980 resultados para Buhr, Manfred


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Explora o conceito de satisfação do consumidor, abordando as principais teorias que tencionam caracteriza-lo através do estudo de seus prováveis antecedentes e da maneira com a qual eles interagem para influir sobre os julgamentos de satisfação. Formula alguns comentários a respeito destas teorias e faz uma retrospectiva dos instrumentos atualmente disponíveis para medi-lo com um máximo de propriedade. Procura comprovar na prática a influência que a satisfação exerce sobre o comportamento de compra utilizando-se para isto de uma investigação realizada no setor de bens industriais.


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Como propostas nas notas conclusivas deste trabalho, agora que o Brasil foi lançado em mais um ciclo de endividamento, agora que se deposita novamente grande confiança na possibilidade de depender intensamente de dinheiro estrangeiro, convém não esquecer o sofrimento e as agruras que experimentamos, nos anos 80, como conseqüência de excessos e imprudências cometidos no período de liquidez, internacional abundante da década de 70. Convém também analisar definitivamente decisões que, embora drásticas foram necessárias em sua época e podem voltar a sê-lo, se e quando os excessos e imprudências de hoje eventualmente desemborcarem em uma nova crise de endividamento. O Trabalho está assim struturados. No capítulo H um relato da moratória, no capítulo IH a proposta Bresser, no capítulo IV uma avaliação após uma década depois da moratória e capítulo V as notas conclusivas.


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Thema dieser Arbeit war die Beschreibung des Einflusses von Seamounts auf die Verteilung und Zusammensetzung von Phytoplanktonpopulationen. Dazu wurden exemplarisch zwei verschiedene Seamounts während zweier multidisziplinärer Expeditionen im subtropischen Nordostatlantik ausgewählt. Diese waren der Ampere Seamount (35°05’N 012°55‘W) und die Große Meteorbank (30°00’N 028°30‘W). I. Der Ampere Seamount wurde vom 29.04.-09.05.1996 während der Forschungsreise POS 218 mit FS „Poseidon“ besucht. Dort wurde versucht, ausgehend von einer zentralen Position, entlang radialer Schnitte über den Seamount dessen Einfluss auf die Verteilung des Phytoplanktons zu erfassen. Durch direkte Messung bzw. Beprobung der Wassersäule war eine Charakterisierung der abiotischen Umweltparameter Temperatur, Salzgehalt, potentielle Dichte, gelöster Sauerstoff, Nährsalze und Lichttiefe möglich. Weiterhin wurden der Phytoplanktonbestand und die Zusammensetzung der Phytoplanktonpopulation anhand mehrerer Untersuchungsmethoden beschrieben. Diese waren Bestimmungen von partikulärem organischem Kohlenstoff und Stickstoff, Chlorophyll a-Messungen, HPLC-Pigmentanalysen, mikroskopische Zählungen sowie die Bestimmung von gesamter und größenfraktionierter Primärproduktion. Zwei exemplarische Schnitte in Nord-Süd- bzw. West-Ost-Ausrichtung wurden ausgewählt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten deutlich einen Einfluss des Seamounts auf die abiotischen Umweltparameter. So ließ sich ein Anstieg der Isopyknen um etwa 20-30 m über dem Gipfelbereich feststellen im Vergleich zu Stationen, welche weiter entfernt vom Gipfel waren. Nährsalze waren im Allgemeinen an der Oberfläche nur in sehr geringen Konzentrationen nachzuweisen. Ein deutlicher Konzentrationsanstieg erfolgte ab einer Tiefe von etwa 75 m. Eine Ausnahme stellte die Südflanke des Seamounts dar, wo etwas höhere Nährsalzkonzentrationen schon ab Wassertiefen von etwa 30 m festgestellt wurden. Dies kann vermutlich auf die hydrografischen Bedingungen an dieser Stelle zurückgeführt werden. Erste, vorläufige Modellberechnungen lassen auf einen Einfluss eines starken Einschnitts an der sehr steilen Südflanke des Seamounts auf eine Strömung schließen, welche kälteres, nährsalzreicheres Tiefenwasser nach oben bringt. Auch bei der Verteilung der biotischen Variablen machte sich der Einfluss dieser Strömung bemerkbar. Die POC-Konzentrationen lagen im Mittel bei etwa 75.5 μg/l mit einem Tiefenmaximum bei ca. 80 m. An der Südflanke wiederum zeigte sich eine heterogene Verteilung der POC-Konzentration ohne deutlich ausgebildetes Maximum. Ein deutlich ausgebildetes Tiefenchlorophyllmaximum (TCM) wurde unterhalb der Dichtesprungschicht in Wassertiefen zwischen 50 und 100 m beobachtet, wie es allgemein für subtropische Meeresgebiete typisch ist. Auch das TCM zeichnete sich durch einen Anstieg um ca. 25 m im Gipfelbereich aus. Weiterhin war auffällig, dass das Chl a- und das Nitritmaximum in der gleichen Tiefe lagen. Dies könnte evtl. durch erhöhte Fraßaktivitäten und nachfolgende Anhäufung von Exkretionsprodukten des Zooplanktons erklärt werden, wie schon bei anderen Seamounts nachgewiesen wurde. Die Primärproduktion erreichte Werte, wie sie für diese Meeresregion schon früher bestimmt wurden. Auffällig war bei der fraktionierten Produktionsmessung die Dominanz von Pico- und Nanoplankton. Ein etwas höherer Anteil von Mikrophytoplankton an einigen Stationen könnte mit dem Auftrieb von etwas nährsalzreicherem Wasser an der Südseite des Ampere Seamounts zusammenhängen. Die Pigmentanalysen zeigten, dass die Phytoplanktonpopulation von Picoplanktongruppen bestimmt war. Diese waren in erster Linie Cyanophyceen und Prochlorophyceen, welche bis zur Tiefe des TCM vorherrschten. Unterhalb des TCM nahm der Anteil dieser beiden Gruppen ab, während Chrysophyceen, Chlorophyceen und Prymnesiophyceen zunahmen. Die Gruppen des Mikroplanktons, Dinophyceen und Bacillariophyceen, spielten nur eine untergeordnete Rolle. II. Die Große Meteorbank wurde vom 25.08.-23.09.1998 während der Forschungsreise M 42/3 mit FS „Meteor“ besucht. Auch dort wurde versucht, entlang verschiedener Schnitte über den Seamount dessen Einfluss auf die Verteilung des Phytoplanktons zu erfassen. Ausser den schon beim Ampere Seamount beschriebenen Messungen und Beprobungen zur Erfassung der abiotischen Umweltparameter und biotischen Variablen bzw. des Phytoplanktonbestands und der Zusammensetzung der Phytoplanktonpopulation wurden noch Zählungen des Picoplanktons anhand der Durchflusszytometrie sowie rasterelektronenmikroskopische Beobachtung und Auszählung der Coccolithophoridenflora (Prymnesiophyceae) durchgeführt. An der Großen Meteorbank wurden keine Bestimmungen der Primärproduktion gemacht. Zwei exemplarische Schnitte in Nord-Süd- bzw. West-Ost-Ausrichtung wurden ausgewählt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten auch bei diesem Seamount einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die abiotischen Umweltparameter. Ein Anstieg der Isopyknen um 30 m konnte über dem Bankplateau nachgewiesen werden. Als herausragendes Merkmal war hier eine ringförmige Vertiefung der durchmischten Schicht über den Flanken zu verzeichnen, was zu einer Isolierung der Wassermassen innerhalb dieser Ringstruktur führte. Dies spiegelte sich in der Verteilung der meisten untersuchten Parameter wider. So folgten ein Großteil der biogeochemischen Variablen wie die Nährsalze und der Chlorophyll a-Gehalt dem Aufwölben der Isopyknen. Die Nährsalze waren, wie schon beim Ampere Seamount, in den Oberflächenschichten fast vollständig erschöpft. Ein deutlicher Konzentrationsanstieg war erst ab Tiefen zwischen 100 und 125 m zu verzeichnen. Dies könnte zum einen durch eine stabilere Schichtung der Wassersäule und zum anderen durch die ausgeprägte Isolierung der Wassermassen über dem Plateau erklärt werden. Die mittleren Konzentrationen von partikulärem organischem Kohlenstoff (50.7 μg/l), Stickstoff (9.8 μg/l), des Phytoplanktonkohlenstoffs (0.6 μg/l) und des Chlorophyll a (0.06 μg/l) lagen an der Großen Meteorbank unterhalb der am Ampere Seamount festgestellten Werte. Dies könnte ebenfalls auf die zuvor erwähnte Schichtung und Isolierung zurückgeführt werden. Das Tiefenchlorophyllmaximum war zwischen 75 und 125 m gemessen worden. Deutlich war hier der Einfluss der hydrografischen Bedingungen über dem Bankplateau auf das Verteilungsmuster des Chlorophyll a-Gehaltes zu sehen, insbesondere die geringen Chlorophyll a-Gehalte über den Flanken. Dies kann auf die Isolierung der Wassermasse über dem Plateau zurückgeführt werden. Noch klarer als am Ampere Seamount war an der Großen Meteorbank die Dominanz von Pico- und Nanoplankton anhand der Pigmentanalysen zu erkennen. So erreichte der mittlere Anteil der Prochlorophyceen bis zu 75 % der Phytoplanktonpopulation. Diese Ergebnisse wurden durch die Untersuchungen mit Hilfe der Durchflusszytometrie bestätigt. So überwogen in den Oberflächenschichten zunächst Zellen der Gattung Synechococcus. Diese wurden mit zunehmender Tiefe durch Prochlorococcus ersetzt. Einen zahlenmäßig geringeren Anteil erreichten eukaryotische Picoplanktonzellen. In Biomasse umgerechnet überwog diese letzte Gruppe die beiden vorherigen allerdings. Dies ist auf die größeren Zellen der Picoeukaryoten zurückzuführen und konnte auch durch die höheren Zahlen der kleineren Zellen nicht kompensiert werden. An der Großen Meteorbank wurde eine erwartungsgemäß hohe Diversität von Coccolithophoriden gefunden. In den beiden untersuchten Tiefenhorizonten (100 und 200 m) zeigte sich bei 100 m die höhere Artenvielfalt und Abundanz, während bei 200 m nur noch wenige unversehrte Zellen gefunden wurden. Dies könnte mit Wegfraß durch Zooplanktonorganismen erklärt werden. Weiterhin reichte die mittlere euphotische Zone (0.1 % Lichttiefe) nur bis etwa 130 m, sodass nicht mehr genügend Licht für die Photosynthese zur Verfügung stand. Die Dominanz von Pico- und Nanoplankton ist allgemein aus oligotrophen Meeresgebieten, um welche es sich auch bei dieser Untersuchung handelte, bekannt und wird mit Anpassungen an die etwas höheren Nährsalzkonzentrationen in größeren Tiefen und die gleichzeitig verringerten Lichtintensitäten erklärt. Im Gegensatz zu einigen anderen Untersuchungen konnte an beiden Seamounts keine Erhöhung der Biomasse festgestellt werden. Auch die Primärproduktion, die nur am Ampere Seamount gemessen wurde, war nicht erhöht. Die dargestellten Ergebnisse lassen dennoch für beide untersuchten Seamounts auf ein getrenntes Ökosystem schließen. An der Großen Meteorbank wird dies insbesondere durch die Isolierung von Wassermassen und den darin enthaltenen Planktonorganismen über dem Bankplateau deutlich.


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Ao longo de um ano (junho 2009 – maio 2010), estudou-se as comunidades de macroalgas do intertidal de quatro locais na costa sul (Reis Magos, Barreirinha,Cais do Carvão e Ribeira Brava) e quatro na costa norte (Porto da Cruz, Seixal,Praia da Laje e Porto Moniz) da ilha da Madeira. A área de estudo estendeu-se desde a linha de maré baixa até à zona superiordo intertidal. Identificou-se um total de 73 Taxa na ilha da Madeira: 1 Cyanobacteria, 35 Rhodophyta, 18 Ochrophyta e 18 Chlorophyta. No sul foram identificados 49 Taxa (17 exclusivos desta costa) e no norte 56 Taxa (24 exclusivos). Duas metodologias conjugadas permitem-nos caracterizar o coberto algal do Intertidal rochoso da ilha da Madeira: amostragem manual e trabalho em laboratório (trabalho mais detalhado e rigoroso) e análise de imagens digitais através de um programa informático específico (determinação de categorias ecológicas). Considerando as categorias ecológicas, o intertidal da ilha da Madeira é dominado por Musgo Calcário e Crosta não calcária. Duas espécies, Corallina elongata e Padina pavonica, são dominantes na ilha da Madeira e sete espécies são novos registos: Ganonema farinosum, Hypnea arbuscula, cf. Itonoa marginifera, Grateloupia dichotoma, Cystoseira wildpretii,Sargassum furcatum e Cladophora lehmanniana. As análises CLUSTER e nMDS determinaram a existência de semelhanças relativamente elevadas entre quatro locais de amostragem, no entanto verificou-se uma primeira diferenciação entre norte e sul. Existe uma desigualdade evidente do coberto algal entre as duas costas, com predominância de algas vermelhas e verdes no sul, contrastando com a maior ocorrência de algas castanhas no norte. Esta diferença poderá ser causada pela herbivoria (mais evidente a sul) e pelo hidrodinamismo (mais forte no norte). Verfificou-se que a exposição à ação das ondas é o principal fator responsável pela variação entre amostras (R=0,537, Sig.=0,1%).


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Este trabalho consiste na criação de uma relação entre uma investigação científica e um relatório da prática pedagógica, subordinados a mesmo tema. No âmbito da relação entre a sociedade e o espaço virtual, são abordadas noções referentes à cibercultura, entendendo o espaço virtual como um novo espaço social. É desenvolvida a ideia de que a opinião individual foi enfatizada pelas redes sociais e pelos blogues, que aliados ao facilitado acesso ao conhecimento, levaram à proliferação da informação. No domínio das artes visuais são abordados temas referentes à arte digital e ao desenvolvimento de práticas artísticas no espaço virtual, tal como a new media art, referindo-se trabalhos de artistas como Manfred Mohr, Charles Csuri, Gerhard Mantz, Vuk Cosic, Jodi.org e Cornelia Sollfrank. Neste campo, foi ainda, estudada a importância dos softwares para a produção artística digital e a relevância das instituições virtuais para a dinamização cultural. Por último, são estabelecidas relações entre o espaço virtual e o ensino das artes visuais, onde são analisadas questões referentes a introdução de ferramentas digitais na sala de aula, com o intuito de contribuir para a evolução do aluno e para o melhoramento da formação profissional do docente Relativamente à pratica docente nas disciplinas de Desenho B e de História das Artes, do Curso Tecnológico de Multimédia, realizada na Escola Secundária de Francisco Franco, são apresentados de forma crítica e reflexiva, os procedimentos necessários para a aplicação da componente científica, tais como as planificações, propostas de trabalho e visitas de estudo. São ainda apresentadas as restantes componentes relativas à prática letiva, tais como as atividades de Direção de Turma; o acompanhamento do projeto da Associação Companhia Contigo Teatro; e as atividades de enriquecimento curricular.


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This thesis provides information on the grouping structure, survival, abundance, dive characteristics and habitat preferences of short-finned pilot whales occurring in the oceanic archipelago of Madeira (Portugal, NE Atlantic), based on data collected between 2001-2011, and contributes for its conservation. Photo-identification methods and genetic analyses demonstrated that there is a large degree of variability in site fidelity, including resident, regular visitor and transient whales, and that they may not be genetically isolated. It is proposed that the pilot whales encountered in Madeira belong to a single population encompassing several clans, possibly three clans of island-associated (i.e. resident and regular visitor) whales and others of transients, each containing two to three matrilineal pods. Mark-recapture methods estimated that the island-associated community is composed of less than 150 individuals and that their survival rate is within the range of other long-lived cetacean species, and that around 300 whales of different residency patterns uses the southern area of the island of Madeira from mid-summer to mid-autumn. No significant trend was observed between years. Time-depth recorders deployed in adult whales during daytime revealed that they spend over ¾ of their time at the surface, that they have a low diving rate, and that transient whales also forage during their passage. The analyses of visual data collected from nautical and aerial line-transect surveys indicate a core/preferred habitat area in the south-east of the island of Madeira. That area is used for resting, socializing, foraging, breeding, calving and birthing. Thus, that area should be considered as an important habitat for this species, at least seasonally (during autumn) when the species is more abundant, and included in conservation plans. No direct threat needing urgent measures was identified, although the impact of some activities like whale-watching or marine traffic should be assessed.


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This study aimed to provide an insight on the ecology of the bottlenose dolphin population in Madeira archipelago. To achieve this, population structure; group dynamics, site-fidelity, residency and movement patterns within and out of the study area; survival and abundance estimates and spatial and temporal distribution and habitat preferences related to physiographic parameters using data collected between 2001-2011, were investigated. Photo-identification data analysis revealed strong evidences that bottlenose dolphins seen in the archipelago of Madeira belong to an open population with regular recruitment of new animals to the area. This population exhibited a typical fission-fusion society, in which short-term acquaintances prevail, with only a few long-lasting associations. Photo-identification methods demonstrated that there is a large variability in residency pattern, with resident, transient and migrant individuals. Only a small number of dolphins were found to be resident (4.3%). Social network diagram as well as SLAR analysis supported the existence of a mixed population of residents, migrants and transients. Mark-recapture methods estimated a high survival rate, within the range of other long-lived cetacean species. The resident community is composed of app. 180 individuals. In addition, around 400 dolphins of different residency patterns were found to use the south area of Madeira Island. Spatial distribution indicated that bottlenose dolphins were regularly found in shallow and closer to shore areas, suggesting the existence of biological processes influenced by bathymetry. Moreover, temporal patterns revealed no strong seasonal fluctuation in the presence of bottlenose dolphins in Madeira archipelago waters. Bottlenose dolphins are listed under the Annex II of the EU habitats Directive that requires the designation of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) for this species; as such, the knowledge gained through this work can be used by governmental authorities to the establishment and management of areas for the conservation of bottlenose dolphin in Madeira archipelago.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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This research presents a study that seeks to analyze the images of the future in science fiction movies, specifically those made through animation techniques, exploring particularly the representation of audiovisual communication medias in its dialogue with the approached societies in the movies chosen to be analyzed. The proposed discussion seeks approximations in order to answer to the question that initiated this research: how are we thinking the future nowadays? It also seeks to, according to Morin (1997), comprehend aspects of the contemporary society by using the cinema, and at the same time, to understand the cinema, aided by a social analysis


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The proposal of this research is to analyze the convergence between fashion and communication shown on the materiality of the print media, and how the language from the supporter influences on the production of sense by the target market. Made real in the research corpus comprised of six ffw>>mag! magazines from the year 2011. The applied conceptual mechanism tries to investigate the production of sense from the physical attributes before interpreting the message s content, to do so, the Materiality of Communication is used, which offers an investigative apparatus of the media in its material shape, and those as influences in the communicative acts and processes. Methodologically, we adopt the Peircean Semiotics Theory, for its study focus on the analysis of the possible processes of production of sense. Through Semiotics we achieve the interpretative levels that allow us to clarify the questionings that come from the research s objectives, identifying and tracing the cognitive and intelligibility schemes bound to the media speeches of materiality. The analysis coordinated to the concepts and theories employed in this study point to a confirmation that the materiality of the reviewed media communicates to the readers in the same intensity as its content, provides a preview of the content and notifies the intentions of the publication. In the commercial way, characterizing the target audience it craves, and also in the conceptual way, demonstrating the ideas it wants to communicate. Where the convergence between communication and fashion unfolds as the materiality of the media by the choice of the materials and finishing options, and mainly by the selection and manipulation of technical images and colors from the cycles of fashion


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The development of digital technologies has opened up a new niche for artistic production. It began to emerge artworks that could only happen in the digital context. In this study, we investigated the syntax of defining digital poetry, recognized internationally as one of the possibilities of this new artistic practice, and how happens the meaning during the reading process. As research corpus, we chose the poem "Birds Still Warm From Flying", by american poet Jason Nelson. And we structure our analysis looking through three perspectives: the digital poem as a game; as the evolution of experimental trends of twentieth-century poetry; and as a representation of Rubik`s Cube, a famous three-dimensional puzzle from the 1970`s. Initially, we made some considerations about the construction of digital poetry as a hypermedia artwork, looking through convergence and hybridization of artistic and media languages. Then, we saw some similarities between Nelson`s poem and electronic games, based on our critical observations about the concept of interactivity. Subsequently, we wrote a historical overview about the poetic experimentation in the twentieth century, bringing examples of sound poetry and visual poetry as evidence that the birth of digital poetry is also the result of the evolution of these experiments. Finally, we use the Charles Sanders Peirce`s semiotics to analyze the signs that give references able to make us recognize the Rubik`s Cube in "Birds Still Warm From Flying"


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In this work, from the case of Mr. Lunga, a character of the brazilian northeastern culture whose stories circulated orally until they turned into verses of cordel (regional literature illustrated by xylographic printing images), we intend to understand that gender of leaflet, as significant cultural product, like media, with specific language features that act as means of construction and transmission of realities. To understand this phenomenon of meaning production in the cordel media, we used hermeneutics as a method and applied the general theory of interpretation in six chosen leaflets. We worked with a constructivist perspective that grounds the discussion of everyday reality and fiction, concepts that are raised around the essence of the character that is real, but it is also part of the creative activities of poets, how both are interrelated and constitute the understanding that individuals have the real. From the analyzes, we realize that each poet presents the fields of significance of Mr. Lunga in a different way, based on subjectivity, intention and mediations between each of them and the discourses they produce. Each cordelist contributes in his own way of significance for the construction of the imaginary Mr. Lunga. The speech of the cordelists contains a number of elements that aim to legitimize as truth the actions described. In this confrontation, our goal in this work is to understand the construction of the fields of signification, where these discourses are located, the production of meaning around a character who is not in a finite field, but transits through many of them, making the boundaries between reality and fiction dynamic


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The testimonial is a way of statement that demonstrates or admit the existence of a reality with which the enunciator has contacted. This is, thus, pushed to say what he saw, heard or touched. In this paper, we verified the effects of senses produced in the blog of Bishop Macedo, founder of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG), from a corpus which consists of nine testimonies of presumed believersselected among 64 statements distributed during the year, 2012. Instead of instantaneous testimonials, on a live presentation, these media narratives are underpinned by attributes such as hyperlinks, visuals, language translators, besides mechanisms of interaction and sharing in other spheres from mediatic slant. The problem of this analysis was born from the observation of regular points in the discursive architecture of these testimonials, when was identified the existing relation force between the sacred and the profane, everyday practices. During six months, analysis of the empirical material, we found some effects of the senses on the testimonials, as the dialectic structure and the need for denuding a precarious past, an engagement to shield the figure of Macedo and the UCKG towards society; a update of a crusade against other religions; and the presence of certain sensuality in self-deprecation of the deponents, and an unequal relation of forces (sacred and profane) in the construction of truth. In order of succeeding in this investigation, we used the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Analysis of French Discourse (AD), denouncing the qualitative nature of the research. As a methodological principle, we still use transdisciplinarity, which validated some of our dialogues, especially with philosophy. The conception of discourse modeled by a media support and transpassed by the subject(s) and story (ies) characterized the perspective of the research


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The quarrel, in this study, tells about the language as social practical in the daily of Parnamirim State Prison that is integrated to the Rio Grande do Norte Penitentiary System - SISPERN, destined for men in fulfilment of penalty privative of freedom, in closed regimen. For the accomplishment of the research, the delimited objectives had been to analyze the language repertoires created in the prisional daily, trying to identify how it´s turned into distinct forms of resistance to the mechanisms of control in penitentiary system; to investigate which are the language repertoires created from the new sociability forms developed among prisoners and identify how the language repertoires are expressed in the daily prisional on relations/exercises of power not-institutionalized. In the methodological aspect, the study is in a qualitative boarding, that has as main instrument the interview. The inquiry was possible by means of using instruments for data collection, like as: the direct comment in the prisional daily duly registered as researcher´s ethnographical procedure, the analysis of interns´ cadastre handbooks and the application of half-structuralized interview, to the subjects of the research. The construction and understanding of the study object had been based on authors who argue on the arrest, as: Foucault, Goffman, Carvalho Filho and, in particular was searched the theorical referencial that approaches the language in a social and cultural perspective: Orlandi, Manfred, Bastos and Candiotto, amongst others. Beyond the normative endorsement of the Brazilian legislation, through the Law of Criminal Execution, of the Criminal Code and the Federal Constitution of the country and the legal apparatus in state scope. Still in the research methodological perspective, after the collection the data had been submitted to an analysis of the speech from Foucalt´s theory and in the Orlandi´s perspective, being also qualitative and quantitative. The results had evidenced that the social and juridical profile of the population in the site inquired is not different of others Brazilian prisons, composed for men, in its majority, with age band between 21 and 30 years old, prisoners for practicing crimes against the patrimony, against life, amongst others, and, in special, criminal recidivists. It evidenced, still, that the daily prisional of PSP is characterized for a sociocultural diversity expressed in the relations of power not institutionalized, that contributes for the formation and division of the groups, each one using a set of language codes/ repertoires sustentation. Therefore, the language, in the daily prisional, is one of the ways to understand the singularity of the sociability relations and as social practicing mediated by relations/exercises of power and antagonistic interests, in which each group aims first of all, their own interests. It represents the complexity of the social relations, in the prisional space, with diverse effects, in function of the situation and the moment. The language in the arrest, beyond the communication function, assumes and represents central element for the sociability human being, contributes for its changings and it´s configured as one of the resistance forms of prisoners against the controling, disciplining and monitoring mechanisms of penitentiary system