876 resultados para Contextualisation to culture
We report here the patterning of primary rat neurons and astrocytes from the postnatal hippocampus on ultra-thin parylene-C deposited on a silicon dioxide substrate, following observations of neuronal, astrocytic and nuclear coverage on strips of different lengths, widths and thicknesses. Neuronal and glial growth was characterized ‘on’, ‘adjacent to’ and ‘away from’ the parylene strips. In addition, the article reports how the same material combination can be used to isolate single cells along thin tracks of parylene-C. This is demonstrated with a series of high magnification images of the experimental observations for varying parylene strip widths and thicknesses. Thus, the findings demonstrate the possibility to culture cells on ultra-thin layers of parylene-C and localize single cells on thin strips. Such work is of interest and significance to the Neuroengineering and Multi-Electrode Array (MEA) communities, as it provides an alternative insulating material in the fabrication of embedded micro-electrodes, which can be used to facilitate single cell stimulation and recording in capacitive coupling mode.
In our seminal work, we reported how the biomaterial Parylene-C has the unique ability to coerce neurons and glial cells to migrate to and then grow in straight lines along serum coated rectangular parylene-C structures mounted on an oxidised silicon substrate. In this brief communication, we report how astrocyte cell bodies, from the dissociated postnatal rat hippocampus, can now to be successfully localised on an ultra-thin 13nm layer of parylene-C mounted on oxidised silicon (Figure 1). What is extremely interesting about this finding is that the astrocyte processes extended mainly in horizontal and vertical directions from the cell body thus creating a regular lattice network of individual cells. In addition, they comfortably extended a 50μm gap (equivalent to ~ 10 cell body diameters) to connect to adjacent astrocytes on neighbouring Parylene-C structures. This was found to occur repeatedly on circular geometries of 20μm diameter. In comparison to our previous work [1], we have decreased the thickness of the parylene-C structures by a factor of 10, to allow such technology to be able to be utilised for passive electrode design that requires extremely thin structures such as these. Thus, being able to culture astrocytes in regular lattice networks will pave the way for precise monitoring and stimulation of such ensembles via multi-electrode arrays, allowing a closer insight into their dynamic behaviour and their network properties.
Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) could potentially provide a single platform for extracting all the information required to predict an organism’s phenotype. However, its ability to provide accurate predictions has not yet been demonstrated in large independent studies of specific organisms. In this study, we aimed to develop a genotypic prediction method for antimicrobial susceptibilities. The whole genomes of 501 unrelated Staphylococcus aureus isolates were sequenced, and the assembled genomes were interrogated using BLASTn for a panel of known resistance determinants (chromosomal mutations and genes carried on plasmids). Results were compared with phenotypic susceptibility testing for 12 commonly used antimicrobial agents (penicillin, methicillin, erythromycin, clindamycin, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, vancomycin, trimethoprim, gentamicin, fusidic acid, rifampin, and mupirocin) performed by the routine clinical laboratory. We investigated discrepancies by repeat susceptibility testing and manual inspection of the sequences and used this information to optimize the resistance determinant panel and BLASTn algorithm. We then tested performance of the optimized tool in an independent validation set of 491 unrelated isolates, with phenotypic results obtained in duplicate by automated broth dilution (BD Phoenix) and disc diffusion. In the validation set, the overall sensitivity and specificity of the genomic prediction method were 0.97 (95% confidence interval [95% CI], 0.95 to 0.98) and 0.99 (95% CI, 0.99 to 1), respectively, compared to standard susceptibility testing methods. The very major error rate was 0.5%, and the major error rate was 0.7%. WGS was as sensitive and specific as routine antimicrobial susceptibility testing methods. WGS is a promising alternative to culture methods for resistance prediction in S. aureus and ultimately other major bacterial pathogens.
Background: Plant-derived condensed tannins (CT) show promise as a complementary option to treat gastrointestinal helminth infections, thus reducing reliance on synthetic anthelmintic drugs. Most studies on the anthelmintic effects of CT have been conducted on parasites of ruminant livestock. Oesophagostomum dentatum is an economically important parasite of pigs, as well as serving as a useful laboratory model of helminth parasites due to the ability to culture it in vitro for long periods through several life-cycle stages. Here, we investigated the anthelmintic effects of CT on multiple life-cycles stages of O. dentatum. Methods: Extracts and purified fractions were prepared from five plants containing CT and analysed by HPLC-MS. Anthelmintic activity was assessed at five different stages of the O. dentatum life cycle; the development of eggs to infective third-stage larvae (L3), the parasitic L3 stage, the moult from L3 to fourth-stage larvae (L4), the L4 stage and the adult stage. Results: Free-living larvae of O. dentatum were highly susceptible to all five plant extracts. In contrast, only two of the five extracts had activity against L3, as evidenced by migration inhibition assays, whilst three of the five extracts inhibited the moulting of L3 to L4. All five extracts reduced the motility of L4, and the motility of adult worms exposed to a CT-rich extract derived from hazelnut skins was strongly inhibited, with electron microscopy demonstrating direct damage to the worm cuticle and hypodermis. Purified CT fractions retained anthelmintic activity, and depletion of CT from extracts by pre-incubation in polyvinylpolypyrrolidone removed anthelmintic effects, strongly suggesting CT as the active molecules. Conclusions: These results suggest that CT may have promise as an alternative parasite control option for O. dentatum in pigs, particularly against adult stages. Moreover, our results demonstrate a varied susceptibility of different life-cycle stages of the same parasite to CT, which may offer an insight into the anthelmintic mechanisms of these commonly found plant compounds.
Syfte och utgångspunkt: Att utifrån fyra organisationer undersöka faktorer som är viktiga för arbete med expatriering och att använda Mendenhall, Dunbar och Oddous modell som inspiration för att skapa en egen modell med faktorer värdefulla för en expatrieringsprocess. Forskningsresan: Utifrån referensram samt ett empiriskt resultat av intervjuer identifieras fyra kategorier, betydelse av att ta med familjen, mentorskap och stöd, anpassning till kultur och karriärplanering. Det empiriska resultatet samt referensramen är sedan grunden till analys och slutsats. Slutsats: I slutsatsen presenteras betydelsefulla faktorer för utgången av studiens syfte. Dessa faktorer används sedan i den modell författarna skapat. Modellen visar hur behovet av de fyra kategorierna är beroende av den planerade utlandsstationeringens längd. Metod: Författarna av studien utgår från en kvalitativ ansats med djupintervjuer som metod. Det empiriska resultatet baseras på det material som framkommit genom djupintervjuer med respondenterna från de fyra organisationerna.
Este projeto de pesquisa propõe a realização de um estudo exploratório de múltiplos casos em organizações brasileiras. O tema a ser explorado será o 'jeitinho brasileiro', e suas múltiplas interpretações e maneiras de operacionalização nestes contextos sociais. Adotar-se-á uma abordagem múltipla ao conceito de cultura, que inclui a ambigüidade cultural, dentro de uma visão interpretativa, que vai além da abordagem de integração comum à maioria dos estudos sobre o tema. Pretende-se com a pesquisa (1) aprofundar as críticas que podem ser feitas aos estudos sobre o tema e (2) avançar o desenvolvimento de nossa compreensão das organizações como sistemas de significados socialmente construídos, por meio de uma abordagem mais ampla e completa ao fenômeno estudado.
O emprego da teoria psicanalítica freudiana como fundamento para uma abordagem psicológica de problemas educacionais permite que se considere, simultaneamente, o desenvolvimento pleno do indivíduo e suas relações com a sociedade de que faz parte. Uma avaliação segura das possibilidades e limitações desse emprego exige um estudo sistemático da teoria, que inclui os instintos e suas vicissitudes - em especial repressão e sublimação -, o desenvolvimento da função sexual, o complexo de Édipo, a identificação, o superego e o narcisismo. Com base nesse estudo, pode-se afirmar que as idéias de Freud sobre educação concetram-se em dois processos que se prolongam por toda a vida do indivíduo: o desenvolvimento do ego e a integração à cultura. A aplicação do conhecimento psicanalítico à educação, de caráter profilático, apresenta grandes dificuldades. A proposta freudiana de uma educação para a realidade tem de ser posta em prática desde os primeiros anos da infância, o que exigiria urna problemática orientação a pais e professores. Entretanto, o emprego da psicanálise como disciplina científica ou procedimento de investigação para ampliar a compreensão do processo educacional poderá ter um caráter substancialmente renovador, desde que ela se integre à pesquisa interdisciplinar. Por essa via, sua contribuição será enriquecedora e ela própria se enriquecerá. De outro modo, revelar-se-á limitada para apreender o complexo conjunto das relações sociais.
Não esquecendo toda uma conotação SOCial que está implicante ligada à motivação, o presente trabalho visa estudar em bases neurofisiológicas. Sabemos que a motivação ainda não possui seu constructo solidificado. Possui uma variabilidade de entretenimento da escola psicológica para escolas psicológicas, de pesquisador para pesquisador, de cultura para cultura, de tempo para tempo.... Este trabalho não tem um fim reducionista em apenas ver a motivação com bases neurofisiológicas. Seu objetivo é clarificar, se possível, um campo discutível. Podemos ver apesar dos vários modos de encarar a motivação como processo social, seu modo de se dar, fisiologicamente, poderá ser mais delimitado. Qualquer que seja a conceituação dada a motivação, ela possui um mecanismo fisiológico interno, inegável. Será neste campo que dedicar-me-ei. O que se dá no sistema nervoso quando um ser vivo é motivado? Será que o mecanismo fisiológico da motivação difere de ser para ser? Ou será diferente apenas de espécie para espécie? Iniciaremos nosso trabalho vendo as diferentes visões de motivação e como os cientistas a encaram. Verificamos que a preocupação dada desde muito em estabelecer um ponto de partida mais operacional para p desenvolvimento da fisiologia em cases científicas. Para isto, muito contribuíram FUNVESTEIN, CANNON, SHERRINGTON, MAGNUN e MORUZZI, SECHENOV, LASHLEY e outros. Entretanto, inicialmente esta preocupação era maior pelas manifestações viscerais e somáticas do comportamento. Só com o desenvolvimento das pesquisas sobre Hipotálamo e o Sistema Límbico foi que se conseguiu, realmente, em campo melhor para as pesquisas sobre motivação. Não podemos esquecer as contribuições de SKINNER e PAVLON sobre recompensa, as de BANDURA com a variável – Modelação do Comportamento, de BUTTLER e NISSEN com a descrição do comportamento da curiosidade exploratória, as de HEBB sobre os efeitos da estimulação sensorial restrita, as de JAMES OLDS sobre a estimulação elétrica. Estudaremos as interpretações teóricas recentes com CANON, LASHLEY, BEACH, MORGAN, LORENS, DEUTSCH, LINDSLEY, GROSSMAN. Teceremos considerações anatômicas, histológicas, fisiológicas, conexões e funções no estudo do Sistema Límbico e seus componentes. Nossa maior preocupação serpa em tentar explicar os mecanismos motivacionais na sua relação com o Sistema Nervoso. Estudaremos motivações sexual, de forma, de sede, de dor, maternal e paternal, de defesa, de ataque ou dominação e como elas estão relacionadas no sistema nervoso. Para tal apresentamos experiências realizadas sobre estimulação sensorial, motivação e emoção, e as experiências de OLDS sobre fatores motivacionais obtidos através de estimulações ou ablações de determinadas áreas do Sistema Límbico. Espero que, através desta dissertação, tenha podido contribuir um pouco para o estudo de tão vasto campo.
The intent of this paper is to provide a practitioners insight into the present and foreseeable future of problem of transaction cost economics related to culture and business etiquette that may increase the of complexity of business communication. We will also explore whether it impacts participant's mindsets regarding opportunistic or passive aggressive behavior. We will study the role of culture, ethics, information asymmetry, and legal systems regarding their importance towards the business contracts and lack of knowledge in local environments. We will make connections to contract theory strategies and objectives and recommend business practices. Furthermore, economic theory explores the role of the impossibility of the perfect contract. Historical and present day operational factors are examined for the determination of forward-looking contract law indications worldwide. This paper is intended provide a practitioners view with a global perspective of a multinational, mid-sized and small corporations giving consideration in a non-partisan and non-nationalistic view, yet examines the individual characteristics of the operational necessities and obligations of any corporation. The study will be general, yet cite specific articles to each argument and give adequate consideration to the intricacies of the global asymmetry of information. This paper defends that corporations of any kind and size should be aware of the risk of international business etiquette and cultural barriers that might jeopardize the savings you could obtain from engaging international suppliers.
A organização social e o acesso à cultura: o caso das bibliotecas parque do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Esta dissertação procura analisar qual a contribuição das Organizações Sociais para o acesso a direitos culturais, a partir da experiência das Bibliotecas Parque do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, em especial a de Manguinhos e a da Rocinha. Ciente de que as formas de cooperação para a efetivação de direitos culturais são múltiplas e que precisam ser pensadas a partir da inter-relação de vários atores e aspectos, todas invariavelmente necessitam desaguar em molduras de gestão viabilizadoras do acesso à cultura. A pesquisa adota o método do estudo de caso, valendo-se de pesquisas bibliográfica, documental e de campo. Apresenta o cenário de construção dos direitos culturais, em larga expansão no Brasil, e destaca que, para materializá-los, torna-se necessário estudar, avaliar e adotar modelos organizacionais alternativos aos tradicionais que caracterizam a administração pública direta e indireta. Aborda o campo da gestão e dos direitos culturais no contexto das três principais reformas do aparelho do Estado Republicano, ocorridas nas décadas de 30, 60 e 90, com ênfase na última, que incorpora a teoria da Nova Gestão Pública, base desta dissertação. Focaliza a Organização Social como modelo opcional à gestão de instituições ou programas culturais, a partir da realidade existente, das motivações, das vantagens e das perspectivas e aduz uma narrativa acerca do processo de concepção da legislação do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Verifica como surgiram esses equipamentos culturais e como se deu a formação da rede de Bibliotecas Parque. Descreve o processo de implantação das Organizações Sociais de Cultura no estado e apresenta o gestor das bibliotecas e sua relação com a secretaria de Cultura. Conclui que há necessidade de aperfeiçoamento de mecanismos de gestão, a fim de que o modelo possa, de fato, oferecer contribuição para o acesso a direitos culturais.
Since the emergence of the first demands for actions that were intended to give greater attention to culture in Brazil, came the first discussions which concerned the way the Brazilian government could have a positive influence in encouraging the culture, as is its interaction with the actors interested and involved with the cause. During the military dictatorship, there were programs which relied on the direct participation of the State to ensure that right, from the viewpoint of its support and implementation of public resources in developing the "cultural product" to be brought to society in its various forms of expression - all this, funded by the government. It is an example of "EMBRAFILMES" and "Projeto Seis e Meia", continued until the present day in some regions of the country, though maintained by entities not directly connected with the administration or the government. However, it was from the period of democratization and the end of the dictatorship that the Brazilian government began to look at the different culture, under its guarantee to the society. Came the first incentive laws, led by "Lei Sarney" Nº 7.505/86, which was culture as a segment which could receive foreign assistance in order to assist the government in fulfilling its public duty. After Collor era and the end of the embargo through the encouragement of culture incentive laws, consolidated the incentive model proposed in advance of Culture "Lei Sarney" and the federal laws, state and local regimentares as close to this action. This applies to the Rouanet Law (Lei Rouanet), Câmara Cascudo Law (Lei Câmara Cascudo) and Djalma Maranhão Cultural Incentive Law (Lei de Incentivo à Cultura Djalma Maranhão), existing in Natal and Rio Grande do Norte. Since then, business entities could help groups and cultural organizations to keep their work from the political sponsorship under control and regiment through the Brazilian state in the form of their Cultural Incentive Law. This framework has contributed to the strengthening of NGOs and with the consolidation of these institutions as the linchpin of Republican guaranteeing the right to access to culture, but corporate social responsibility was the one who took off in the segment treated here, through the actions of Responsibility Cultural enterprises arising from the Cultural Organizations. Therefore, in the face of this discourse, this study ascertains the process of encouraging the Culture in Rio Grande do Norte from the Deviant Case Analysis at the Casa da Ribeira, the main Cultural Organization that operates, focused action in Natal in order to assess the relationships established between the same entity and the institutions which are entitled to maintain the process of encouraging treated in this study - Enterprise, from the viewpoint of corporate sponsorship and Cultural Responsibility and State in the form of the Laws Incentive Funds and Public Culture Incentive
The dams are limnic ecosystems of great importance for its multiple uses, among them, water supply for the public and to culture of artisanal fish are most relevant. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the physical-chemical characteristics and the phytoplankton community in two chosen sites (Point 1 littoral zone of point source; Point 2 pelagic zone of non-point source) of the Minister João Alves dam, which is also known as Boqueirão de Parelhas/RN. This represents the spatial distribution of the phytoplankton species in order to understand any possible alterations of the water quality and the phytoplankton composition in relation to the water quality originating from the impact of the tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, culture. The study period also encompasses temporal variations exhibited in two seasons of an annual cycle, one during the dry season (Oct, Nov and Dec of 2008 and Jan of 2009), and the other rainy season (Mar, Apr, May and June of 2008) to extend the observation. The physicalchemical parameters, such as pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, concentration of dissolved oxygen were measured in situ and the values of the inorganic nutrients (nitrate, ammonium and orto-phosfato) and chlorophyll in the laboratory. The quali-quantitative analyses of the phytoplankton had been carried through sedimentation technique and the enumeration of the random of 400 cells, colonies and filaments counted using Sedgwick-Rafter counting chamber. The results of pH varied widely from the acidic to alkaline range with the minimum of 5.8 (± 0.8) and the maximum of 9.2 (± 0.7-0.8), at point 1 and 2. The dissolved oxygen content was higher in the rainy period than that in the dry period. The maximum electrical conductivity was of 1409 μScm-1 in point 1 and 431 minim of μScm-1, in point 2. There was a considerable alteration in the levels of inorganic nutrients such as nitrate-nitrogen, ammoniacal nitrogen and orthophosphate during the two cycles of study period. Phytoplankton assemblages presented a picture of alternate dominance among species Cyanobacteria, Bacillariophyceae and Chlorophyceae. The trophic state index diagnosed to the category of mesotrophic, which is based on the values of chlorophyll, total phosphorus and Secchi-disc measurements. The wind driven turbulence of the water column and the fresh inflow of water (flushing and dilution) during rainy season acted as constraint and did-not allow an exaggerated growth of the species of cyanobacteria. On the basis of the present we conclude that the culture of tilapias in cage-culture fails to produce pollution load that could compromise the quality of the water of the dam, probably be due to small dimension of the culture in relation to the size, volume of the water and the reservoir capacity support its own environment
The aim of the present study was to identify the representational elements of workrelated accidents in the health field, as well as investigate their most frequent occurrences at a university hospital, seeking to understand the cognitive, affective and social elements subjacent to the work process involved in health. The analysis focused on 470 middle and senior support staff of this hospital, based on the theoretical-methodological support of the Social Representations Theory. A combination of the following instruments was used for data collection: a free wordassociation test, a questionnaire, an interview and a field journal. Evoc 2000 software was used to identify representational structure. Chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests, at a significance level of 5%, were performed to verify the association between the independent variables and the occurrence of work accidents. In addition, thematic content analysis and lexicographic analysis by ALCESTE software program were used to understand textual content. It was observed that social representations of work-related accidents in the health area are centered in the contamination category, while the categories of prevention and professional unpreparedness are found peripherally. There was a significant association between the existence of multiple employment, the use of personal protective equipment (PPI) during work, job satisfaction and the occurrence of work accidents. The conclusions indicate that perforating-cutting occupational accidents predominated in the hospital and that the representations of the subjects intertwined, with a traditional discourse of work accidents strongly present in Occupational Health. It is therefore suggested that certain subjective aspects related to culture, in terms of controlling work accidents, such as: management, process, organization and the increasing precariousness
The right to artistic expression, freedom granted in the western democratic constitutionalism, is a fundamental right that cyclically, compared to other cohesive rights of expression, has been forgotten and put in an irrelevant juridical-dogmatic position. The first reason for this behaviour that disesteems artistic freedom is the valorisation of rationalism and scientificism in the modern society, subordinating academic researches to utilitarianism, relegating the purpose of feelings and spirituality on men s elocution, therefore, we investigate, guided by philosophy, the attribution of art on human formation, due to its capacity in harmonising reason and emotion. After that, we affirm the fundamental right to artistic expression s autonomy in the 1988 valid constitutional order, after a comparative explanation of freedom in the Fundamental Laws of United States, Portugal, Spain and Germany; and the construction historic-constitutional of the same right in the Brazilian Constitutions. In this desiderate, the theoric mark chosen is the Liberal Theory of the fundamental rights, guiding the exam through jusfundamental dimensions: juridical-subjective and juridical-objective. Whilst the first, classical function of resistance, delimitates the protection area of the artistic expression right from its specific content, titularity and its constitutional and subconstitutional limits, the other one establishes it as cultural good of the Social Order, defining to the State its rendering duties of protection, formation and cultural promotion. We do not admit artistic communication, granted without legal reserve, to be transposed of restrictions that belong to other fundamental rights and, when its exercise collides with another fundamental right or juridical-constitutional good, the justification to a possible state intervention that tangentiates its protection area goes, necessarily, through the perquisition of the artist s animus, the used method, the many viable interpretations and, at last, the correct application of the proportionality criteria. The cultural public politics analysis, nevertheless, observes the pluralism principle of democratic substratum, developer of the cultural dialogue and opposed to patterns determined by the mass cultural industry. All powers are attached, on the scope of its typical attributions, to materialise public politics that have the cultural artistic good as its aim, due to the constant rule contained in §1, art. 5º of the Federal Constitution. However, the access and the incentive laws to culture must be constantly supervised by the constitutional parameter of fundamental right to equality
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)