419 resultados para Boltzmann


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We elucidate the relationship between effective mass and carrier concentration in an oxide semiconductor controlled by a double-doping mechanism. In this model oxide system, Sr1-xLaxTiO3-delta, we can tune the effective mass ranging from 6 to 20m(e) as a function of filling (carrier concentration) and the scattering mechanism, which are dependent on the chosen lanthanum-and oxygen-vacancy concentrations. The effective mass values were calculated from the Boltzmann transport equation using the measured transport properties of thin films of Sr1-xLaxTiO3-delta. We show that the effective mass decreases with carrier concentration in this large-band-gap, low-mobility oxide, and this behavior is contrary to the traditional high-mobility, small-effective-mass semiconductors.


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The shear alignment of an initially disordered lamellar phase is examined using lattice Boltzmann simulations of a mesoscopic model based on a free-energy functional for the concentration modulation. For a small shear cell of width 8 lambda, the qualitative features of the alignment process are strongly dependent on the Schmidt number Sc = nu/D (ratio of kinematic viscosity and mass diffusion coefficient). Here, lambda is the wavelength of the concentration modulation. At low Schmidt number, it is found that there is a significant initial increase in the viscosity, coinciding with the alignment of layers along the extensional axis, followed by a decrease at long times due to the alignment along the flow direction. At high Schmidt number, alignment takes place due to the breakage and reformation of layers because diffusion is slow compared to shear deformation; this results in faster alignment. The system size has a strong effect on the alignment process; perfect alignment takes place for a small systems of width 8 lambda and 16 lambda, while a larger system of width 32 lambda does not align completely even at long times. In the larger system, there appears to be a dynamical steady state in which the layers are not perfectly aligned-where there is a balance between the annealing of defects due to shear and the creation due to an instability of the aligned lamellar phase under shear. We observe two types of defect creation mechanisms: the buckling instability under dilation, which was reported earlier, as well as a second mechanism due to layer compression.


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A new way of flux-splitting, termed as the wave-particle splitting is presented for developing upwind methods for solving Euler equations of gas dynamics. Based on this splitting, two new upwind methods termed as Acoustic Flux Vector Splitting (AFVS) and Acoustic Flux Difference Splitting (AFDS) methods are developed. A new Boltzmann scheme, which closely resembles the wave-particle splitting, is developed using the kinetic theory of gases. This method, termed as Peculiar Velocity based Upwind (PVU) method, uses the concept of peculiar velocity for upwinding. A special feature of all these methods that the unidirectional and multidirectional parts of the flux vector are treated separately. Extensive computations done using these schemes demonstrate the soundness of the ideas.


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The leading order "temperature" of a dense two-dimensional granular material fluidized by external vibrations is determined. The grain interactions are characterized by inelastic collisions, but the coefficient of restitution is considered to be close to 1, so that the dissipation of energy during a collision is small compared to the average energy of a particle. An asymptotic solution is obtained where the particles are considered to be elastic in the leading approximation. The velocity distribution is a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in the leading approximation,. The density profile is determined by solving the momentum balance equation in the vertical direction, where the relation between the pressure and density is provided by the virial equation of state. The temperature is determined by relating the source of energy due to the vibrating surface and the energy dissipation due to inelastic collisions. The predictions of the present analysis show good agreement with simulation results at higher densities where theories for a dilute vibrated granular material, with the pressure-density relation provided by the ideal gas law, sire in error. [:S1063-651X(99)04408-6].


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A fluctuating-force model is developed for representing the effect of the turbulent fluid velocity fluctuations on the particle phase in a turbulent gas–solid suspension in the limit of high Stokes number, where the particle relaxation time is large compared with the correlation time for the fluid velocity fluctuations. In the model, a fluctuating force is incorporated in the equation of motion for the particles, and the force distribution is assumed to be an anisotropic Gaussian white noise. It is shown that this is equivalent to incorporating a diffusion term in the Boltzmann equation for the particle velocity distribution functions. The variance of the force distribution, or equivalently the diffusion coefficient in the Boltzmann equation, is related to the time correlation functions for the fluid velocity fluctuations. The fluctuating-force model is applied to the specific case of a Couette flow of a turbulent particle–gas suspension, for which both the fluid and particle velocity distributions were evaluated using direct numerical simulations by Goswami & Kumaran (2010). It is found that the fluctuating-force simulation is able to quantitatively predict the concentration, mean velocity profiles and the mean square velocities, both at relatively low volume fractions, where the viscous relaxation time is small compared with the time between collisions, and at higher volume fractions, where the time between collisions is small compared with the viscous relaxation time. The simulations are also able to predict the velocity distributions in the centre of the Couette, even in cases in which the velocity distribution is very different from a Gaussian distribution.


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Single chain fragment variables (ScFvs) have been extensively employed in studying the protein-protein interactions. ScFvs derived from phage display libraries have an additional advantage of being generated against a native antigen, circumventing loss of information on conformational epitopes. In the present study, an attempt has been made to elucidate human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)-luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor interactions by using a neutral and two inhibitory ScFvs against hCG. The objective was to dock a computationally derived model of these ScFvs onto the crystal structure of hCG and understand the differential roles of the mapped epitopes in hCG-LH receptor interactions. An anti-hCG ScFv, whose epitope was mapped previously using biochemical tools, served as the positive control for assessing the quality of docking analysis. To evaluate the role of specific side chains at the hCG-ScFv interface, binding free energy as well as residue interaction energies of complexes in solution were calculated using molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann/surface area method after performing the molecular dynamic simulations on the selected hCG-ScFv models and validated using biochemical and SPR analysis. The robustness of these calculations was demonstrated by comparing the theoretically determined binding energies with the experimentally obtained kinetic parameters for hCG-ScFv complexes. Superimposition of hCG-ScFv model onto a model of hCG complexed with the 51-266 residues of LH receptor revealed importance of the residues previously thought to be unimportant for hormone binding and response. This analysis provides an alternate tool for understanding the structure-function analysis of ligand-receptor interactions. Proteins 2011;79:3108-3122. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The generalizations of the Onsager model for the radial boundary layer and the Carrier-Maslen model for the end-cap axial boundary layer in a high-speed rotating cylinder are formulated for studying the secondary gas flow due to wall heating and due to insertion of mass, momentum and energy into the cylinder. The generalizations have wider applicability than the original Onsager and Carrier-Maslen models, because they are not restricted to the limit A >> 1, though they are restricted to the limit R e >> 1 and a high-aspect-ratio cylinder whose length/diameter ratio is large. Here, the stratification parameter A = root m Omega(2)R(2)/2k(B)T). This parameter A is the ratio of the peripheral speed, Omega R, to the most probable molecular speed, root 2k(B)T/m, the Reynolds number Re = rho w Omega R(2)/mu, where m is the molecular mass, Omega and R are the rotational speed and radius of the cylinder, k(B) is the Boltzmann constant, T is the gas temperature, rho(w) is the gas density at wall, and mu is the gas viscosity. In the case of wall forcing, analytical solutions are obtained for the sixth-order generalized Onsager equations for the master potential, and for the fourth-order generalized Carrier-Maslen equation for the velocity potential. For the case of mass/momentum/energy insertion into the flow, the separation-of-variables procedure is used, and the appropriate homogeneous boundary conditions are specified so that the linear operators in the axial and radial directions are self-adjoint. The discrete eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the linear operators (sixth-order and second-order in the radial and axial directions for the Onsager equation, and fourth-order and second-order in the axial and radial directions for the Carrier-Maslen equation) are determined. These solutions are compared with direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) simulations. The comparison reveals that the boundary conditions in the simulations and analysis have to be matched with care. The commonly used `diffuse reflection' boundary conditions at solid walls in DSMC simulations result in a non-zero slip velocity as well as a `temperature slip' (gas temperature at the wall is different from wall temperature). These have to be incorporated in the analysis in order to make quantitative predictions. In the case of mass/momentum/energy sources within the flow, it is necessary to ensure that the homogeneous boundary conditions are accurately satisfied in the simulations. When these precautions are taken, there is excellent agreement between analysis and simulations, to within 10 %, even when the stratification parameter is as low as 0.707, the Reynolds number is as low as 100 and the aspect ratio (length/diameter) of the cylinder is as low as 2, and the secondary flow velocity is as high as 0.2 times the maximum base flow velocity. The predictions of the generalized models are also significantly better than those of the original Onsager and Carrier-Maslen models, which are restricted to thin boundary layers in the limit of high stratification parameter.


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The numerical solutions of Boltzmann transpott equation for the energy distribution of electrons moving in crossed fields in nitrogen have been obtained for 100 ÿ E/p ÿ 1000 V M-1 Torr-1 and for 0ÿ B/p ÿ 0.02 Tesla Torr-1 using the concept of energy dependent effective field intensity. From the derived distribution functions the electron mean energy, the tranaverse and perpendicular drift velocities and the averaged effective field intensity (Eavef) which signifies the average field intensity experienced by electron swarms in E àB field have been derived. The maximum difference between the electron mean energy for a given E ÃÂB field and that corresponding to Eavef/p (p is the gas pressure) is found to be within ñ3.5%.


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Binding of several bisindolylmaleimide (BIS) like (BIS-3, BIS-8 and UCN1) and other ligands (H89, SB203580 and Y27632) with the glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3 beta) has been studied using combined docking, molecular dynamics and Poisson-Boltzmann surface area analysis approaches. The study generated novel binding modes of these ligands that can rationalize why some ligands inhibit GSK-3 beta while others do not. The relative binding free energies associated with these binding modes are in agreement with the corresponding measured specificities. This study further provides useful insight regarding possible existence of multiple conformations of some ligands like H89 and BIS-8. It is also found that binding modes of BIS-3, BIS-8 and UCN1 with GSK-3 beta and PDK1 kinases are similar. These new insights are expected to be useful for future rational design of novel, more potent GSK-3 beta-specific inhibitors as promising therapeutics.


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We briefly review the growth and structural properties of View the MathML source bulk single crystals and View the MathML source epitaxial films grown on semi-insulating GaAs substrates. Temperature-dependent transport measurements on these samples are then correlated with the information obtained from structural (XRD, TEM, SEM) and optical (FTIR absorption) investigations. The temperature dependence of mobility and the Hall coefficient are theoretically modelled by exactly solving the linearized Boltzmann transport equation by inversion of the collision matrix and the relative role of various scattering mechanisms in limiting the low temperature and View the MathML source mobility is estimated. Finally, the first observation of Shubnikov oscillations in InAsSb is discussed.


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Kinetic schemes as pursued in CFD Centre are obtained by taking suitable moments of upwind schemes for Boltzmann equation without collision term. The primary ones among these are KFVS, LSKUM, KFMG and these have been applied successfully to a variety of flow problems using various meshes. These schemes have been found to be very robust.


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String theory and gauge/gravity duality suggest the lower bound of shear viscosity (eta) to entropy density (s) for any matter to be mu h/4 pi k(B), when h and k(B) are reduced Planck and Boltzmann constants respectively and mu <= 1. Motivated by this, we explore eta/s in black hole accretion flows, in order to understand if such exotic flows could be a natural site for the lowest eta/s. Accretion flow plays an important role in black hole physics in identifying the existence of the underlying black hole. This is a rotating shear flow with insignificant molecular viscosity, which could however have a significant turbulent viscosity, generating transport, heat and hence entropy in the flow. However, in presence of strong magnetic field, magnetic stresses can help in transporting matter independent of viscosity, via celebrated Blandford-Payne mechanism. In such cases, energy and then entropy produces via Ohmic dissipation. In,addition, certain optically thin, hot, accretion flows, of temperature greater than or similar to 10(9) K, may be favourable for nuclear burning which could generate/absorb huge energy, much higher than that in a star. We find that eta/s in accretion flows appears to be close to the lower bound suggested by theory, if they are embedded by strong magnetic field or producing nuclear energy, when the source of energy is not viscous effects. A lower bound on eta/s also leads to an upper bound on the Reynolds number of the flow.


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The scattering of carriers by charged dislocations in semiconductors is studied within the framework of the linearized Boltzmann transport theory with an emphasis on examining consequences of the extreme anisotropy of the cylindrically symmetric scattering potential. A new closed-form approximate expression for the carrier mobility valid for all temperatures is proposed. The ratios of quantum and transport scattering times are evaluated after averaging over the anisotropy in the relaxation time. The value of the Hall scattering factor computed for charged dislocation scattering indicates that there may be a factor of two error in the experimental mobility estimates using the Hall data. An expression for the resistivity tensor when the dislocations are tilted with respect to the plane of transport is derived. Finally, an expression for the isotropic relaxation time is derived when the dislocations are located within the sample with a uniform angular distribution.


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Dendrimeric nanoparticles are potential drug delivery devices which can enhance the solubility of hydrophobic drugs, thus increasing their bioavailability and sustained release action. A quantitative understanding of the dendrimer-drug interactions can give valuable insight into the solubility and release profile of hydrophobic drug molecules in various solvent conditions. Fully atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been performed to study the interactions of G5 PPIEDA (G5 ethylenediamine cored poly(propylene imine)) dendrimer and two well known drugs (Famotidine and Indomethacin) at different pH conditions. The study suggested that at low pH the dendrimer-drug complexes are thermodynamically unstable as compared to neutral and high pH conditions. Calculated Potential of Mean Force (PMF) by umbrella sampling showed that the release of drugs from the dendrimer at low pH is spontaneous, median release at neutral pH and slow release at high pH. In addition, Molecular Mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann Surface Area (MM-PBSA) binding free energy calculations were also performed at each umbrella sampling window to identify the various energy contributions. To understand the effect of dendrimer chemistry and topology on the solubility and release profile of drugs, this study is extended to explore the solubility and release profile of phenylbutazone drug complexed with G3 poly(amidoamine) and G4 diaminobutane cored PPI dendrimers. The results indicate that the pH-induced conformational changes in dendrimer, ionization states, dendrimer type and pK(a) of the guest molecules influence the free energy barrier and stability of complexation, and thus regulate drug loading, solubility and release.


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We investigate the thermoelectric properties of beta-FeSi2 using first principles electronic structure and Boltzmann transport calculations. We report a high thermopower for both p- and n-type beta-FeSi2 over a wide range of carrier concentration and in addition find the performance for n-type to be higher than for the p-type. Our results indicate that, depending upon temperature, a doping level of 3 x 10(20) to 2 x 10(21) cm(-3) may optimize the thermoelectric performance. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.