1000 resultados para Cas (Lingüística)


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On présente les résultats de survie pour 22 localisations choisies. Les collectifs étudiés comprennent environ 80% de l'ensemble des cas nouveaux (incidents) recensés par le Registre vaudois des tumeurs entre 1974 et 1980 dans le canton de Vaud. Chaque type ou groupe de tumeurs est décrit en fonction du sexe, de l'âge, du type histologique et de l'expérience de survie globale brute ou corrigée jusqu'à cinq ans. De plus, des analyses de survie plus détaillées, notamment par sous-localisation ou type morphologique sont rapportées pour le côlon, les poumons, les mélanomes cutanés, les testicules et les leucémies. Les taux corrigés à cinq ans sont confrontés, dans un tableau synthétique, avec ceux de Genève, de Finlande, de Norvège, de Nouvelle-Zélande et du SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results) pour les blancs des USA.


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Avec l'exemple de la coopération interuniversitaire sur le bassin lémanique (cantons de Genève et de Vaud), cet article vise à montrer comment les universités en Suisse ont été en quelque sorte « reterritorialisées » dans des espaces métropolitains/régionaux (supra-cantonaux) et nationaux au cours de ces vingt dernières années dans le double contexte des transformations des sciences et des dynamiques territoriales à l'oeuvre à différentes échelles. Les incitations financières de l'Etat central (la Confédération) ont joué un rôle déterminant dans les recompositions territoriales découlant de cette politique universitaire.


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En les últimes dècades hi ha hagut un interès creixent en la conservació de les varietats locals. En relació amb això, s’argumenta que els horts domèstics tenen un paper fonamental en el manteniment de la diversitat genètica. Pel que fa a l’objectiu, consisteix a analitzar la conservació de l’agrobiodiversitat a la comarca del Vallès Oriental mitjançant una anàlisi de la xarxa d’intercanvi, el nombre de varietats locals i el coneixement que hi està associat. Aquest còmput d’informació ha permès realitzar un inventari de totes les varietats locals, el seu coneixement associat, una anàlisi del context social dels hortelans i una anàlisi de les xarxes d’intercanvi, que evidencien si aquests factors afecten de forma directa o indirecta la millora i el manteniment de l’agrobiodiversitat.


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L’objectiu del present estudi és l’anàlisi del metabolisme energètic associat a nuclis turístics litorals de l’illa de Menorca (Mediterrani occidental) i el grau d’autosuficiència a partir d’energies renovables. La caracterització dels nuclis i la definició del perfil del turista s’ha realitzat mitjançant SIG i informació de qualitat a partir d’enquestes. Els principals resultats mostren que els nuclis turístics de Menorca tenen unes emissions associades entre 213 i 318 kg de CO2 per estada. De mitjana, el recorregut del turista fins a la illa (mobilitat externa) és de 1334 km (representant el 80% de les emissions), mentre que la mobilitat interna durant l’estada és de 22 km. A diari, cada turista consumeix entre 8 i 26 kWh d’electricitat, consum que es podria satisfer en un 100% amb la instal·lació de sistemes fotovoltaics a les cobertes del nucli.


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The occurrence of electrolyte disorders as hypocalcemia and/or hyponatremia is an uncommon event in preeclampsia, which can be the sign of serious situation, with potentially unfavourable consequences for the mother and her foetus. Hyponatremia in the setting of preeclampsia is an indicator of severity, and requires the understanding of the etiologic mechanisms to initiate an appropriate treatment. Indeed the often-considered fluid restriction is rarely a treatment option for pregnant women. Hypocalcemia is a complication that must be monitored when a treatment with high doses of intravenous magnesium sulphate is introduced. In this context, hypocalcemia must be sought, with the exclusion of other etiologies as vitamin D deficiency, hypoparathyroidism or renal and extrarenal loss of calcium. A replacement therapy, intravenous or oral according to circumstances, should be considered in case of severe or symptomatic hypocalcemia.


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The neuropsychological records of 56 patients operated for clipping were studied. Almost every patient remained autonomous and without invalidating motor defect. The present study was aimed at specifying the type and frequency of neuropsychological sequelae and, to a lesser extent, the role of various pathophysiological factors. A main concern was to examine to what extent and at what post-operative interval the neuropsychological assessment can predict the intellectual and socioprofessional outcome of each individual patient. The neuropsychological assessment performed beyond the acute phase showed evidence of intellectual sequelae in about two thirds of the patients. Only one case of permanent anterograde amnesia was observed, probably due to unavoidable inclusion of a hypothalamic artery in the clip during surgery. Transient anterograde amnesia and confabulations were occasionally observed, generally for less than three weeks. A common finding was impaired performance on memory and/or executive tests. In a minority of patients, language disorders, visuoperceptive and visuoconstructive disabilities were found, probably in relation with hemodynamic changes at distance from the aneurysm. Global impairment of intellectual function was not uncommon in the acute post-operative phase but it evolved in most cases towards a more selective impairment, for instance restricted to executive and memory functions, in the chronic phase. The neuropsychological investigation carried out 4 to 15 weeks post-operatively provided satisfactory information about possible long-lasting intellectual disturbances and professional resumption. In particular, persistent global intellectual impairment, persistent amnesia and confabulations 4-15 weeks post-operative were associated with cessation of professional activity; executive and memory impairment, behavioral disturbances such as those encountered in patients with frontal lobe damage were associated with a decreased probability of full-time employment. Pre- and post-operative angiography were not good predictors of long-term cognitive outcome: normal angiography was not necessarily followed by normal neuropsychological outcome, conversely abnormal angiography could be found together with normal neuropsychological outcome. By contrast, there was a relationship between left-lateralised abnormalities on post-operative angiography and occurrence of language disorders; similarly, there was a relationship between side of craniotomy and type of deficits, that is language disorders versus visuoperceptive-visuoconstructive impairments.


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PURPOSE: To determine the mechanisms and treatment of ocular hypertension in patients with thyroid-associated orbitopathy and to differenciate it from glaucomatous damage. DESIGN: Three case reports. METHODS: Retrospective review of clinical findings, course, and treatment of the three patients. RESULTS: Elevated intraocular pressure in thyroid-associated orbitopathy observed in the three cases may involve different physiopathological abnormalities such as disturbances of venous circulation, compression by infiltrative muscles, and long corticosteroid use. In the first two cases, defects demonstrated in the perimetry are in consistent with glaucomatous damage. In the third case, visual field abnormalities may be compatible with a glaucomatous disease, but all defects resolved after therapy. Treatement was of the greatest difficulty for the three cases, associating antiglaucomatous medication, steroids, orbital radiotherapy, orbital decompression and extraocular muscle surgery. Intraocular pressure was controlled in all cases. CONCLUSIONS: Elevated intraocular pressure in thyroid-associated orbitopathy is distinguished from glaucomatous disease by its physiopathological mechanisms, clinical course, visual field defects, and treatment. The management of this hypertension is closely related to the treatment of dysthyroid orbitopathy.


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El present treball fa una anàlisi de la construcció, presència i reivindicació de la memòria col·lectiva de la guerra civil espanyola a internet mitjançant l'anàlisi etnogràfic de les interaccions i pràctiques en un espai de comunicació virtual: el de la llista de distribució "Guerra Civil Española". Aquest estudi de cas es contextualitza en el marc d'un doble escenari global i local, el context global de la cultura de la memòria a la societat de la informació i el context local de la dinàmica de la presència de la memòria de la guerra civil a l'entorn social i polític de l'Estat Espanyol al llarg dels darrers 30 anys.