984 resultados para CARRIÓN, CARLOS, 1944-


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In order to cater for an extended readership, crime fiction, like most popular genres, is based on the repetition of a formula allowing for the reader's immediate identification. This first domestication is followed, at the time of its translation, by a second process, which wipes out those characteristics of the source text that may come into conflict with the dominant values of the target culture. An analysis of the textual and paratextual strategies used in the English translation of José Carlos Somoza's La caverna de las ideas (2000) shows the efforts to make the novel more easily marketable in the English-speaking world through the elimination of most of the obstacles to easy readability.


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Epigenetic modulation is found to get involved in multiple neurobehavioral processes. It is believed that different types of environmental stimuli could alter the epigenome of the whole brain or related neural circuits, subsequently contributing to the long-lasting neural plasticity of certain behavioral phenotypes. While the maternal influence on the health of offsprings has been long recognized, recent findings highlight an alternative way for neurobehavioral phenotypes to be passed on to the next generation, i.e., through the male germ line. In this review, we focus specifically on the transgenerational modulation induced by environmental stress, drugs of abuse, and other physical or mental changes (e.g., ageing, metabolism, fear) in fathers, and recapitulate the underlying mechanisms potentially mediating the alterations in epigenome or gene expression of offsprings. Together, these findings suggest that the inheritance of phenotypic traits through male germ-line epigenome may represent the unique manner of adaptation during evolution. Hence, more attention should be paid to the paternal health, given its equivalently important role in affecting neurobehaviors of descendants.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História Contemporânea


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O presente trabalho académico é o relato das principais actividades que desenvolvi como estagiário na editora Teodolito, criada em 2011 por Carlos da Veiga Ferreira. Foi uma campanha inesquecível que começou com uma entrevista que fiz ao editor e continuou depois com a minha visita à Feira do Livro de Frankfurt, pela mão do editor. De regresso a Portugal, pude ler e elaborar recensões de originais, analisar contratos de direitos de autor, participar nos lançamentos da editora e, em conjunto com Carlos da Veiga Ferreira, tratar da comunicação estabelecida entre a editora e outros elementos ligados ao sector do livro


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Los peces pelágicos constituyen los recursos explotados de mayor importancia comercial como la anchoveta (Engraulis rinqens J.), sardina (Sardinoos sagax sagax), Jurel (trachurus murphyi), caballa (Scomber japonicus peruanus). la abundancia de dichos recursos ha acrecentado de tal forma que actualmente la explotación de los mismos afronta !imitaciones de carácter tecnológico y administrativo, incluyendo deficiencias en el equipo de detección hidroacústica, pesca, transporte, comercialización, la acción no coordinada de la flota v la falta de información regular sobre localización y concentración de zonas de pesca. La presencia de estos recursos ofrecen sin lugar a dudas la posibilidad concreta de beneficio nacional, y la respuesta a grandes problemas socio-económicos, como son la alimentación popular y la captación de divisas vía exportación para el desarrollo del país.


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Variante(s) de titre : L'Homme libre : mouvement national des prisonniers de guerre et déportés


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