141 resultados para Cosmógrafos-mores
No romance O Idiota, Dostoiévski cria, por meio do príncipe Míchkin, uma personagem com as características do Cristo. Sabe-se que a Bíblia, principalmente o Novo Testamento, acompanhou o escritor desde sua infância até o momento de sua morte. O primeiro capítulo, dedicado ao referencial teórico da pesquisa, lida com o universo da linguagem. Tanto o texto literário quanto a literatura bíblica procedem do mito. Neste sen-tido, religião e literatura se tocam e se aproximam. O segundo capítulo foi escrito na intenção de mostrar como o Cristo e os Evangelhos são temas, motivos e imagens recorrentes na obra de Dostoiévski. A literatura bíblica está presente, com mais ou menos intensidade, em diversas das principais obras do escritor russo e não somente em O Idiota. A hipótese de que Dostoiévski cria um Cristo e um Evangelho por meio de O Idiota é demonstrada na análise do romance, no terceiro capítulo. A tese proposta é: Dostoiévski desenvolve um evangelho literário, por meio de Míchkin, misto de um Cristo russo, ao mesmo tempo divino e humano, mas também idiota e quixotesco. Na dinâmica intertextual entre os Evangelhos bíblicos e O Idiota, entre Cristo e Míchkin, a literatura e o sagrado se revelam, como uma presença divina. Nas cenas e na estruturação do enredo que compõe o romance, Cristo se manifesta nas ações de Míchkin, na luz, na beleza, mas também na tragicidade de uma trajetória deslocada e antinômica. O amor e a compaixão ganham forma e vida na presen-ça do príncipe, vazio de si, servo de todos.
In human systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), diverse autoantibodies accumulate over years before disease manifestation. Unaffected relatives of SLE patients frequently share a sustained production of autoantibodies with indiscriminable specificity, usually without ever acquiring the disease. We studied relations of IgG autoantibody profiles and peripheral blood activated regulatory T-cells (aTregs), represented by CD4(+)CD25(bright) T-cells that were regularly 70-90% Foxp3(+). We found consistent positive correlations of broad-range as well as specific SLE-associated IgG with aTreg frequencies within unaffected relatives, but not patients or unrelated controls. Our interpretation: unaffected relatives with shared genetic factors compensated pathogenic effects by aTregs engaged in parallel with the individual autoantibody production. To study this further, we applied a novel analytic approach named coreferentiality that tests the indirect relatedness of parameters in respect to multivariate phenotype data. Results show that independently of their direct correlation, aTreg frequencies and specific SLE-associated IgG were likely functionally related in unaffected relatives: they significantly parallelled each other in their relations to broad-range immunoblot autoantibody profiles. In unaffected relatives, we also found coreferential effects of genetic variation in the loci encoding IL-2 and CD25. A model of CD25 functional genetic effects constructed by coreferentiality maximization suggests that IL-2-CD25 interaction, likely stimulating aTregs in unaffected relatives, had an opposed effect in SLE patients, presumably triggering primarily T-effector cells in this group. Coreferentiality modeling as we do it here could also be useful in other contexts, particularly to explore combined functional genetic effects.
Premiere partie, Livre sixiéme, Voyages au long de la cote occidentale d'Afrique, depuis le Cap Blanco jusqu'à Sierra Leona, contenant la description de plusieus pays & de leurs habitants. - Table des chapitres & paragraphes contenus dans [volumes V, VI, VII, VIII]. - Avis au relier, pour placer les cartes géographiques... les figures. - [Viajes de Brue desde 1697 a 1715].
Amongst the opportunities for cross-cultural contact created by the burgeoning use of the Internet are those provided by electronic discussion lists. This study looks at what happens when language students venture out of the classroom (virtual or otherwise) to participate in on-line discussion groups with native speakers. Responses to messages and commentary by moderators and other participants on the (in) appropriateness of contributions allow us to determine what constitutes successful participation and to make suggestions regarding effective teaching strategies for this medium. A case study examines the threads started by four anglophone students of French when they post messages to a forum on the Web site of the French newspaper Le Monde. Investigation of these examples points to the ways in which electronic discussion inflects and is inflected by cultural and generic expectations. We suggest that successful participation on Internet fora depends on awareness of such cultural and generic mores and an ability to work within and/or with them. Teachers therefore need to find ways in which students can be sensitized to such issues so that their participation in such electronic discussion is no longer seen as linguistic training, but as engagement with a cultural practice.
A aprendizagem formal e tradicional tem dado lugar a um cenário desafiador no qual educador e educando não comungam do mesmo espaço físico. A Educação a Distância (EAD), ainda é vista como uma solução que agrega cada vez mais alunos de diferentes idades que desejam uma graduação de ensino superior ou a continuidade dela. A pesquisa com o título: “O estudante da EAD (educação a distância): um estudo de perfil e interação geracional” propõe conhecer as características do perfil atual do estudante da EAD, abordando o diálogo entre as gerações no ambiente social escolar. O enfoque da pesquisa é qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva com dados que foram coletados através de entrevista com 08 alunos das gerações X e Y para assim entender se este perfil tem sido renovado com alunos mais jovens, do que a faixa etária de 25 a 45 anos. O resultado demonstra que alunos na faixa de 17 a 24 anos a cada ano aumentam 1% das matrículas. Já a faixa de 25 a 45 anos prevalece com 70% das matrículas. Portanto, este resultado revela que o perfil do aluno EAD ainda é o do jovem adulto, para adulto mais experiente, que busca a graduação com o propósito de progressão no ambiente profissional. As duas gerações citadas geração X e geração Y, mesmo em contextos históricos diferenciados de valores, crenças e comportamentos participam atualmente de uma transformação social que contempla os meios de produção do trabalho, a formação educacional e as relações sociais. O diálogo intergeracional direciona a um aprendizado compartilhado, participativo na troca de experiências mutuas. Para a geração X o jovem atual não é mais nomeado como o que precisa escutar e aprender, mas tem muito a partilhar, principalmente diante da facilidade com os meios tecnológicos. E para a geração Y, na partilha não há barreiras de idade, mas a segurança de interagir e se comunicar diante da troca de experiências
This book is the first comparative study of its kind to explore at length the French and English Catholic literary revivals of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It compares individual and societal secularisation in France and England and examines how French and English Catholic writers understood and contested secular mores, ideologies and praxis, in the individual, societal and religious domains. It also addresses the extent to which some Catholic writers succumbed to the seduction of secular instincts, even paradoxically in themes which are considered to be emblematic of Catholic literature. The breadth of this book will make it a useful guide for students wishing to become familiar with a wide range of such writings in France and England during this period. It will also appeal to researchers interested in Catholic literary and intellectual history in France and England, theologians, philosophers and students of the sociology of religion. CONTENTS: Preface and acknowledgements Introduction 1. Individual and societal secularisation in France and England 2. Recovering the porous individual 3. Thinking and believing 4. The fragments of secular society 5. Mending secular fragmentation 6. Ultimate societal values 7. Catholic religiosity and the hierarchical Church 8. Catholic religiosity and the charismatic Church Conclusion Bibliography Index
This dissertation examines the discursive practice of Argentine costumbrista texts from a novel perspective. In (re)reading the works of selected prominent writers from the late colonial period to the end of the Nineteenth Century, including those of Alonso Carrió de la Vandera, Emeric Essex Vidal, León Pallière, Lucio Vicente López, Lucio V. Mansilla, and Pastor Obligado we focus on the presence of ekphrastic enunciations with a view toward linking the plastic, painterly dimensions of the prose to parallel representations by artists of the same period. Thus the costumbristas are studied in tandem with the watercolors, oil paintings and lithographic compositions of artists such as Carlos Enrique Pellegrim, César Hipólito Bacle, Raymond Monvoisin and Hipólito Moulin. The resulting comparative study of the two arts---the verbal and the pictorial---illustrates the notion described by W. J. T. Mitchell that a literary text may well "represent a work of visual or graphic art." And thus, it provides us with visual, spatial motifs that enhance its powers of representation. ^ In developing our focus on ekphrastic representations we have followed the theoretic studies of Murray Krieger, Jean H. Hagstrum, James Hefferman, John Hollander, W. J. T. Mitchell, Johann Gottfried Herder, and Wendy Steiner among others, all of whom in various ways take their cue from Horace's Ut pictura poesis and the notion that poetry, that is literary discourse, can be likened to a panting and that in both arts there is a refractive quality that makes literature a spoken vehicle of expression and painting a silent, complementary voice. ^ In studying the literary and plastic discourses comparatively what becomes evident is that they share cultural and ideological concerns that center around the notion of self-definition, national identity, and the relation of the individual to the incipient national community (Benedict Anderson). These concerns are highlighted via the depiction of customs, mores, dress, work habits, professions, and social classes. In late colonial literature and painting and especially in the Nineteenth Century, which constitutes the defining period of Argentine political independence, the confluence of the two disciplinary discourses addresses, and underscores the issues of socio-political empowerment in the new Argentine nation. ^
The Portuguese territorial process of the captaincy of Rio Grande was initiated in1598 with the conquest of the Potengi River bar by Mascarenhas Homem. This process lasted until 1633, when it was interrupted by the arrival of the Dutch, and resumed only in 1654. From this year on, the occupation of unknown lands of the captaincy was encouraged, supporting the advancement towards conquering the backlands, breaking the divisive boundaries with the captaincy of Siará Grande so far known: the Assú riverside. This breakthrough resulted in confrontations with the inhabitants of these lands, known as tapuias, leading to outbreak of several conflicts that composed the Barbarians War. The main stage of such events in Rio Grande, between the years 1687 and 1720, was precisely the Assú riverside, one of the spaces to be investigated by this research. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the advance of the conquerors in Rio Grande, contributing to the territorial process, which resulted in the emergence of a new border between Rio Grande and Siará Grande: the Apodi-Mossoró river. For this purpose, it was used sources produced between the years 1659 and 1725, as the settlement letters, royal charters, correspondence between the City Council of Natal, captains of Rio Grande and the government of Pernambuco and also the general government, as well as the documents related to the militia composed mainly by Paulistas who struggled in the captaincy.
‘Shock’ advertising is the new black and the subject of the reflection in which this article engages. We do this in particular through consideration of the (largely) British high-street fashion house French Connection’s seemingly endless ‘FCUK’ campaign. The obvious resonance between this abbreviation and perhaps the most popular word in the English language was at the heart of the campaign’s appeal and it continues today through various extensions on both slogans and logos on French Connection’s own goods and indeed those who seek to piggy back upon and/or subvert its market power. It is far from the only example of such ‘shock’ tactics. Whether discussing reproduction in graphic detail with children, joyously dismantling chastity, or merely fucking with fuck, it seems that traditional mores can no longer remain virgin territory, unsullied by rapacious marketing. Our mediated experiences of reaching ‘extremes’, it now appears, are not paralysing, mesmerising, fascinating or inspiring but simply a further prod down the path leading to (gleeful) purchase. In this paper we explore how, via a series of semiotic reversals, the new, the strange, the unfamiliar and the would-be shocking are rendered banal, and thus thoroughly comprehensible through brand association and the endless re-iteration of existing works.
En la Antigua Roma las mujeres casadas no gozaban de ningún tipo de libertades y todos los placeres les eran vedados a su clase (Rousselle, 2000). Responsables de la gestación de los futuros ciudadanos, su esfera de acción se limitaba al hogar, donde, además de procurarles especial atención a sus maridos e hijos, estaban encargadas de realizar, entre otras tareas, el control de la servidumbre, la administración de los gastos y el tejido (Knapp, 2011). A diferencia de las mujeres de otras clases, prostitutas y esclavas, la conducta de las matronas debía estar regida por la castidad, la reserva, la modestia y la pietas, principales virtudes celebradas en las fuentes epigráficas (CIL 6.23773, 8.11294). Como consecuencia de la corrupción de las costumbres durante la República, Augusto sancionó una serie de leyes (Lex Iulia de maritandis ordinibus y de adulteriis coercendis en 18 a.C., Lex Papia Poppaea en 9 d.C.) que, basándose en la tradición de los antepasados, estaban destinadas a ejercer un fuerte dominio sobre las políticas familiares. Se obligaba a los estratos superiores de la sociedad a contraer uniones legítimas y a tener descendencia, y se sancionaba con severidad a aquellas mujeres que cometían adulterio y que no se ajustaban al modelo femenino que el Estado buscaba imponer (Pomeroy, 1999). Bajo la luz de estas consideraciones acerca de la matrona, nos proponemos ofrecer una lectura posible de los fragmentos 618-9 y 681 M del poeta satírico Lucilio, conservados únicamente por transmisión indirecta. Así pues, a partir de información recabada del contexto social y político, intentamos demostrar que en el horizonte del pensamiento romano se mantiene constante un único ideal de mujer, al mismo tiempo que, a partir de referencias intertextuales, logramos dar sentido(s) a un texto que sólo a simple vista parece no poder decirnos mucho.
This paper examines the expression of ideas about love, marriage and divorce in Serglige Con Culainn. It is argued that the two versions of the tale, both of which are incomplete, exhibit distinctive approaches to love and the portrayal of the female characters. The earlier recension depicts male desire as a violent attack by Otherworld women that renders the man incapacitated. The later version provides a radically different view, offering a strikingly sympathetic portrait of the two female protagonists which may suggest a female audience. This version gives a remarkable insight into sexual mores and marital breakdown in a protracted and detailed negotiation involving the three main characters. It reveals tensions between male and female views of marriage and particularly of the practice of concubinage. It values loyalty between married partners over the fulfilment of desire and demonstrates the enduring and destructive effects of passion which are healed here only through magical interventions.
Like its title, Pyramus and Thisbe 4 You, Alexandru Dabija’s production at the Odeon Theatre, Bucharest, was a tongue-in-cheek invitation to the audience that at once aimed to tease past and recent Romanian endeavours and to tease out the stage potential a Shakespeare play holds today. My examination of the production re-constructs the local cultural contexts the production plays with and against, referring to the Romanian ways of making Shakespeare this production enters into dialogue with. Take 1, an all-female version casting the mature stars of the Odeon, I read against both Elizabethan all-male stage practice and Andrei Serban’s all-female Lear at the Bulandra (2008). Take 2, “an old device” (V.1.50): a teacher-student “devising” session at the Academy of Theatre and Cinema, I read against critics’ “more strange than true” (V.1.2) parlance on “theories of perception and reception” and against hi-tech Shakespeare dominating the Romanian stages in the first decade of the third millennium. Take 3, local political banter on ethnic discrimination, I read as “satire keen and critical” (V.1.54) on both communist censorship and the recent rise of nationalism in Romania. Take 4, a “cold” reading-cum-improvisation performed by the technical crew – this production’s mechanicals – I read as “palpable-gross play” (V.1.376) on both acting and spectating practices. What I argue in this article is that Dabija’s production goes beyond its local context and mores, and proposes a re-assessment of Shakespeare’s cultural currency in (European) Romania and Europe at large by exposing current tyrannies in Shakespeare studies: from translation and adaptation, through directing and acting, to viewing and reviewing.
Mikel J Koven argues for the Italian giallo tradition as a "cinema of ambivalence; specifically, ambivalence towards modernity." His discussion highlights the giallo's fluctuating, often contradictory takes on language, on modernity's creature comforts, on its breaking down of geographic boundaries and on "modernity's pluralism and the changing social and cultural mores."
Neste artigo estuda-se o comportamento de 12 empresas inovadoras do Sector dos Moldes em Portugal. Determina-se onde e como as empresas inovadoras do sector dos moldes nacional, adquirem o conhecimento necessário para a realização das suas inovações, isto é, se apenas internamente e/ou se externamente através de redes de inovação, determinando quais os principais elementos que constituem as redes de inovação, bem como qual o seu desempenho, como impulsionadores da inovação. Este trabalho procura, assim, estudar a relação entre inovação e as ligações que são estabelecidas entre as empresas do Sector dos Moldes e outras empresas (clientes, fornecedores, concorrentes), bem como com instituições académicas (universidades e institutos superiores) e instituições do sector público (laboratórios, centros tecnológicos e de formação). Consequentemente, com este trabalho de investigação, é possível constatar que são fortes e consistentes as ligações que estas empresas têm com outras empresas, sejam elas clientes, fornecedores ou mesmo concorrentes, mas são extremamente fracas e por vezes inexistentes as relações que existem com as instituições académicas e que as empresas mais inovadoras são as que mais se relacionam com as instituições académicas e instituições do sector público. Podendo-se concluir, que a grande vantagem competitiva deste sector da indústria nacional deve-se à sua forte capacidade de se relacionar com outros parceiros, independentemente da sua posição na cadeia de valor.