1000 resultados para Competição fiscal
Abstract: The Stability Growth Pact and the 3% rule did not prevent countries from running large deficits. Countries in the EMU administrate fiscal policies differently, despite the existence of a common quantitative goal. The main focus of this work project is to study differences in the fiscal dynamics of eight EMU countries and assess the role of political variables in shaping those dynamics. We find that elections negatively affect government revenue in Austria, Belgium, Portugal, Spain and Germany. Expenditure, on the other hand, responds positively to incoming elections in Portugal, Italy, France and Netherlands, and negatively in the case of Germany.
With this dissertation we aim to analyze the most relevant aspects of the excise duties harmonized regime, considering Community origins, but having also in attention all legal specifications of its implementation in Portugal. The legal regime of excise duties is presented as an ambitious theme, considering the challenge of different branches of law that influence this subject, such as Tax, Economic and Community laws, the inescapable influence of customs procedures, or regarding environmental objectives. In the European context, the harmonization of excise duties was seen as a condition for the implementation of the internal market, contributing to undo secular tax barriers between Member States and, since so, ensure fair competition and free movement of services and goods. Along with VAT, the excise duties harmonization process could represent a potential European tax system, essential for a full and integrated single market. In this context, it is essential to pay special attention to specific characteristics of excise duties regime, such as ‘duty suspension arrangement’ applicable during the production phase, storage and movement in certain conditions. The growing importance of excise duties, as for revenue or extra-fiscal purposes, recommends new academic studies on this subject, seeking new opportunities and challenges.
At a time of global economic instability, to which Portugal is not oblivious, and aware that the main source of Portuguese State revenue relies on the collection of tribute, the National Republican Guard holds within its mission relevant assignments to the protection of the financial interests of the country, in particular, fiscal and customs. These assignments were inherited from the century - old institution Guarda Fiscal - with evidence given in this domain, which was integrated into the National Republican Guard in 1993, to adopt, a 1St model, that held a specialized unit – Brigada Fiscal, with surveillance and patrolling missions of costa and fiscal and customs supervision, throughout the national territory and maritime zone of respect. In 2009, the result of political decisions, reorganization the State's central administration, appears de 2Nd model, because the Brigada Fiscal assignments were divided by two specialized units - UAF with investigation skills, and UCC for patrolling and surveillance of the coast. Analyzed the legal spectrum of special legislation leading the criminal and transgression sector punitive (RGIT), in essence, is in the UAF that resides the role assignments from the scope of the investigation and supervision of goods in the national territory on a par with the tax authority. Tax inspection assignments, fiscal and customs of the National Republican Guard, are unmatched in the National Tribute System, constituting itself as a potentiality of this special body, in similarity of their counterparts - Spain and Italy; however, have some constraints, that urge to clarify and repair. Foreseeing the future, face the announced news of a new restructuring, on behalf of the interests of the country, and in order to raise the quality of performance of the tax inspection, fiscal and customs, the National Republican Guard shall maintain a model based on the experience already accumulated, obviously adapted to the new demands of a changing society. Despite the current model gain in efficiency, loses in effectiveness. However, the efficiency of a model, without the necessary resources, can never bring “the letter to Garcia” against any kind of infringements, criminal or transgressions. Unless better opinion, both tax structures of the National Republican Guard are valid as an instrument for the prevention and combat of these illegal types. Because they are strategic in pursuing the public interest, given the scarce resources of the country and be the National Republican Guard, the force with the means and know-how of this nature. The political power has the final word.
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Tributário e Fiscal
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Tributário e Fiscal
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Tributário e Fiscal
Um modelo de crescimento dependente e independente da distância foi ajustado para avaliar como variáveis de competição explicam a variação do crescimento periódico em diâmetro de 132 árvores de cedro (Cedrela odorata). Utilizando a abordagem de crescimento potencial relativo (PRI), estimou-se o incremento relativo em diâmetro (IRd) a partir do produto do crescimento máximo em diâmetro (incremento potencial) e da função modificada (porção do crescimento reduzido). A significância do modelo do crescimento reduzido ajustado demonstrou influência da competição assimétrica sobre o crescimento em diâmetro, explicando 71% do total da variação e também revelou que a resposta à competição não foi constante, mas variou entre as diferentes classes de tamanho dos indivíduos arbóreos.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica
NIPE - WP 02/2016
Trabalho de projeto de mestrado em Políticas Comunitárias e Cooperação Territorial
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Tributário e Fiscal
Mestrado em Economia Monetária e Financeira
Impacto regional de los procesos de descentralización fiscal: desarrollo y equidad en América Latina
¿Cuáles son las regiones que más se benefician de los procesos de descentralización? ¿Contribuye la descentralización al desarrollo económico, especialmente de las regiones menos desarrolladas en términos relativos? ¿Qué efectos tiene ésta política pública sobre la equidad y la calidad en la prestación de servicios públicos básicos entre diversas unidades subnacionales? Esta investigación indagará sobre las diferencias del impacto fiscal en las políticas de descentralización, analizando en profundidad a las unidades sub-nacionales en dos federaciones, Argentina y Brasil, para luego comparar los resultados agregados entre las cuatro federaciones de la región, Argentina, Brasil, México y Venezuela, y en tres países unitarios, Chile, Ecuador y Uruguay, entre 1979-2007. Su principal contribución será especificar cuáles son las unidades sub-nacionales que se benefician en términos fiscales durante períodos de descentralización y cuáles lo hacen en condiciones de centralización. Además, analizará el impacto que tienen las políticas de descentralización fiscal en términos de crecimiento económico, equidad inter-regional y calidad en la prestación de servicios públicos básicos. Más concretamente, investigará empíricamente si la descentralización fiscal contribuyó a promover el desarrollo y la equidad regional.
Uno de los problemas que es más debatido a nivel país resulta ser todo lo que atañe a la balanza de pagos. Sin embargo, lamentablemente esta preocupación se abandona cuando bajamos a los niveles provinciales. El problema en concreto surge a nivel provincial como consecuencia de que efectivamente, en el largo plazo, la Balanza de Pagos Regional (BPR) debe estar equilibrada, por lo que en los casos en que las provincias atraviesen por una situación de déficit crónicos (que revelan desequilibrios), tal situación se cubre con capitales extraprovinciales. Como es consenso, para salvar esos déficit crónicos las economías deben alcanzar un estadio de crecimiento autogenerado (es decir, financiado con su propio ahorro), que permita un nivel suficiente de PBG, y para ello deberá operar un "proceso de convergencia" respecto a las áreas más desarrolladas. Sin embargo, los estudios demuestran que no se observa tal proceso de convergencia en las provincias argentinas. Surge la pregunta de por qué no ha operado esa convergencia que equilibre económicamente el mapa espacial de nuestra economía (aproximando los niveles de ingreso por habitante, y superando la Restricción Externa Regional).Una probable respuesta a esta falta de convergencia está en la presencia de las transferencias interjurisdiccionales desde las provincias más ricas a las más pobres. En Argentina, esto ha ocurrido históricamente a través del régimen de coparticipación (el cual permite al gobierno nacional redistribuir recursos entre provincias). Pero lo paradójico es que este flujo podría resultar en verdad un factor de estancamiento, vía la "enfermedad holandesa". Precisamente, un interrogante a dilucidar que pretende explorar esta investigación es la posibilidad de que la existencia de un sistema de transferencias fiscales, fuertemente redistributivo (tal como funciona en Argentina) genere un fenómeno tipo enfermedad holandesa en las jurisdicciones subnacionales, deteriorando las posibilidades de crecimiento en las provincias más beneficiadas por el reparto de la renta fiscal nacional.