996 resultados para Atomic ratio, Maximum


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CaCO3 and total organic carbon concentrations, organic matter C/N and carbon isotope ratios, and sediment accumulation rates in late Quaternary sediments from DSDP Site 594 provide information about glacial-interglacial variations in the delivery of organic matter to the Chatham Rise offshore of southeastern New Zealand. Low C/N ratios and nearly constant organic delta13C values of ?23? indicate that marine production dominates organic matter supply in both glacial and interglacial times during oxygen isotope stages 1 through 6 (0-140 ka) and 17 through 19 (660-790 ka). Increased organic carbon mass accumulation rates in isotope stages 2, 4, 6, and 18 record enhanced marine productivity during glacial maxima. Excursions of organic delta13C values to ca. ?29? in portions of isotope stage 2 suggest that the local concentration of dissolved CO2 was occasionally elevated during the last glacial maximum, probably as a result of short periods of lowered sea-surface temperature. Dilution of carbonates by clastic continental sediment generally increases at this location during glacial maxima, but enhanced delivery of land-derived organic matter does not accompany the increased accumulation of clastic sediments.


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Carbon isotopic composition of predominantly marine kerogen in latest Oligocene mudstones of the Peru Margin ODP 682A Hole shows an about 3.5? increase with decreasing age. Py-GC and elemental (C=N ratio) analysis of the kerogen plus sulphur isotopic study together with earlier knowledge on geological setting and organic geochemistry results in a better understanding of depositionary environment and allows to separation of the influence of concentration of water dissolved carbon dioxide (ce) on kerogen delta13C from that of other factors (bacterial degradation, sea surface temperature, DIC delta13C, productivity, and admixture of land plant OM). Based on this analysis, the major part of the kerogen shift is considered as a result of the latest Oligocene decrease of marine photosynthetic carbon isotopic fractionation in the Peru Margin photic zone, which in turn possibly reflects a simultaneous drop in atmospheric CO2 level. Uncertainties in the evaluation of the factors affecting the marine photosynthetic carbon isotopic fractionation and the extent of ocean-atmosphere disequilibrium do not permit calculation of the decrease of the atmospheric CO2.


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The performance of the maximum ratio combining method for the combining of antenna-diversity signals in correlated Rician-fading channels is rigorously studied. The distribution function of the normalized signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is expanded in terms of a power series and calculated numerically. This power series can easily take into account the signal correlations and antenna gains and can be applied to any number of receiving antennas. An application of the method to dual-antenna diversity systems produces useful distribution curves for the normalized SNR which can be used to find the diversity gain. It is revealed that signal correlation in Rician-fading channels helps to increase the diversity gain rather than to decrease it as in the Rayleigh fading channels. It is also shown that with a relative strong direct signal component, the diversity gain can be much higher than that without a direct signal component.


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We synthesized nanoscale TiO2-RuO2 alloys by atomic layer deposition (ALD) that possess a high work function and are highly conductive. As such, they function as good Schottky contacts to extract photogenerated holes from n-type silicon while simultaneously interfacing with water oxidation catalysts. The ratio of TiO2 to RuO2 can be precisely controlled by the number of ALD cycles for each precursor. Increasing the composition above 16% Ru sets the electronic conductivity and the metal work function. No significant Ohmic loss for hole transport is measured as film thickness increases from 3 to 45 nm for alloy compositions >= 16% Ru. Silicon photoanodes with a 2 nm SiO2 layer that are coated by these alloy Schottky contacts having compositions in the range of 13-46% Ru exhibit average photovoltages of 525 mV, with a maximum photovoltage of 570 mV achieved. Depositing TiO2-RuO2 alloys on nSi sets a high effective work function for the Schottky junction with the semiconductor substrate, thus generating a large photovoltage that is isolated from the properties of an overlying oxygen evolution catalyst or protection layer.


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Parallel combinatory orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (PC-OFDM yields lower maximum peak-to-average power ratio (PAR), high bandwidth efficiency and lower bit error rate (BER) on Gaussian channels compared to OFDM systems. However, PC-OFDM does not improve the statistics of PAR significantly. In this chapter, the use of a set of fixed permutations to improve the statistics of the PAR of a PC-OFDM signal is presented. For this technique, interleavers are used to produce K-1 permuted sequences from the same information sequence. The sequence with the lowest PAR, among K sequences is chosen for the transmission. The PAR of a PC-OFDM signal can be further reduced by 3-4 dB by this technique. Mathematical expressions for the complementary cumulative density function (CCDF)of PAR of PC-OFDM signal and interleaved PC-OFDM signal are also presented.


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The results of studies on the growth of high-aspect nanostructures in low-temperature non-equilibrium plasmas of reactive gas mixtures with or without hydrogen are presented. The results suggest that the hydrogen in the reactive plasma strongly affects the length of the nanostructures. This phenomenon is explained in terms of selective hydrogen passivation of the lateral and top surfaces of the surface-supported nanostructures. The theoretical model describes the effect of the atomic hydrogen passivation on the nanostructure shape and predicts the critical hydrogen coverage of the lateral surfaces necessary to achieve the nanostructure growth with the pre-determined shape. Our results demonstrate that the use of a strongly non-equilibrium plasma is very effective in significantly improving the shape control of quasi-one-dimensional single-crystalline nanostructures.


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Purpose The role of fine lactose in the dispersion of salmeterol xinafoate (SX) from lactose mixtures was studied by modifying the fine lactose concentration on the surface of the lactose carriers using wet decantation. Methods Fine lactose was removed from lactose carriers by wet decantation using ethanol saturated with lactose. Particle sizing was achieved by laser diffraction. Fine particle fractions (FPFs) were determined by Twin Stage Impinger using a 2.5% SX mixture, and SX was analyzed by a validated high-performance liquid chromatography method. Adhesion forces between probes of SX and silica and the lactose surfaces were determined by atomic force microscopy. Results FPFs of SX were related to fine lactose concentration in the mixture for inhalation grade lactose samples. Reductions in FPF (2-4-fold) of Aeroflo 95 and 65 were observed after removing fine lactose by wet decantation; FPFs reverted to original values after addition of micronized lactose to decanted mixtures. FPFs of SX of sieved and decanted fractions of Aeroflo carriers were significantly different (p < 0.001). The relationship between FPF and fine lactose concentration was linear. Decanted lactose demonstrated surface modification through increased SX-lactose adhesion forces; however, any surface modification other than removal of fine lactose only slightly influenced FPF. Conclusions Fine lactose played a key and dominating role in controlling FPF. SX to fine lactose ratios influenced dispersion of SX with maximum dispersion occurring as the ratio approached unity.


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The maximum independent set problem is NP-complete even when restricted to planar graphs, cubic planar graphs or triangle free graphs. The problem of finding an absolute approximation still remains NP-complete. Various polynomial time approximation algorithms, that guarantee a fixed worst case ratio between the independent set size obtained to the maximum independent set size, in planar graphs have been proposed. We present in this paper a simple and efficient, O(|V|) algorithm that guarantees a ratio 1/2, for planar triangle free graphs. The algorithm differs completely from other approaches, in that, it collects groups of independent vertices at a time. Certain bounds we obtain in this paper relate to some interesting questions in the theory of extremal graphs.


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The light emitted by flat panel displays (FPD) can be generated in many different ways, such as for example alternating current thin film electroluminescence (ACTFEL), liquid crystal display (LCD), light emitting diode (LED), or plasma display panel (PDP) technologies. In this work, the focus was on ACTFEL devices and the goal was to develop new thin film processes for light emitting materials in ACTFEL devices. The films were deposited with the atomic layer deposition (ALD) method, which has been utilized in the manufacturing of ACTFEL displays since the mid-1980s. The ALD method is based on surface-controlled self-terminated reactions and a maximum of one layer of the desired material can be prepared during one deposition cycle. Therefore, the film thickness can be controlled simply by adjusting the number of deposition cycles. In addition, both large areas and deep trench structures can be covered uniformly. During this work, new ALD processes were developed for the following thin film materials: BaS, CuxS, MnS, PbS, SrS, SrSe, SrTe, SrS1-xSex, ZnS, and ZnS1-xSex. In addition, several ACTFEL devices were prepared where the light emitting material was BaS, SrS, SrS1-xSex, ZnS, or ZnS1-xSex thin film that was doped with Ce, Cu, Eu, Mn, or Pb. The sulfoselenide films were made by substituting the elemental selenium for sulfur on the substrate surface during film deposition. In this way, it was possible to replace a maximum of 90% of the sulfur with selenium, and the XRD analyses indicated that the films were solid solutions. The polycrystalline BaS, SrS, and ZnS thin films were deposited at 180-400, 120-460, and 280-500 °C, respectively, and the processes had a wide temperature range where the growth rate of the films was independent of the deposition temperature. The electroluminescence studies showed that the doped sulfoselenide films resulted in low emission intensity. However, the emission intensities and emission colors of the doped SrS, BaS, and ZnS films were comparable with those found in earlier studies. It was also shown that the electro-optical properties of the different ZnS:Mn devices were different as a consequence of different ZnS:Mn processes. Finally, it was concluded that because the higher deposition temperature seemed to result in a higher emission intensity, the thermal stability of the reactants has a significant role when the light emitting materials of ACTFEL devices are deposited with the ALD method.