866 resultados para Conforto térmico de edifícios
Nowadays, evaluation methods to measure thermal performance of buildings have been developed in order to improve thermal comfort in buildings and reduce the use of energy with active cooling and heating systems. However, in developed countries, the criteria used in rating systems to asses the thermal and energy performance of buildings have demonstrated some limitations when applied to naturally ventilated building in tropical climates. The present research has as its main objective to propose a method to evaluate the thermal performance of low-rise residential buildings in warm humid climates, through computational simulation. The method was developed in order to conceive a suitable rating system for the athermal performance assessment of such buildings using as criteria the indoor air temperature and a thermal comfort adaptive model. The research made use of the software VisualDOE 4.1 in two simulations runs of a base case modeled for two basic types of occupancies: living room and bedroom. In the first simulation run, sensitive analyses were made to identify the variables with the higher impact over the cases´ thermal performance. Besides that, the results also allowed the formulation of design recommendations to warm humid climates toward an improvement on the thermal performance of residential building in similar situations. The results of the second simulation run was used to identify the named Thermal Performance Spectrum (TPS) of both occupancies types, which reflect the variations on the thermal performance considering the local climate, building typology, chosen construction material and studied occupancies. This analysis generates an index named IDTR Thermal Performance Resultant Index, which was configured as a thermal performance rating system. It correlates the thermal performance with the number of hours that the indoor air temperature was on each of the six thermal comfort bands pre-defined that received weights to measure the discomfort intensity. The use of this rating system showed to be appropriated when used in one of the simulated cases, presenting advantages in relation to other evaluation methods and becoming a tool for the understanding of building thermal behavior
This Masters Degree dissertation seeks to make a comparative study of internal air temperature data, simulated through the thermal computer application DesignBuilder 1.2, and data registered in loco through HOBO® Temp Data Logger, in a Social Housing Prototype (HIS), located at the Central Campus of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN. The prototype was designed and built seeking strategies of thermal comfort recommended for the local climate where the study was carried out, and built with panels of cellular concrete by Construtora DoisA, a collaborator of research project REPESC Rede de Pesquisa em Eficiência Energética de Sistemas Construtivos (Research Network on Energy Efficiency of Construction Systems), an integral part of Habitare program. The methodology employed carefully examined the problem, reviewed the bibliography, analyzing the major aspects related to computer simulations for thermal performance of buildings, such as climate characterization of the region under study and users thermal comfort demands. The DesignBuilder 1.2 computer application was used as a simulation tool, and theoretical alterations were carried out in the prototype, then they were compared with the parameters of thermal comfort adopted, based on the area s current technical literature. Analyses of the comparative studies were performed through graphical outputs for a better understanding of air temperature amplitudes and thermal comfort conditions. The data used for the characterization of external air temperature were obtained from the Test Reference Year (TRY), defined for the study area (Natal-RN). Thus the author also performed comparative studies for TRY data registered in the years 2006, 2007 and 2008, at weather station Davis Precision Station, located at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais INPE-CRN (National Institute of Space Research), in a neighboring area of UFRN s Central Campus. The conclusions observed from the comparative studies performed among computer simulations, and the local records obtained from the studied prototype, point out that the simulations performed in naturally ventilated buildings is quite a complex task, due to the applications limitations, mainly owed to the complexity of air flow phenomena, the influence of comfort conditions in the surrounding areas and climate records. Lastly, regarding the use of the application DesignBuilder 1.2 in the present study, one may conclude that it is a good tool for computer simulations. However, it needs some adjustments to improve reliability in its use. There is a need for continued research, considering the dedication of users to the prototype, as well as the thermal charges of the equipment, in order to check sensitivity
This research aimed to identify the link between the layout of workspaces in offices and the design strategies for environmental comfort. Strategies surveyed were focused on the thermal, visual and luminic comfort. In this research, visual comfort is related to issues of visual integration within and between the interior and exterior of the building. This is a case study conducted at the administrative headquarters of Centro Regional Nordeste do Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE-CRN), located in Natal/RN. The methodological strategy used was the Post-Occupancy Evaluation, which combined the survey data on the building (layout of workspaces, bioclimatic strategies adopted in the design, use of these strategies) with some techniques aimed at acquiring qualitative information related to users. The workspace layout is primordial to satisfaction and productivity of workers. Issues such as concentration, communication, privacy, personal identity, density and space efficiency, barriers (access, visual and even ventilation and lighting), among others, are associated with the layout. The environmental comfort is one of the essential elements to maintaining life quality in workplace. Moreover, it is an important factor in user`s perception of the space in which he or she are inserted. Both layout and environmental comfort issues should be collected and analyzed in the establishment phase of the programming step. That way, it is possible to get adequate answers to these questions in subsequent project phases. It was found that changes in the program that occurred over time, especially concerning persons (number and characteristics), resulted in changes in layout, generating high density and inflexible environments. It turns difficult to adjust the furniture to the occupants` requirement, including comfort needs. However, the presence of strategies for environmental quality provides comfort to spaces, ensuring that, even in situations not considered optimal, users perceive the environment in a positive way. It was found that the relationship between environmental comfort and layout takes the following forms: in changing the perception of comfort, depending on the layout of the arrangements; adjustments in layout, due to needs for comfort; and the elevation of user satisfaction and environmental quality due to the presence of strategies comfort even in situations of inadequate layout
Na confeção de refeições em cozinhas profissionais, há uma grande geração de calor, substâncias químicas, fumo, vapor de água e odores que vão afetar o ambiente térmico e a qualidade do ar, pondo em causa as condições de trabalho dos seus profissionais. Com o presente trabalho pretendeu-se estudar as condições térmicas a que os trabalhadores estão sujeitos quando confecionam os alimentos. Neste estudo, foram efetuadas medições em diferentes locais em várias cozinhas. Os dados recolhidos foram comparados com a tabela de valores climáticos recomendáveis com base nos dados da ACT. Verificou-se excedências aos valores considerados aceitáveis para as atividades realizadas. Complementarmente, foram inquiridos os trabalhadores, de forma a obter uma avaliação subjetiva e poder comparar com os resultados das medições.
Nowadays, evaluation methods to measure thermal performance of buildings have been developed in order to improve thermal comfort in buildings and reduce the use of energy with active cooling and heating systems. However, in developed countries, the criteria used in rating systems to asses the thermal and energy performance of buildings have demonstrated some limitations when applied to naturally ventilated building in tropical climates. The present research has as its main objective to propose a method to evaluate the thermal performance of low-rise residential buildings in warm humid climates, through computational simulation. The method was developed in order to conceive a suitable rating system for the athermal performance assessment of such buildings using as criteria the indoor air temperature and a thermal comfort adaptive model. The research made use of the software VisualDOE 4.1 in two simulations runs of a base case modeled for two basic types of occupancies: living room and bedroom. In the first simulation run, sensitive analyses were made to identify the variables with the higher impact over the cases´ thermal performance. Besides that, the results also allowed the formulation of design recommendations to warm humid climates toward an improvement on the thermal performance of residential building in similar situations. The results of the second simulation run was used to identify the named Thermal Performance Spectrum (TPS) of both occupancies types, which reflect the variations on the thermal performance considering the local climate, building typology, chosen construction material and studied occupancies. This analysis generates an index named IDTR Thermal Performance Resultant Index, which was configured as a thermal performance rating system. It correlates the thermal performance with the number of hours that the indoor air temperature was on each of the six thermal comfort bands pre-defined that received weights to measure the discomfort intensity. The use of this rating system showed to be appropriated when used in one of the simulated cases, presenting advantages in relation to other evaluation methods and becoming a tool for the understanding of building thermal behavior
This Masters Degree dissertation seeks to make a comparative study of internal air temperature data, simulated through the thermal computer application DesignBuilder 1.2, and data registered in loco through HOBO® Temp Data Logger, in a Social Housing Prototype (HIS), located at the Central Campus of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN. The prototype was designed and built seeking strategies of thermal comfort recommended for the local climate where the study was carried out, and built with panels of cellular concrete by Construtora DoisA, a collaborator of research project REPESC Rede de Pesquisa em Eficiência Energética de Sistemas Construtivos (Research Network on Energy Efficiency of Construction Systems), an integral part of Habitare program. The methodology employed carefully examined the problem, reviewed the bibliography, analyzing the major aspects related to computer simulations for thermal performance of buildings, such as climate characterization of the region under study and users thermal comfort demands. The DesignBuilder 1.2 computer application was used as a simulation tool, and theoretical alterations were carried out in the prototype, then they were compared with the parameters of thermal comfort adopted, based on the area s current technical literature. Analyses of the comparative studies were performed through graphical outputs for a better understanding of air temperature amplitudes and thermal comfort conditions. The data used for the characterization of external air temperature were obtained from the Test Reference Year (TRY), defined for the study area (Natal-RN). Thus the author also performed comparative studies for TRY data registered in the years 2006, 2007 and 2008, at weather station Davis Precision Station, located at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais INPE-CRN (National Institute of Space Research), in a neighboring area of UFRN s Central Campus. The conclusions observed from the comparative studies performed among computer simulations, and the local records obtained from the studied prototype, point out that the simulations performed in naturally ventilated buildings is quite a complex task, due to the applications limitations, mainly owed to the complexity of air flow phenomena, the influence of comfort conditions in the surrounding areas and climate records. Lastly, regarding the use of the application DesignBuilder 1.2 in the present study, one may conclude that it is a good tool for computer simulations. However, it needs some adjustments to improve reliability in its use. There is a need for continued research, considering the dedication of users to the prototype, as well as the thermal charges of the equipment, in order to check sensitivity
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Civil, Especialização em Construção, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
This research aimed to identify the link between the layout of workspaces in offices and the design strategies for environmental comfort. Strategies surveyed were focused on the thermal, visual and luminic comfort. In this research, visual comfort is related to issues of visual integration within and between the interior and exterior of the building. This is a case study conducted at the administrative headquarters of Centro Regional Nordeste do Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE-CRN), located in Natal/RN. The methodological strategy used was the Post-Occupancy Evaluation, which combined the survey data on the building (layout of workspaces, bioclimatic strategies adopted in the design, use of these strategies) with some techniques aimed at acquiring qualitative information related to users. The workspace layout is primordial to satisfaction and productivity of workers. Issues such as concentration, communication, privacy, personal identity, density and space efficiency, barriers (access, visual and even ventilation and lighting), among others, are associated with the layout. The environmental comfort is one of the essential elements to maintaining life quality in workplace. Moreover, it is an important factor in user`s perception of the space in which he or she are inserted. Both layout and environmental comfort issues should be collected and analyzed in the establishment phase of the programming step. That way, it is possible to get adequate answers to these questions in subsequent project phases. It was found that changes in the program that occurred over time, especially concerning persons (number and characteristics), resulted in changes in layout, generating high density and inflexible environments. It turns difficult to adjust the furniture to the occupants` requirement, including comfort needs. However, the presence of strategies for environmental quality provides comfort to spaces, ensuring that, even in situations not considered optimal, users perceive the environment in a positive way. It was found that the relationship between environmental comfort and layout takes the following forms: in changing the perception of comfort, depending on the layout of the arrangements; adjustments in layout, due to needs for comfort; and the elevation of user satisfaction and environmental quality due to the presence of strategies comfort even in situations of inadequate layout
Actualmente, o conforto térmico no interior de qualquer edifício ocupa um lugar de grande importância no seu projecto visando oferecer bem-estar às pessoas que o frequentam. As tendências arquitectónicas correntes baseadas na adopção de extensas áreas envidraçadas resultam num risco acrescido de sobreaquecimento do ambiente interior dos edifícios e no consequente aumento do consumo de energia para arrefecimento dos mesmos, tornando premente a necessidade de estudar as melhores estratégias para contrariar esse incremento de custo. Um ambiente interior de qualidade é conseguido através de equipamentos mecânicos para Aquecimento Ventilação e Ar Condicionado (AVAC) ou através de soluções bioclimáticas, as quais aproveitam as condições endógenas do clima para maximizar o conforto e a saúde dos utilizadores do edifício, minimizando o uso de energia. O caso precedente, que inclui a refrigeração passiva, implica a utilização de soluções tecnológicas para reduzir a temperatura dos edifícios sem a necessidade de consumo de energia. É no âmbito desta temática que o presente projecto se insere visando encontrar soluções pragmáticas para que o conforto térmico no edifício estudado seja o mais adequado, tanto a nível de consumo energético como de condições térmicas. A solução adoptada para a redução da temperatura interior é baseada em arrefecimento evaporativo, mais concretamente num deslizamento contínuo de água onde o abaixamento de temperatura é feito pela mudança de fase da água, isto é, a transformação do estado líquido para o de vapor. Adicionalmente importa elaborar o caderno de encargos para levar a efeito a implementação do projecto. No caso presente, o projecto foi desenvolvido numa unidade hospitalar pública, pelo que os normativos a aplicar são desta natureza e, por consequência importa compreender, implementar e acompanhar os respectivos documentos e processos de aquisição e manutenção para que o ciclo de conhecimento, desde o projecto à sua implementação, fique completo. Esta é a razão para que a presente monografia incorpore um módulo referente à elaboração e acompanhamento da implementação de cadernos de encargos.
Com o crescente avanço tecnológico as questões ambientais bem como a eficiência energética assumem cada vez maior relevância e, neste sentido, torna-se imperativo pensar de uma forma mais eficaz e eficiente tanto ao nível ambiental como energético, aliando a eficiência energética a um menor nível dos consumos energéticos. Uma das medidas para melhorar a eficiência energética passa pela construção de edifícios mais eficientes utilizando diversas tecnologias passivas. Assim sendo, este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar o comportamento térmico e as consequências da ventilação numa cobertura em telha cerâmica e subtelha com beiral ventilado, durante os meses de Outono e Inverno. Através de instrumentação diversa colocada numa célula-teste e no ambiente exterior envolvente obtiveram-se diversos dados experimentais relativos a fatores ambientais tais como: temperaturas, humidades relativas, velocidade do ar, radiação solar, entre outros. Fez-se uma avaliação dos dados experimentais recolhidos e da transferência de calor verificada nesses meses. Os resultados mostram que tanto o comportamento térmico bem como a ventilação da caixa-de-ar são fortemente dependentes das condições do ar exterior e da radiação solar, o que tendo em conta os meses de estudo ,permite concluir que a tipologia da cobertura pode não se tornar vantajosa neste período. No entanto, os valores de humidade relativa registados em toda a cobertura bem como no interior da célula demonstram que a ventilação na caixa-de-ar é um fator relevante que contribui para reduzir a possibilidade de ocorrência da condensação do vapor de água contido no ar, ou seja, não existem períodos muito longos com valores de humidade relativa elevados, contribuído para a sua salubridade.
Neste trabalho é desenvolvido um estudo comparativo de vários sistemas de ventilação, baseados em jactos localizados. Foram avaliados, para cada um deles, o nível da qualidade do ar interior, conforto térmico, desconforto térmico local (risco de resfriamento) a que os ocupantes estão sujeitos e o índice ADI (Air Distribution Index). O estudo foi efectuado numericamente, a partir de dois softwares acoplados, e experimentalmente, a partir de uma sala de aula desenvolvida a escala real. Nesta sala de aulas, equipada com 6 ou 12 ocupantes e com 6 secretárias, foram analisados sistemas de ventilação com jactos verticais descendentes, localizados em cima (mais afastado e mais próximo do nível da cabeça dos ocupantes) e à frente dos ocupantes, e com jactos horizontais, localizados em frente dos ocupantes, em cima e em baixo da secretária. O estudo numérico, da interacção do escoamento com os ocupantes, foi efectuado a partir do acoplamento de um software que simula a resposta térmica dos ocupantes (Human Thermal Comfort) e um que simula o escoamento tridimensional em espaços ocupados (Virtual Air Flow - 3D), utilizando o modelo de turbulência RNG. Foi utilizada uma malha não uniforme, com um maior refinamento junto dos obstáculos e nas entradas e saídas de ar. No estudo do projecto do sistema de ventilação baseado em jactos verticais descendentes localizados em cima e mais afastado do nível da cabeça dos ocupantes, foram efectuadas medições experimentais de forma a validar os softwares acoplados e um modelo desenvolvido para calcular o escoamento unidireccional no interior de condutas. Neste estudo foi ainda utilizado um modelo de cálculo das temperaturas das superfícies. Por fim foi realizada uma simulação num contexto mais real, com 6 ocupantes sentados e um ocupante em pé, simulando 6 alunos e um professor, onde foi utilizado o acoplamento dos modelos Human Thermal Comfort e Virtual Air Flow - 3D, o modelo numérico de escoamentos unidireccionais no interior de condutas e o modelo de cálculo das temperaturas das superfícies. São ainda feitas sugestões para a partir deste trabalho, se efectuarem estudos em geometrias mais complexas.
O aumento do consumo de energia tem vindo a criar um efeito nefasto no meio ambiente, sobretudo pelo excessivo consumo de combustíveis fósseis, que libertam durante a sua combustão gases com efeito de estufa (GEE), promovendo um aumento da temperatura média da superfície terrestre, que se traduz em alteração climáticas. A problemática das alterações climáticas, assume-se como um dos mais importantes, desafios ambientais com que o planeta se irá debater durante este século. O objetivo de reduzir globalmente as emissões dos gases com efeito de estufa (GEE), em especial de dióxido de carbono, e de estabilizar as suas concentrações na atmosfera, exige uma resposta concertada de todos os países e coloca desde logo, questões relacionadas com o funcionamento das sociedades humanas e com o desenvolvimento das economias. Têm vindo a ser criadas medidas, tanto a nível internacional como nacional, no sentido de reduzir o consumo excessivo de combustíveis fósseis e aumentar a rentabilidade da energia através de energias renováveis. De entre essas medidas, destaca-se o Programa para a Eficiência Energética em Edifícios, e o Sistema Nacional de Certificação Energética e da Qualidade do Ar Interior nos Edifícios (SCE) e os dois importantes regulamentos: o RSECE (Regulamento dos Sistemas Energéticos e de Climatização nos Edifícios) e o RCCTE (Regulamento das Características de Comportamento Térmico dos Edifícios), os quais estabelecem os parâmetros que os edifícios novos devem cumprir. A presente tese baseia-se na análise das diferenças de dois métodos de simulação do comportamento energético de edifícios. Nomeadamente o RCCTE-STE, para a Simulação Dinâmica Simplificada e o DesignBuilder para a Simulação Dinâmica Detalhada. Será desenvolvido e justificado as diferenças de resultados obtidos com os dois programas de simulação dinâmica utilizados, procurando-se contribuir para o conhecimento das capacidades e fragilidades de cada Software.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de especialização em Edificações
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecância