852 resultados para Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491 or 2.
Objetivo: Comparar las complicaciones del uso de Angioseal® versus compresión manual en los pacientes llevados a cateterismo cardíaco en el Servicio de Hemodinamia de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, del 1º de enero de 2005 al 31 de diciembre de 2010, mediante punción arterial femoral percutánea. Metodología: Se realizó un Estudio Observacional, Analítico, de tipo Cohorte Retrospectiva. Partiendo de dos grupos de personas con indicación de cateterismo cardíaco por cualquier causa, uno expuesto al procedimiento con Angioseal® y el otro con compresión manual. Resultados: Con el uso de Angioseal® versus compresión manual la aparición de complicaciones fue 7,3% vs 4,1%, estas diferencias no fueron significativas (OR 1,81 IC95 0,96-3,40; RR 1,75 IC95 0,96-3,18) . La enfermedad coronaria (OR 2,27 IC95 1,07-4,79; RR 2,18 IC95 1,06-4,46) y a la colocación de stent (OR 3,49 IC95 1,82-6,69; RR 3,25 IC95 1,75-6,02 si se relacionaron significativamente con la aparición de complicaciones menores. Conclusión: No encontramos soporte para aprobar o desaprobar el uso de Angioseal® o compresión manual como manejo de la hemostasia, con respecto a las complicaciones. Sin embargo, se encontró que la colocación de stents está fuertemente relacionada con el desarrollo de complicaciones menores, lo cual hace que estos pacientes deban ser objeto de monitorización estrecha.
Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de riesgo de la exposición por fracción respirable a polvo de carbón y sílice cristalina y la prevalencia de neumoconiosis en trabajadores de minas de socavón del departamento de Cundinamarca. Métodos: estudio de corte transversal, en grupos de exposición similar (GES) en las minas seleccionadas, el tamaño muestral fue constituido por 11 empresas y 215 trabajadores en donde se realizó un muestreo ambiental para medir los niveles de polvo de carbón y sílice cristalina. Resultados: La edad promedio del grupo fue de 46±9,5 años y género masculino (97,2%), se encontró una asociación significativa entre polvo de carbón y neumoconiosis (p =0,050) y no fue significativa con exposición a sílice cristalina (p = 0,537). El modelo de regresión logística mostró asociación significativa con la escala de nivel de riesgo de carbón medio (OR=10.4, IC 95%:1.50, 71.41, p=0,02), ajustando con variables significativas como: tamaño de la empresa mediana (OR = 2,67, IC 95%:1.07, 6.66, p=0,04), antigüedad mayor o igual a 30 años (OR = 7,186, IC 95%:2.98, 17.29, p=0,001) y habito tabáquico por más de un año (OR = 4,437, IC 95%:2.06, 9.55, p=0,001) para sílice cristalina no hubo asociación en el modelo multivariado. Conclusión: El riesgo de exposición a carbón de nivel medio está relacionado con la prevalencia de neumoconiosis y otros factores adicionales como tamaño de la empresa mediana, antigüedad mayor o igual a 30 años y habito tabáquico por más de un año para los trabajadores de minería de socavón en Cundinamarca. Para los niveles de sílice cristalina no se encontró asociación significativa.
Introducción: La DSA es el método de elección para el seguimiento de pacientes con aneurismas intracraneales embolizados; esta se puede asociar a complicaciones incapacitantes o mortales. La MRA se ha propuesto como método alternativo por menor costo y menos morbi-mortalidad, aunque su desempeño diagnóstico permanece en discusión debido al desarrollo de nuevos protocolos, resonadores más potentes y nuevas aplicaciones de la DSA. Metodología: Exploramos la literatura hasta la actualidad y comparamos el desempeño diagnóstico de la MRA con la DSA para detectar flujo residual posterior a la embolización terapéutica de aneurismas intracraneales. Realizamos una revisión sistemática de la literatura y meta-análisis basados en 34 artículos detectados en la búsqueda que incluyó las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus, ScIELO y BVS. Resultados: La TOF-MRA demostró sensibilidad de 86.8% (84.3%-89.1%) y especificidad de 91.2% (89%-93.1%); la SROC para TOF-MRA demostró un AUC de 0.95. El desempeño de la CE-MRA demostró sensibilidad de 88.1% (84.6%-91.1%) y especificidad de 89.1% (85.7%-91.9%); la SROC presentó una AUC de 0.93. El análisis estratificado por potencia del resonador encontró que la TOF-MRA tiene mejor desempeño con el resonador de 3T, aunque no es estadísticamente significativo. La concordancia interobservador con TOF-MRA y CE-MRA fue moderada a muy buena. Discusión: El desempeño diagnóstico de la MRA en el seguimiento de aneurismas intracraneales embolizados demostró ser bueno, con sensibilidad mayor a 84%, siendo ligeramente mejor con TOF-MRA, sin lograr reemplazar la DSA. Sin embargo, los resultados deben ser evaluados con precaución por la heterogeneidad de los resultados de los estudios incluidos. (Abreviaturas: DSA: Angiografía por Sustracción Digital; MRA: Angiografía por Resonancia Magnética; TOF-MRA: Angiorresonancia por Tiempo de Vuelo; CE-MRA: Angiorresonancia contrastada).
Asociación entre degeneración macular relacionada con la edad y la hipertensión arterial Bogotá 2014
Estudio Casos y Controles 1:1 que busca la relación entre la DMRE e HTA. Se estudian otras variables. Muestra de 400 pacientes, edad promedio 66,9 años +/-9,2 años. HTA y DM OR 2,315 y OR 4,626. Oclusión vascular OR 13,549 (IC 95% 3,023-60,724).
Los traumatismos por accidentes de tránsito, constituyen un problema de salud pública, a nivel mundial. Las lesiones más frecuentes son las fracturas de extremidades (84.3%). Las fracturas tienen un elevado riesgo de presentar infecciones, secuelas e incapacidades permanentes. Objetivo : Determinar si los factores asociados con la patología (lugar de fractura, clasificación de fractura, comorbilidades del paciente) y/o los factores relacionados con la atención médica (uso de profilaxis antibiótica diferente al protocolo institucional, tiempo prolongado para remisión, demoras en manejo quirúrgico) se asocian a mayor probabilidad de presentar infección de fracturas abiertas, en población mayor a 15 años, atendidos por accidente de tránsito, en una clínica de Bogotá de tercer nivel especializada en atención de SOAT, durante el período Octubre de 2012 a Octubre de 2013. Metodología: Estudio de casos y controles no apareado, relación 1:3, conformado por 43 casos (fracturas abiertas infectadas) y 129 controles (fracturas abiertas no infectadas). Resultados: La edad media de los casos fue de 39.42 +/- 16.82 años (med=36 años) y la edad media de los controles fue de 33.15 +/- 11.78 años (med=30 años). El 83.7% de los casos y el 78.3% de los controles corresponden al sexo masculino. Predominaron los accidentes en motocicleta en el 81.4% de los casos y el 86% de los controles. En el análisis bivariado se encuentra que la edad mayor a 50 años (p=0.042), una clasificación de la fractura grado IIIB o IIIC (p=0.02), cumplimiento del protocolo antibiótico institucional según el grado de fractura (p=0.014) y un tiempo mayor a 24 horas desde el momento del accidente al centro especializado en trauma (p=0.035) se asociaron significativamente con infección de la fractura abierta. En el análisis multivariado se encuentra únicamente que la clasificación de la fractura grado IIIB o IIIC se asocia con infección de la fractura OR 2.6 IC95% (1.187 – 5.781) (p=0.017). La duración de hospitalización fue mayor en los casos (32.37+/- 22.92 días, med=26 días) que en los controles (8.81 +/- 7.52 días, med=6 días) (p<0.001). El promedio de lavados quirúrgicos fue mayor en los casos (4.85±4.1, med=4.0) que en el grupo control (1.94±1.26, med=2) (p<0.001). Conclusiones: La infección posterior a una fractura abierta, implica costos elevados de atención con hospitalizaciones prolongadas y mayor frecuencia de intervenciones quirúrgicas como se evidencia en el presente estudio. Se debe fortalecer el sistema de remisión y contra remisión para acortar los tiempos de inicio de manejo especializado de los pacientes con fracturas abiertas. Se debe incentivar dentro de las instituciones, el cumplimiento de protocolos de profilaxis antibiótica según el grado de la fractura para disminuir el riesgo de complicación infecciosa.
The Aspen Parkland of Canada is one of the most important breeding areas for temperate nesting ducks in North America. The region is dominated by agricultural land use, with approximately 9.3 million ha in pasture land for cattle grazing. However, the effects of using land for cattle grazing on upland-nesting duck production are poorly understood. The current study was undertaken during 2001 and 2002 to investigate how nest density and nesting success of upland-nesting ducks varied with respect to the intensity of cattle grazing in the Aspen Parkland. We predicted that the removal and trampling of vegetation through cattle grazing would reduce duck nest density. Both positive and negative responses of duck nesting success to grazing have been reported in previous studies, leading us to test competing hypotheses that nesting success would (1) decline linearly with grazing intensity or (2) peak at moderate levels of grazing. Nearly 3300 ha of upland cover were searched during the study. Despite extensive and severe drought, nest searches located 302 duck nests. As predicted, nest density was higher in fields with lower grazing intensity and higher pasture health scores. A lightly grazed field with a pasture score of 85 out of a possible 100 was predicted to have 16.1 nests/100 ha (95% CI = 11.7211;22.1), more than five times the predicted nest density of a heavily grazed field with a pasture score of 58 (3.3 nests/100 ha, 95% CI = 2.2–4.5). Nesting success was positively related to nest-site vegetation density across most levels of grazing intensity studied, supporting our hypothesis that reductions in vegetation caused by grazing would negatively affect nesting success. However, nesting success increased with grazing intensity at the field scale. For example, nesting success for a well-concealed nest in a lightly grazed field was 11.6% (95% CI = 3.6211;25.0%), whereas nesting success for a nest with the same level of nest-site vegetation in a heavily grazed field was 33.9% (95% CI = 17.0211;51.8%). Across the range of residual cover observed in this study, nests with above-average nest-site vegetation density had nesting success rates that exceeded the levels believed necessary to maintain duck populations. Our findings on complex and previously unreported relationships between grazing, nest density, and nesting success provide useful insights into the management and conservation of ground-nesting grassland birds.
Tomato plants ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var. DRK) were grown hydroponically to determine the effect of an uneven distribution of nutrients in the root zone on blossomend rot (BER) and Ca and K concentrations in the fruits. The plants were grown in rockwool with their root system divided into two portions. Each portion was irrigated with nutrient solutions with either the same or the different electrical conductivity (EC) in the range 0 to 6 dS m(-1). Solutions with high EC supplied to both sides of the root system significantly increased the incidence of BER. However, when only water or a solution of low EC was supplied to one portion, BER was reduced by 80%. Fruit yields were significantly higher ( P < 0.01) for plants that received solutions of the uneven EC treatments (6/0 or 4.5/0 EC treatment). Plants supplied with solutions of uneven EC generally had higher leaf and fruit concentrations of Ca but lower concentrations of K than those supplied with solutions of high EC. There was no difference in Ca concentration at the distal end of young fruits of the uneven EC treatment but it was reduced in the high EC treatments. The concentration of K in the mature fruits of the uneven EC treatments was lower than that of the high EC treatments and higher or similar that of the 3/3 or 2.5/2.5 EC treatments ( controls). A clear relationship was found between the incidence of BER and the exudation rate. High rate of xylem exudation was observed in the uneven EC treatments. Reduction of BER in the uneven EC treatments is most likely to be the effect of high exudation rate on Ca status in the young fruits. It was concluded that high EC of solution had positive effects on Ca concentration and incidence of BER provided that nutrient solution with low EC or water is supplied to the one portion of the root system.
Tomato plants ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var. DRK) were grown hydroponically to determine the effect of an uneven distribution of nutrients in the root zone on blossomend rot (BER) and Ca and K concentrations in the fruits. The plants were grown in rockwool with their root system divided into two portions. Each portion was irrigated with nutrient solutions with either the same or the different electrical conductivity (EC) in the range 0 to 6 dS m(-1). Solutions with high EC supplied to both sides of the root system significantly increased the incidence of BER. However, when only water or a solution of low EC was supplied to one portion, BER was reduced by 80%. Fruit yields were significantly higher ( P < 0.01) for plants that received solutions of the uneven EC treatments (6/0 or 4.5/0 EC treatment). Plants supplied with solutions of uneven EC generally had higher leaf and fruit concentrations of Ca but lower concentrations of K than those supplied with solutions of high EC. There was no difference in Ca concentration at the distal end of young fruits of the uneven EC treatment but it was reduced in the high EC treatments. The concentration of K in the mature fruits of the uneven EC treatments was lower than that of the high EC treatments and higher or similar that of the 3/3 or 2.5/2.5 EC treatments ( controls). A clear relationship was found between the incidence of BER and the exudation rate. High rate of xylem exudation was observed in the uneven EC treatments. Reduction of BER in the uneven EC treatments is most likely to be the effect of high exudation rate on Ca status in the young fruits. It was concluded that high EC of solution had positive effects on Ca concentration and incidence of BER provided that nutrient solution with low EC or water is supplied to the one portion of the root system.
Experimental data for the title reaction were modeled using master equation (ME)/RRKM methods based on the Multiwell suite of programs. The starting point for the exercise was the empirical fitting provided by the NASA (Sander, S. P.; Finlayson-Pitts, B. J.; Friedl, R. R.; Golden, D. M.; Huie, R. E.; Kolb, C. E.; Kurylo, M. J.; Molina, M. J.; Moortgat, G. K.; Orkin, V. L.; Ravishankara, A. R. Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies, Evaluation Number 15; Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Pasadena, California, 2006)(1) and IUPAC (Atkinson, R.; Baulch, D. L.; Cox, R. A.: R. F. Hampson, J.; Kerr, J. A.; Rossi, M. J.; Troe, J. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data. 2000, 29, 167) 2 data evaluation panels, which represents the data in the experimental pressure ranges rather well. Despite the availability of quite reliable parameters for these calculations (molecular vibrational frequencies (Parthiban, S.; Lee, T. J. J. Chem. Phys. 2000, 113, 145)3 and a. value (Orlando, J. J.; Tyndall, G. S. J. Phys. Chem. 1996, 100,. 19398)4 of the bond dissociation energy, D-298(BrO-NO2) = 118 kJ mol(-1), corresponding to Delta H-0(circle) = 114.3 kJ mol(-1) at 0 K) and the use of RRKM/ME methods, fitting calculations to the reported data or the empirical equations was anything but straightforward. Using these molecular parameters resulted in a discrepancy between the calculations and the database of rate constants of a factor of ca. 4 at, or close to, the low-pressure limit. Agreement between calculation and experiment could be achieved in two ways, either by increasing Delta H-0(circle) to an unrealistically high value (149.3 kJ mol(-1)) or by increasing
Mild heating of the phosphidotriosmium cluster [Os3H(CO)10(µ2-PH2)](1) with [Os3(CO)12 –n(MeCN)n](n= 1 or 2) gives high yields of the (µ3-PH) bridged hexaosmium clusters (2) and (3); reactions of (2) and (3) with bases and X-ray structure analyses of (3) and of (6), which was obtained from (3) and MeO– followed by acid treatment are described.
Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) are the most abundant group II elements in both plants and animals. Genetic variation in shoot Ca and shoot Mg concentration (shoot Ca and Mg) in plants can be exploited to biofortify food crops and thereby increase dietary Ca and Mg intake for humans and livestock. We present a comprehensive analysis of within-species genetic variation for shoot Ca and Mg, demonstrating that shoot mineral concentration differs significantly between subtaxa (varietas). We established a structured diversity foundation set of 376 accessions to capture a high proportion of species-wide allelic diversity within domesticated Brassica oleracea, including representation of wild relatives (C genome, 1n = 9) from natural populations. These accessions and 74 modern F-1 hybrid cultivars were grown in glasshouse and field environments. Shoot Ca and Mg varied 2- and 2.3-fold, respectively, and was typically not inversely correlated with shoot biomass, within most subtaxa. The closely related capitata (cabbage) and sabauda (Savoy cabbage) subtaxa consistently had the highest mean shoot Ca and Mg. Shoot Ca and Mg in glasshouse-grown plants was highly correlated with data from the field. To understand and dissect the genetic basis of variation in shoot Ca and Mg, we studied homozygous lines from a segregating B. oleracea mapping population. Shoot Ca and Mg was highly heritable (up to 40). Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for shoot Ca and Mg were detected on chromosomes C2, C6, C7, C8, and, in particular, C9, where QTL accounted for 14 to 55 of the total genetic variance. The presence of QTL on C9 was substantiated by scoring recurrent backcross substitution lines, derived from the same parents. This also greatly increased the map resolution, with strong evidence that a 4-cM region on C9 influences shoot Ca. This region corresponds to a 0.41-Mb region on Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) chromosome 5 that includes 106 genes. There is also evidence that pleiotropic loci on C8 and C9 affect shoot Ca and Mg. Map-based cloning of these loci will reveal how shoot-level phenotypes relate to Ca 21 and Mg 21 uptake and homeostasis at the molecular level.
Leite-Dellova DC, Malnic G, Mello-Aires M. Genomic and non-genomic stimulatory effect of aldosterone on H(+)-ATPase in proximal S3 segments. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 300: F682-F691, 2011. First published December 29, 2010; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00172.2010.-The genomic and nongenomic effects of aldosterone on the intracellular pH recovery rate (pHirr) via H(-)(+)ATPase and on cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) were investigated in isolated proximal S3 segments of rats during superfusion with an Na(+)-free solution, by using the fluorescent probes BCECF-AM and FLUO-4-AM, respectively. The pHirr, after cellular acidification with a NH(4)Cl pulse, was 0.064 +/- 0.003 pH units/min (n = 17/74) and was abolished with concanamycin. Aldosterone (10(-12), 10(-10),10(-8), or 10(-6) M with 1-h or 15- or 2-min preincubation) increased the pHirr. The baseline [Ca(2+)](i) was 103 +/- 2 nM (n = 58). After 1 min of aldosterone preincubation, there was a transient and dose-dependent increase in [Ca(2+)](i) and after 6-min preincubation there was a new increase in [Ca(2+)](i) that persisted after 1 h. Spironolactone [mineralocorticoid (MR) antagonist], actinomycin D, or cycloheximide did not affect the effects of aldosterone (15- or 2-min preincubation) on pHirr and on [Ca(2+)](i) but inhibited the effects of aldosterone (1-h preincubation) on these parameters. RU 486 [glucocorticoid (GR) antagonist] and dimethyl-BAPTA (Ca(2+) chelator) prevented the effect of aldosterone on both parameters. The data indicate a genomic (1 h, via MR) and a nongenomic action (15 or 2 min, probably via GR) on the H(+)-ATPase and on [Ca(2+)](i). The results are compatible with stimulation of the H(+)-ATPase by increases in [Ca(2+)](i) (at 10(-12)-10(-6) M aldosterone) and inhibition of the H(+)-ATPase by decreases in [Ca(2+)](i) (at 10(-12) or 10(-6) M aldosterone plus RU 486).
Leite-Dellova DC, Oliveira-Souza M, Malnic G, Mello-Aires M. Genomic and nongenomic dose-dependent biphasic effect of aldosterone on Na(+)/H(+) exchanger in proximal S3 segment: role of cytosolic calcium. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 295: F1342-F1352, 2008. First published August 20, 2008; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00048.2008.-The effects of aldosterone on the intracellular pH recovery rate (pHirr) via Na(+)/H(+) exchanger and on the [Ca(2+)](i) were investigated in isolated rat S3 segment. Aldosterone [10(-12), 10(-10), or 10(-8) M with 1-h, 15- or 2-min preincubation (pi)] caused a dose-dependent increase in the pHirr, but aldosterone (10(-6) M with 1-h, 15- or 2-min pi) decreased it (these effects were prevented by HOE694 but not by S3226). After 1 min of aldosterone pi, there was a transient and dose-dependent increase of the [Ca(2+)](i) and after 6-min pi there was a new increase of [Ca(2+)](i) that persisted after 1 h. Spironolactone, actinomycin D, or cycloheximide did not affect the effects of aldosterone (15 -or 2-min pi) but inhibited the effects of aldosterone (1-h pi) on pHirr and on [Ca(2+)](i). RU 486 prevented the stimulatory effect of aldosterone (10(-12) M, 15 -or 2-min pi) on both parameters and maintained the inhibitory effect of aldosterone (10(-6) M, 15- or 2-min pi) on the pHirr but reversed its stimulatory effect on the [Ca(2+)](i) to an inhibitory effect. The data indicate a genomic (1 h, via MR) and a nongenomic action (15 or 2 min, probably via GR) on [Ca(2+)](i) and on the basolateral NHE1 and are compatible with stimulation of the NHE1 by increases in [Ca(2+)](i) in the lower range (at 10(-12) M aldosterone) and inhibition by increases at high levels (at 10(-6) M aldosterone) or decreases in [Ca(2+)](i) (at 10(-6) M aldosterone plus RU 486).
A dinuclear ruthenium(II) complex double-bridged by an N-aromatic ligand 2-mercaptopyridine (2-pyridinethiol or 2-pyridyl mercaptan) and a methyl sulfoxide (dmso) have been characterized by X-ray crystallography. The reported compound with formula [Ru(2)Cl(3) (mu-pyS)(mu-dmso)(dmso)(4)] center dot 2H(2)O, [C(15)H(36)Cl(3)NO(7)S(6)Ru(2)] (P2/c, a = 13.8175(2) angstrom, b = 10.5608(2) angstrom, c = 21.3544 (3) angstrom, beta = 106.090(1)degrees, V = 2,994.05(8) angstrom(3), Z = 4) represents a seven-membered ring system with both rutheniums in an octahedral geometry. All the hydrogen bonds (C-H-Cl) and the van der Waals contacts give rise to three-dimensional network in the structure and add stability to the dinuclear compound. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the formation of a dinuclear ruthenium(II) complex double-bridged by an N-aromatic ligand 2-mercaptopyridine and dmso have been reported. The study also provided valuable insight into bioinorganic chemistry as continuing efforts are being made to develop metal-based cancer chemotherapeutics. A major feature of this paper is the resolution of a double bridged ruthenium structure which contributes to a better understanding of ruthenium reactivity.