893 resultados para Bone degeneration
To investigate bone mineral accretion in growing children, the Saskatchewan Pediatric Bone Mineral Accrual Study was initiated in 1991. The study involves the collection of dietary and physical activity information along with anthropometric growth and maturity measurements every 6 months and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometer (DXA) bone scans of the whole body, AP lumbar spine and proximal femur taken annually, The study has now finished its 6th year and 68 males and 72 females from an original sample of 228 elementary schoolchildren are still involved, To investigate how bone mineral at clinically important sites proceeds in relation to maturation we developed distance and velocity growth curves for height and bone mineral content (BMC) for the AP lumbar spine, the femoral neck and the whole body, In both boys and girls, over 35% of total body and AP spine bone mineral and over 27% of the bone mineral at the femoral neck was laid down during the 4-year adolescent period surrounding peak linear growth velocity. The clinical significance of these values can be appreciated by consideration of the fact that as much bone mineral will be laid down during these 4 adolescent growing years as most people will lose during all of adult life.
Gene silencing may occur in breast cancer samples from patients presenting with occult metastatic cells in the bone marrow and one mechanism regulating gene suppression is heterochromatin formation. We have studied whether members of the heterochromatin protein 1 family Hp1(Hs alpha), Hp1(Hs beta) and Hp1(Hs gamma) which take part in chromatin packaging and gene expression regulation, were differentially expressed in tumors from patients with and without occult metastatic cells in their bone marrow. Tumor samples and bone marrow aspirates were obtained from 37 breast cancer patients. Median age was 63 years and 68% of the patients presented with clinical stage I/II disease. Presence of occult metastatic cells in bone marrow was detected through keratin-19 expression by nested RT-PCR in samples from 20 patients (54.1%). The presence of occult metastatic cells in bone marrow was not associated with node involvement, histological grade, estrogen receptor and ERBB2 immunoexpression. Relative gene expression of HP1(Hs alpha), HP1(Hs beta) and HP1(Hs gamma) was determined by real-time RT-PCR and did not vary according to the presence of occult metastatic cells in bone marrow. In addition, the combined expression of these three transcripts could not be used to classify samples according to the presence of bone marrow micrometastasis. Our work indicates that regulation of heterochromatin formation through HP1 family members may not be the sole mechanism implicated in the metastatic process to the bone marrow. (Int J Biol Markers 2008; 23: 219-24)
We measured bone mineral content (BMC) and estimated calcium accretion in children to provide insight into dietary calcium requirements during growth. Anthropometric measurements were done semiannually and whole-body BMC was measured annually by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry for 4 y in 228 children (471 scans in 113 boys and 507 scans in 115,girls). Mean values for BMC, skeletal area, and height were calculated for 1-y age groups from 9.5 to 19.5 y of age. Cross-sectional analysis of the pooled data gave peak height velocity and peak BMC velocity (PBMCV) and the ages at which these occurred (13.3 y in boys and 11.4 y in girls). PBMCV did not peak until 1.2 y after peak height velocity in boys and 1.6 y after peak height velocity in girls. Within 3 y on either side of PBMCV, boys had consistently higher BMC and BMC velocity compared with girls and the discrepancy increased steadily through puberty. Three years before PBMCV, BMC Values in girls were 69% of those in boys; 3 y after peak height velocity this proportion fell to 51%. PBMCV was 320 g/y in boys and 240 g/y in girls. Under the assumption that bone mineral is 32.2% calcium, these values corresponded to a daily calcium retention of 282 mg in boys and 212 mg in girls. Individual Values could be much greater. In one boy in a group of six subjects for whom there were enough data for individual analysis through puberty, PBMCV was 555 g Ca/y or 490 mg Ca/d. Such high skeletal demands for calcium require large dietary calcium intakes and such requirements may not be met immediately in some children.
Maximization of bone accrual during the growing years is thought to be an important factor in minimizing fracture risk in old age. Mechanical loading through physical activity has been recommended as a modality for the conservation of bone mineral in adults; however, few studies have evaluated the impact of different loading regimes in growing children. The purpose of this study was to compare bone mineral density (BMD) in weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing limbs in 17 children with unilateral Legg Calve Perthes Disease (LCPD). Children with this condition have an altered weight-bearing pattern whereby there is increased mechanical loading on the noninvolved normal hip and reduced loading on the involved painful hip. Thus, these children provide a unique opportunity to study the impact of differential mechanical loading on BMD during the growing years while controlling for genetic disposition. BMD at four regions of the proximal femur (trochanter, intertrochanter, femoral neck, total of the regions) was measured using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and the values were compared between the involved and noninvolved sides of the children with LCPD. The BMD of both sides also were compared with normative values based on both chronological and skeletal age data. A significantly higher BMD was found on the noninvolved side over the involved side for all regions (P
Background Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) has been found to be the most efficient way to lose weight and maintain the weight loss in morbid obesity. However, with the formation of a new stomach and the modification of intestinal anatomy, there are significant changes on physiological properties of these organs that lead to nutrient deficiency, including calcium. The objectives of this study were to evaluate calcium intake, bone metabolism, and prevalence of metabolic bone disease in women subjected to RYGBP after 8 years. Methods Food frequency questionnaire and 3-day dietary recall, laboratory tests of bone metabolism and bone mineral density were accessed. Results Calcium intake was below the recommendation in all women. Serum PTH and alkaline phosphatase were elevated, whereas vitamin D and urinary calcium were significantly lower. Also, a higher prevalence of metabolic bone disease than the one expected for the normal population at the same age was noted. Conclusion These data suggest that metabolic bone disease could be a complication of this type of surgery.
It is known that physical activity triggers changes in the central nervous system Adult rats, trained on treadmills for 4 weeks, and a group of sedentary rats was submitted to contuse moderate spinal cord injury A group of sedentary rats was submitted to a sham operation The trained group continued running on treadmill after lesion for 4 weeks Motor behavior evaluated by BBB score was smaller in the sedentary group compared to the trained rats by 7 days after lesion Computerized activity monitor showed clear-cut differences in spontaneous motor parameters in trained rats only before lesion After surgery, sedentary rats showed changes in motor parameters but not in later periods of analysis Animals were euthanized by 28 days after surgery, and their spinal cords were processed for Nissl staining and immunohistochemistry The number of the remaining neurons and the lesion areal and lesion volume fractions were obtained by stereological method The number of the remaining neurons did not change after training Lesion volume and lesion areal fraction per section were smaller in the trained group Lesion index was more pronounced in the sedentary group Microdensitometric image analysis demonstrated a microglial reaction, astroglial activation, and glial FGF-2 production more pronounced in the spinal cord of sedentary animals GAP-43 was higher in caudal levels of contusion in the sedentary group In conclusion, treadmill running may favor a better functional recovery in the acute period after spinal cord lesion and wound repair processes leading to neuroprotection (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
The present study investigated the effects of bilateral adrenalectomy (ADX) on the synthesis of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, FGF-2) mRNA and on the expression of its FGF receptor subtype-2 (FGFR2) mRNA after a 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced lesion of nigrostriatal dopamine system. In previous papers we have demonstrated that corticosterone increases FGF-2 immunoreactivity mainly in the astrocytes of the substantia nigra [Chadi, G., Rosen, L., Cintra, A., Tinner, B., Zoli, M., Pettersson, R.F., Fuxe, K., 1993b. Corticosterone increases FGF-2 (bFGF) immunoreactivity in the substantia nigra of the rat. Neuroreport 4, 783-786.] and that 6-OHDA injected in the ventral midbrain upregulates FGF-2 synthesis in reactive astrocytes in the ascending dopamine pathways [Chadi, G., Cao, Y., Pettersson, R.F., Fuxe, K., 1994. Temporal and spatial increase of astroglial basic fibroblast growth factor synthesis after 6-hydroxydopamine-induced degeneration of the nigrostriatal dopamine neurons. Neuroscience 61, 891-910.]. Rats were adrenalectomized and received a 6-OHDA stereotaxical injection in the ventral midbrain 2 days later. Seven days after the dopamine lesion, Western blot analysis showed a decreased level of tyrosine hydroxylase in the lesioned side of the midbrain, an event that was not altered by ADX or corticosterone replacement. Moreover, the degeneration of nigral dopamine neurons, which was confirmed by the disappearance of acidic FGF (FGF-1) mRNA and the decrement of tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA labeled nigral neurons, was not altered by ADX. The FGF-2 protein (23 kDa isoform but not 21 kDa fraction) levels increased in the lesioned side of the ventral midbrain. This elevation was counteracted by ADX, an effect that was fully reversed by corticosterone replacement. In situ hybridization revealed that ADX counteracted the elevated FGF-2 mRNA levels in putative glial cells of the ipsilateral pars compacta of the substantia nigra and in the ventral tegmental area. The ADX also counteracted the increased density and intensity of the astroglial FGF-2 immunoreactive profiles within the lesioned pars compacta of the substantia nigra and the ventral tegmental area as determined by stereology. The stereotaxical mechanical needle insertion triggered the expression of FGFR2 mRNA in putative glial cells, spreading to the entire ipsilateral ventral midbrain from the region of needle track, an occurrence that was partially reversed by ADX. In conclusion, bilateral ADX counteracted the increased astroglial FGF-2 synthesis in the dopamine regions of the ventral midbrain following a 6-OHDA-induced local lesion and interfered with FGF receptor regulation around injury. These findings give further evidence that adrenocortical hormones may regulate the astroglial FGF-2-mediated trophic mechanisms and wound repair events in the lesioned central nervous system. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Hypothesis: This study aimed to evaluate the biocompatibility of alpha-tricalcium phosphate bone cement in the obliteration of the mastoid cavity in guinea pigs. Background: Treatment with open cavity mastoidectomy can present poor functional results in chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma, especially if the cavity is large. Partial or total obliteration of the cavity can overcome these problems. Alpha-tricalcium phosphate bone cement has physicochemical characteristics that suggest its potential in mastoid cavity obliteration. Materials and Methods: Twenty guinea pigs were studied. All animals underwent surgery involving the dorsal tympanic bulla. In the study group animals (n = 10), mastoid cavity obliteration was performed with alpha-tricalcium phosphate bone cement. In the control group animals (n = 10), the cavity was left unfilled. On postoperative day 60, the animals were sacrificed and studied for signs of rejection of the material and other complications. Temporal bones were removed for histopathological study, in which the type and degree of inflammatory response, as well as the degree of ossification, were analyzed. Results: The mortality rate was the same in both groups. Deaths were attributed to anesthetic complications in the initial postoperative period. In the animals that survived, there were no complications, and there was good healing of the incision in both groups. There were no clinical signs of rejection of the material, and the histopathological analysis of the cement group revealed no signs of foreign body reaction (inflammatory response). Conclusion: Alpha-tricalcium phosphate bone cement is biocompatible in the mastoid cavity of guinea pigs.
Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a centrifuged osteogenic bone marrow aspirate to stimulate healing in rabbit fibular osteotomies Methods Ten white New Zealand rabbits were used A transverse medial diaphyseal fibular osteotomy was performed on the right fibula where an absorbable collagen sponge embedded in osteogenic centrifuged bone marrow aspirate obtained from the ipsilateral iliac bone was inserted The left fibula was used as the control group where the collagen absorbable sponge was inserted without the osteogenic centrifuged aspirate The rabbits were sacrificed four weeks after surgery to evaluate bone callus formation Analyses of results were performed with DEXA bone densitometry to evaluate callus mineral mass multislice computed tomography to evaluate callus volume and histomorphometry to evaluate the relative rate of tissue formation Results The employment of centrifuged osteogenic bone marrow aspirate resulted in a 40 3% increase of callus bone mineral mass and increased relative quantity of bone tissue formation by 9 4% without a significant increase in the relative quantities of cartilage fibrous tissue or in callus volume Conclusions This study shows that the centrifuged osteogenic bone marrow aspirate was able to improve the healing of experimental fibular osteotomies in rabbits
Vascularized bone grafts have been successfully applied for the reconstruction of bone defects at the forearm, distal radius, carpus, and hand. Vascularized bone grafts are most commonly used in revision cases in which other approaches have failed. Vascularized bone grafts can be obtained from a variety of donor sites, including the fibula, the iliac crest, the distal radius (corticocancellous segments and vascularized periosteum), the metacarpals and metatarsals, and the medial femoral condyle (corticoperiosteal flaps). Their vascularity is preserved as either pedicled autografts or free flaps to carry the optimum biological potential to enhance union. The grafts can also be transferred as composite tissue flaps to reconstruct compound tissue defects. Selection of the most appropriate donor flap site is multifactorial. Considerations include size matching between donor and defect, the structural characteristics of the graft, the mechanical demands of the defect, proximity to the donor area, the need for an anastomosis, the duration of the procedure, and the donor site morbidity. This article focuses on defects of the distal radius, the wrist, and the hand. (J Hand Surg 2010;35A:1710-1718. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand.)
Objective: Only few large families with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) have been documented. Here, we aimed to investigate the clinical features of a seven-generation Brazilian pedigree. which included 715 at-risk family members. Design: Genealogical and geographic analysis was used to identify the MEN1 pedigree. Clinical and genetic approach was applied to characterize the phenotypic and genotypic features of the family members. Results: Our genetic data indicated that a founding mutation in the MEN1 gene has occurred in this extended Brazilian family. Fifty family members were diagnosed with MEN1. Very high frequencies of functioning and non-functioning MEN1-related tumors were documented and the prevalence of prolactinoma (29.6%) was similar to that previously described in prolactinoma-variant Burin (32%). In addition, bone mineral density analysis revealed severe osteoporosis (T,-2.87 +/- 0.32) of compact bone (distal radius) in hyperparathyroidism (HPT)/MEN1 patients. while marked bone mineral loss in the lumbar spine (T,-1.95 +/- 0.39). with most cancellous bone, and femoral neck (mixed composition: T,-1.48 +/- 0.27) were also present. Conclusions: In this study, we described clinically and genetically the fifth largest MEN1 family in the literature. Our data confirm previous findings suggesting that prevalence of MEN1-related tumors in large families may differ from reports combining cumulative data of small families. Furthermore. we were able to evaluate the bone status in HPT/MEN1 cases, a subject that has been incompletely approached in the literature. We discussed the bone loss pattern found in our MEN1 patients comparing with that of patients with sporadic primary HPT.
We tested the hypothesis that bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (BMDMCs) at an early phase of cecal ligation and puncture (CLP)-induced sepsis may have lasting effects on: (1) lung mechanics and histology, (2) the structural remodelling of lung parenchyma, (3) lung, kidney, and liver cell apoptosis, and (4) pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and growth factors. At day 1, BMDMC significantly reduced mortality, as well as caspase-3, interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-1 beta vascular endothelial growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor, and transforming growth factor-beta, but increased IL-10 mRNA expression in lung tissue in septic mice contributing to endothelium and epithelium alveolar repair and improvement of lung mechanics. BMDMC also prevented the increase of apoptotic cells in lung, liver, and kidney. At day 7, these early functional and morphological effects were preserved or further improved. In conclusion, in the present model of sepsis, the beneficial effects of early administration of BMDMCs on lung and distal organs were preserved, possibly by paracrine mechanisms. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We hypothesized that bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (BMDMC) would attenuate the remodeling process in a chronic allergic inflammation model. C57BL/6 mice were assigned to two groups. In OVA, mice were sensitized and repeatedly challenged with ovalbumin. Control mice (C) received saline under the same protocol. C and OVA were further randomized to receive BMDMC (2 x 10(6)) or saline intravenously 24 h before the first challenge. BMDMC therapy reduced eosinophil infiltration, smooth muscle-specific actin expression, subepithelial fibrosis, and myocyte hypertrophy and hyperplasia, thus causing a decrease in airway hyperresponsiveness and lung mechanical parameters. BMDMC from green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic mice transplanted into GFP-negative mice yielded lower engraftment in OVA. BMDMC increased insulin-like growth factor expression, but reduced interleukin-5, transforming growth factor-beta, platelet-derived growth factor, and vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA expression. In conclusion, in the present chronic allergic inflammation model, BMDMC therapy was an effective pre-treatment protocol that potentiated airway epithelial cell repair and prevented inflammatory and remodeling processes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that bone marrow mononuclear cell (BMDMC) therapy led an improvement in lung mechanics and histology in endotoxin-induced lung injury. Twenty-four C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into four groups (n = 6 each). In the acute lung injur;y (ALI) group, Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was instilled intratracheally (40 mu g, IT), and control (C) mice received saline (0.05 ml, IT). One hour after the administration of saline or LPS, BMDMC (2 x 10(7) cells) was intravenously injected. At day 28, animals were anesthetized and lung mechanics [static elastance (E(st)), resistive (Delta P(1)), and viscoelastic (Delta P(2)) pressures] and histology (light and electron microscopy) were analyzed. Immunogold electron microscopy was used to evaluate if multinucleate cells were type II epithelial cells. BMDMC therapy prevented endotoxin-induced lung inflammation, alveolar collapse, and interstitial edema. In addition, BMDMC administration led to epithelial and endothelial repair with multinucleated type II pneumocytes. These histological changes yielded a reduction in lung E(st), Delta P(1), and Delta P(2) compared to ALI. In the present experimental ALI model, the administration of BMDMC yielded a reduction in the inflammatory process and a repair of epithelium and endothelium, reducing the amount of alveolar collapse, thus leading to an improvement in lung mechanics.
We used an exome-sequencing strategy and identified an allelic series of NOTCH2 mutations in Hajdu-Cheney syndrome, an autosomal dominant multisystem disorder characterized by severe and progressive bone loss. The Hajdu-Cheney syndrome mutations are predicted to lead to the premature truncation of NOTCH2 with either disruption or loss of the C-terminal proline-glutamate-serine-threonine-rich proteolytic recognition sequence, the absence of which has previously been shown to increase Notch signaling.