968 resultados para Becas de Postgrado
Es útil para estudiantes de postgrado (Master y Doctorado) en cursos de Economía o de Microeconomía en los que se analicen problemas de Decisión en condiciones de Riesgo o Incertidumbre. El documento comienza explicando la Teoría de la Utilidad Esperada. A continuación se estudian la aversión al riesgo, los coeficientes de aversión absoluta y relativa al riesgo, la relación “más averso que” entre agentes económicos y los efectos riqueza sobre las decisiones en algunas relaciones de preferencia utilizadas frecuentemente en el análisis económico. La sección 4 se centra en la comparación entre alternativas arriesgadas en términos de rendimiento y riesgo, considerando la dominancia estocástica de primer y segundo orden y algunas extensiones posteriores de esas relaciones de orden. El documento concluye con doce ejercicios resueltos en los que se aplican los conceptos y resultados expuestos en las secciones anteriores a problemas de decisión en varios contextos
528 p.
Nesta dissertação analisamos peças publicitárias veiculadas em um semanário de circulação nacional, com o objetivo de constatar se o uso das letras, em especial as maiúsculas, constitui uma transgressão às normas gramaticais da língua portuguesa. Para isso, partimos da hipótese de que esse uso constitui uma questão artística ou de estilo, destinado à persuasão do consumidor potencial. Valemo-nos das orientações da gramática normativa da língua, da Estilística e da Semiótica para respondermos a essa hipótese. Foi considerado também o emprego das cores, das formas da linguagem visual, da diagramação, além do poder de persuasão das letras, elementos importantes da publicidade impressa. Foram analisadas quarenta e quatro peças publicitárias publicadas nos meses de outubro, novembro e dezembro de 2012, e março, abril e maio de 2013. Observamos nos anúncios os valores semióticos dos signos verbais e não verbais como ícones ou índices na arquitetura visual do texto
The aim of this paper is to recognize the images that prospective elementary school teachers have about citizenship and citizenship education in school. The qualitative methodology with an ethnographic approach is used for that deep interview of ethnographic kind and analysis of institutional documents, for example, curricula, course syllabus and graduated profi le. The revision of documents helps to a better understanding of discourses. The analysis of the corpus obtained after the application of the paradigm of codifi cation proposed in the established theory. As the principal fi ndings we way point out that the concept of citizens that is common among prospective elementary school teachers is reduced to the school environment because they consider that the promotion of citizenship helps to the incorporation of children to society, thus reproducing a propaedeutic view of education.
Historically the central area of the city of Iquique has been established as residential space migrants choosing from different backgrounds , however since the late 2000s migration flows are diversified being mostly Latin American immigrants who live in precarious conditions , accessing tugurizados properties , deteriorated in an increasingly growing informal market. The results presented here are derived from quantitative residential location of migrants , as well as the implementation of 13 in-depth interviews . From these results emerge that Latin American migrants access to the same places where once lived internal migrants, however they inhabit a restrictive market , uneven and inadequate living conditions lease, but allows them to articulate residence and proximity to industrial networks , social and popular trade.
The rapid evolution and proliferation of a world-wide computerized network, the Internet, resulted in an overwhelming and constantly growing amount of publicly available data and information, a fact that was also verified in biomedicine. However, the lack of structure of textual data inhibits its direct processing by computational solutions. Information extraction is the task of text mining that intends to automatically collect information from unstructured text data sources. The goal of the work described in this thesis was to build innovative solutions for biomedical information extraction from scientific literature, through the development of simple software artifacts for developers and biocurators, delivering more accurate, usable and faster results. We started by tackling named entity recognition - a crucial initial task - with the development of Gimli, a machine-learning-based solution that follows an incremental approach to optimize extracted linguistic characteristics for each concept type. Afterwards, Totum was built to harmonize concept names provided by heterogeneous systems, delivering a robust solution with improved performance results. Such approach takes advantage of heterogenous corpora to deliver cross-corpus harmonization that is not constrained to specific characteristics. Since previous solutions do not provide links to knowledge bases, Neji was built to streamline the development of complex and custom solutions for biomedical concept name recognition and normalization. This was achieved through a modular and flexible framework focused on speed and performance, integrating a large amount of processing modules optimized for the biomedical domain. To offer on-demand heterogenous biomedical concept identification, we developed BeCAS, a web application, service and widget. We also tackled relation mining by developing TrigNER, a machine-learning-based solution for biomedical event trigger recognition, which applies an automatic algorithm to obtain the best linguistic features and model parameters for each event type. Finally, in order to assist biocurators, Egas was developed to support rapid, interactive and real-time collaborative curation of biomedical documents, through manual and automatic in-line annotation of concepts and relations. Overall, the research work presented in this thesis contributed to a more accurate update of current biomedical knowledge bases, towards improved hypothesis generation and knowledge discovery.
Tese de doutoramento, Estudos de Literatura e de Cultura (Estudos Portugueses), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2015
Gestión del Conocimiento
Tesis (Postgrado) U.A.N.L.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Se incluye un directorio de teléfonos y como anexos: normas académicas, calendario académico, derechos académicos y becas
El libro recoge la memoria de actividades del Servicio de Formaci??n y Transferencia Tecnol??gica de la Consejer??a de Agricultura, Agua y Medio Ambiente de la Comunidad Aut??noma de la Regi??n de Murcia, incardinada en un programa de investigaci??n rural y agroalimentaria que incluye acciones formativas dentro de los tres subsistemas formativos de Formaci??n Profesional Espec??fica (ciclos formativos de grado medio y de grado superior de las familias profesionales agrarias) de formaci??n ocupacional y de fornmaci??n continua (postgrado, reciclaje, actualizaci??n, reconversi??n , etc.).
La publicación incluye un apartado dedicado a becas y ayudas al estudio, servicios de transporte, comedor y alojamiento
Es la tercera edición de la guía