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The alarmone (p)ppGpp regulates transcription, translation, replication, virulence, lipid synthesis, antibiotic sensitivity, biofilm formation, and other functions in bacteria. Signaling nucleotide cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP) regulates biofilm formation, motility, virulence, the cell cycle, and other functions. In Mycobacterium smegmatis, both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP are synthesized and degraded by bifunctional proteins Rel(Msm) and DcpA, encoded by rel(Msm) and dcpA genes, respectively. We have previously shown that the Delta rel(Msm) and Delta dcpA knockout strains are antibiotic resistant and defective in biofilm formation, show altered cell surface properties, and have reduced levels of glycopeptidolipids and polar lipids in their cell wall (K. R. Gupta, S. Kasetty, and D. Chatterji, Appl Environ Microbiol 81:2571-2578, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/AEM.03999-14). In this work, we have explored the phenotypes that are affected by both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP in mycobacteria. We have shown that both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP are needed to maintain the proper growth rate under stress conditions such as carbon deprivation and cold shock. Scanning electron microscopy showed that low levels of these second messengers result in elongated cells, while high levels reduce the cell length and embed the cells in a biofilm-like matrix. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that the elongated Delta rel(Msm) and Delta dcpA cells are multinucleate, while transmission electron microscopy showed that the elongated cells are multiseptate. Gene expression analysis also showed that genes belonging to functional categories such as virulence, detoxification, lipid metabolism, and cell-wall-related processes were differentially expressed. Our results suggests that both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP affect some common phenotypes in M. smegmatis, thus raising a possibility of cross talk between these two second messengers in mycobacteria. IMPORTANCE Our work has expanded the horizon of (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP signaling in Gram-positive bacteria. We have come across a novel observation that M. smegmatis needs (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP for cold tolerance. We had previously shown that the Delta rel(Msm) and Delta dcpA strains are defective in biofilm formation. In this work, the overproduction of (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP encased M. smegmatis in a biofilm-like matrix, which shows that both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP are needed for biofilm formation. The regulation of cell length and cell division by (p) ppGpp was known in mycobacteria, but our work shows that c-di-GMP also affects the cell size and cell division in mycobacteria. This is perhaps the first report of c-di-GMP regulating cell division in mycobacteria.


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In studying a proposed carbon monoxide reduction scheme an attempt has been made to synthesize bifunctional group 8 transition metal carbonyl complexes containing intramolecular nucleophiles. The incorporation of alkoxide nucleophiles through cyclopentadienyl ligands was hoped to encourage attack on carbonyl ligands thereby forming cyclic metallaesters. The attempts to synthesize these substituted cyclopentadienyl group 8 transition metal complexes have thus far been unsuccessful.


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Techniques are developed for estimating activity profiles in fixed bed reactors and catalyst deactivation parameters from operating reactor data. These techniques are applicable, in general, to most industrial catalytic processes. The catalytic reforming of naphthas is taken as a broad example to illustrate the estimation schemes and to signify the physical meaning of the kinetic parameters of the estimation equations. The work is described in two parts. Part I deals with the modeling of kinetic rate expressions and the derivation of the working equations for estimation. Part II concentrates on developing various estimation techniques.

Part I: The reactions used to describe naphtha reforming are dehydrogenation and dehydroisomerization of cycloparaffins; isomerization, dehydrocyclization and hydrocracking of paraffins; and the catalyst deactivation reactions, namely coking on alumina sites and sintering of platinum crystallites. The rate expressions for the above reactions are formulated, and the effects of transport limitations on the overall reaction rates are discussed in the appendices. Moreover, various types of interaction between the metallic and acidic active centers of reforming catalysts are discussed as characterizing the different types of reforming reactions.

Part II: In catalytic reactor operation, the activity distribution along the reactor determines the kinetics of the main reaction and is needed for predicting the effect of changes in the feed state and the operating conditions on the reactor output. In the case of a monofunctional catalyst and of bifunctional catalysts in limiting conditions, the cumulative activity is sufficient for predicting steady reactor output. The estimation of this cumulative activity can be carried out easily from measurements at the reactor exit. For a general bifunctional catalytic system, the detailed activity distribution is needed for describing the reactor operation, and some approximation must be made to obtain practicable estimation schemes. This is accomplished by parametrization techniques using measurements at a few points along the reactor. Such parametrization techniques are illustrated numerically with a simplified model of naphtha reforming.

To determine long term catalyst utilization and regeneration policies, it is necessary to estimate catalyst deactivation parameters from the the current operating data. For a first order deactivation model with a monofunctional catalyst or with a bifunctional catalyst in special limiting circumstances, analytical techniques are presented to transform the partial differential equations to ordinary differential equations which admit more feasible estimation schemes. Numerical examples include the catalytic oxidation of butene to butadiene and a simplified model of naphtha reforming. For a general bifunctional system or in the case of a monofunctional catalyst subject to general power law deactivation, the estimation can only be accomplished approximately. The basic feature of an appropriate estimation scheme involves approximating the activity profile by certain polynomials and then estimating the deactivation parameters from the integrated form of the deactivation equation by regression techniques. Different bifunctional systems must be treated by different estimation algorithms, which are illustrated by several cases of naphtha reforming with different feed or catalyst composition.


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No processo de hidrocraqueamento para a produção de lubrificantes ocorre a formação de uma corrente rica em compostos parafínicos que possuem alto ponto de fluidez, apesar dos mesmos apresentarem excelentes desempenhos em termos de estabilidade térmica e oxidativa. A transformação das n-parafinas obtidas nestas correntes em isoparafinas e compostos naftênicos, os quais possuem menores pontos de fluidez, se faz necessária a fim de enquadrar esta propriedade. Uma das rotas catalíticas mais importantes neste sentido é a hidroisodesparafinação ou HIDW (hydroisodewaxing) que consiste na conversão de n-parafinas nas respectivas isoparafinas, onde são empregados catalisadores bifuncionais zeolíticos com a ocorrência de seletividade de forma. No caso dos catalisadores industriais, se faz necessária a dispersão da fase metálica e da zeólita em uma matriz amorfa para viabilizar sua conformação e melhorar a resistência mecânica do catalisador final. Neste cenário, o objetivo deste trabalho foi preparar e analisar o desempenho de uma série de catalisadores à base de zeólita beta inseridos numa matriz de alumina, variando-se o teor de zeólita e o tipo de precursor de Pt utilizado. Os catalisadores foram avaliados na reação de hidroisomerização de um composto modelo, no caso, n-hexadecano. Os testes realizados para avaliação da atividade e seletividade foram conduzidos em um reator de fluxo contínuo em alta pressão e fase líquida em unidade de laboratório. Os catalisadores foram testados em condições operacionais que proporcionassem uma ampla faixa de conversões do n-C16. Verificou-se que as atividades dos catalisadores foram proporcionais ao teor de zeólita no catalisador, indicando que a função ácida, neste catalisador bifuncional, é a etapa limitante do processo. Quanto à natureza do precursor de Pt, o catalisador preparado com ácido cloroplatínico foi sensivelmente mais ativo que os preparados com o complexo aminplatina. No entanto, para todos os catalisadores, a distribuição de produtos em função da conversão foi similar, independente do teor de zeólita e da natureza do precursor de platina. Foi também determinado o ponto de fluidez de uma série de produtos de reação, obtendo-se valores entre 17,5 C (n-hexadecano) e - 41 C (produto com 98% de conversão). Obteve-se uma boa correlação entre o ponto de fluidez e a composição dos produtos, considerando-se a presença de isômeros mono, di e tri-substituídos e compostos de menor peso molecular que C16


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Três catalisadores contendo o mesmo teor de fase ativa (20% de óxido de molibdênio e 4% de óxido de níquel), mas constituídos por diferentes suportes (alumina, sílica-alumina e alumina zeólita) foram preparados com o objetivo de se obter catalisadores bifuncionais com acidez distinta e boa dispersão da fase metálica visando analisar o papel da acidez do suporte na conversão da tetralina. Os catalisadores e seus respectivos suportes foram caracterizados na formas óxido e sulfeto e avaliados na reação de hidrogenação da tetralina, que representa bem os monoaromáticos presentes nas correntes de petróleo. A caracterização textural mostrou que tanto a área específica quanto o volume de poros foram pouco alterados após a incorporação dos óxidos metálicos aos suportes. Os catalisadores apresentaram uma dispersão relativamente boa da fase ativa, conforme indicado pelos resultados de MET, DRX e DRS. Os resultados obtidos por TPD de n-propilamina e por espectroscopia de IV de piridina mostraram que a incorporação de óxidos de molibdênio e níquel levou a um aumento da acidez de Brönsted, o que foi atribuído à criação de novos sítios ácidos associados ao óxido de molibdênio ou a sítios de interface deste com o suporte. Obteve-se uma boa correlação entre a atividade de conversão da tetralina e o rendimento em produtos aromáticos e abertura de ciclo naftênico com a acidez de Brönsted do suporte, com a seguinte ordem de atividade para a conversão da tetralina: NiMo/alumina < NiMo/sílica-alumina < NiMo/alumina zeólita. O aumento do rendimento de produtos de hidrogenação foi relacionado à existência de um efeito eletrônico entre os sítios de Brönsted do suporte e as partículas de sulfeto suportado. No entanto, para o catalisador suportado em alumina-zeólita, onde em princípio a fase hidrogenante estaria distante dos sítios ácidos, sugeriu-se a possibilidade de uma rota alternativa de hidrogenação a partir do metil-indano formado nos centros ácidos da zeólita.


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Single-chain technology (SCT) allows the transformation of individual polymer chains to folded/collapsed unimolecular soft nanoparticles. In this work we contribute to the enlargement of the SCT toolbox by demonstrating the efficient synthesis of single-chain polymer nanoparticles (SCNPs) via intrachain amide formation. In particular, we exploit cross-linking between active methylene groups and isocyanate moieties as powerful "click" chemistry driving force for SCNP construction. By employing poly(methyl methacrylate)- (PMMA-) based copolymers bearing beta-ketoester units distributed randomly along the copolymer chains and bifunctional isocyanate cross-linkers, SCNPs were successfully synthesized at r.t. under appropriate reaction conditions. Characterization of the resulting SCNPs was carried out by means of a combination of techniques including size exclusion chromatography (SEC), infrared (IR) spectroscopy, proton nuclear magnetic resonance (H-1 NMR) spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and elemental analysis (EA).


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A vacina anti-diftérica de uso corrente no Brasil (DTP), embora de alta eficácia na prevenção da difteria, está associada com episódios de toxicidade e reatogenicidade no recipiente vacinal, resultantes de proteínas residuais derivadas do processo de produção ou detoxificação. Estratégias para o desenvolvimento de vacinas menos reatogênicas e ao mesmo tempo mais eficazes e economicamente viáveis contra a difteria têm sido alvo de intensa investigação. A alternativa proposta por nosso grupo é a utilização da vacina contra a tuberculose (Mycobacterium bovis BCG sub-cepa Moreau), como vetor do gene que codifica o fragmento B da toxina diftérica (dtb) de 58,3 kDa. Neste trabalho o dtb foi clonado no vetor micobacteriano bifuncional (pUS977) de expressão citoplasmática e os clones recombinantes (pUS977dtbPW8), após a transformação do BCG, foram testados com relação a expressão do DTB em BCG e quanto a antigenicidade frente a anticorpos policlonais anti-toxóide diftérico por Immunobloting. A integridade do gene dtb e a identidade das sequências de DNA da construção plasmidial pUS977dtbPW8 foram confirmadas por sequenciamento de DNA e análise de similaridade. A imunogenicidade do BCGr pUS977dtbPW8 expressando o DTB foi investigada em camundongos BALB/c, os resultados obtidos revelaram uma soroconversão específica (IgG). A infectividade e atividade microbicida do BCGr pUS977dtbPW8 no ambiente intracelular foi avaliada através da infecção de linhagens de células de monócitos humano (THP-1), os dados obtidos indicaram que houve sobrevivência intracelular em até 12 dias. Nesse contexto, esplenócitos dos camundongos imunizados com 30 e 60 dias foram extraídos, mostrando que o BCGr pUS977dtbPW8 persistiu até 60 dias na ausência de pressão seletiva e a viabilidade celular não sofreu alteração significativa durante o período testado. Por outro lado, o BCGr pUS977dtbPW8, quando submetido a seis sub-cultivos consecutivos in vitro não apresentou diferença significativa na capacidade de expressar o DTB, demonstrando portanto a persistência da estabilidade funcional da linhagem recombinante. A estabilidade estrutural da construção pUS977dtbPW8 também foi avaliada por PCR confirmando a presença do gene dtb em colônias do BCGr pUS977dtbPW8 . Adicionalmente, foi possível avaliar preliminarmente in vitro a capacidade soroneutralizante dos soros de camundongos imunizados com BCGr pUS977dtbPW8 após 30 e 60 dias em células VERO. A ação citotóxica da toxina diftérica entre as diluições de 1/4 e 1/16 foram neutralizadas com o pool de soros imunes com 60 dias. Finalmente, em nosso estudo foi possível avaliar o potencial da vacina BCG como vetor de expressão de um antígeno de Corynebacterium diphtheriae in vitro e in vivo.


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从中国传统药用植物青蒿(Artemisia annua L.)中提取的青蒿素及其半合成衍生物如蒿甲醚等是一类新型的抗疟特效药,特别是对抗氯喹的恶性疟疾和脑型疟疾有很好的疗效。由于青蒿素在植物中的含量极低,使得其价格很高,特别是对于亚非拉等第三世界国家来说。因此如何提高青蒿素的产量成为近年来研究的热点。各种传统的育种、生理生化手段和细胞培养技术均未取得较好的结果,因此,利用植物基因工程技术提高青蒿素产量已成为研究的重点之一。 本论文围绕青蒿素的生物合成途径开展了以下的工作: 一、中药青蒿紫穗槐二烯合酶的大肠杆菌表达、纯化与功能鉴定 利用RT-PCR方法,从中药青蒿高产株系001中克隆到的中药青蒿紫穗槐二烯合酶(ADS) cDNA, 其推测编码蛋白与前人报道的有两个位点的突变。将其开放阅读框插入到原核表达载体pET30a(+)的BamHⅠ和XhoⅠ酶切位点之间,构建N端携带有HIS6表达标签的紫穗槐二烯合酶重组表达载体pETADS。将pETADS转入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3), IPTG (Isopropyl-beta -D-thiogalactoside)诱导重组紫穗槐二烯合酶的表达。表达产物经镍琼脂糖柱纯化。纯化蛋白加入酶促反应体系(含FPP),GC-MS分析酶促反应体系的正己烷萃取物,结果显示重组紫穗槐二烯合酶可以催化FPP向紫穗槐二烯的转化。体外酶促动力学分析表明,两个位点的氨基酸突变,并没有影响到青蒿紫穗槐二烯合酶的催化活性。基因组DNA杂交表明,紫穗槐二烯合酶基因在001株系基因组中至少有4个拷贝。 二、中药青蒿鲨烯合酶的大肠杆菌表达、纯化与功能鉴定 将经RACE方法克隆到的中药青蒿鲨烯合酶cDNA(AF302464) 开放阅读框的3'末端截短99 bp,插入到原核表达载体pET30a(+)的NcoⅠ和BamHⅠ酶切位点之间,构建N端和C端均携带有HIS6表达标签的鲨烯合酶重组表达载体pETSSA。将pETSSA转入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3), IPTG (Isopropyl-beta-D-thio galactoside)诱导重组鲨烯合酶的表达。表达产物经镍琼脂糖柱纯化。纯化蛋白加入酶促反应体系(含FPP和NADPH),GC-MS分析酶促反应体系的正己烷萃取物,结果显示重组鲨烯合酶可以催化FPP向鲨烯的转化。青蒿鲨烯合酶的功能鉴定,为进一步利用反义或RNAi技术限制甾类生物合成,从而提高青蒿中的青蒿素含量提供了基础。 三、中药青蒿法呢醇合酶原核表达、纯化与功能鉴定 将经RACE方法克隆到的中药青蒿倍半萜合酶cDNA ( AF304444) 开放阅读框插入到原核表达载体pET30a(+)的NcoⅠ和BamHⅠ酶切位点之间,构建N端和C端均携带有HIS6表达标签的重组表达载体pET30SESQ。将pET30SESQ转入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3), IPTG (Isopropyl-beta-D-thioga lactoside)诱导蛋白表达,表达产物经镍琼脂糖柱纯化。纯化蛋白加入酶促反应体系(FPP),GC-MS分析酶促反应体系的正己烷萃取物,结果显示此重组酶可以催化FPP向法呢醇的转化。 四、中药青蒿FPS、ADS双功能酶基因的构建、表达与功能鉴定 将青蒿素生物合成途径中催化两步连续反应的酶:法呢基焦磷酸合酶和紫穗槐二烯合酶的基因进行融合,经大肠杆菌表达后鉴定融合蛋白的功能,结果表明融合蛋白具有了双功能酶活性。进一步将融合酶基因转入酿酒酵母中,发酵后检测紫穗槐二烯的含量,并与同时转入法呢基焦磷酸合酶和紫穗槐二烯合酶单个基因的酵母、单独转入紫穗槐二烯合酶基因的酵母进行了比较,结果表明,转入双功能酶的酵母发酵获得的紫穗槐二烯含量要比两个对照酵母高,这表明,获得的双功能酶的催化效率要比两个单独酶的催化效率高。 五、过量表达青蒿紫穗槐二烯合酶对青蒿中青蒿素及其前体物含量的影响 利用根癌农杆菌介导,将青蒿紫穗槐二烯合酶转入青蒿株系001,分子检测证明,紫穗槐二烯合酶整合到了青蒿基因组中并在mRNA水平得到了高效表达。部分转基因青蒿的青蒿素含量有明显增加,最多的比001株系提高了41%。青蒿酸和二氢青蒿酸含量测定表明,转基因青蒿株系的青蒿酸和二氢青蒿酸含量最多的比对照分别提高了47%和79%。这些结果表明,紫穗槐二烯合成在青蒿素生物合成途径中是一个限速步骤,同时,也显示青蒿酸或二氢青蒿酸的进一步转化也可能是青蒿素生物合成中下游的限速步骤。


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Liquid-filled microstructured polymer optical fibers (MPOFs) as monolithic liquid-core array fiber are proposed and prepared by injecting high-refractive-index liquid into the holes array of the MPOFs. One example for potential applications is demonstrated as a new kind of coherent imaging fiber. It provides great potential for applications in chemical sensing, biosensors, and endoscopy, particularly in bifunctional detection. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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手性胺是合成天然产物和手性药物的重要中间体,亚胺和烯胺的不对称催化还原是制备手性胺最直接有效的方式之一。手性有机小分子催化的亚胺不对称还原已取得了可喜的进展,但到目前为止,有机小分子催化的烯胺不对称还原,尤其是环状烯胺的不对称还原还少有报道。 本研究从手性叔丁基亚磺酰胺出发,设计并合成了一系列含有叔丁基亚磺酰基的新型脲类及硫脲类催化剂,并将其用于催化三氯硅烷对烯胺的不对称还原,尤其是1, 4-二氢吡啶酯类环状烯胺的不对称还原。通过对催化反应条件的优化,发现当添加1eq H2O时,反应收率和对映选择性明显提高,获得高达99% 的收率和88% ee,同时也取得了很好的非对映选择性(dr = 8:92)。首次实现了三氯硅烷对1, 4-二氢吡啶酯类环状烯胺的高立体选择性还原。 通过机理方面的研究,我们推测反应过程中可能是:首先,底物1, 4-二氢吡啶酯与催化剂形成氢键而被活化,当加入添加剂后,添加剂与三氯硅烷反应释放出一个质子,然后受活化的1, 4-二氢吡啶酯捕获该质子转变成更活泼的亚胺正离子的中间体。随后,在催化剂上的手性硫氧的活化下,三氯硅烷的负氢加成到受活化的亚胺正离子的中间体上,最后生成比较有利的反式产物1, 4, 5, 6-四氢吡啶乙酯。 Calalytic enantioselective reduction of imines and enamines represents one of the most straightforward and efficient methods for the preparation of chiral amines, which is an important class of intermediates for the synthesis of natural products and chiral drugs. Significant progresses have been made in organocatalytic enantioselective reduction of imines. However, asymmetric reduction of enamines, especially of cyclic enamines catalyzed by small organocatalysts has scarcely been reported. In this study, starting from chiral tert-butanesulfinamide, a series of structurally simple tert-butanesulfinyl urea and thiourea organocatalysts were developed and employed in asymmetric reduction of enamines by triclorosilane, particularly in the reduction of cyclic enamines such as Hantzsch 1, 4-dihydropyridines. During the optimization of reaction condictions, we found that the addition of one equivalent of H2O could significantly improve the yields and enatioselectivities. Under optimal condictions, 99% yield, up to 88% ee, and 8:92 diastereomeric ratio were obtained. Thus, we have for the first time realized the highly stereoselective reduction of Hantzsch 1, 4-dihydropyridines catalyzed by triclorosilane. As for the mechanism, we speculate that the Hantzsch 1, 4-dihydropyridine was firstly engaged with the catalyst through hydrogen bond. The proton released from the reaction of the additive and triclorosilane next added to one of the C=C bond to make an active iminium intermediate, which was then attacked by the nucleophlic hydrogen of HSiCl3 activated by the Lewis basic sulfinyl function of the catalyst to provide superior trans-1, 4, 5, 6-tetrahydropyridine products.


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胺及其衍生物是很多重要生物活性分子的结构单元,是合成天然产物和手性药物的重要中间体。 直接还原胺化由于其合成步骤简单而成为制备二级胺和三级胺的简便方法。为了发展一种较为简便的直接还原胺化反应,我们把研究的重点放在开发一种简便实用的有机小分子催化方法上。由文献调研可知,现已报道的直接还原胺化方法大多是催化醛或酮与一级胺或者脂肪二级胺的直接还原胺化,而醛或酮与芳香二级胺的直接还原胺化却尚无报道。在本文中,我们发现用简单的四甲基乙二胺(TEMED)在室温下以二氯甲烷为溶剂即可催化三氯氢硅对酮和芳香二级胺之间的直接还原胺化反应,并取得了高达92%的收率。该反应条件温和,底物普适性广,各种类型的酮均可以与芳香二级胺进行直接还原胺化,并且得到比较满意的收率。 同时,我们从手性Sulfoximine出发,设计和合成了一系列的Sulfoximine类新衍生物,并将其应用于间接还原胺化反应中。遗憾的是我们并没有得到预期的不对称催化效果。 Amines and their derivatives are basic structural motifs in natural products and pharmaceuticals and highly versatile building blocks for various organic substrates. Direct reductive amination (DRA) is a convenient method for the preparation of secondary and tertiary amines owing to its operational simplicity. In an effort to develop a simple and convenient procedure for direct reductive amination reaction, we focused our study on search for a mild and efficient organocatalytic system. In the literature, there are many reports concerning DRA between aldehydes or ketones and either primary amines or secondary aliphatic amines. But there are no reports concerning DRA between aldehydes or ketones and secondary aromatic amines. In this study, we have developed a highly practical method for the synthesis of tertiary amines by the direct reductive amination of ketones and secondary aromatic amines with tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) as the catalyst using HSiCl3 as the reducing agent in dichloromethane (affording up to 92% yield). This method can be carried out under mild conditions and is compatible with many functional groups. A variety of ketones were efficiently aminated with secondary aromatic amines to afford the corresponding amines in good to excellent yields. Starting from chiral sulfoximine, we designed and synthesized a series of new sulfoximine derivatives and tested their efficiencies as asymmetric organocatalysts for the reduction of imines, which, unfortunately, only exhibited low catalytic activity and enantioselectivity.


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手性胺是合成天然产物和手性药物的重要中间体,亚胺的不对称催化还原是制备光学活性手性胺的最直接有效的方法之一。但是,由于C=N双键的反应活性较弱以及容易发生E/Z异构等问题,亚胺的不对称催化还原具有很大的挑战性,既具有高对映选择性又具有宽广底物普适性的催化剂很少。 本文分别由手性脯氨酸、哌啶酸、哌嗪酸以及氨基醇出发,设计和合成了一系列结构新颖、合成简便、性能优良的酰胺类有机小分子路易斯碱催化剂,以廉价的三氯氢硅为氢源,用这些催化剂催化亚胺不对称还原,得到了非常优良的收率、对映选择性和前所未有的底物普适性。 文献研究认为,除N-甲酰基外,分子内含有芳香酰胺是能催化亚胺还原的有机小分子路易斯碱催化剂具有较高对映选择性的必要条件,我们研究发现N-甲酰脯氨酸非芳香酰胺类催化剂(包括结构简单的C2-对称型脯氨酰胺类催化剂),对N-芳基酮亚胺的还原可获得达86%的对映选择性,远高于同类芳香酰胺催化剂,证明N-甲酰非芳香酰胺类路易斯碱催化剂在亚胺还原中也能得到高的对映选择性。 在进一步研究中,我们以手性六元哌啶酸为模板,分别设计合成了N-甲酰哌啶酸芳香酰胺和N-甲酰哌啶酸非芳香酰胺两类催化剂,其中芳香酰胺催化剂(S)-N-(甲酰基)哌啶-2-酸-1-萘基酰胺(28)和非芳香酰胺催化剂(2S,1'S,2'S)-N-(甲酰基)-哌啶-2-酸(1',2'-二苯基-2'-乙酰氧基-乙基)酰胺(30)显示出非常优良的催化活性和对映选择性,对于N-芳基芳香酮亚胺的还原,无论是缺电子体系还是富电子体系,绝大部分都能得到很高的收率(达98%)和对映选择性(达96% ee)。特别值得一提的是30对一些脂肪族亚胺和α,β-不饱和亚胺的还原,虽然底物为E/Z混合物,也能得到很高的收率(达93%)和对映选择性(达95% ee),这样的底物普适性在过渡金属催化体系中也是前所未有的。 现有的催化亚胺还原的高对映选择性催化体系大多仅适用于甲基酮亚胺底物,对位阻较大的非甲基酮亚胺很难获得好的结果。我们以L-哌嗪酸为模板设计和合成出的(S)-N-(甲酰基)-哌嗪-2-酸-4-对叔丁基苯磺酰基-苯基酰胺不但对N-芳基甲基酮亚胺有很好的对映选择性(达90% ee),而且对于大位阻的N-芳基非甲基酮亚胺有更好的对映选择性(达97% ee)。该催化剂与30在底物普适性方面具有很好的互补性。 我们还设计了基于1,2-二苯基氨基醇为模板的新型N-甲酰路易斯碱有机小分子催化剂,首次发现结构简单的N-甲酰(1S,2R)二苯基氨基醇能较好的催化N-芳基酮亚胺,最高可以得到82%的对映选择性。 针对我们设计合成的结构新颖、性能优良的催化剂,我们对催化机理进行了探讨和解释,提出了几个假想的机理模型。 Catalytic enantioselective reduction of imines represents one of the most straightforward and efficient methods for the preparation of chiral amines, an important intermediate for the synthesis of natural products and chiral drugs. However, asymmetric reduction of imines remains a big challenge and highly enantioselective catalysts with a satisfactorily broad substrate scope remain elusive. Factors contributing to the difficulty of this transformation include the weak reactivity of the C=N bond and the existence of inseparable mixtures of E/Z isomers. Starting from chiral proline, pipecolinic acid, piperazine-2-carboxylic acid and 1,2-diphenyl amino alcohol, a series of structurally simple and easily prepared amides were developed as highly effective Lewis basic organocatalysts for the asymmetric reduction of imines with trichlorosilane as the reducing agent, which promoted the reduction of N-aryl imines with high yields and excellent enantioselectivities with an unprecedented substrate spectrum. In the literature, it has been believed that besides the N-formyl group, the existence of an arylamido group in the structure of Lewis basic organocatalysts is a prerequisite for obtaining high enantioselectivity in the catalytic reduction of imines. However, we found that the N-formyl-L-prolinamides bearing non-arylamido groups, including structurally simple C2-symmetric tetraamides, could also work as effective Lewis basic catalysts to promote the asymmetric reduction of ketimines with high enantioselectivities (up to 86% ee), which are even more enantioselective than the analogues with arylamido groups. In further studies, we developed novel N-formamides with arylamido groups and non-arylmido groups as Lewis basic catalysts using the commercially available L-pipecolinic acid as the template. The catalysts (S)-1-formyl-piperidine-2-carboxylic acid naphthylamide 28 and (2S,1'S,2'S)-acetic acid 2-[(1-formyl-piperidine-2-carbonyl) -amino]-1,2-diphenyl-ethyl ester 30 were found to promote the reduction of a broad range of N-aryl imines in high yields (up to 98%) and excellent ee values (up to 96%) under mild conditions. Furthermore, catalyst 30 also exhibited high enantioselectivities (up to 95% ee) for the challenging aliphatic ketimines and α,β-unsaturated imines despite that these imines exist as E/Z isomeric mixtures. The broad substrate spectrum of this catalyst is unprecedented in catalytic asymmetric imine reduction, including transition-metal-catalyzed hydrogenation processes. Many of the currently available highly enantioselective catalytic systems only tolerate methyl ketimines, which gave poor results for bulkier non-methyl ketimines. Starting from L-piperazine-2-carboxylic acid, we developed (S)-4-(4-tert- butylbenzenesulfonyl)-1-formyl-N-phenyl-piperazine-2-carboxamide as highly enantioselective Lewis basic catalysts for the hydrosilylation of both methyl ketimines and steric bulky non-methyl ketimines. Moreover, higher enantioselectivities were obtained for non-methyl ketimines than methyl ketimines under the catalysis of this catalyst. Thus, this catalyst system complements with 30 in terms of the substrate scope. We also found that easily accessible (1R,2S)-N-formyl-1,2-diphenyl- 2-aminoethanol worked as an effective Lewis basic catalyst in the enantioselective hydrosilylation of ketimines, affording high enantioselectivities (up to 82% ee) for a broad range of ketimines. To rationalize the high efficiencies of the structurally novel catalysts we developed, several catalytic models have been proposed.


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手性胺不仅是许多天然产物和手性药物的重要结构单元,而且也是非常有用的拆分试剂、手性配体和手性催化剂。亚胺和烯胺的不对称催化还原是制备手性胺的最直接有效的方式之一,手性有机小分子催化的亚胺不对称还原已取得了很大的进展,但到目前为止,有机小分子催化的烯胺不对称还原极少见文献报道。 本研究以廉价的三氯氢硅为氢源、DMF 等路易斯碱为催化剂实现了烯胺的高效还原。通过反应条件的优化,各种烯胺底物在0.1 eq. DMF 催化下、12 个小时内可以获得非常高的收率(>93%)。 在本课题组前期研究的基础上,我们筛选并设计了一系列以手性哌啶酸和叔丁基亚磺酰胺为母体的有机小分子路易斯碱催化剂,它们能催化三氯氢硅对(Z)-N-苄氧羰基-1-苯基丙烯胺的不对称还原,获得很高的收率和中等的对映选择性,并且具有很好的底物普适性。另外,通过机理方面的研究,我们推测在反应过程中一分子烯胺先捕获一个质子而转变为亚胺正离子,然后受到路易斯碱活化的三氯氢硅中的富电氢原子进攻该亚胺正离子得到还原产物。 另外,本文列出了在此课题进展中所发现的一些新反应,并且试图去阐释这些反应的作用机理。 Catalytic enantioselective reduction of imines and enamines represents one of the most straightforward and efficient methods for the preparation of chiral amines, which are not only important building blocks of many natrural products and chiral drugs, but also can serve as useful resolution reagents, chiral ligands and chiral catalysts. By now, asymmetric reduction of enamines catalyzed by organocatalysts has scarcely been reported, although organocatalyzed enantioselective reduction of imines has already gained great progress. In this study, we report the DMF-catalyzed reduction of enamines with high yields using HSiCl3 as the reducing agent. Under the optimized reaction conditions, various enamines can be reduced in the presence of 0.1 eq. DMF with high yields (>93%) in 12 hours. We screened a set of Lewis base organocatalysts derived from chiral pipecolinic acid and tert-butanesulfinamide for the reduction of (Z)-N-Cbz-1- phenylpropenamine, including newly designed ones and some of those previously developed in our lab. However, only moderate stereoselectivities, albeit high yields were obtained. As for the mechanism, we speculate that the enamine firstly engages a proton to form an iminium species, which is then attacked by the nucleophlic hydrogen of HSiCl3 activated by Leiws base. During the above studies, we have also discovered some new reactions, for which feasible mechanisms were proposed.


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Mannich反应是有机化学中最重要的碳-碳键形成反应,其产物是合成手性胺的通用中间体。间接Mannich反应使用不稳定的预制烯醇等当体,以未修饰的酮为给体的直接方法将增强Mannich反应的效率。针对低活性苯乙酮、氨甲酸酯参与的直接Mannich反应,研究工作将更具挑战性。 在前期实验中,我们发现Lewis酸-NbCl5可高效催化苯乙酮、芳香醛、芳香胺三组分直接Mannich反应,反应在环境温度下进行,高收率获得Mannich碱。这是以苯乙酮参与的Mannich反应中,实现催化量Lewis酸催化的首次报道。该方法高效且操作简单。但就底物而言,对易去保护、低活性的氨甲酸酯类底物收率较低。我们设想Brønst酸可解决此类底物问题。令人高兴的是,杂多酸可高效催化芳香酮、芳香醛、氨甲酸酯三组分直接Mannich反应,反应在环境温度下进行,高收率获得N-保护的β-氨基酮。该方法底物范围广泛,普适性强且催化剂便宜。 基于杂多酸在苯乙酮、氨甲酸酯为底物直接Mannich反应中的高效性,我们设想杂多酸与功能化的手性有机小分子-手性伯胺组装可解决催化剂回收问题,同时实现不对称催化。实验结果表明,非共价键固载手性伯胺不能有效催化苯乙酮为底物的直接Mannich反应,无论是对映选择性还是收率均较低。随后,我们以丙二酸酯及α-氨基砜为底物,以增强底物活性,同时绕开亚胺的不稳定性。辛可宁伯胺以氢键双活化底物,有效催化原位产生氨甲酸酯类亚胺与丙二酸酯的Mannich反应,高收率获得Mannich碱,ee值中等。 我们采用逐步解决问题的策略解决Mannich反应中的部分问题并在Lewis酸催化、Brønst酸催化、非共价键固载手性伯胺催化及手性伯胺氢键催化的直接Mannich反应中做出了有益探索。 The Mannich reactions are among the most fundamental carbon-carbon bond forming reactions in organic chemistry, and the reaction products are versatile intermediates in the synthesis of chiral amines. The indirect Mannich reaction uses preformed enolate equivalents. However the preformed enolates are unstable. Thus, a direct methodology based on unmodified ketone donors would enhance the efficiency of the Mannich reaction. Especially researches for the directed Mannich reactions of acetophenone, carbamate, which own lower activities, will be more challengeable. In the initial experiments, we found an efficient Lewis acid-NbCl5 which could catalyze three-component Mannich-type reaction of acetophenone, aromatic aldehydes and aromatic amines at ambient temperature in high yields. This is the first report that use catalytic amount of Lewis acid in the Mannich reactions of .acetophenone. The method reported is not only simple to operate but also efficient. However, as far as amines are concerned, the substrates of carbamates which can be deprotected more easily and less reactive than amines give low yields. We envisaged that Brønsted acid would resolve this problem. Pleasingly, heteropoly acids (HPA) efficiently catalyzed one-pot three-component Mannich reactions of aryl aldehydes, aryl ketones, and carbamates at ambient temperature and afforded the corresponding N-protected β-amino ketones in good to excellent yields. This method provides a novel and improved modification of three-component Mannich reactions in terms of a wide scope of aldehydes, ketones and carbamates, economic viability. Based on the high efficiency of heteropoly acids in the Mannich reaction of acetophenone and carbamates, we envisaged that if HPA were combined with functionalized chiral organocatalysts–chiral primary amines the assemblies may be able to act as recoverable asymmetric organocatalysts. The results of exprimentals showed that noncovalently supported heterogeneous chiral primary amine couldn’t effectively catalyze the Mannich reactions which own two the substrate of acetophenone regardless of enantioselectivity and yield. Then, we employed malonates and α-amido sulfones as substrates to enhance reactivity of substrates and circumvent the instability of imines. A moderately enantioselective and highly yield Mannich reaction with in situ generation of carbamate-protected imines from stable α-amido sulfones catalyzed by cinchonine primary amine catalyst was developed. It is noteworthy that cinchonine primary amine can dual activate substrates through H-bond activation and thus promote the reaction. We applied step-by-step-strategy to resolve some problems in the Mannich reactions and did some instructive explorations in Lewis acid catalysis, Brønst acid catalysis, noncovalently supported heterogeneous chiral primary amine catalysis and chiral primary amine as hydrogen-bond catalysis.