457 resultados para Cliona orientalis


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通过对渭北黄土高原地区沟坡地土壤理化性质的分析和对当地社会经济状况的调查研究,应用层次分析法对沟坡地上地自然生产力和现实生产力进行了分析和评价。在分析过程中,把当地主要造林树种根系垂直分布特征及其根系抗旱性特性纳入了分析评价体系。结果表明,嘴头村和西坡村不同树种沟坡地上刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)的自然生产力属于中等稍微偏上水平,而山杏(Prunus armeniacia var.ansu)、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)和侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)的自然生产力水平则较低。两地沟坡地上的现实生产力计算结果则证明刺槐和山杏两个树种表现出了较高的水平,具有较好的发展前途;而油松和侧柏的现实生产力水平则较低,其发展推广受到了限制。群众对沟坡开发治理的态度和对开发方案的认可对沟坡开发的成功起到了重要作用。


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中国对虾(Penaeus orientalis)对硒的需要量为20ppm或高于此值,饵料中添加的硒可能通过促进谷胱苷肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)的活性而间接提高对虾的增重率和抗病能力;GSH-Px活性是对虾重要的生理指标,可用来衡量对虾对硒的营养状态。对虾可以直接吸收海水中的硒,但能力较低,由于海水中的硒含量很低,所以,有必要在饵料中添加适量的硒。肝胰脏是对虾体内各种来源的硒的储存库;肝胰脏中的硒除了少量与小分子的氨基酸、肽等结合外,大部分与大分子的蛋白质(部分是酶)结合。对虾体内的硒可以通过甲壳和鳃排出体外。


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海洋浮游纤毛虫是在海洋中浮游生活的一类单细胞原生动物,主要是指寡毛类纤毛虫(Oligotrich ciliates),隶属原生动物界(Protozoa)、纤毛门(Ciliophora)、寡毛纲(Oligotrichea),分属于Oligotrichina 和Tintinnina两个亚纲。它们个体微小,粒径在5-200 µm之间,是微型浮游动物和海洋微食物环(Marine Microbial Food Web)的重要组成部分。 2006年4月至2007年12月,在黄海(包括胶州湾)采样分析海洋浮游纤毛虫的种类组成(砂壳纤毛虫)、丰度和生物量,分析纤毛虫在这一海区的季节变化和空间变化。 纤毛虫丰度和生物量的研究方法为:Rosette采水器(胶州湾用Niskin采水器)采集水样,取1 L水样,加Lugol’s试剂固定(终浓度1%),Utermöhl方法100倍镜检。测量虫体的体长、体宽,按最接近的几何形状(圆柱体、球体和圆锥体)计算体积。生物量由体积乘转换系数(0.19 pgC/µm3)得到,砂壳纤毛虫的肉体体积按照壳体积的1/3近似。 本文的结果表明,胶州湾各站纤毛虫平均丰度于6月达到全年最高值6065 ind./L,12月为全年丰度最低值843 ind./L。平均生物量8月达全年最高值(18.5 µg C/L),6月为全年最低值(0.6 µg C/L)。砂壳纤毛虫种丰富度于8月达到最高值,共发现25种砂壳纤毛虫,1月种类最少(6种)。湾内站位的纤毛虫平均丰度比湾外的高(6月和8月除外)。砂壳纤毛虫在纤毛虫总丰度中的比例较小,平均为25%,范围为8-57%,分别于1月和8月达到最低和最高值。 两次冷水团大面调查结果表明,4月表层纤毛虫平均丰度(1490 ind./L)要高于10月(972 ind./L)。10月表层纤毛虫生物量0.14-5.33 µg C/L,14194站、15694站和15894站生物量较高,为4.08-5.33 µg C/L。无壳纤毛虫优势种Laboea strobila在两个航次中均呈现斑块分布,4月航次丰度0-10000 ind./L,10月航次丰度11-350 ind./L;砂壳纤毛虫优势种Ptychocylis obtusa仅在4月航次发现,最大丰度2895 ind./L,10月航次未发现。4月航次砂壳纤毛虫有百乐拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis beroidea),丰度为0-1920 ind./L;卡拉直克拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis karajacensis),丰度很小(10-93 ind./L)。10月航次砂壳纤毛虫优势种Tintinnidium primitivum,丰度为35-700 ind./L;也出现了尖底类瓮虫(Amphorellopsis acuta)和网纹虫(Favella spp.),但丰度不大(0-210 ind./L);运动类铃虫(Codonellopsis mobilis)、筒状拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis tubulosoides)和Eutintinnus sp.丰度也较低(35-105 ind./L);Craterella torulata丰度为0-120 ind./L,主要分布于15694站。10月航次已经出现了温跃层,位于30 m左右水层,纤毛虫主要分布于温跃层之上。 六次黄海断面航次表明:温跃层在5月已经出现,到12月消失。在有温跃层的5月、6月、8月、9月,纤毛虫主要分布于温跃层(30 m左右)之上。其中8月份航次纤毛虫丰度最高,表层平均丰度3103 ind./L。12月份纤毛虫丰度最低,表层平均丰度406 ind./L。纤毛虫生物量春夏季为0.02-5.5 µg C/L,冬季为0.04-1.99 µg C/L。小型无壳纤毛虫占优势,砂壳纤毛虫东方拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis orientalis)、筒状拟铃虫、运动类铃虫、Craterella torulata和Tintinnidium primitivum几乎在各个航次均有分布。


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海洋污损苔虫(marine fouling bryozoans或bryozoan foulers)是海洋污损生物群落的一个重要组成部分。在海洋污损动物中,海洋污损苔虫是仅次于软体动物和甲壳动物的主要污损生物。海洋污损苔虫有独特的群体生长方式,既有能利用表面积宽阔的附着基形成单层片状、多层结核状或丘状群体的成员;也有能利用表面积狭窄的附着基形成树枝状、树丛状或中空管状群体的成员;某些污损苔虫还能随附着基表面积的改变而改变其群体生长方式,即同一种污损苔虫在表面积宽阔的附着基上形成片状被覆群体,而在表面积狭窄的附着基上或空间竞争激烈的环境中则形成被覆和直立两种生长方式式兼有的被覆-直立群体。随着海水养殖事业的发展,各种养殖生物尤其是养殖贝类及其养殖笼网的投入为海洋污损生物提供了极其丰富的附着基。而与其它污损生物相比污损苔虫更能充分利用养殖贝类及其养殖笼网作为附着基,从而成为养殖贝类及其养殖笼网污损生物群落的优势类群,给贝类养殖业带来极大危害。近年来对养殖贝类污损苔虫的研究已开始受到人们的重视,但由于污损苔虫的调查一直是与其它污损生物调查同时进行的,污损生物学家在对污损苔虫的分类鉴定中面临着许多困难。作者对中国科学院海洋研究所历年来所收集的中国沿岸水域养殖贝类及其养殖笼网的污损苔虫标本进行了系统的分类研究,并对中国学者曾报道过的中国沿岸水域工污损苔虫进行了对比分析,得到的结果如下:1.中国沿岸水域养殖贝类及其养殖笼网的污损苔虫现有143种,分隶于2纲3目9亚目46科76属。其中养殖贝类的污损苔虫122种,分隶于44科68属;养殖笼网的污损苔虫90种,分隶于37科53属。养殖贝类和养殖笼网两类物体上的污损苔虫科属组成几乎相同,主要优势种组成几乎相同,膜孔苔虫Membranipora、琥珀苔虫Electra、草苔虫 Bugula、三胞苔虫 Tricellaria、软苔虫 Alcyonidium、隐槽苔虫 Cryptosula、血苔虫 Watersipora 拟分胞苔虫Celleporaria、和仿分胞苔虫 Celleporina等属的成员常形成污损苔虫生物群落的优势类群。2.本项研究中,我们发现一新科、一新属和7新种。新科为:太平洋苔虫科,新科Pacificincolidae fam. nov.。新属为:太平洋苔虫属,新属Pacificincola gen. nov.。7个新种分别为:(1)空穴拟小孔苔虫,新种Microporella vacuatus sp. nov.;(2)小筛网拟小孔苔虫,新种 Microporella cribellata sp. nov.;(3)无齿拟小孔苔虫,新种 Microporella inermis sp. nov.;(4)异北方拟小孔苔虫,新种 Microporella antiborealis sp. nov.;(5)项链拟小孔苔虫,新种 Microporella monilifera sp. nov.;(6)中华斑孔苔虫,新种 Fenestrulina sinica sp. nov.;(7)东方斑孔苔虫,新种 Fenestrulina orientalis sp. nov.。3. 笔者发现,本项研究以前其他中国学者所报道的污损苔虫在分类鉴定中存在许多异物同名和同物异名现象。例如,过去许多学者所报道的大室膜孔苔虫实际上包括3个不同的独立种;而过去一直被标定为聚合软苔虫的污损苔虫经鉴定为迈氏软苔虫。笔者对在本项研究以前的污损调查报告中所出现的污损苔虫的分类鉴定错误进行了适当的更正,并在系统分类研究的基础上编制了中国沿岸水域养殖贝类及其养殖笼网143种污损苔虫的分类检索表。


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本文以中国对虾(penaeus orientalis)胚胎为实验材料,先后在恒磁场和变磁场条件下研究了磁场对对虾胚胎发育的影响。结果表明:磁场对虾胚胎发良的效应与所使用的磁场类型、磁场强度及磁场处理时间都有密切关系。弱恒磁场(1000GS※以下)促进胚胎发育,具有正向的生物学效应,而强恒磁场(7000GS以上)则抑制胚胎发育,表现为负向的生物学效应。强度在1000GS以下的磁场对对虾胚胎发育的效应与强恒磁场相似,也表现为负向的生物学效应。同其它生物效应一样,磁场对对虾胚胎发育的效应也与胚胎受磁场处理时间的长短有密切关系。1000GS交变磁场的表明:磁场处理胚胎的时间越长,则其对胚胎发育的效应越明显,反之则不明显或无。实验结果亦表明:对虾胚胎发育的不同时期对磁场的敏感程度不同。原肠期最敏感,囊胚期次之,肢芽期最不敏感。磁场对胚胎发育的影响机制非常复杂。恒磁场有可能通过影响参与胚胎发育的一些酶的活性及改变胚胎内部正常的物质分布及传递,从而对胚胎发育产生影响。变磁场对胚胎发育的影响更为复杂,其中包括生物电效应,即变磁场通过造成胚胎内磁场通量的瞬间变化,引起胚胎内产生感应电场及感应电流。感应电场及感应电流对胚胎发育的正常具有不利影响。


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Endospore-forming bacteria are often isolated from different marine sponges, but their abundance varies, and they are frequently missed by culture-independent studies. Within endospore-formers, Bacillus are renowned for the production of antimicrobials and other compounds of medical and industrial importance. Although this group has been well studied in many different environments, very little is known about the actual diversity and properties of sporeformers associated with marine sponges. Identification of the endospore-forming bacteria associated with the marine sponges; Haliclona simulans, Amphilectus fucorum and Cliona celata, has uncovered an abundant and diverse microbial population composed of Bacillus, Paenibacillus, Solibacillus, Halobacillus and Viridibacillus species. This diversity appears to be overlooked by other non-targeted approaches where spore-formers are masked by more dominant species within the ecosystem. In addition to the identification of two antibiotic resistant plasmids, this bank of sporeformers produce a range of bioactive compounds. New antimicrobial compounds are urgently needed to combat the spread of multidrug resistant pathogens, as few new options are entering the drug discovery pipelines for clinical trials. Based on the results of this project, endospore-formers associated with marine sponges may hold the answer. The power of coupling functional based assays with genomic approaches has enabled us to identify a novel class 1 lantibiotic, subtilomycin, which is active against several clinically relevant pathogens. Subtilomycin is encoded in the genomes of all the marine sponge B. subtilis isolates analysed. They cluster together phylogenetically and form a distinct group from other sequenced B. subtilis strains. Regardless of its potential clinical relevance, subtilomycin may be providing these strains with a specific competitive advantage(s) within the stringent confines of the marine sponge environment. This work has outlined the industrial and biotechnological potential of marine sponge endospore-formers which appear to produce a cocktail of bioactive compounds. Genome sequencing of specific marine sponge isolates highlighted the importance of mining extreme environments and habitats for new lead compounds with potential therapeutic applications.


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We present descriptions of a new order (Ranunculo cortusifolii-Geranietalia reuteri and of a new alliance (Stachyo lusitanicae-Cheirolophion sempervirentis) for the herbaceous fringe communities of Macaronesia and of the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, respectively. A new alliance, the Polygalo mediterraneae-Bromion erecti (mesophilous post-cultural grasslands), was introduced for the Peninsular Italy. We further validate and typify the Armerietalia rumelicae (perennial grasslands supported by nutrient-poor on siliceous bedrocks at altitudes characterized by the submediterranean climate of central-southern Balkan Peninsula), the Securigero-Dasypyrion villosae (lawn and fallow-land tall-grass annual vegetation of Italy), and the Cirsio vallis-demoni-Nardion (acidophilous grasslands on siliceous substrates of the Southern Italy). Nomenclatural issues (validity, legitimacy, synonymy, formal corrections) have been discussed and clarified for the following names: Brachypodio-Brometalia, Bromo pannonici-Festucion csikhegyensis, Corynephoro-Plantaginion radicatae, Heleochloion, Hieracio-Plantaginion radicatae, Nardetea strictae, Nardetalia strictae, Nardo-Callunetea, Nardo-Galion saxatilis, Oligo-Bromion, Paspalo-Heleochloetalia, Plantagini-Corynephorion and Scorzoneret alia villosae. 


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Kinestatin, isolated from the skin of the Chinese toad, Bombina maxima, was the first bradykinin B2 receptor antagonist identified in amphibians. Molecular cloning established that it is co-encoded with the bradykinin-related peptide, maximakinin, within one of several skin kininogens. To examine other species within the genus Bombina for the presence of structural homologues of kinestatin, we subjected skin secretion of the toad, Bombina orientalis, to HPLC fractionation with subsequent bioassay of fractions for antagonism of bradykinin activity using an isolated rat tail artery smooth muscle preparation. A single fraction was located that inhibited bradykinin-induced relaxation of rat arterial smooth muscle and MALDI-TOF analysis of this fraction revealed that it contained a single peptide of molecular mass 3198.5 Da. Further primary structural analysis of this peptide showed that it was a 28-mer with an N-terminal Asp (D) residue and a C-terminal Val (V) residue that was amidated. The peptide was named DV-28 amide in accordance with these primary structural attributes. Synthetic DV-28 amide replicated the observed bradykinin antagonistic effect within the smooth muscle bioassay in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, it was observed to inhibit the proliferation of human microvessel endothelial cells (HMECs) as assessed by MTT assay. Bioinformatic analysis revealed that DV-28 amide was, like kinestatin, co-encoded with a bradykinin receptor agonist on one of two skin kininogens identified in B. orientalis. DV-28 amide thus represents a novel class of bradykinin antagonist from skin secretions of bombinid toads that appear to be a rich source of such novel peptides.


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Abstract This study explored the effects that the incorporation of nature of science (NoS) activities in the primary science classroom had on children’s perceptions and understanding of science. We compared children’s ideas in four classes by inviting them to talk, draw and write about what science meant to them: two of the classes were taught by ‘NoS’ teachers who had completed an elective nature of science (NoS) course in the final year of their Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) degree. The ‘non-NoS’ teachers who did not attend this course taught the other two classes. All four teachers had graduated from the same initial teacher education institution with similar teaching grades and all had carried out the same science methods course during their B.Ed programme. We found that children taught by the teachers who had been NoS-trained developed more elaborate notions of nature of science, as might be expected. More importantly, their reflections on science and their science lessons evidenced a more in-depth and sophisticated articulation of the scientific process in terms of scientists “trying their best” and “sometimes getting it wrong” as well as “getting different answers”. Unlike children from non-NoS classes, those who had engaged in and reflected on NoS activities talked about their own science lessons in the sense of ‘doing science’. These children also expressed more positive attitudes about their science lessons than those from non-NoS classes. We therefore suggest that there is added value in including NoS activities in the primary science curriculum in that they seem to help children make sense of science and the scientific process, which could lead to improved attitudes towards school science. We argue that as opposed to considering the relevance of school science only in terms of children’s experience, relevance should include relevance to the world of science, and NoS activities can help children to link school science to science itself.


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Purpose: We previously found that cellular FLICE-inhibitory protein (c-FLIP), caspase 8, and tumor necrosis factor–related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptor 2 (DR5) are major regulators of cell viability and chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in colorectal cancer. In this study, we determined the prognostic significance of c-FLIP, caspase 8, TRAIL and DR5 expression in tissues from patients with stage II and III colorectal cancer.

Experimental Design: Tissue microarrays were constructed from matched normal and tumor tissue derived from patients (n = 253) enrolled in a phase III trial of adjuvant 5-fluorouracil–based chemotherapy versus postoperative observation alone. TRAIL, DR5, caspase 8, and c-FLIP expression levels were determined by immunohistochemistry.

Results: Colorectal tumors displayed significantly higher expression levels of c-FLIP (P < 0.001), caspase 8 (P = 0.01), and DR5 (P < 0.001), but lower levels of TRAIL (P < 0.001) compared with matched normal tissue. In univariate analysis, higher TRAIL expression in the tumor was associated with worse overall survival (P = 0.026), with a trend to decreased relapse-free survival (RFS; P = 0.06), and higher tumor c-FLIP expression was associated with a significantly decreased RFS (P = 0.015). Using multivariate predictive modeling for RFS in all patients and including all biomarkers, age, treatment, and stage, we found that the model was significant when the mean tumor c-FLIP expression score and disease stage were included (P < 0.001). As regards overall survival, the overall model was predictive when both TRAIL expression and disease stage were included (P < 0.001).

Conclusions: High c-FLIP and TRAIL expression may be independent adverse prognostic markers in stage II and III colorectal cancer and might identify patients most at risk of relapse.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) response to either neoadjuvant bicalutamide (BC) monotherapy or neoadjuvant luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist (LHRHa) monotherapy and the subsequent effect on biochemical failure-free survival (BFFS) in men receiving radical radiotherapy (RT) for localized prostate cancer.


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Competition between microbial species is a product of, yet can lead to a reduction in, the microbial diversity of specific habitats. Microbial habitats can resemble ecological battlefields where microbial cells struggle to dominate and/or annihilate each other and we explore the hypothesis that (like plant weeds) some microbes are genetically hard-wired to behave in a vigorous and ecologically aggressive manner. These 'microbial weeds' are able to dominate the communities that develop in fertile but uncolonized - or at least partially vacant - habitats via traits enabling them to out-grow competitors; robust tolerances to habitat-relevant stress parameters and highly efficient energy-generation systems; avoidance of or resistance to viral infection, predation and grazers; potent antimicrobial systems; and exceptional abilities to sequester and store resources. In addition, those associated with nutritionally complex habitats are extraordinarily versatile in their utilization of diverse substrates. Weed species typically deploy multiple types of antimicrobial including toxins; volatile organic compounds that act as either hydrophobic or highly chaotropic stressors; biosurfactants; organic acids; and moderately chaotropic solutes that are produced in bulk quantities (e.g. acetone, ethanol). Whereas ability to dominate communities is habitat-specific we suggest that some microbial species are archetypal weeds including generalists such as: Pichia anomala, Acinetobacter spp. and Pseudomonas putida; specialists such as Dunaliella salina, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus spp. and other lactic acid bacteria; freshwater autotrophs Gonyostomum semen and Microcystis aeruginosa; obligate anaerobes such as Clostridium acetobutylicum; facultative pathogens such as Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Pantoea ananatis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa; and other extremotolerant and extremophilic microbes such as Aspergillus spp., Salinibacter ruber and Haloquadratum walsbyi. Some microbes, such as Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium smegmatis and Pseudoxylaria spp., exhibit characteristics of both weed and non-weed species. We propose that the concept of nonweeds represents a 'dustbin' group that includes species such as Synodropsis spp., Polypaecilum pisce, Metschnikowia orientalis, Salmonella spp., and Caulobacter crescentus. We show that microbial weeds are conceptually distinct from plant weeds, microbial copiotrophs, r-strategists, and other ecophysiological groups of microorganism. Microbial weed species are unlikely to emerge from stationary-phase or other types of closed communities; it is open habitats that select for weed phenotypes. Specific characteristics that are common to diverse types of open habitat are identified, and implications of weed biology and open-habitat ecology are discussed in the context of further studies needed in the fields of environmental and applied microbiology.