA and FV, and one-way ANOVA examined the impact of cluster membership on child PA and FV. RESULTS Maternal and paternal support for PA were positively associated with child PA (r = 0.37 and r = 0.36, respectively; P < 0.001). Maternal but not paternal support for FV was positively associated with child FV (r = 0.35; P < 0.001). Five clusters characterised groups of families with distinct configurations of maternal and paternal support for PA and FV: 1) above average maternal and paternal support for PA and FV, 2) below average maternal and paternal support for PA and FV, 3) above average maternal and paternal support for PA but below average maternal and paternal support for FV, 4) above average maternal and paternal support for FV but below average maternal and paternal support for PA, and 5) above average maternal support but below average paternal support for PA and FV. Children from families with above average maternal and paternal support for both health behaviours had higher PA and FV levels than children from families with above average support for just one health behaviour, or below average support for both behaviours. CONCLUSIONS The level and consistency of instrumental support from mothers and fathers for PA and FV may be an important target for obesity prevention in preschool-aged children.


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Instead of regarding a particular type of gambling activity (for example, electronic gambling machines, table games) as an isolated factor for problem gambling, recent research suggests that gambling involvement (for example, as measured by the number of different types of gambling activities played) should also be considered. Using a large sample of the Victorian adult population, this study found that the strength of association between problem gambling and the type of gambling reduced after adjusting for gambling involvement. This finding supports recent research that gambling involvement is an important factor in assessing the risk of problem gambling. The study also provides insights into the measurements of gambling involvement and provides alternative statistical modelling to analyse problem gambling.


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The aims of this study were to describe Finnish day surgery practice at present and to evaluate quality of care by assessing postdischarge minor morbidity and quality indicators. Potential treatment options were approached by investigating the role of oral dexamethasone as a part of multimodal analgesia and the feasibility of day surgery in patients aged 65 years and older. Over a 2-month period, all patient cases at 14 Finnish day surgery or short-stay units were analyzed (Study I). Quality indicators included rates and reasons for overnight admission, readmission, reoperation, cancellations, and patient satisfaction. Recovery during the first postoperative week was assessed at two units (Study II). Altogether 2732 patients graded daily the intensity of predefined symptoms. To define risk factors of postdischarge symptoms, multinomial regression analysis was used. Sixty patients scheduled to undergo day surgery for hallux valgus were randomized to receive twice perioperatively dexamethasone 9 mg or placebo (Study III). Paracetamol 1 g was administered 3 times daily. Rescue medication (oxycodone) consumption during 0-3 postoperative days (POD), maximal pain scores and adverse effects were documented. Medically stable patients aged 65 years or older, scheduled for open inguinal hernia repair, were randomized to receive treatment either as day cases or inpatients (Study IV). Complications, unplanned admissions, healthcare visits, and patients’ acceptance of the type of care provided were assessed during 2 weeks postoperatively. In Study I, unplanned overnight admissions were reported in 5.9%, return hospital visits during PODs 1-28 in 3.7%, and readmissions in 0.7% of patients. Patient satisfaction was high. In Study II, pain was the most common symptom in adult patients (57%). Postdischarge symptoms were more frequent in adults aged < 40 years, children aged ≥ 7 years, females, and following a longer duration of surgery. In Study III, the total median (range) oxycodone consumption during the study period was 45 (0–165) mg in the dexamethasone group, compared with 78 (15–175) mg in the placebo group (P < 0.049). On PODs 0-1, patients in the dexamethasone group reported significantly lower pain scores. Following inguinal hernia repair, no significant differences in outcome measures were seen between the study groups. Patient satisfaction was equally high in day cases and inpatients (Study IV). Finnish day surgery units provide good-quality services. Minor postdischarge symptoms are common, and they are influenced by several patient-, surgery-, and anesthesia-related factors. Oral dexamethasone combined with paracetamol improves pain relief and reduces the need for oxycodone rescue medication following correction of hallux valgus. Day surgery for open inguinal hernia repair is safe and well accepted by patients aged 65 years or older and can be recommended as the primary choice of care for medically stable patients.


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A randomised and population-based screening design with new technologies has been applied to the organised cervical cancer screening programme in Finland. In this experiment the women invited to routine five-yearly screening are individually randomised to be screened with automation-assisted cytology, human papillomavirus (HPV) test or conventional cytology. By using the randomised design, the ultimate aim is to assess and compare the long-term outcomes of the different screening regimens. The primary aim of the current study was to evaluate, based on the material collected during the implementation phase of the Finnish randomised screening experiment, the cross-sectional performance and validity of automation-assisted cytology (Papnet system) and primary HPV DNA testing (Hybrid Capture II assay for 13 oncogenic HPV types) within service screening, in comparison to conventional cytology. The parameters of interest were test positivity rate, histological detection rate, relative sensitivity, relative specificity and positive predictive value. Also, the effect of variation in performance by screening laboratory on age-adjusted cervical cancer incidence was assessed. Based on the cross-sectional results, almost no differences were observed in the performance of conventional and automation-assisted screening. Instead, primary HPV screening found 58% (95% confidence interval 19-109%) more cervical lesions than conventional screening. However, this was mainly due to overrepresentation of mild- and moderate-grade lesions and, thus, is likely to result in overtreatment since a great deal of these lesions would never progress to invasive cancer. Primary screening with an HPV DNA test alone caused substantial loss in specificity in comparison to cytological screening. With the use of cytology triage test, the specificity of HPV screening improved close to the level of conventional cytology. The specificity of primary HPV screening was also increased by increasing the test positivity cutoff from the level recommended for clinical use, but the increase was more modest than the one gained with the use of cytology triage. The performance of the cervical cancer screening programme varied widely between the screening laboratories, but the variation in overall programme effectiveness between respective populations was more marginal from the very beginning of the organised screening activity. Thus, conclusive interpretations on the quality or success of screening should not be based on performance parameters only. In the evaluation of cervical cancer screening the outcome should be selected as closely as possible to the true measure of programme effectiveness, which is the number of invasive cervical cancers and subsequent deaths prevented in the target population. The evaluation of benefits and adverse effects of each new suggested screening technology should be performed before the technology becomes an accepted routine in the existing screening programme. At best, the evaluation is performed randomised, within the population and screening programme in question, which makes the results directly applicable to routine use.


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Objective: To identify key stakeholder preferences and priorities when considering a national healthcare-associated infection (HAI) surveillance programme through the use of a discrete choice experiment (DCE). Setting: Australia does not have a national HAI surveillance programme. An online web-based DCE was developed and made available to participants in Australia. Participants: A sample of 184 purposively selected healthcare workers based on their senior leadership role in infection prevention in Australia. Primary and secondary outcomes: A DCE requiring respondents to select 1 HAI surveillance programme over another based on 5 different characteristics (or attributes) in repeated hypothetical scenarios. Data were analysed using a mixed logit model to evaluate preferences and identify the relative importance of each attribute. Results: A total of 122 participants completed the survey (response rate 66%) over a 5-week period. Excluding 22 who mismatched a duplicate choice scenario, analysis was conducted on 100 responses. The key findings included: 72% of stakeholders exhibited a preference for a surveillance programme with continuous mandatory core components (mean coefficient 0.640 (p<0.01)), 65% for a standard surveillance protocol where patient-level data are collected on infected and non-infected patients (mean coefficient 0.641 (p<0.01)), and 92% for hospital-level data that are publicly reported on a website and not associated with financial penalties (mean coefficient 1.663 (p<0.01)). Conclusions: The use of the DCE has provided a unique insight to key stakeholder priorities when considering a national HAI surveillance programme. The application of a DCE offers a meaningful method to explore and quantify preferences in this setting.


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An asymptotically-exact methodology is presented for obtaining the cross-sectional stiffness matrix of a pre-twisted moderately-thick beam having rectangular cross sections and made of transversely isotropic materials. The anisotropic beam is modeled from 3-D elasticity, without any further assumptions. The beam is allowed to have large displacements and rotations, but small strain is assumed. The strain energy of the beam is computed making use of the constitutive law and the kinematical relations derived with the inclusion of geometrical nonlinearities and initial twist. Large displacements and rotations are allowed, but small strain is assumed. The Variational Asymptotic Method is used to minimize the energy functional, thereby reducing the cross section to a point on the reference line with appropriate properties, yielding a 1-D constitutive law. In this method as applied herein, the 2-D cross-sectional analysis is performed asymptotically by taking advantage of a material small parameter and two geometric small parameters. 3-D strain components are derived using kinematics and arranged as orders of the small parameters. Warping functions are obtained by the minimization of strain energy subject to certain set of constraints that renders the 1-D strain measures well-defined. Closed-form expressions are derived for the 3-D non-linear warping and stress fields. The model is capable of predicting interlaminar and transverse shear stresses accurately up to first order.


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An investigation into the three-dimensional propagation of the transmitted shock wave in a square cross-section chamber was described in this paper, and the work was carried out numerically by solving the Euler equations with a dispersion-controlled scheme. Computational images were constructed from the density distribution of the transmitted shock wave discharging from the open end of the square shock tube and compared directly with holographic interferograms available for CFD validation. Two cases of the transmitted shock wave propagating at different Mach numbers in the same geometry were simulated. A special shock reflection system near the corner of the square cross-section chamber was observed, consisting of four shock waves: the transmitted shock wave, two reflection shock waves and a Mach stem. A contact surface may appear in the four-shock system when the transmitted shock wave becomes stronger. Both the secondary shock wave and the primary vortex loop are three-dimensional in the present case due to the non-uniform flow expansion behind the transmitted shock.


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A cross-sectional transmission electron microscope study of the low density layers at the surface and at the substrate-film interface of tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) films grown on (001) silicon substrates is presented. Spatially resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy is used to determine the bonding and composition of a tetrahedral amorphous carbon film with nanometre spatial resolution. For a ta-C film grown with a substrate bias of -300 V, an interfacial region approximately 5 nm wide is present in which the carbon is sp2 bonded and is mixed with silicon and oxygen from the substrate. An sp2 bonded layer observed at the surface of the film is 1.3 ± 0.3 nm thick and contains no detectable impurities. It is argued that the sp2 bonded surface layer is intrinsic to the growth process, but that the sp2 bonding in the interfacial layer at the substrate may be related to the presence of oxygen from the substrate.