976 resultados para Basen-Exzisions-Reparatur, Uracil in DNA, Uracil-DNA-Glykosylase, DNA-Reparatur, Genexpression
The presence of damaged nucleobases in DNA can negatively influence transcription of genes. One of the mechanisms by which DNA damage interferes with reading of genetic information is a direct blockage of the elongating RNA polymerase complexes – an effect well described for bulky adducts induced by several chemical substances and UV-irradiation. However, other mechanisms must exist as well because many of the endogenously occurring non-bulky DNA base modifications have transcription-inhibitory properties in cells, whilstrnnot constituting a roadblock for RNA polymerases under cell free conditions. The inhibition of transcription by non-blocking DNA damage was investigated in this work by employing the reporter gene-based assays. Comparison between various types of DNA damage (UV-induced pyrimidine photoproducts, oxidative purine modifications induced by photosensitisation, defined synthetic modified bases such as 8-oxoguanine and uracil, and sequence-specific single-strand breaks) showed that distinct mechanisms of inhibition of transcription can be engaged, and that DNA repair can influence transcription of the affectedrngenes in several different ways.rnQuantitative expression analyses of reporter genes damaged either by the exposure of cells to UV or delivered into cells by transient transfection supported the earlier evidence that transcription arrest at the damage sites is the major mechanism for the inhibition of transcription by this kind of DNA lesions and that recovery of transcription requires a functional nucleotide excision repair gene Csb (ERCC6) in mouse cells. In contrast, oxidisedrnpurines generated by photosensitisation do not cause transcriptional blockage by a direct mechanism, but rather lead to transcriptional repression of the damaged gene which is associated with altered histone acetylation in the promoter region. The whole chain of events leading to transcriptional silencing in response to DNA damage remains to be uncovered. Yet, the data presented here identify repair-induced single-strand breaks – which arise from excision of damaged bases by the DNA repair glycosylases or endonucleases – as arnputative initiatory factor in this process. Such an indirect mechanism was supported by requirement of the 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) for the inhibition of transcription by synthetic 8-oxodG incorporated into a reporter gene and by the delays observed for the inhibition of transcription caused by structurally unrelated base modifications (8-oxoguanine and uracil). It is thereby hypothesized that excision of the modified bases could be a generalrnmechanism for inhibition of transcription by DNA damage which is processed by the base excision repair (BER) pathway. Further gene expression analyses of plasmids containing single-strand breaks or abasic sites in the transcribed sequences revealed strong transcription inhibitory potentials of these lesions, in agreement with the presumption that BER intermediates are largely responsible for the observed effects. Experiments with synthetic base modifications positioned within the defined DNA sequences showed thatrninhibition of transcription did not require the localisation of the lesion in the transcribed DNA strand; therefore the damage sensing mechanism has to be different from the direct encounters of transcribing RNA polymerase complexes with DNA damage.rnAltogether, this work provides new evidence that processing of various DNA basernmodifications by BER can perturb transcription of damaged genes by triggering a gene silencing mechanism. As gene expression can be influenced even by a single DNA damage event, this mechanism could have relevance for the endogenous DNA damage induced in cells under normal physiological conditions, with a possible link to gene silencing in general.
Oxidative DNA-Schäden, wie 7,8-Dihydro-8-oxoguanin (8-oxoG), werden kontinuierlich in allen Zellen durch endogene und exogene Noxen gebildet. Ohne eine effektive Reparatur können DNA-Schäden nach erfolgter Replikation als Mutationen fixiert werden und somit die Kanzerogenese initiieren.rnUntersuchungsgegenstand dieser Arbeit war die Reparatur, vorrangig von oxidativen DNA-Schäden, in humanen Lymphozyten. Dabei sollte ebenfalls überprüft werden, inwiefern eine Aktivierung dieser Immunzellen, die u.a. zu einer Initiierung der Proliferation führt, modulierend auf die DNA-Reparatur wirkt. Für diese Untersuchungen wurden primäre Lymphozyten aus Buffy Coats isoliert. Eine Aktivierung von T Lymphozyten, welche physiologisch Antigen-vermittelt über den T-Zell-Rezeptor verläuft, wurde durch eine ex vivo Stimulation mit Phytohämagglutinin (PHA) nachgeahmt. Die Induktion oxidativer DNA-Basenmodifikationen erfolgte mit Hilfe des Photosensibilisators Acridinorange in Kombination mit sichtbarem Licht. Das Schadensausmaß sowie die Reparatur wurden mittels der Alkalischen Elution unter Nutzung der Reparaturendonuklease Fpg bestimmt.rnDie Ergebnisse zeigten, dass global keine Reparatur induzierter oxidativer DNA-Schäden in primären Lymphozyten stattfindet. Eine Aktivierung der Lymphozyten mittels PHA führte hingegen zu einer deutlichen Reduktion der induzierten DNA-Schäden innerhalb einer 24-stündigen Reparaturzeit. Diese verbesserte Reparatur konnte auf eine Steigerung der Transkription und somit eine erhöhte Proteinmenge von OGG1, welches die Reparatur von 8-oxoG DNA-Glykosylase initiiert, zurückgeführt werden. Weiterführende mechanistische Untersuchungen deuten darauf hin, dass der transkriptionellen Regulation von OGG1 eine Aktivierung der JNK-Signalkaskade zugrunde liegt. Als ein verantwortlicher Transkriptionsfaktor konnte NF-YA identifiziert werden. Dessen erhöhte Bindung am OGG1-Promotor in Folge einer PHA-Stimulation konnte durch eine JNK-Hemmung reduziert werden.rnDie Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass eine Aktivierung von Lymphozyten, welche die Proliferation initiiert und dadurch mit dem Risiko für die Entstehung von Mutationen und malignen Entartungen verknüpft ist, gleichzeitig eine transkriptionelle Hochregulation von OGG1 bewirkt, die die Reparatur oxidativer DNA-Schäden sicherstellt. Die Fähigkeit zur Steigerung der DNA-Reparatur unter den gezeigten Bedingungen bietet den proliferierenden Zellen einen Schutzmechanismus zur Erhaltung ihrer genomischen Stabilität.rn
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde untersucht über welche Mechanismen und unter welchen Bedingungen Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) und verwandte reaktive Spezies wie Peroxynitrit und Hydroxylradikale zur Krebsentstehung beitragen können. NO führte an zellfreier DNA kaum zu oxidativen DNA-Schäden. Peroxynitrit, generiert aus 3-Morpholinosydnonimin (SIN-1), induzierte neben Einzel-strangbrüchen und AP-Läsionen vor allem oxidierte Purinmodifikationen (50 % 8-Hydroxyguanin (8-oxoG)). Hydroxylradikale, freigesetzt aus 4-Hydroxypyridinthion, induzierten neben Einzelstrangbrüchen und AP-Läsionen oxidierte Pyrimidinmodifikationen in der DNA. Nach Transformation und Replikation der geschädigten DNA in E. coli DT-2 wurden überwiegend GC nach AT Transitionen (Hydroxylradikalschädigung), wahrscheinlich verursacht durch das in der DNA induzierte 5-Hydroxycytidin, bzw. GC nach TA Transversionen (Peroxynitrit), verursacht durch das induzierte 8-oxoG, detektiert. In Zellkulturexperimenten führte endogenes NO, freigesetzt von B6-INOS-Zellen (8µM) nicht zu einem Anstieg der Gleichgewichtsspiegel oxidativer DNA-Schäden, hatte keinen Einfluss auf deren Induzierbarkeit und Reparatur, die Zellpro-liferation und den Glutathionspiegel, schützte jedoch vor der Induktion von Einzelstrangbrüchen und Mikrokernen durch Wasserstoffperoxid. Exogenes NO, freigesetzt durch den Zerfall von Dipropylentriamin-NONOat, hemmte in Konzentrationen ab 0,5 mM spezifisch die Reparatur oxidativer DNA-Schäden, nicht jedoch die von Pyrimidindimeren, AP-Läsionen und Einzelstrangbrüchen,und führte in Konzentrationen > 1 mM zu einer Induktion von DNA-Schäden in den B6-Mausfibroblasten. Dabei ähnelte das induzierte Schadensprofil sehr dem von SIN-1.
Die Ursachen der Zweittumorentwicklung bei Personen, die eine Krebserkrankung in der Kindheit überlebten, sind weitgehend unklar. Strahlenexposition oder Chemotherapie führen in normalen somatischen Zellen zu DNA-Schäden, welche bei fehlerhafter Reparatur eine Karzinogenese auslösen können. Es ist denkbar, dass genetische Unterschiede z. B. in den Signalwegen der Zellzykluskontrolle und der DNA-Reparatur nach therapieinduzierten DNA-Schäden eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Zweittumorentwicklung spielen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden 20 Personen, die eine Krebserkrankung in der Kindheit überlebten und einen unabhängigen Zweittumor entwickelten, mit 20 gematchten Kontrollpersonen ohne Zweittumorentwicklung verglichen. Die primären Fibroblasten der Patienten wurden auf somatische, genetische und/oder epigenetische Unterschiede in DNA-Reparaturnetzwerken untersucht. Die biologisch relevantesten Ergebnisse lieferten Proteinuntersuchungen mittels Antikörper-Microarrays. Hierbei wurde eine konstitutiv erniedrigte Menge an RAD9A und einigen anderen DNA-Reparatur-Proteinen (BRCA1, DDIT3, MSH6, p53, RAD51) in den Zweittumorpatienten im Vergleich zu den Eintumorpatienten festgestellt. Nach einer DNA-Schädigung durch 1 Gray Bestrahlung erhöhte sich die RAD9A-Proteinmenge, wobei die Zweittumorpatienten eine geringere Induktion als die Eintumorpatienten zeigten. Bei der Quantifizierung der mRNA-Expression mittels RTq-PCR wurde ein niedrigerer RAD9A-mRNA-Level sowohl in den unbehandelten und als auch in den 1 Gray bestrahlten Zellen der Zweittumorpatienten festgestellt. SNP-Array und Methylierungsanalysen konnten keine Auffälligkeiten im RAD9A-Lokus nachweisen. Diese Ergebnisse unterstützen die Hypothese, dass Modulationen von RAD9A und anderen Zellzyklusarrest- und DNA-Reparaturproteinen zum Risiko einer Zweittumorentwicklung in Kinderkrebspatienten beitragen. Bei einem diskordanten monozygoten Zwillingspaar wurde in ca. 20% der Zellen des Zweittumorzwillings eine Hypermethylierung des Tumorsuppressorgens BRCA1 festgestellt, die mit einer konstitutiv erniedrigten BRCA1-Proteinexpression einhergeht und einen möglichen Krebsrisikofaktor darstellt. Die partielle Deletion des Gens RSPO3, die wahrscheinlich als somatisches Zellmosaik beim Zweittumorzwilling vorliegt, korreliert mit einer niedrigeren RSPO3-mRNA-Expression und ist vermutlich auch mit einer erhöhten Krebsprädisposition assoziiert.
Lower levels of cytosine methylation have been found in the liver cell DNA from non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice under hyperglycemic conditions. Because the Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) profiles of dry DNA samples are differently affected by DNA base composition, single-stranded form and histone binding, it is expected that the methylation status in the DNA could also affect its FT-IR profile. The DNA FT-IR signatures obtained from the liver cell nuclei of hyperglycemic and normoglycemic NOD mice of the same age were compared. Dried DNA samples were examined in an IR microspectroscope equipped with an all-reflecting objective (ARO) and adequate software. Changes in DNA cytosine methylation levels induced by hyperglycemia in mouse liver cells produced changes in the respective DNA FT-IR profiles, revealing modifications to the vibrational intensities and frequencies of several chemical markers, including νas -CH3 stretching vibrations in the 5-methylcytosine methyl group. A smaller band area reflecting lower energy absorbed in the DNA was found in the hyperglycemic mice and assumed to be related to the lower levels of -CH3 groups. Other spectral differences were found at 1700-1500 cm(-1) and in the fingerprint region, and a slight change in the DNA conformation at the lower DNA methylation levels was suggested for the hyperglycemic mice. The changes that affect cytosine methylation levels certainly affect the DNA-protein interactions and, consequently, gene expression in liver cells from the hyperglycemic NOD mice.
Objective: Alterations in selenium (Se) status may result in suboptimal amounts of selenoproteins, which have been associated with increased oxidative stress levels. The Pro198Leu polymorphism at the glutathione peroxidase-1 (GPx1) gene is supposed to be functional. The response of Se status, GPx activity, and levels of DNA damage to a Se supplementation trial between the genotypes related to that polymorphism was investigated. Methods: A randomized trial was conducted with 37 morbidly obese women. Participants consumed one Brazil nut, which provided approximately 290 mu g of Se a day, for 8 wk. Blood Se concentrations, erythrocyte GPx activity, and DNA damage levels were measured at baseline and at 8 wk. The results were compared by genotypes. Results: The genotype frequencies were 0.487, 0.378, and 0.135 for Pro/Pro (the wild-type genotype), Pro/Leu, and Leu/Leu, respectively. At baseline, 100% of the subjects were Se deficient, and after the supplementation, there was an improvement in plasma Se (P < 0.001 for Pro/Pro and Pro/Leu, P < 0.05 for Leu/Leu), erythrocyte Se (P = 0.00 for Pro/Pro and Pro/Leu, P < 0.05 for Leu/Leu), and GPx activity (P = 0.00 for Pro/Pro, P < 0.00001 for Pro/Leu, P < 0.001 for Leu/Leu). In addition, the Pro/Pro group showed a decrease in DNA damage after Brazil nut consumption compared with baseline (P < 0.005), and those levels were higher in Leu/Leu subjects compared with those with the wild-type genotype (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Consumption of one unit of Brazil nuts daily effectively increases Se status and increases GPx activity in obese women, regardless of GPx1 Pro198Leu polymorphism. However, the evaluated biomarkers showed distinct results in response to the supplementation when the polymorphism was considered. (c) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A very appropriate method for antigenotoxicity evaluation of antioxidants is the comet assay, since this analytical method detects initial DNA lesions that are still subject to repair; in other words, lesions that are very associated to damages resulting from the generation and subsequent action of reactive species. However, a solid evaluation should be developed in order to avoid inexact interpretations. In our study, besides the association of curcumin with cisplatin, curcumin and cisplatin agents were also tested separately. Classical genotoxic compounds, when tested by the comet assay, present an increase in the nucleoid tail; however, the cisplatin treatment has resulted in a decrease of DNA migration. This was an expected effect, as the cross-links between cisplatin and DNA decrease the DNA electrophoretic mobility. A similar effect was observed with the curcumin treatment, which decreased the nucleoid tail. Such effect was not expected and reinforced the necessity of including in the study, separate treatment groups with potentially antigenotoxic substances. The comet assay results have been analyzed using specific software for image analysis, as well as the classical visual analysis, and we have observed that the effect of decrease in DNA electrophoretic mobility was more easily observed when the data were analyzed by the software.
Bent DNA sites promote the curvature of DNA in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic chromosomes. Here, we investigate the localization and structure of intrinsically bent DNA sites in the extensively characterized Drosophila melanogaster third chromosome DAFC-66D segment (Drosophila amplicon in the follicle cells). This region contains the amplification control element ACE3, which is a replication enhancer that acts in cis to activate the major replication origin ori-beta. Through both electrophoretic and in silico analysis, we have identified three major bent DNA sites in DAFC-66D. The bent DNA site (b1) is localized in the ACE3 element, whereas the other two bent DNA sites (b2 and b3) are localized in the ori-beta region. Four additional bent DNA sites were identified in the intron of the S18 gene and near the TATA box of the S15, S19, and S16 genes. The identification of DNA bent sites in genomic regions previously characterized as functionally relevant for DNA amplification further supports a function for DNA bent sites in DNA replication in eukaryotes.
This study focused on the DNA-binding activity and protein expression of the transcription factors Egr-1 and Egr-3 in the rat brain cortex and hippocampus after chronic or acute ethanol exposure. DNA-binding activity was reduced in both regions after chronic ethanol exposure and was restored to the level of the pair-fed group at 16 h of withdrawal. Cortical Egr-1 protein levels were not altered by chronic ethanol exposure but increased 16 h after withdrawal, thus mirroring DNA-binding activity. In contrast, Egr-3 protein levels did not undergo any change. There was no change in the level of either protein in the hippocampus. Immunohistochemistry revealed a region-selective change in immunopositive cells in the cortex and hippocampus. Finally, an acute bolus dose of ethanol did not affect Egr DNA-binding activity and ethanol treatment did not alter the DNA-binding activity or protein levels of the transcription factor Spl. These observations suggest that chronic exposure to ethanol has region-selective effects on the DNA-binding activity and protein expression of Egr-1 and Egr-3 transcription factors in the rat brain. These changes occur after prolonged ethanol exposure and may thus reflect neuroadaptive changes associated with physical dependency and withdrawal. These effects are also transcription factor-selective. Clearly, protein expression is not the sole mediator of the changes in DNA-binding activity and chronic ethanol exposure must have effects on modulatory agents of Egr DNA-binding activity. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd, All rights reserved.
The DNA-binding activities of AP-1 and Egr proteins were investigated in nuclear extracts of rat brain regions during ethanol withdrawal. Both DNA-binding activities were transiently elevated in the hippocampus and cerebellum 16 h after withdrawal. In the cerebral cortex, AP-1 and Egr DNA-binding activities increased at 16 h and persisted until 32 and 72 h, respectively. The AP-1 DNA-binding activities in all regions at all times after withdrawal were composed of FosB, c-Jun, JunB, and JunD. c-Fos was detected at all times in the cerebral cortex, at 16 h only in the hippocampus, and from 16 to 72 h in the cerebellum. Withdrawal severity did not affect the composition of the AP-1 DNA-binding activities. Two Egr DNA-binding activities were present in the cortex and hippocampus. The faster-migrating complex predominated in hippocampus, and only the slower-migrating complex (identified as Egr-1) was present in the cerebellum. The increase in DNA-binding activity of immediate early gene-encoded transcription factors supports their proposed role in initiating a cascade of altered gene expression underlying the long-term neuronal response to ethanol withdrawal.
Gene amplification occurs in Bradysia hygida salivary glands, at the end of the fourth larval instar. The hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) triggers this process, which results in DNA puff formation. Amplified genes are activated in two distinct groups. The activity of the first group is dependent on high levels of 20E, while the second group needs low hormone levels. Consequently, the salivary glands of B. hygida constitute an interesting biological model to study how 20E, and its receptors, affect gene amplification and activity. We produced polyclonal antibodies against B. hygida EcR (BhEcR). In western blots a polypeptide of about 66 kDa was detected in salivary gland extracts. The antibodies were also used for indirect immune-localization of BhEcR in polytene chromosomes. RNA-polymerase II was also immune-detected. We did not detect the receptor in chromosome C where the first and second groups of DNA puffs form during DNA puff anlage formation, but it was present during puff expansion. During the active phase of both groups of DNA puffs, RNA polymerase II co-localized with BhEcR. After puff regression, these antigens were not detected. Apparently, EcR plays a direct role in the transcription of amplified genes, but its role in gene amplification remains enigmatic.
Gastric cancer is one of the most common malignancies. DNA methylation is implicated in DNA mismatch repair genes deficiency. In the present study, we evaluated the methylation status of MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2 in 20 diffuse- and 26 intestinal-type gastric cancer samples and 20 normal gastric mucosal of gastric cancer patients from Northern Brazil. We found that none of the nonneoplastic samples showed methylation of any gene promoter and 50% of gastric, cancer samples showed at least one methylated gene promoter. Methylation frequencies of MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2 promoter were 21.74%, 17.39%, 0% and 28.26% respectively in gastric cancer samples. MLH1 and PMS2 methylation were associated with neoplastic samples compared to nonneoplastic ones. PMS2:? methylation was associated with diffuse- and intestinal-type cancer compared with normal controls. Intestinal-type cancer showed significant association with MLH1 methylation. Diffuse-type cancer was significantly associated with MSH2 methylation. Our findings show differential gene methylation in tumoral tissue, which allows us to conclude that methylation is associated with gastric carcinogenesis. Methylation of mismatch repair genes was associated with gastric carcinogenesis and may be a helpful tool for diagnosis, prognosis and therapies. However, MSH6 does not seem to be regulated by methylation in our samples.
Purpose - Chronic ethanol consumption induces lipid peroxidation by increasing free radicals or reducing antioxidants and may increase damage to hepatic DNA. Tannins are polyphenolic metabolites present in various plants and one of their effects is antioxidant activity that reduces lipoperoxidation, as is the case for vitamin E. This paper aims to assess the role of tannic acid and vitamin E in lipid peroxidation and in DNA damage in rats receiving ethanol. Design/methodology/approach - A total of 60 Wistar rats were divided into six groups: control + ethanol (0-24hs), tannic acid + ethanol (0-24 hs), and vitamin E + ethanol (0-24 hs). The animals were sacrificed immediately (0 hour) or 24 hours after a period of four weeks of ethanol administration and the following measurements were made: plasma vitamin E and liver glutathione, thiobarbituric acid resistant substances, and a-tocopherol. The comet test was also applied to hepatocytes. Findings - Ethanol administration led to an increase in DNA damage (148.67 +/- 15.45 versus 172.63 +/- 18.94) during a period of 24 hours which was not detected in the groups receiving tannic acid or vitamin E. Steatosis was lower in the groups receiving tannic acid. Originality/value - The paper highlights that antioxidant role of vitamin E and of tannic acid in biological systems submitted to oxidative stress should be reevaluated, especially regarding the protective role of tannic acid against hepatic steatosis.
Nutrition science has evolved into a multidisciplinary field that applies molecular biology and integrates individual health with the epidemiologic investigation of population health. Nutritional genomics studies the functional interaction of food and its components, macro and micronutrients, with the genome at the molecular, cellular, and systemic level. Diet can influence cancer development in several ways, namely direct action of carcinogens in food that can damage DNA, diet components (macro or micronutrients) that can block or induce enzymes involved in activation or deactivation of carcinogenic substances. Moreover, inadequate intake of some molecules involved in DNA synthesis, repair or methylation can influence mutation rate or changes in gene expression. Several studies support the idea that diet can influence the risk of cancer; however information concerning the precise dietary factor that determines human cancer is an ongoing debate. A lot of epidemiological studies, involving food frequency questionnaires, have been developed providing important information concerning diet and cancer, however, diet is a complex composite of various nutrients (macro and micronutrients) and non-nutritive food constituents that makes the search for specific factors almost limitless.
Asymptomatic Plasmodium infection is a new challenge for public health in the American region. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the best method for diagnosing subpatent parasitemias. In endemic areas, blood collection is hampered by geographical distances and deficient transport and storage conditions of the samples. Because DNA extraction from blood collected on filter paper is an efficient method for molecular studies in high parasitemic individuals, we investigated whether the technique could be an alternative for Plasmodium diagnosis among asymptomatic and pauciparasitemic subjects. In this report we compared three different methods (Chelex®-saponin, methanol and TRIS-EDTA) of DNA extraction from blood collected on filter paper from asymptomatic Plasmodium-infected individuals. Polymerase chain reaction assays for detection of Plasmodium species showed the best results when the Chelex®-saponin method was used. Even though the sensitivity of detection was approximately 66% and 31% for P. falciparum and P. vivax, respectively, this method did not show the effectiveness in DNA extraction required for molecular diagnosis of Plasmodium. The development of better methods for extracting DNA from blood collected on filter paper is important for the diagnosis of subpatent malarial infections in remote areas and would contribute to establishing the epidemiology of this form of infection.