869 resultados para Cell Morphology Analysis
ntroduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease affecting more than 8.5 million people in the UK. Disruption in the catabolic and anabolic balance, with the catabolic cytokine Interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) being involved in the initiation and progression of OA (1). Melanocortin peptides (α-MSH and D[Trp8]-γ-MSH) exert their anti-inflammatory effects via activation of melanocortin receptors (MC), with both MC1 and MC3 being identified as promising candidates as novel targets for OA (2). This study aims to assess the chondroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of the pan melanocortin receptor agonist α-MSH and MC3 agonist D[Trp8]-γ-MSH following IL-1β chondrocyte stimulation. Methods: RT-PCR/ Western Blot: Human C-20/A4 chondrocytic cell-line were cultured in 6 well plates (1x106 cells/well) and harvested to determine MC and IL-1β expression by RT-PCR, and Western Blot. Cell-Culture: Cells were cultured in 96 well plates (1x106 cells/well) and stimulated with H2O2 (0.3%), TNF-α (60 pg/ml) or IL-1β (0-5000pg/ml) for 0-72h and cell viability determined. Drug Treatment: In separate experiments cells were pre-treated with 3 μg/ml α-MSH (Sigma-Aldrich Inc. Poole, UK), or D[Trp8]-γ-MSH (Phoenix Pharmaceuticals, Karlsrhue, Germany) (all dissolved in PBS) for 30 minutes prior to IL-1β (5000pg/ml) stimulation for 6-24h. Analysis: Cell viability was determined by using the three cell viability assays; Alamar Blue, MTT and the Neutral Red (NR) assay. Cell-free supernatants were collected and analysed for Interleukin -6 (IL-6) and IL-8 release by ELISA. Data expressed as Mean ± SD of n=4-8 determination in quadruplicate. *p≤ 0.05 vs. control. Results: Both RT-PCR, and Western Blot showed MC1 and MC3 expression on C-20/A4 cells. Cell viability analysis: IL-1β stimulation led to a maximal cell death of 35% at 6h (Alamar Blue), and 40% and 75% with MTT and Neutral Red respectively at 24h compared to control. The three cell viability assays have different cellular uptake pathways, which accounts for the variations observed in cell viability in response to the concentration of IL-1β, and time. Cytokine analysis by ELISA: IL-1β (5000pg/ml) stimulation for 6 and 24h showed maximal IL-6 production 292.3 ±3.8 and 275.5 ±5.0 respectively, and IL-8 production 353.3 ±2.6 and 598.3 ±8.6 respectively. Pre-treatment of cells with α-MSH and D[Trp8]-γ-MSH caused significant reductions in both IL-6 and IL-8 respectively following IL-1β stimulation at 6h. Conclusion: MC1/3 are expressed on C-20/A4 cells, activation by melanocortin peptides led to an inhibition of IL-1β induced cell death and pro-inflammatory cytokine release.
The vitamin A metabolite, retinoic acid (RA) is known to play an important role in the development, patterning and regeneration of nervous tissue, both in the embryo and in the adult. Classically, RA is known to mediate the transcription of target genes through the binding and activation ofits nuclear receptors: the retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and retinoid X receptors (RXRs). Recently, mounting evidence from many animal models has implicated a number of RA-mediated effects operating independently of gene transcription, and thus highlights nove~ nongenornic actions of RA. For example, recent work utilizing cultured neurons from the pond snaa Lymnaea stagnalis, has shown that RA can elicit a regenerative response, growth cone turning, independently of "classical" transcriptional activation While this work illustrates a novel regeneration-inducing effect in culture, it is currently -unknown whether RA also induces regeneration in situ. This study has sought to determine RA's regenerative effucts at the morphological and molecular levels by utilizing an in situ approach focusing on a single identified dopaminergic neuron which possesses a known "mapped" morphology within the CNS. These studies show, for the first time in an invertebrate, that RA can increase neurite outgrowth of dopaminergic cells that have undergone a nerve-crush injury. Utilizing Western blot analysis, it was shown that this effect appears to be independent of any changes in whole CNS expression levels of either the RAR or RXR. Additionally, utilizing immunohistochemistry, to examine protein localization, there does not appear to be any obvious changes in the RXR expression level at the crush site. Changes in cell morphology such as neurity extension are known to be modulated by changes in neuronal firing activity. It has been previously shown that exposure to RA over many days can lead to changes in the electrophysiological properties of cultured Lymnaea neurons; however, no studies have investigated whether short-term exposure to RA can elicit electrophysiological changes and/or changes in firing pattern of neurons in Lymnaea or any other species. The studies performed here show, for the first time in any species, that short-tenn treatment with RA can elicit significant changes in the firing properties of both identified dopaminergic neurons and peptidergic neurons. This effect appears to be independent of protein synthesis, activation of protein kinase A or phospholipase C, and calcium influx but is both dose-dependent and isomer-dependent. These studies provide evidence that the RXR, but not RAR, may be involved, and that intracellular calcium concentrations decrease upon RAexposure with a time course, dose-dependency and isomer-dependency that coincide with the RA-induced electrophysiological changes. Taken together, these studies provide important evidence highlighting RA as a multifunctional molecule, inducing morphological, molecular and electrophysiological changes within the CNS, and highlight the many pathways through which RA may operate to elicit its effects.
Le surenroulement de l’ADN est important pour tous les processus cellulaires qui requièrent la séparation des brins de l’ADN. Il est régulé par l’activité enzymatique des topoisomérases. La gyrase (gyrA et gyrB) utilise l’ATP pour introduire des supertours négatifs dans l’ADN, alors que la topoisomérase I (topA) et la topoisomérase IV (parC et parE) les éliminent. Les cellules déficientes pour la topoisomérase I sont viables si elles ont des mutations compensatoires dans un des gènes codant pour une sous-unité de la gyrase. Ces mutations réduisent le niveau de surenroulement négatif du chromosome et permettent la croissance bactérienne. Une de ces mutations engendre la production d'une gyrase thermosensible. L’activité de surenroulement de la gyrase en absence de la topoisomérase I cause l’accumulation d’ADN hyper-surenroulé négativement à cause de la formation de R-loops. La surproduction de la RNase HI (rnhA), une enzyme qui dégrade l’ARN des R-loops, permet de prévenir l’accumulation d’un excès de surenroulement négatif. En absence de RNase HI, des R-loops sont aussi formés et peuvent être utilisés pour déclencher la réplication de l’ADN indépendamment du système normal oriC/DnaA, un phénomène connu sous le nom de « constitutive stable DNA replication » (cSDR). Pour mieux comprendre le lien entre la formation de R-loops et l’excès de surenroulement négatif, nous avons construit un mutant conditionnel topA rnhA gyrB(Ts) avec l’expression inductible de la RNase HI à partir d’un plasmide. Nous avons trouvé que l’ADN des cellules de ce mutant était excessivement relâché au lieu d'être hypersurenroulé négativement en conditions de pénurie de RNase HI. La relaxation de l’ADN a été montrée comme étant indépendante de l'activité de la topoisomérase IV. Les cellules du triple mutant topA rnhA gyrB(Ts) forment de très longs filaments remplis d’ADN, montrant ainsi un défaut de ségrégation des chromosomes. La surproduction de la topoisomérase III (topB), une enzyme qui peut effectuer la décaténation de l’ADN, a corrigé les problèmes de ségrégation sans toutefois restaurer le niveau de surenroulement de l’ADN. Nous avons constaté que des extraits protéiques du mutant topA rnhA gyrB(Ts) pouvaient inhiber l’activité de surenroulement négatif de la gyrase dans des extraits d’une souche sauvage, suggérant ainsi que la pénurie de RNase HI avait déclenché une réponse cellulaire d’inhibition de cette activité de la gyrase. De plus, des expériences in vivo et in vitro ont montré qu’en absence de RNase HI, l’activité ATP-dépendante de surenroulement négatif de la gyrase était inhibée, alors que l’activité ATP-indépendante de cette enzyme demeurait intacte. Des suppresseurs extragéniques du défaut de croissance du triple mutant topA rnhA gyrB(Ts) qui corrigent également les problèmes de surenroulement et de ségrégation des chromosomes ont pour la plupart été cartographiés dans des gènes impliqués dans la réplication de l’ADN, le métabolisme des R-loops, ou la formation de fimbriae. La deuxième partie de ce projet avait pour but de comprendre les rôles des topoisomérases de type IA (topoisomérase I et topoisomérase III) dans la ségrégation et la stabilité du génome de Escherichia coli. Pour étudier ces rôles, nous avons utilisé des approches de génétique combinées avec la cytométrie en flux, l’analyse de type Western blot et la microscopie. Nous avons constaté que le phénotype Par- et les défauts de ségrégation des chromosomes d’un mutant gyrB(Ts) avaient été corrigés en inactivant topA, mais uniquement en présence du gène topB. En outre, nous avons démontré que la surproduction de la topoisomérase III pouvait corriger le phénotype Par- du mutant gyrB(Ts) sans toutefois corriger les défauts de croissance de ce dernier. La surproduction de topoisomérase IV, enzyme responsable de la décaténation des chromosomes chez E. coli, ne pouvait pas remplacer la topoisomérase III. Nos résultats suggèrent que les topoisomérases de type IA jouent un rôle important dans la ségrégation des chromosomes lorsque la gyrase est inefficace. Pour étudier le rôle des topoisomérases de type IA dans la stabilité du génome, la troisième partie du projet, nous avons utilisé des approches génétiques combinées avec des tests de « spot » et la microscopie. Nous avons constaté que les cellules déficientes en topoisomérase I avaient des défauts de ségrégation de chromosomes et de croissance liés à un excès de surenroulement négatif, et que ces défauts pouvaient être corrigés en inactivant recQ, recA ou par la surproduction de la topoisomérase III. Le suppresseur extragénique oriC15::aph isolé dans la première partie du projet pouvait également corriger ces problèmes. Les cellules déficientes en topoisomérases de type IA formaient des très longs filaments remplis d’ADN d’apparence diffuse et réparti inégalement dans la cellule. Ces phénotypes pouvaient être partiellement corrigés par la surproduction de la RNase HI ou en inactivant recA, ou encore par des suppresseurs isolés dans la première partie du projet et impliques dans le cSDR (dnaT18::aph et rne59::aph). Donc, dans E. coli, les topoisomérases de type IA jouent un rôle dans la stabilité du génome en inhibant la réplication inappropriée à partir de oriC et de R-loops, et en empêchant les défauts de ségrégation liés à la recombinaison RecA-dépendante, par leur action avec RecQ. Les travaux rapportés ici révèlent que la réplication inappropriée et dérégulée est une source majeure de l’instabilité génomique. Empêcher la réplication inappropriée permet la ségrégation des chromosomes et le maintien d’un génome stable. La RNase HI et les topoisomérases de type IA jouent un rôle majeur dans la prévention de la réplication inappropriée. La RNase HI réalise cette tâche en modulant l’activité de surenroulement ATP-dependante de la gyrase, et en empêchant la réplication à partir des R-loops. Les topoisomérases de type IA assurent le maintien de la stabilité du génome en empêchant la réplication inappropriée à partir de oriC et des R-loops et en agissant avec RecQ pour résoudre des intermédiaires de recombinaison RecA-dépendants afin de permettre la ségrégation des chromosomes.
Mast cell tumor (MCT) is one of the most prevalent neoplasms that affect skin and soft tissue in dogs. Because mast cell tumors present a great variety of clinical appearance and behavior, their treatment becomes a challenge. Trichostatin A (TSA), an antifungal antibiotic, has shown inhibitory effects on the proliferation and induction of apoptosis in various types of cancer cells. In order to evaluate the potential of trichostatin A as a therapeutic drug, cells of grade 3 MCT were cultured and treated with concentrations of 1 nM to 400 nM of TSA. MTT assay and trypan blue exclusion assays were performed to estimate cell growth and cell viability, and cell cycle analysis was evaluated. TSA treatment showed a reduction in numbers of viable cells and an increase of cell death by apoptosis. The cell cycle analysis showed an increase of hypodiploid cells and a reduction of G0/G1 and G2/M -phases. According to these results, trichostatin A may be an interesting potential chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of canine MCT.
The purpose of this in vitro study was to test a new methodology to evaluate the effects of 35% hydrogen peroxide agent on the microtopography of sound enamel using an atomic force microscope (AFM). The buccal sound surfaces of three extracted human lower incisors were used, without polishing the surfaces to maintain them with natural morphology. These unpolished surfaces were subjected to bleaching procedure with 35% hydrogen peroxide that consisted of 4 applications of the bleaching agent on enamel surfaces for 10 min each application. Surface images were obtained in a 15 mu m x 15 mu m area using an AFM. The roughness (Ra and RMS) and the power spectral density (PSD) were obtained before and after the bleaching treatment. As results we could inquire that the PSD analyses were very suitable to identifying the morphological changes on the surfaces, while the Ra and RMS parameters were insufficient to represent the morphological alterations promoted by bleaching procedure on enamel. The morphological wavelength in the range of visible light spectrum(380-750 nm) was analyzed, showing a considerable increase of the PSD with the bleaching treatment. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
In order to consider the photodynamic therapy (PDT) as a clinical treatment for candidosis, it is necessary to know its cytotoxic effect on normal cells and tissues. Therefore, this study evaluated the toxicity of PDT with PhotogemA (R) associated with red light-emitting diode (LED) on L929 and MDPC-23 cell cultures and healthy rat palatal mucosa. In the in vitro experiment, the cells (30000 cells/cm(2)) were seeded in 24-well plates for 48 h, incubated with PhotogemA (R) (50, 100, or 150 mg/l) and either irradiated or not with a red LED source (630 +/- 3 nm; 75 or 100 J/cm(2); 22 mW/cm(2)). Cell metabolism was evaluated by the MTT assay (ANOVA and Dunnet`s post hoc tests; p < 0.05) and cell morphology was examined by scanning electron microscopy. In the in vivo evaluation, PhotogemA (R) (500 mg/l) was applied to the palatal mucosa of Wistar rats during 30 min and exposed to red LED (630 nm) during 20 min (306 J/cm(2)). The palatal mucosa was photographed for macroscopic analysis at 0, 1, 3, and 7 days posttreatment and subjected to histological analysis after sacrifice of the rats. For both cell lines, there was a statistically significant decrease of the mitochondrial activity (90-97%) for all PhotogemA (R) concentrations associated with red LED regardless of the energy density. However, in the in vivo evaluation, the PDT-treated groups presented intact mucosa with normal characteristics both macroscopically and histologically. From these results, it may be concluded that the association of PhotogemA (R) and red LED caused severe toxic effects on normal cell cultures, characterized by the reduction of mitochondrial activity and morphological alterations, but did not cause damage to the rat palatal mucosa in vivo.
Studies have shown that the increase of cell metabolism depends on the low level laser therapy (LLLT) parameters used to irradiate the cells. However, the optimal laser dose to up-regulate pulp cell activity remains unknown. Consequently, the aim of this study was to evaluate the metabolic response of odontoblast-like cells (MDPC-23) exposed to different LLLT doses. Cells at 20000 cells/cm(2) were seeded in 24-well plates using plain culture medium (DMEM) and were incubated in a humidified incubator with 5% CO(2) at 37 degrees C. After 24 h, the culture medium was replaced by fresh DMEM supplemented with 5% (stress by nutritional deficit) or 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). The cells were exposed to different laser doses from a near infrared diode laser prototype designed to provide a uniform irradiation of the wells. The experimental groups were: G1: 1.5 J/cm(2) + 5% FBS; G2: 1.5 J/cm(2) + 10% FBS; G3: 5 J/cm(2) + 5% FBS; G4: 5 J/cm(2) + 10% FBS; G5: 19 J/cm(2) + 5% FBS; G6: 19 J/cm(2) + 10% FBS. LLLT was performed in 3 consecutive irradiation cycles with a 24-hour interval. Non-irradiated cells cultured in DMEM supplemented with either 5 or 10% FBS served as control groups. The analysis of the metabolic response was performed by the MTT assay 3 h after the last irradiation. G1 presented an increase in SDH enzyme activity and differed significantly (Mann-Whitney test, p < 0.05) from the other groups. Analysis by scanning electron microscopy showed normal cell morphology in all groups. Under the tested conditions, LLLT stimulated the metabolic activity of MDPC-23 cultured in DMEM supplemented with 5% FBS and exposed to a laser dose of 1.5 J/cm(2). These findings are relevant for further studies on the action of near infrared lasers on cells with odontoblast phenotype.
To evaluate the cytotoxicity of PDT (photodynamic therapy) with Photogem (R) associated to blue LED (light-emitting diode) on L929 and MDPC-23 cell cultures, 30000 cells/cm(2) were seeded in 24-well plates for 48 h, incubated with Photogem (R) (10, 25 or 50 mg/l) and irradiated with an LED source (460 +/- 3 nm; 22 mW/cm(2)) at two energy densities (25.5 or 37.5 J/cm(2)). Cell metabolism was evaluated by the MTT (methyltetrazolium) assay (Dunnet`s post hoc tests) and cell morphology by SEM (scanning electron microscopy). Flow cytometry analysed the type of PDT-induced cell death as well and estimated intracellular production of ROS (reactive oxygen species). There was a statistically significant decrease of mitochondrial activity (90% to 97%) for all Photogem (R) concentrations associated to blue LED, regardless of irradiation time. It was also demonstrated that the mitochondrial activity was not recovered after 12 or 24 h, characterizing irreversible cell damage. PDT-treated cells presented an altered morphology with ill-defined limits. In both cell lines, there was a predominance of necrotic cell death and the presence of Photogem (R) or irradiation increased the intracellular levels of ROS. PDT caused severe toxic effects in normal cell culture, characterized by the reduction of the mitochondrial activity, morphological alterations and induction of necrotic cell death.
Leukemia is a heterogeneous group of hematologic malignancies that result from partial or total transformation of the blast cells. The Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) is the most common malignancy in childhood, especially in male, Caucasian children younger than 14 years. Several criteria are adopted to classify ALL, including the cell morphology, cytochemistry, immunophenotyping and cytogenetic analysis. Cytogenetic studies allow a more detailed analysis to detect chromosomal abnormalities of leukemic cells. These modifications will determine the diagnosis, classification, stage characterization, remission assessment and prognosis. In this study were evaluated 30 patients, aged from four months to seventeen years, of both sexes and various ethnicities. The age distribution showed that 67% of patients had between one and ten years (with mean age of XX years old), the most prevalent ethnic was Caucasian (50%) and 57% were males. According to immunophenotype, 93% of patients had B-cells progenitor ALL and 7% early lineage T. Considering the total studied population, the most frequent medical findings were lymphadenopathy (37%), hepatomegaly (77%) and splenomegaly (70%), where one patient could present more than one of these medical findings. Regarding the CBC, the majority of patients had hemoglobin below 10 g / dl (73%), leukocyte count less than 10.000/μL (60%) and platelet count below 150.000/μL (83%). Chromosomal abnormalities were observed in 64% of all patients, where hyperdiploidy was the most common numerical change (67%), followed by hypodiploid (33%). All these data are in agreement with the literature. Moreover, complexes structural and/or number changes not yet described in literature were observed, which indicated poor prognosis. Finally, we concluded that this study demonstrated the importance of cytogenetic study in the diagnosis and identification of prognostic factors in pediatric patients with ALL in Rio Grande do Norte. The results obtained in this study are extremely useful and emphasizes that surveys of this nature must be conducted more frequently in our state
The extreme use of ethanol causes metabolic and pathologic changes in testes and urogenital system in different animal species. The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) catalyses the conversion of ethanol into carcinogenic metabolite acetaldehyde which is partly excreted into the urine. However, papers relating the chronic ethanol consumption to the urethral morphology are unknown. This work evaluates the toxic effect of the chronic ethanol ingestion on the urethral epithelium of UChA and UChB rats. Conventional techniques of histology, histochemistry, immunohistochemistry and ultrastructural analysis were used. The analysis showed the presence of lipid drops and intercellular spaces in the epithelial cells in the urethra of UChA and UChB rats compared to control rats. Urethral neuroendocrine cell were observed and characterized for presenting vesicles containing electron-dense granules associated with nervous fibers. We conclude that the chronic consumption of ethanol induces the presence lipid drops in the epithelial cells of the urethra of UChA and UChB rats. The NE cells of the urethra of UChA and UChB rats did not show alterations under chronic effect of the ethanol. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of the work was to study the effect of milking fraction on electrical conductivity of milk (EC) to improve its use in dairy goat mastitis detection using automatic EC measurements during milking. The experiment was carried out on a group of 84 Murciano-Granadina goats (28 primiparous and 56 multiparous). Goats were in the fourth month of lactation. A linear mixed model was used to analyse the relationship between EC or somatic cell count (SCC) of gland milk and parity, mammary gland health status, analysed fraction (first 100 mL=F-1; machine milk=F-2; and stripping milk=F-3) and their first order interactions. Additionally, the mastitis detection characteristics (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value) of SCC and EC were studied at different thresholds.All factors considered were significant for EC and SCC. EC decreased significantly as milking progressed (from F-1 to F-3) in both healthy and infected glands. EC was not significantly different between healthy and infected glands in F-1 and F-2 fractions, but EC of healthy glands (5.01 mS/cm) was significantly lower than in infected glands (5.03 mS/cm) at F-3.Mastitis detection characteristics of EC did not differ amongst studied fractions. The small significant difference of EC between healthy and infected glands obtained in F-3 fraction did not yield better sensitivity results compared to F-1 and F-2. The best EC mastitis detection characteristics were obtained at 5.20 mS/cm threshold (sensitivity of 70% and specificity of 50%). The best SCC mastitis detection characteristics were obtained at 300,000 cells/mL threshold and F-3 fraction (sensitivity of 85% and specificity of 65%).It was concluded that mastitis detection characteristics of EC were similar in the three milking fractions analysed, being slightly better for SCC in F-3 fraction. As shown in previous studies, there are no factors other than the mammary gland health status that affect milk EC and should be considered in the algorithms for mastitis detection to improve the results. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
To evaluate the cytotoxic effects of five glass-ionomer cements (GICs) on an odontoblast cell line (MDPC-23), disks of every material were prepared and divided into Group 1: Vitrebond, Group 2: Vitremer, Group 3: Fuji IILC, Group 4: Fuji IX GP, Group 5: Ketac-Molar, Group 6: Z-100 (positive control). In Group 7, phosphate-buffered saline solution (negative control) was applied on filter paper. After placing the samples in the bottom of wells, the cells (30,000 cells/cm(2)) were plated and incubated for 72 h. The cell number was counted, the cell morphology was assessed by scanning electron microscopy and the cell metabolism was evaluated using methyltetrazolium assay. The statistical analysis of Kruskal-Wallis was used to determine if the scores obtained for the cell metabolism and number of cells were different at the 95% confidence level. In groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 the materials decreased the cell number by 74.5% 75.5%, 45.5%, 29.5%, 32.5%, and 88.5%, respectively. In groups 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the experimental GICs reduced the cell metabolism by 79%, 84%, 54%, 40%, and 42.5%, respectively. Despite the fact that all experimental materials were cytotoxic to the MDPC-23 cells, the GICs were the least cytotoxic. on the other hand, the RMGICs caused the highest cytophatic effects. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
To evaluate the trans-enamel and trans-dentinal cytotoxic effects of a 35% H2O2 bleaching gel on an odontoblast-like cell lines (MDPC-23) after consecutive applications.Fifteen enamel/dentine discs were obtained from bovine central incisor teeth and placed individually in artificial pulp chambers. Three groups (n = 5 discs) were formed according to the following enamel treatments: G1: 35% H2O2 bleaching gel (15 min); G2: 35% H2O2 bleaching gel (15 min) + halogen light (20 s); G3: control (no treatment). After repeating the treatments three consecutive times, the extracts (culture medium + gel components that had diffused through enamel/dentine discs) in contact with the dentine were collected and applied to previously cultured MDPC-23 cells (50 000 cells cm(-2)) for 24 h. Cell metabolism was evaluated by the MTT assay and data were analysed statistically (alpha = 5%; Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U-test). Cell morphology was analysed by scanning electron microscopy.Cell metabolism decreased by 92.03% and 82.47% in G1 and G2 respectively. G1 and G2 differed significantly (P < 0.05) from G3. Regardless of halogen light activation, the application of the bleaching gel on the cultured odontoblast-like cells caused significantly more severe cytotoxic effects than those observed in the nontreated control group. In addition, significant morphological cell alterations were observed in G1 and G2.After three consecutive applications of a 35% H2O2 bleaching agent, the diffusion of the gel components through enamel and dentine caused severe toxic effects to cultured pulp cells.