1000 resultados para Autoria e Co-Autoria na Publicação Científica


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Este trabalho aborda a crescente necessidade de verificação e testes das redes antes da sua implementação no mundo real. Variáveis como o investimento, estudo qualidade-custo, questões de gestão, fiabilidade e tempo de vida útil são parte das principais preocupações associadas a existentes e futuras redes. É sobretudo neste âmbito que este projecto opera, fornecendo uma solução para uma optimização da autoria de cenários de redes visando a sua execução na ferramenta de simulação de redes NS-3. As tecnologias emergentes são os alvos mais comuns de ferramentas de simulação de redes e este facto é determinante ao decidir que simulador de redes usar para simular os seus cenários. Com este trabalho, o principal objectivo é fornecer aos utilizadores uma ferramenta colaborativa que permite descrever os seus próprios cenários de redes, baseando-se numa linguagem XML denominada por NSDL e traduzir esta estrutura XML para um script C++ que possa ser executado num ambiente evolucionário, como é o caso do NS-3. A solução proposta permite a rápida criação de cenários de redes através de estruturas de dados XML para posterior tradução para C++ e então, execução no NS-3. A maior problemática associada a esta solução é a necessidade de actualização constante em estruturas de validação e de tradução de documentos XML, aquando da actualização da ferramenta NS-3, o que tem vindo a acontecer muito frequentemente devido à sua própria evolução.


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The use of graphical objects three-dimensional (3D) multimedia applications is gaining more space in the media. Networks with high transmission rates, computers with large processing and graphics boost and popularize such three-dimensional applications. The areas of 3D applications ranging from military applications, entertainment applications geared up for education. Within the applications related to education, we highlight the applications that create virtual copies of cultural spaces such as museums. Through this copy, you can virtually visit a museum, see other users, communicate, exchange information on works, etc. Thereby allowing the visit museums physically distant remote users. A major problem of such virtual environments is its update. By dealing with various media (text, images, sounds, and 3D models), its subsequent handling and update on a virtual environment requires staff with specialized knowledge. Speaking of museums, they hardly have people on your team with this profile. Inside the GT-MV (Grupo de Trabalho de Museus Virtuais), funded by RNP (Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa) propose a portal for registration, amendment and seen collaborative virtual museums of Brazil. The update, be it related to work or physical space, a system with a national scale like this, would be impossible if done only by the project team. Within this scenario, we propose the modeling and implementation of a tool that allows editing of virtual spaces in an easy and intuitive as compared with available tools. Within the context of GT-MV, we apply the SAMVC (Sistema de Autoria de Museus Virtuais Colaborativos) to museums where curators build the museum from a 3D floor plan (2D). The system, from these twodimensional information, recreates the equivalent in three dimensions. With this, through little or no training, team members from each museum may be responsible for updating the system


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This work researches about the authorship marks in academic reviews of graduating students, besides the author discursive points of view. We detect the voices presented in the text, that is, the expressions of the discourse from the I and from the others, trying to explicitate the forms of the author review insertion. It is oriented by the conception that the author is the subject of his/her discourse, creating a position in relation to the discourse of the other(s) with which he/she maintains a dialogue. Our corpus is constituted of ten (10) academic reviews, produced by students from the Course of Letras, from Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte UERN, do Campus Avançado Prof.ª Maria Elisa de Albuquerque Maia CAMEAM. The data signalize to the perception that the subject constitutes author, when he/she gives voice to the other; showing his/her point of view; pointing to the discourse of the other; and/or getting far from the text. That way, it is observed that the genre academic review can be considered as text that reconfigures the original text, that is, as a text that comments, criticizes, confirms the text that is object of its analyses. The theoretical background that influences the research comes from the dialogical language conception, from discursive genres and from Volochinov/Bakhtin (1997, 2003) authorship. To the discussion and the analyses of the discursive genre academic review , it is mentioned the MOTTA-ROTH and MEURER (2002); POSSENTI (2001, 2002) conceptions.


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This paper presents results concerning studies conducted during the master's research in the area of Applied Linguistics of the Graduate Program in Language Studies - PPgEL, linked to the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. We approached this study the question of authorship, which has gained ground increasingly important in academic research, because the act of authoring, in view of the amount of circulating discourses socially, becomes increasingly questionable. We understand authorship as related to a positioning of the subject than to take responsibility, in the Bakhtinian sense, by its text, it makes their views, ideologies, beliefs and values, from ownership and restructuring of the speech of others. This research is methodologically inserted in a qualitative, interpretive in nature and has a corpus analysis of the ten productions written memoir genre of readings produced by students in 9th grade in elementary school. Research aimed to analyze the students' written productions held in the school environment, to identify these texts marks or evidence of authorship and investigate how the restructuring of ownership and voices of others in the process of authoring. We adopt a concept of language from bakhitinianas concepts and understand the text in a vision Geraldiana. The analyzes in this study showed that in most texts there is the strong presence of voices of others, either implicitly and/or explicit. That is, students, to build their sayings, if embraced the voices of others in various formats, in particular styles, namely, by what Bakhtin names as linear style and pictorial style. Some proved his statement highlighting their positions through direct quotes from authors of books, family, teachers, showing us that their voices are filled with voices of others with whom they approve, deny, analyze, think and reflect. We therefore conclude that students were constituted as subjects of their texts, authors, since they leave marked the voices of others so presentified and restructured voices of others who do not actually sounded like voices of others, but as present voices from a discursive restructuring producer


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The objective of this work is to problematize a strong identification of Luís da Câmara Cascudo (1898-1986), a norte-riograndense author, to the city of Natal, analyzing the constitution of a spaciality that takes this author as this city s intellectual exponent and cultural monument, which I name as Natal cascudiana. In this sense, I investigate the process of Câmara Cascudo s monumentalization by the city of Natal, questioning the way his life has been articulated to the site of his production. Bearing this in mind, I have structured the work in three parts: on the first one, I examine the emerging of this identity relationship considering the intellectual formation of young Cascudinho and the beginnings of his literary activities, verifying the reasons that led him to remain in Natal; on the second part I investigate his appointment as Natal s historian in 1948, discussing the ways through which this intellectual function institutionalized the works of Cascudo and conferred the city with a historical knowledge of itself; and finally, I analyze the constitution of a city memory regarding Cascudo, that has transformed him into spatial marks and urban toponym: names of streets, museum, library, bookstores etc. On these terms, I deal with the biographic gender to achieve a history of the city s spaces, problematizing the monumentalization of Cascudo in Natal, interrogating the emerging of this Natal cascudiana


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Incluye Bibliografía


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The analyses of Guimarães Rosa's works often consider relevant facts connected to the author's personal life: his childwood in Sertão of Minas Gerais and his posterior wanderings through this region, his medical and diplomatic career, his deep knowledge of several languages, his misticism. His literary work would be a quite faithful reflection of his life. In this work, an analysis of Campo Geral (1956) [1977], considered by many critics as an autobiographical novel, is proposed, aiming to conciliate the inevitable influence of the author's biographical life without confounding or mixing enunciation scene with historical situation. Therefore, it was taken into account concepts of scenography, paratopia and of person-writer-inscriber, as proposed by Maingueneau (2006).


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)