985 resultados para Capital Costs


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The solvency rate of banks differs from the other corporations. The equity rate of a bank is lower than it is in corporations of other field of business. However, functional banking industry has huge impact on the whole society. The equity rate of a bank needs to be higher because that makes the banking industry more stable as the probability of the banks going under will decrease. If a bank goes belly up, the government will be compensating the deposits since it has granted the bank’s depositors a deposit insurance. This means that the payment comes from the tax payers in the last resort. Economic conversation has long concentrated on the costs of raising equity ratio. It has been a common belief that raising equity ratio also increases the banks’ funding costs in the same phase and these costs will be redistributed to the banks customers as higher service charges. Regardless of the common belief, the actual reaction of the funding costs to the higher equity ratio has been studied only a little in Europe and no study has been constructed in Finland. Before it can be calculated whether the higher stability of the banking industry that is caused by the raise in equity levels compensates the extra costs in funding costs, it must be calculated how much the actual increase in the funding costs is. Currently the banking industry is controlled by complex and heavy regulation. To maintain such a complex system inflicts major costs in itself. This research leans on the Modigliani and Miller theory, which shows that the finance structure of a firm is irrelevant to their funding costs. In addition, this research follows the calculations of Miller, Yang ja Marcheggianon (2012) and Vale (2011) where they calculate the funding costs after the doubling of specific banks’ equity ratios. The Finnish banks studied in this research are Nordea and Danske Bank because they are the two largest banks operating in Finland and they both also have the right company form to able the calculations. To calculate the costs of halving their leverages this study used the Capital Asset Pricing Model. The halving of the leverage of Danske Bank raised its funding costs for 16—257 basis points depending on the method of assessment. For Nordea the increase in funding costs was 11—186 basis points when its leverage was halved. On the behalf of the results found in this study it can be said that the doubling of an equity ratio does not increase the funding costs of a bank one by one. Actually the increase is quite modest. More solvent banks would increase the stability of the banking industry enormously while the increase in funding costs is low. If the costs of bank regulation exceeds the increase in funding costs after the higher equity ratio, it can be thought that this is the better way of stabilizing the banking industry rather than heavy regulation.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações.


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The concept of human capital is associated mainly with the Nobel Laureate Gary Becker and, in his usage, has a clear conceptual basis as investment in the costs of formal education. By contrast, this paper suggests that ‘intellectual capital’ is a re-branding of knowledge, skills and experience rather than re-conceptualisation of resource based learning. Becker also chose not to include informal knowledge, skills or experience within his concept of human capital, which remains limited by its constrained premises. This paper submits that both human capital and intellectual capital advocates fail to identify or measure the tacit knowledge and implicit learning which increasingly is recognised as a key to the competitive advantage of organisations. It first focuses on the conceptual basis of claims made for human capital and intellectual capital, outlines limits in their methodology, and contrasts these with insights from theories of tacit knowledge and implicit learning and the central role within them of informal or non-formal skill acquisition. It develops and illustrates instances of interfacing tacit and explicit knowledge before introducing a methodology for profiling the acquisition of knowledge, ability and skills. It does so by introducing the concepts of non-formal learningfrom- work (LfW) and informal learning-from-life (LfL), with evidence from a four country EU case study commissioned within the lifelong learning remit of the Lisbon Agenda.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to analyze what transaction costs are acceptable for customers in different investments. In this study, two life insurance contracts, a mutual fund and a risk-free investment, as alternative investment forms are considered. The first two products under scrutiny are a life insurance investment with a point-to-point capital guarantee and a participating contract with an annual interest rate guarantee and participation in the insurer's surplus. The policyholder assesses the various investment opportunities using different utility measures. For selected types of risk profiles, the utility position and the investor's preference for the various investments are assessed. Based on this analysis, the authors study which cost levels can make all of the products equally rewarding for the investor. Design/methodology/approach - The paper notes the risk-neutral valuation calibration using empirical data utility and performance measurement dynamics underlying: geometric Brownian motion numerical examples via Monte Carlo simulation. Findings - In the first step, the financial performance of the various saving opportunities under different assumptions of the investor's utility measurement is studied. In the second step, the authors calculate the level of transaction costs that are allowed in the various products to make all of the investment opportunities equally rewarding from the investor's point of view. A comparison of these results with transaction costs that are common in the market shows that insurance companies must be careful with respect to the level of transaction costs that they pass on to their customers to provide attractive payoff distributions. Originality/value - To the best of the authors' knowledge, their research question - i.e. which transaction costs for life insurance products would be acceptable from the customer's point of view - has not been studied in the above described context so far.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es utilizar algunos hechos estilizados de la "Gran recesión", específicamente la drástica caída en el nivel de capitalización bancario, para analizar la relación entre los ciclos financieros y los ciclos reales, así como la efectividad de la política monetaria no convencional y las políticas macroprudenciales. Para esto, en el primer capítulo se desarrolla una microfundamentación de la banca a partir de un modelo de Costly State Verification, que es incluido posteriomente en distintas especificaciones de modelos DSGE. Los resultados muestran que: (i) los ciclos financieros y los ciclos económicos pueden relacionarse a partir del deterioro del capital bancario; (ii) Las políticas macroprudenciales y no convencionales son efectivas para moderar los ciclos económicos, pero son costosas en términos de recursos e inflación.


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El presente artículo, presenta un análisis de las decisiones de estructuración de capital de la compañía Merck Sharp & Dome S.A.S, desde la perspectiva de las finanzas comportamentales, comparando los métodos utilizados actualmente por la compañía seleccionada con la teoría tradicional de las finanzas, para así poder evaluar el desempeño teórico y real. Incorporar elementos comportamentales dentro del estudio permite profundizar más sobre de las decisiones corporativas en un contexto más cercano a los avances investigativos de las finanzas del comportamiento, lo cual lleva a que el análisis de este artículo se enfoque en la identificación y entendimiento de los sesgos de exceso de confianza y statu quo, pero sobre todo su implicación en las decisiones de financiación. Según la teoría tradicional el proceso de estructuración de capital se guía por los costos, pero este estudio de caso permitió observar que en la práctica esta relación de costo-decisión está en un segundo lugar, después de la relación riesgo-decisión a la hora del proceso de estructuración de capital.


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar estimativas obtidas em inquéritos domiciliar e telefônico, da realização dos exames de Papanicolaou e mamografia em mulheres residentes no município de São Paulo em 2008, segundo características sociodemográficas, bem como dimensionar as diferenças observadas. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados os dados do ISA - Capital 2008, inquérito domiciliar realizado no município de São Paulo pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) e Secretaria de Estado da Saúde com apoio da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de São Paulo, e do VIGITEL - São Paulo, inquérito telefônico realizado pelo Ministério da Saúde para Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas. Estimativas da realização do exame de Papanicolaou e mamografia na vida, bem como a realização no último ano foram comparadas segundo o tipo de inquérito (domiciliar/telefone) por meio de regressão de Poisson ajustada por idade e escolaridade. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre as estimativas obtidas pelo VIGITEL e ISA - Capital para as prevalências de realização de mamografia no último ano. No entanto, para as estimativas globais de realização do exame de Papanicolaou alguma vez na vida e no último ano e da mamografia na vida, foi possível verificar diferenças estatisticamente significantes, com prevalências de cobertura superiores entre as entrevistadas pelo inquérito telefônico. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sinalizam a tendência de superestimação de alguns indicadores de cobertura de mamografia e de exame de Papanicolaou nos dados de pesquisa via telefone, apontando a necessidade de novos estudos que também contribuam para o melhor entendimento das diferenças observadas com o uso de diferentes modalidades de inquéritos.


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A violência, em todas as suas apresentações, tem crescido de forma avassaladora no país, elevando os indicadores de morbidade e mortalidade por causas externas. O uso das armas de fogo, muitas vezes, faz vítimas fatais ou que podem permanecer sequeladas. Tal fato tem aumentado o ônus do estado com internações hospitalares e acréscimo dos anos de vida perdidos da população jovem, que constitui a grande maioria dessas vítimas. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo objetivou fazer um levantamento das vítimas de ferimentos por arma de fogo, atendidas pelo Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência no município de Campo Grande-MS, no período de abril de 2005 a abril de 2007, nos dois primeiros anos de funcionamento, desde a implantação desse serviço na capital do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Realizou-se estudo descritivo, baseado em análise documental do sistema de informação do SAMU do município de Campo Grande-MS. Foram descritos 233 atendimentos. Os resultados evidenciaram 213 vítimas do sexo masculino, a faixa etária mais acometida foi dos 20 aos 24 anos de idade, a cabeça e o pescoço foram as partes do corpo mais atingidas e a região Sul do município de Campo Grande foi a que concentrou maior número de atendimentos. Conclui-se que a violência por arma de fogo em Campo Grande-MS atinge a camada economicamente ativa da população e provém de regiões de bolsões de pobreza e desigualdade social, justificando a implantação de um serviço como o SAMU.


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The objective of this Study was to describe the financial conditions of forestry contractors, concerning life quality aspects, condition of work and equipments, operational costs, and economic credit to invest in new technologies. Five companies had been analyzed, with an annual income between US$ 400,000.00 and US$ 1,720,000.00, with an average of US$ 950,000.00. The number of employees varied between 33 and 181, and the companies were classified in terms of size as: one small, two average, and two big. The main difficulties to invest in new machines were high financial taxes, more than 12% an year, and a lack of long term contracts to guarantee the payment capability. It was observed that the contractors did not consider the capital remuneration and a correct depreciation of machines, resulting in an average machine life higher than 10 years. The final conclusions were that the costs were above the paid values for the services, when computed the depreciation and capital remuneration, with negative results In the financial analyzes of three companies. Finally, the mechanization process increased the workers life quality, however, the annual income was around US$ 2,112.00 per worker, approximately 39% lower than the average Brazilian population.


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The increasing participation of the society in the decision-making process related to public politics stimulates public administration in Brazil to search for mechanisms to demonstrate efficiency and disclosure in resource application. The main objective of this work is to calculate the economic value added to the society by Public University Hospitals. Therefore, a Public University Hospital case study has been carried out and its economic performance evaluated during a period of three years. This study has shown that the economic value added to the society in the long term by the entity is positive. The proposed value measurement has indicated that the society is getting a superior return from the opportunity costs of capital invested, that is, the hospital is constructing economic value and consequently contributing to the social welfare.


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It has been suggested that the temporal control of rhythmic unimianual movements is different between tasks requiring continuous (e.g., circle drawing) and discontinuous movements (e.g., finger tapping). Specifically, for continuous movements temporal regularities are ail emergent property, whereas for tasks that involve discontinuities timing is ail explicit part of the action goal. The present experiment further investigated the control of continuous and discontinuous movements by comparing the coordination dynamics and attentional demands of bimanual continuous circle drawing with bimanual intermittent circle drawing. The intermittent task required participants to insert a 400 ms pause between each cycle while circling. Using dual-task methodology, 15 right-handed participants performed the two circle drawing tasks, while vocally responding to randomly presented auditory probes. The circle drawing tasks were performed in symmetrical and asymmetrical coordination modes and at movement frequencies of 1 Hz and 1.7 Hz. Intermittent circle drawing exhibited superior spatial and temporal accuracy and stability than continuous circle drawing supporting the hypothesis that the two tasks have different underlying control processes. In terms of attentional cost, probe RT was significantly slower during the intermittent circle drawing task than the continuous circle drawing task across both coordination modes and movement frequencies. Of interest was the finding that in the intermittent circling task reaction time (RT) to probes presented during the pause between cycles did not differ from the RT to probes occurring during the circling movement. The differences in attentional demands between the intermittent and continuous circle drawing tasks may reflect the operation of explicit event timing and implicit emergent timing processes, respectively. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper shows a new hybrid method for risk assessment regarding interruptions in sensitive processes due to faults in electric power distribution systems. This method determines indices related to long duration interruptions and short duration voltage variations (SDVV), such as voltage sags and swells in each customer supplied by the distribution network. Frequency of such occurrences and their impact on customer processes are determined for each bus and classified according to their corresponding magnitude and duration. The method is based on information regarding network configuration, system parameters and protective devices. It randomly generates a number of fault scenarios in order to assess risk areas regarding long duration interruptions and voltage sags and swells in an especially inventive way, including frequency of events according to their magnitude and duration. Based on sensitivity curves, the method determines frequency indices regarding disruption in customer processes that represent equipment malfunction and possible process interruptions due to voltage sags and swells. Such approach allows for the assessment of the annual costs associated with each one of the evaluated power quality indices.


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In this paper a computational implementation of an evolutionary algorithm (EA) is shown in order to tackle the problem of reconfiguring radial distribution systems. The developed module considers power quality indices such as long duration interruptions and customer process disruptions due to voltage sags, by using the Monte Carlo simulation method. Power quality costs are modeled into the mathematical problem formulation, which are added to the cost of network losses. As for the EA codification proposed, a decimal representation is used. The EA operators, namely selection, recombination and mutation, which are considered for the reconfiguration algorithm, are herein analyzed. A number of selection procedures are analyzed, namely tournament, elitism and a mixed technique using both elitism and tournament. The recombination operator was developed by considering a chromosome structure representation that maps the network branches and system radiality, and another structure that takes into account the network topology and feasibility of network operation to exchange genetic material. The topologies regarding the initial population are randomly produced so as radial configurations are produced through the Prim and Kruskal algorithms that rapidly build minimum spanning trees. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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There is an increasing need to treat effluents contaminated with phenol with advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) to minimize their impact on the environment as well as on bacteriological populations of other wastewater treatment systems. One of the most promising AOPs is the Fenton process that relies on the Fenton reaction. Nevertheless, there are no systematic studies on Fenton reactor networks. The objective of this paper is to develop a strategy for the optimal synthesis of Fenton reactor networks. The strategy is based on a superstructure optimization approach that is represented as a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) model. Network superstructures with multiple Fenton reactors are optimized with the objective of minimizing the sum of capital, operation and depreciation costs of the effluent treatment system. The optimal solutions obtained provide the reactor volumes and network configuration, as well as the quantities of the reactants used in the Fenton process. Examples based on a case study show that multi-reactor networks yield decrease of up to 45% in overall costs for the treatment plant. (C) 2010 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mating is an energy demanding process, imposing risks to physical injuries, pathogen infection and predation. Nevertheless, repeated and multiple mating are widespread even in insect species where nuptial gifts are not involved. The effects of repeated mating, by the same male, are examined on the reproductive performance of female Southern green stink bug Nezara viridula (L.). Fecundity is reduced in females mated three or four times, although there is increased longevity. Females mated once or twice produce more egg clusters and concentrate egg-laying activity in the early part of adult life, whereas those mating more often lay eggs throughout the life span, with fewer egg clusters. Although fecundity is negatively affected by the number of matings, egg fertility remains unaffected.