956 resultados para Cattaneo, Bartolomé


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En este trabajo se analiza la iconografía y se concreta la datación y el origen del conjunto de treinta y cinco azulejos nazaríes decorados en cobalto y reflejo metálico procedentes de la que hemos identificado como capilla de Santiago en la antigua iglesia de San Bartolomé, erigida en la Judería de Córdoba tras el asalto de 1391. Se plantea, asimismo, que Diego Fernández Abencaçin, judeoconverso y alfaqueque mayor del rey y presumiblemente el comitente de la capilla funeraria, fue quien adquirió los azulejos. Hasta ahora, la única interpretación de las escenas figuradas que los decoran apuntaba a una supuesta representación de alegorías de los sentidos; no obstante, la comparación con ejemplos paralelos, el estudio de la indumentaria de los personajes y el estilo nos lleva a identificarlas como materialización de los gustos y aficiones de las clases privilegiadas a comienzos del s. XV: el amor cortés, la caza, la fauna, los ministriles –especialmente el ciego acompañado de lazarillo–, las danzarinas y los catadores de vino; costumbres que el alfaqueque conoció durante sus estancias en la corte y en el desempeño de sus obligaciones, no sólo como redentor de cautivos cristianos, sino como trujimán y enviado del infante don Fernando –futuro rey de Aragón– durante la campaña de Antequera ante la corte nazarita de Granada y en las treguas posteriorment e firmadas con Yusuf III, lo que ha posibilitado concretar la datación de los azulejos entre 1410 y 1415.


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This paper studies the influence of cynic philosophy in the construction of the myth of the good savage. In the first part it studies the importance of cynicism in the XVI century and how the cynic influence of Erasmus, More and Montaigne was fundamental to the way that Europe approached the American indigenous. In the second part it studies the cynic motives that could have influenced in the construction of the myth of the good savage.


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Esta comunicación presenta algunos resultados preliminares de un trabajo de doctorado que tiene como objetivo Identificar cuáles son las potencialidades y limitaciones de los entornos virtuales colaborativos y las herramientas web 2.0 en la promoción del activismo sobre cuestiones ambientales en estudiantes de básica secundaria, se hace una descripción de la metodología que se enmarca dentro del paradigma de la complejidad y la evolución, la investigación acción y el análisis documental, es de carácter cualitativo y cuantitativo; al final se presenta un análisis preliminar de los resultados obtenidos con los blogs construidos por los estudiantes.


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This paper studies the evolution of the foreign trade specialization in manufacturing sectors of South Africa, Algeria, Nigeria and Egypt. These four countries, the so-called SANE, have recently been viewed as Africa’s best chance of producing an economic bloc whose role for Africa might be comparable to that of the BRIC economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China for the world economy. Using data on trade flows since mid-1970s, the results show that the SANE group has experienced few changes in its trade structure, which is still based on low-technology and slow-growth world demand sectors. The degree of persistence in the specialization model is higher in the case of Algeria and Nigeria, where the dependence on products based on natural resources is stronger.


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Neuroimaging studies of aesthetic appreciation have shown that activity in the lateral occipital area (LO)—a key node in the object recognition pathway—is modulated by the extent to which visual artworks are liked or found beautiful. However, the available evidence is only correlational. Here we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to investigate the putative causal role of LO in the aesthetic appreciation of paintings. In our first experiment, we found that interfering with LO activity during aesthetic appreciation selectively reduced evaluation of representational paintings, leaving appreciation of abstract paintings unaffected. A second experiment demonstrated that, although the perceived clearness of the images overall positively correlated with liking, the detrimental effect of LO TMS on aesthetic appreciation does not owe to TMS reducing perceived clearness. Taken together, our findings suggest that object-recognition mechanisms mediated by LO play a causal role in aesthetic appreciation of representational art.


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Background The right occipital face area (rOFA) is known to be involved in face discrimination based on local featural information. Whether this region is involved in global, holistic stimulus processing is not known. Objective We used fMRI-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to investigate whether rOFA is causally implicated in stimulus detection based on holistic processing, by the use of Mooney stimuli. Methods Two studies were carried out: In Experiment 1, participants performed a detection task involving Mooney faces and Mooney objects; Mooney stimuli lack distinguishable local features and can be detected solely via holistic processing (i.e. at a global level) with top-down guidance from previously stored representations. Experiment 2 required participants to detect shapes which are recognized via bottom-up integration of local (collinear) Gabor elements and was performed to control for specificity of rightOFA's implication in holistic detection. Results In Experiment 1, TMS over rOFA and rLO impaired detection of all stimulus categories, with no category-specific effect. In Experiment 2, shape detection was impaired when TMS was applied over rLO but not over rOFA. Conclusions Our results demonstrate that rOFA is causally implicated in the type of top-down holistic detection required by Mooney stimuli and that such role is not face-selective. In contrast, rOFA does not appear to play a causal role in in detection of shapes based on bottom-up integration of local components, demonstrating that its involvement in processing non-face stimuli is specific for holistic processing.


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De la vie future.Traité du P. Luo Bai La min, expliqué par le P. Lazare Cattaneo, Jésuite (1560-1640 ; noms Chinois Ge Ju jing Yang feng) ; rédigé par Zhang Geng. Introduction non datée.2 livres (58 sections).


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Contient : I, livre 1誦經勸語。天主經 。聖母經。又聖母經 。信經。解罪時經 。悔罪經 。天主十誡。Song jing quan yu. Tian zhu jing. Sheng mu jing. You sheng mu jing. Xin jing. Jie zui shi jing. Hui zui jing. Tian zhu shi jie ; II, livre 1早課。與彌撒禮。晚課。Zao ke. Yu mi sa li. Wan ke ; III, livre 1聖母德敘禱文Sheng mu de xu dao wen ; IV, livre 1聖母玫瑰經十五端 ; V, livre 1吾主念珠默想規條 。聖母念珠默想規條Wu zhu nian zhu mo xiang gui tiao. Sheng mu nian zhu mo xiang gui tiao ; VI, livre 2耶穌聖體禱文Ye su sheng ti dao wen ; VII, livre 2耶穌聖號禱文Ye su sheng hao dao wen ; VIII, livre 2耶穌受難禱文 ; IX, livre 2聖彌額爾及諸天神列品禱文Sheng mi e er ji zhu tian shen lie pin dao wen ; X, livre 2聖人列品禱文Sheng ren lie pin dao wen ; XI, livre 2聖人若瑟禱文Sheng ren ruo se dao wen ; XII, livre 2煉獄禱文Lian yu dao wen ; XIII, livre 3天主耶穌受難始末Tian zhu ye su shou nan shi mo ; XIV, livre 3向天主父誦。向天主子誦。向天主聖神誦。向聖三誦。向天主耶穌誦。向聖母瑪利亞誦Xiang tian zhu fu song. Xiang tian zhu zi song. Xiang tian zhu sheng shen song. Xiang sheng san song. Xiang tian zhu ye su song. Xiang sheng mu ma li ya song ; XV, livre 3五傷經規程Wu shang jing gui cheng ; XVI, livre 3誦


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Contient : I, livre 1誦經勸語。天主經 。聖母經。又聖母經 。信經。解罪時經 。悔罪經 。天主十誡。Song jing quan yu. Tian zhu jing. Sheng mu jing. You sheng mu jing. Xin jing. Jie zui shi jing. Hui zui jing. Tian zhu shi jie ; II, livre 1早課。與彌撒禮。晚課。Zao ke. Yu mi sa li. Wan ke ; III, livre 1聖母德敘禱文Sheng mu de xu dao wen ; IV, livre 1聖母玫瑰經十五端 ; V, livre 1吾主念珠默想規條 。聖母念珠默想規條Wu zhu nian zhu mo xiang gui tiao. Sheng mu nian zhu mo xiang gui tiao ; VI, livre 2耶穌聖體禱文Ye su sheng ti dao wen ; VII, livre 2耶穌聖號禱文Ye su sheng hao dao wen ; VIII, livre 2耶穌受難禱文 ; IX, livre 2聖彌額爾及諸天神列品禱文Sheng mi e er ji zhu tian shen lie pin dao wen ; X, livre 2聖人列品禱文Sheng ren lie pin dao wen ; XI, livre 2聖人若瑟禱文Sheng ren ruo se dao wen ; XII, livre 2煉獄禱文Lian yu dao wen ; XIII, livre 3天主耶穌受難始末Tian zhu ye su shou nan shi mo ; XIV, livre 3向天主父誦。向天主子誦。向天主聖神誦。向聖三誦。向天主耶穌誦。向聖母瑪利亞誦Xiang tian zhu fu song. Xiang tian zhu zi song. Xiang tian zhu sheng shen song. Xiang sheng san song. Xiang tian zhu ye su song. Xiang sheng mu ma li ya song ; XV, livre 3五傷經規程Wu shang jing gui cheng ; XVI, livre 3誦


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