687 resultados para Bebidas não-alcoólicas


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Nesta pesquisa procurou-se verificar as características físicas e químicas de bebidas lácteas preparadas com três concentrações de soro de queijo Minas Frescal (30, 40 e 50%), empregando-se dois tipos de culturas lácticas: uma tradicional para iogurte (YC-180) contendo cepas mistas de Streptococcus salivarus subsp. thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis e Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus e outra (ABY-1) contendo cepas mistas de Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophillus, Bifidobacteria e Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus. Constatou-se que as bebidas lácteas apresentaram diferença estatística no tempo zero para os teores de gordura e de extrato seco. À medida em que se elevou a proporção de soro em relação ao leite, os teores de gordura e de extrato seco diminuíram. O teor de proteína também diminuiu à medida em que se aumentou o teor de soro nas bebidas lácteas, embora a diferença não tenha sido tão acentuada quanto as observadas para os teores de gordura e de extrato seco. em relação à lactose, não se constatou diferença entre os tratamentos. Os teores de soro não influenciaram o índice de proteólise das bebidas lácteas. Verificou-se todavia que as bebidas elaboradas com a cultura probiótica ABY-1 apresentaram valores superiores para proteólise quando comparadas às bebidas elaboradas com as culturas YC-180. As bebidas lácteas elaboradas com 30% de soro apresentaram maiores valores para viscosidade. As bebidas elaboradas com a cultura YC-180 apresentaram valores superiores para viscosidade durante o período de armazenamento.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Oral Lichen Planus (OLP) is a relatively common, cronic inflammatory disease. Its etiopathogenesis is no completely understood and several factors have proposed in attempt to explain the appearance, variety of clinical manifestations and periods of exacerbation and remission of the symptons of the lesions. The objective of the present study was to assess the presence of local factors, systemic diseases and levels of anxiety in patients with OLP, investigating their association with the clinical characteristics of the lesions. The sample consisted of 37 patients with histopathologically confirmed OLP that were submitted to a clinical exam to evaluate the presence of smoking habits, consumption of alcoholic beverages, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. The existence of skin lesions, as well as the time course, clinical form, symptomatology, number and location of the oral lesions were also registered. The trait anxiety was measured by Spielberger s Stai-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and to associate the variables we used the chi-square or Fisher s exact test. It was observed that females were the most affected (75%) and the mean age of the patients was 53,3 years. Most cases were non-smoker (97,3%) and none was drinker. Diabetes mellitus and hypertension were present in 10,8% e 16,2% of the sample, respectively and only one patient was HCV-seropositive (2,7%). Moderate levels of anxiety were seen in most cases (78,4%) and 21,6% had elevated levels. The oral lesions persisted in 95% of the cases for a period of 6 months to 13 years. The erosive form was the most prevalent (57,1%) and symptons were reported by 45,7% of the patients. Multiple lesions were frequent (60%), affecting mainly the buccal mucosa, followed by gums e tongue. There was no significant association of the presence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and levels of anxiety with the clinical form or symptomatology of the oral lesions (p>0,005), despite a trend in patients with hypertension to have erosive lesions. It was concluded that, in the sample studied, moderate levels of anxiety were commonly observed, and the HCV infection apparently is not related to the onset of the OLP. In this study, the presence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and levels of anxiety seem not to be associated with the clinical characteristics of the lesions of OLP


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In the school environment is fundamental the knowledge about the sleep-wake cycle (SWC), because we find children and adolescents with excessive sleepiness and learning difficulties. Furthermore, teachers with high demand and with different work schedule, which may contribute to changes in SWC. The aim of this study was to describe the SWC of high school teachers in Natal/RN. Habits and knowledge about sleep, chronotype, SWC, daytime sleepiness, sleep quality and job satisfaction were described in 98 high school teachers from public and private school. These parameters were compared according to the characteristics of work, family structure and gender. Data collection was performed with the use of questionnaires in two stages: 1) "health and sleep" (general characterization of sleep habits), Horne & Ostberg questionnaire (characterization of chronotype), Epworth Sleepiness Scale and the Index of Pittsburg Sleep Quality, 2) The sleep diary for 14 days. From the results, we observe that the teachers woke up and went to bed earlier in the week and showed a reduction of time in bed around 42min comparing to weekend. This reduction in time in bed during the week was accompanied by an increase in nap duration on weekend. In addition the teachers woke up earlier on Saturdays than on Sundays, probably due to housework and leisure. The teachers' knowledge about sleep was low in relation to individual differences and effect of alcoholic beverages on sleep, and high in the consequences of sleep deprivation. The differences found in comparisons on the characteristics of work, family structure and gender were punctual, except concerning the work schedule. The teacher who started work in the morning and finished in the night, woke up earlier, went to bed later and had less time in bed, when compared to teachers who work only in two shifts. In addition, teachers with late chronotypes who begin the work in the morning had a greater irregularity in the wake up time compared to teachers with earlier and intermediate chronotypes. Half of teachers have excessive sleepiness, which was positive correlated with work dissatisfaction. In general, teachers showed IPSQ averages equivalent to poor sleep quality and the women showed worst averages. From the results, it is suggested that the SWC of teachers varies according to work schedule, leading to irregularity and partial sleep deprivation in the week, although these responses vary according to chronotype. These changes are accompanied by excessive daytime sleepiness and poor sleep quality. However, it is necessary to expand the sample to clarify the influence of variables related to work, family structure and gender together


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Excessive alcohol consumption is responsible for many harmful effects on individuals and society. Despite years of research, the mechanisms by which alcohol affects neurological functions and the exact causes of cognitive impairment related to long-term use are unknown. In this sense, this master study proposed to observe how different doses of alcohol affect the addiction response and the learning ability of two fish species: Betta splendens and Danio rerio, the latter a commonly model due to organizational and functional characteristics shared with mammals. For this, different concentrations of ethanol (0%, 0.1%, 0.25%, 1% and 1.5%) were used in acute, chronic and withdrawal treatments. We tested the fish in three experimental protocols: 1) alcohol addiction potential using conditioned place preference, 2) associative conditioning using light as unconditioned stimulus and food as conditioned stimulus and 3) spatial learning using a maze without cues. For the alcohol addiction potential, preference between two different places in a shuttle box was tested before and after alcohol exposure (chronic and acute). In this test, the animals intoxicated by 0.1% did not change behavior, while animals receiving 1% and 1.5% alcohol changed the initial preference to the side where they received alcohol For the associative conditioning, the results show that the groups undergoing low dose (0.1%), both in chronic and withdrawal treatment, learned the task faster than control; groups under 0.25 and 1% alcohol withdrawal learned the task after control; groups chronically intoxicated with these doses did not learn the task. For the spatial learning test, fish submitted to acute and chronic treatments decreased the time to exit the maze; there were significant differences in the animal s performance in a dose-dependent pattern. This difference was not observed for the withdrawal treatment. Given these results, we conclude that the effects of alcohol on learning are dependent on the dosage. Furthermore, low doses of alcohol seem to maximize animal performance on learning tasks and do not alter their seeking behavior, while higher doses induced addition and hinder learning


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This study has an object the understanding of the alcohol phenomenon consumption that occurs among teenagers. It is adopted as research locus catholic private schools of Natal - RN, which receive pupils proceeding from the social groups pertaining to the classes taken from Natal private schools. The researched public corresponds to 87 teenagers, who had answered to a mixing questionnaire, with open and closed questions. The research uses as a procedure the intentional election, which for the access easinesses privileges subjects who, at the moment of the research accomplishment, reveal to be in condition to participate of it. The study presents quantitative and qualitative character. It presents the following objectives: 1-Identify in which circumstances the teenagers make alcoholic beverage use; 2 -To identify the knowledge that the teenagers have on the alcohol effects; 3 -To identify the performance role of the school institution on the prevention of alcohol use by teenagers. The analysis method used corresponds to the one called answers interpretation method. Regards to the theoretical-methodological support, the Social Control Theory and the Symbolic Interactionism Theory are adopted as referential. Its contained chapters are organized in the following way: The first chapter approaches the situation of drugs adolescent consumption in general and the social confrontation of this situation. The second chapter presents sociocultural aspects of the alcohol consumption and the description of some of the researched public characteristics. The third chapter emphasizes the school and its performance next to the teenagers and the society in general, towards the prevention and combat of the alcohol use, as well as of other drugs


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The concern with issues related to consumer protection has emerged in North America and then spread throughout the world. In Brazil, consumer‟s rights and interests only gained greater importance after their consolidation in the Constitution of 1988 and the enactment of the 8078/90 Law (Consumer‟s Protection and Defense Code), which established the consumerist microsystem. The understanding of the legal relationship of consumption concept is necessarily connected to knowledge of the elements that compose it. Among these, we can find the consumer and the provider (subjective elements), the product or service (objective elements), and the consumer‟s condition as final receiver of the consumption object (finalistic element). In order to elucidate the configuration of consumer protection before advertising communication, this work will analyze the advertising through the prism of consumerist laws, conceptualizing it and presenting a differentiation of it in relation to practices such as marketing, offer and commercial communication as well as examining its several kinds of manifestation, focusing mainly the ones categorized as misleading or unfair advertising. All kinds of advertising communication against the consumerist microsystem are subject to judicial control exercised by the State. Besides individual protection possibilities, this state-owned control can be collectively exercised as a result of the utilization of public civil action and popular action. Some specific categories of advertising (smoking products, alcoholic beverages, pesticides, medicines and therapies) are still subject to a set of particular restraints provided by the 9294/96 Law, which enables the performance of a special control in relation to them. In addition to state control, there is also a system of advertising communication self-regulation, which develops itself through the actions of the National Council of Advertising Self-Regulation that are based mainly on the laws established by the Brazilian Code of Advertising Self-Regulation and its annexes. However, this system of advertising self-regulation still has some deficiencies that hinder its effectiveness


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OBJETIVO: Descrever resultados da aplicação de um sistema de monitoramento de fatores de risco para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) por meio de entrevistas telefônicas (SIMTEL) no município de Botucatu/SP. MÉTODOS: Entrevistou-se amostra probabilística (n = 1.410) da população de indivíduos com 18 ou mais anos de idade residente em domicílios do município de Botucatu/SP, conectados à rede de telefonia fixa. A amostragem foi realizada em três etapas: sorteio de linhas do cadastro da companhia telefônica; seleção de linhas residenciais ativas; sorteio para entrevista de um morador com 18 ou mais anos de idade por linha elegível. A taxa de sucesso (entrevistas realizadas: linhas elegíveis sorteadas) foi de 86,9%, sendo de 5,8% a proporção de recusas. Foi aplicado um questionário com 74 questões sobre consumo alimentar, atividade física, tabagismo, consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, peso e estatura recordados e auto-referência a diagnósticos médicos de hipertensão arterial e diabetes. Apresentam-se estimativas brutas da prevalência de fatores de risco/proteção para DCNT e estimativas ajustadas que levam em conta a distribuição segundo idade, sexo e escolaridade da população adulta total do município no Censo Demográfico de 2000. RESULTADOS: Foram observadas altas prevalências de excesso de peso (46.7%) e sedentarismo (57.9%). Houve desvantagem para os homens quanto ao consumo excessivo de bebidas alcoólicas e vantagem no que se refere à prática de atividade física em 1 ou mais dias da semana. Nas mulheres, observou-se associação inversa entre escolaridade e os seguintes fatores de risco: obesidade, excesso de peso, sedentarismo, consumo de carnes com gordura e hábito de fumar. Resultado semelhante foi observado para homens, exceto com relação a obesidade e excesso de peso. CONCLUSÕES: A segunda experiência de aplicação do SIMTEL confirmou o desempenho satisfatório e a utilidade do sistema em nosso meio.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O fenômeno da errância, impulsionado por motivos sócio-econômicos ou mesmo por razões pessoais, traz consigo profundas transformações no plano psicossocial. A presente pesquisa se propôs a investigar as razões que levam os trecheiros à ruptura com a vida sedentária e o papel que o alcoolismo exerce nesse processo de deserção. Foram entrevistados doze sujeitos que fazem uso de bebidas alcoólicas, albergados numa Instituição Assistencial da cidade de Assis, SP, sendo as entrevistas submetidas, posteriormente, a uma análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostraram que a morte dos pais, os conflitos familiares e o desemprego têm sido um dos principais motivos para a ruptura com o sedentarismo. O uso do álcool, no trecho, é atribuído pelos próprios sujeitos à necessidade de esquecer problema, maior encorajamento e apaziguar conflitos remanescentes, em geral, conflitos afetivos que possuem como epicentro a infidelidade conjugal.


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The present study applies a method of prevalence analysis to data obtained in two nationwide household surveys on alcohol use during life and dependence, for each of the sexes. The ratios of prevalences (R), for the lifetime alcohol use and dependence rates, between the two genders in the various Brazilian macro-regions, were calculated together with their respective 95% confidence intervals. It was found that lifetime use, both in 2001 and in 2005, was significantly greater in Brazilian males in all geographical regions. In 2001, the population of the North (male and female) had a higher rate of alcohol consumption than that in the Brazilian population as a whole and that in the Southeast. Dependence on the consumption of alcoholic drinks in 2001 and in 2005 was greater in the male sex, but similar among the various regions studied. It can be concluded that this method of analyzing the data on alcoholism could be of great use in assessing its magnitude and importance in terms of public health.


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This research studied the effects of the independent variables whey protein concentrate - WPC (3.0; 3.5; 4.0%), skimmed milk powder - SMP (4.0; 5.0; 6.0%), and isolated soy protein - IPS (1.5; 2.0; 2.5%) on the rheological and sensorial characteristics of functional dairy beverages. In all tests 7% of sucrose was added to the ingredients. The rheological parameters were obtained in duplicate at the temperature of 10° C using a cone and plate rheometer, and fitted to the Power law model. The samples revealed a non-Newtonian fluid behavior both in the upward and downward curves, typical of a tixotropic fluid. The dairy beverages were submitted to a sensory analysis by a group of fifty untrained tasters who used a hedonic scale of nine points, the extremes being 1 - disliked extremely and 9 - liked extremely, in order to evaluate the following parameters: general acceptability; appearance and color; consistency; taste and aroma. The dairy beverage produced with 3% WPC, 6% SMP and 1.5% IPS, (treatment 3), was the one that obtained the best average score for those attributes and was preferred by the tasters. The variables SMP and IPS and the interaction between WPC and SMP presented a positive effect on the sensory consistency attributes: the higher amount of those ingredients in the formula the more the tasters liked the consistency.