957 resultados para Cook, Thomas


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É registrada a infecção natural do Holochilus brasiliensis nanus, um pequeno roedor semi-aquático da Baixada Ocidental do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil, por Litomosoides carinii.


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Neohilgertia gen. n. proposed for Oxyuridae nematodes from Thylamys venustus cinderellus (Marsupialia: Didelphidae) is described. The hypothesis about the possibility of a secondary parasitism for marsupials and the origin of the genus in the African Sciuridae parasite ancestors is discussed.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Die RGG4 bietet in 15 665 Artikeln und Teilartikeln einen fundierten Überblick über Religion und Religionen, wie sie gelebt und gedacht wurden und werden. Sie bietet den neuesten Forschungsstand, dargestellt von 3 972 ausgewiesenen Kennern der jeweiligen Materie aus 74 Ländern. Die RGG4 führt die Tradition der ersten drei Auflagen fort: Aus der Mitte des evangelischen Glaubens ist weit mehr als die Theologie im Blick, nach deren Kriterien wird aber gewichtet.Die RGG4 erschließt die Themen in Form von biographischen Artikeln, Länder-, Orts-, Begriffs- und Ereignisartikeln sowie Artikeln über Gruppierungen und Institutionen. Knappe Definitionsartikel und Querverweise erleichtern die schnelle Information. Ausführliche Reihenartikel behandeln Stichworte wie "Abendmahl" oder "Christentum" aus vielerlei Perspektiven. Die RGG4 ist durch die Artikelvielfalt und die detailgenaue Darstellung ein Nachschlagewerk; zugleich ist sie eine Lehr- und Repetitionsbibliothek. Sie bringt mit einem ausgesucht lesbaren Schriftbild ein Maximum an Information auf einer Seite. Die acht Bände der RGG4 decken jeweils ganze Buchstaben ab. Der das Werk abschließende Registerband ermöglicht den Zugang zu dem in der RGG4 enthaltenen Wissen nach noch spezielleren Fragestellungen wie beispielsweise Namen und Stichworten, die keinen Haupteintrag haben. Selbstverständlich ist die RGG4 auf alterungsbeständigem Papier gedruckt, solide fadengeheftet und in Buckramleinen gebunden. Die RGG4 erhielt von der Stiftung Buchkunst die Auszeichnung "Eines der schönsten Bücher 1998. Vorbildlich gestaltet in Satz, Druck, Bild und Einband."


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Cook it! was originally introduced to Northern Ireland in 1995 by the Health Promotion Agency for Northern Ireland (HPA) in a collaborative project with the Eastern Health and Social Services Board, the Northern Health and Social Services Board and the North and West Belfast Health and Social Services Trust. Having run for five years, this initial phase of the programme was evaluated in 2000. Cook it! was found to be a valuable approach to community based nutrition education. However, a number of recommendations were made as to how it could be improved. In conjunction with a number of community dietitians the HPA therefore revised and updated the programme, which included a redesigned resource manual with improved session outlines and recipe sheets. The Public Health Agency was established in 2009 under a major reform ofhealth structuresin Northern Ireland. The four key functions of the PHA are: health and social wellbeing improvement; health protection; public health support to commissioning and policy development; HSC research and development.


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This training manual was produced to support the Cook it! programme, which was specially developed for use in Northern Ireland. The Cook it! programme is delivered in the community by trained facilitators and can be used with a wide range of groups, including young/single parents, young people leaving residential care, offenders during rehabilitation programmes, older people in sheltered accomodation etc.The manual contains all the information needed to deliver Cook it! programmes in the community, including background information on healthy eating, information about dealing with special dietary requirements, sessions outlines, photocopiable resources and 75 recipes for snacks and meals.This updated version replaces the March 2007 edition.For information on training as a Cook it! facilitator, contact the health promotion service in your local Health and Social Care Trust.


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The aim of this intervention is - To contribute to improvements in health and well being by influencing food choice. The objectives are: - To work with targeted individual and groups to achieve the following outcomes - Increase cooking skills Improve nutritional knowledge Influence shopping choices - Assist budgeting for healthier food choices Raise awareness of food hygiene practices - To provide information on health and well being


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We have two Deaf members who are fully trained to deliver the COOK IT programme to other Deaf members. We have developed a signed COOK IT DVD for Deaf people to view.  It covers the information from the COOK IT programme and is signed in British Sign Language. Big Lottery Fund, Santander, Henry Smith Charity, Lloyds Foundation, Children in Need Initiative Type Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Derry/Londonderry Target Groups People with physical sensory and intellectual disability Funding Big Lottery Fund, Santander, Henry Smith Charity, Lloyds Foundation, Children in Need Partner Agencies Action on Hearing Loss Arts & Leisure Derry Healthy Cities Limavady Council North West Regional College Public Health Agency Signature Western Health and Social Care Trust


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Growing Together will develop a community garden on unused land to help local families and groups to grow, cook and eat fruit and vegetables. The project aims to engage members of Dunmanway community in sharing and learning skills (including intergenerational cooperation) to promote healthy eating and wellbeing and to provide opportunities for growing and using food together in a fun, sustainable and inclusive way. Watch this space! Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Cork Partner Agencies safefood Website http://dunmanwayfrc.com/communityandoutreach/881/


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Nutrition is central to health and children's diets can be an important influence now and in the future. Stop, Look and Cook is a new recipe book for use by catering staff in all grant-aided nursery, primary and post-primary schools in Northern Ireland.�Recipes have been collected from school caterers across the region. These recipes have been checked to ensure that they are compliant with nutritional standards for school lunches and have been tested in schools for taste and suitability. In addition all the recipes have been analysed by the PHA using a nutritional software package, with a particular focus on fat, salt and sugar.�This recipe book provides approximately 280 recipes, giving schools more choice for menus. It also contains useful advice for dealing with food allergies and supplying alternative meals for pupils from other cultures.For more information on Stop, Look and Cook please contact the school meals catering manager at your local Education and Library Board.�


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